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Weems  Robert E.  Jr 《Enterprise & society》2008,9(2):392-394
Susannah Walker's well-researched and well-written examinationof the African American beauty industry, from approximately1920–1975, makes an important contribution to the growingfield of African American business history. Style and Statusprovides a detailed account of the triumphs and travails ofAfrican American entrepreneurs who satisfied the hair care needsof black women. One of the major issues faced by historic and contemporary AfricanAmerican purveyors of "beauty" to black women is the questionof what (or whose) "standard"  相似文献   

发展互联网保险是现阶段中国保险行业发展的必然选择。互联网保险具备的明显优势使其对传统保险构成了颠覆性改造。保险机构与互联网企业将位居同一起跑线并互相融合,保险企业必须具备强大的互联网"基因"方能在互联网保险领域占据一席之地。保险企业与互联网保险融合策略就是保险企业为适应互联网保险带来的巨大的外部经营环境变化,应对市场竞争,在分析、评价自身经营和发展所面临的环境基础上,对未来一定时期内经营发展所要达到的目标及为实现这一目标而采取的一系列策划与谋略。  相似文献   

针对山西省煤炭企业融资困难的问题,保险公司开发信用保险贷款能够有效促进煤炭企业融资需求。而信用保险作为新的融资模式在为银行带来利润的同时也为银行带来新的风险。采用模糊层次分析法对山西省煤炭企业供应链融资服务的主要风险进行定量分析,从实证结果看供应链风险因素、煤炭企业因素是两大主要风险因素。应警惕来自煤炭融资企业的风险,合理规避来自供应链信息不对称的风险,加强管理人员的风险监控作用。这有助于银行采取有效措施预防、化解各种风险,对于实际中信用保险供应链金融业务的开展有很强的现实指导意义。  相似文献   

To what extent do American families have a life insurance deficit, that is, fewer resources than desired to meet expressed family needs after death of wage earners? This pilot study indicates that perhaps 50 percent of families may suffer a serious life insurance deficit. Other families have life insurance surpluses. The deficit is affected by family net worth, educational objectives, age and number of children, age of household head and family income goals.  相似文献   

For Canadians, the Canada-US Automotive Products Trade Agreement,or Auto Pact, is considered an icon of successful industrialpolicy. How did it evolve? Who were the players? What were theirmotivations? What was its impact? These are the central questionsfor which Dimitry Anastakis seeks answers in Auto Pact: Creatinga Borderless North American Automotive Industry. This book stems from Anastakis's 2001 PhD thesis, Auto Pact:Business and Diplomacy in the Creation of a Borderless NorthAmerican  相似文献   

公司简介 日本财产保险(中国)有限公司是由日本财产保险公司在辽宁省大连市注册成立的外商独资保险公司,干2005年3月经中国保监会批准,由日本财产保险公司大连分公司(成立于2003年7月)改建而成,同年7月开始正式营业.2007年至今,已相继成立上海、江苏、北京分公司,在中国形成了以辽宁(大连)、上海、广东(广州)、江苏(苏州)、北京为中心的五大营业基地.  相似文献   

国际货运代理是进出口运输中不可缺少的中间环节.本文分析了国际货运代理业务中可能出现的风险、责任及救济方法;并指出,投保责任险,将风险事先进行转移,是防止和减少国际货运代理责任风险的最好办法.  相似文献   

宏观审慎监管需要微观基础.研究商业银行偿付能力风险与流动性风险和银行体系风险的关系,有助于监管当局制定合适的监管工具,有效管理银行业的系统性风险.中国未曾爆发过真正意义的银行业危机,因而研究影响银行业系统性风险的因素成为难题.在借鉴风险二维定义属性基础上,本文对商业银行偿付能力风险和流动性风险如何影响银行业稳定进行了实证分析.分析结果表明,当商业银行偿付能力上升时,银行风险承担会上升,进而增加银行倒闭的预期损失;商业银行流动性风险的上升也会增加银行倒闭的预期损失;商业银行偿付能力提高时,流动性风险会降低;商业银行流动性风险上升时,偿付能力风险也上升.  相似文献   

