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杨乐 《企业活力》2007,(12):68-69
<正>技术创新战略联盟是新经济时代企业外部组织形式和制度的创新的表现。新经济的发展和知识、技术在竞争中的决定性作用使大企业必须解决知识创新和技术优势把握的问题,而这一任务依靠传统的企业内部研发(一体化形式)或者外部市场获取(市场形式)都是不够的,准一体化的战略联盟刚好成为最有效的形式。于是,战略联盟的组织形式被提高到一个崭新的高度。通过这种联盟,企业建立了一种不  相似文献   

企业战略联盟I作为企业组织创新的一种形式,开始在全球范围内得到广泛采用.以往较少研究企业战略联盟中财务管理的有关问题.将对企业战略联盟财务管理的概念、特点和相关问题进行探讨,为企业组织创新提供借鉴.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,跨国公司为适应科学技术的迅猛发展和繁杂多变的市场环境,开始对企业竞争关系进行战略性的调整.纷纷从对立竞争转向合作竞争.其中合作竞争的最主要的形式之一就是企业的国际战略联盟,它作为企业组织关系中的制度创新,已成为现代企业强化其竞争优势的重要手段。  相似文献   

企业间的战略联盟作为一种组织创新于上世纪80年代在美国和日本企业界兴起.同严格意义上的一体化--兼并相比,企业战略联盟至少有以下两点值得特别注意:(1)边界模糊;(2)关系松散(契约的或非契约的)①.就一般的观察来看,典型的战略联盟表现为合作双方在核心能力上的联盟.而过去十年间的理论及实证研究表明,拥有核心能力是企业获取持续性竞争优势的关键.在战略联盟中,如何管理企业核心能力就成了大多数管理实践者所必须面对的问题.  相似文献   

一、知识联盟、员工创新与认知风格 近年来,由于全球经济的一体化、技术的高级化和复杂化,有形资源的有限化、网络平台的便利化等复杂多变的影响因素,企业只可能在某一点上占据竞争优势.因此,企业要想在某一领域取得竞争优势,强强联合成为企业重要的发展战略.知识是企业无形资源的重要构成部分,是企业核心竞争力的体现,知识联盟自然成为战略联盟的主要形式.  相似文献   

近年来,企业之间的财务战略联盟发展很快.可以肯定,企业财务战略联盟给企业带来的利益必然大于它的成本,否则,世界上就不会有企业财务战略联盟的存在.问题在于究竟是什么原因使企业财务战略联盟具有竞争优势,怎样才能使企业财务战略联盟保持并最大限度地发挥出这个优势.深入研究企业财务战略联盟的本质将有助于加强对它的理解和管理.顾名思义,企业财务战略联盟就是两个或两个以上企业为了达到共同的财务战略目标而采取的相互合作、共担风险、共享利益的财务联合行动.  相似文献   

引言 战略联盟的概念