系统性风险、指数保险与发展中国家实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为一种与区域产量高度相关的金融产品,指数保险被认为是一种有效替代传统农业保险的风险管理工具。本文通过对指数推出动因及发展中国家指数保险试点项目的分析,认为指数保险的赔付方法能够节约交易费用和管理成本、其结构化设计可以细化农作物从种植到收获期不同阶段的风险。针对指数保险有效需要不足、基本风险较高、私人保险公司进入意愿等问题,本文提出从宣传、农业基础实施建设、指数保险与农村信贷互动等方面着手,扩大指数保险的覆盖面和实现指数保险的可持续发展。  相似文献   

The history of business is an ever expanding topic. Numerousbooks on the role of women in modern American business and onwhy women continue to lag behind men in both earning power andbusiness leadership are available. But, few such studies haveplaced the issue of women in business in a historical context.Edith Spark's Capital Intentions: Female Proprietors in SanFrancisco, 1850–1920 is thus both welcome and overdue.Sparks, an assistant professor of history at the University  相似文献   

王力平 《中国市场》2007,(49):32-33
物流行业的成本风险主要有可控成本风险(也称特种风险)与不可控成本风险(也称系统风险)。其特点是市场性、流动性和相关性。物流企业要把握政策和社会环境的影响,加强对企业内部的成本风险的监管,利用行业的规范标准,实施相应的管理措施,以应对物流企业的各种成本风险。  相似文献   

Westinghouse Electric opened a new research laboratory nearthe company’s main factory in East Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,in 1916. Located in the suburban borough of Forest Hills, thelaboratory was set up to provide scientific knowledge for theolder materials testing and product development laboratoriesat the factory. Unlike its industrial counterparts, however,the Forest Hills laboratory was dominated by a strong engineeringresearch tradition that disrupted efforts undertaken in the1920s and again in the 1930s to build and sustain a diversifiedfundamental research program. Whereas Eastman Kodak, DuPont,AT&T, and General Electric had successfully integrated fundamentalresearch into their corporate laboratories, the Forest Hillslaboratory remained the site of recurring tensions between twocultures of innovation—one based on fundamental science,the other on engineering research. Although such tensions oftenresulted in competing research strategies, managerial conflicts,and mismatched corporate priorities, the long-standing cultureof engineering research contributed far more to Westinghouse’sstrategic growth than even the most advanced fundamental research.More generally, the interactions between the cultures of engineeringand science that characterize the early history of industrialresearch at Westinghouse highlight the evolving and sometimesconflicting patterns of technological innovation and organizationalchange in American industry before World War II.  相似文献   

Here is an imperial connection: Sir Thomas Theophilus Metcalfe(with an "e"), 4th Baronet, served as agent of the Governor-Generalof British India at the court of the Mughal Emperor BahadurShah. This was in the years immediately preceding the periodof this book by the nearly eponymous Thomas Metcalf (no "e"),Professor of History Emeritus at the University of Californiaat Berkeley. The similarity of names is a coincidence, but thetwo Toms share a  相似文献   

The sewing machine was one of the first standardized and mass-marketedcomplex consumer durables to have been diffused widely aroundthe world before 1920. This global diffusion was almost thesole responsibility of one firm, Singer. Despite its Americanorigins, Singer’s success lay principally overseas. Newdata provide insight into the company’s internationalmarketing strategies. Although the firm had a reputation formarketing sophistication, Singer did not depend on price discrimination,extensive advertising, or loss-leading expansion of retail networksin its overseas markets. Rather, its success was due to thecharacteristics of consumer demand for sewing machines, featuresthat combined with its strategic investments in market supportservices and in its selling organization to create Singer’senormous competitive advantages in foreign markets.  相似文献   

In recent years pressure from international Jewish organizationshas led many European corporations to open previously closedarchives to historians. In Germany a number of major businessesand financial institutions also have commissioned corporatehistories by leading historians, in order to throw light ontheir activities during the Nazi period. This book is a collectionof papers (in the case of Gerald D. Feldman based on one ofthese corporate histories) presented at a series of workshops  相似文献   

梁平  安远芬 《商业研究》2003,(23):171-173
中国加入WTO之后,其所产生的冲击将影响我们经济生活的方方面面,作为我国经济中枢之一的保险业由于起步晚而更显稚嫩,作为保险业重要组成部分的保险中介业发展状况,对保险市场的健康发展起着不可估量的作用,这里就我国加入WTO之后保险中介业现状、存在的主要问题作一些分析,并具此重点阐述了应对WTO的策略,以保证我国保险中介业健康、稳定、持续发展。  相似文献   

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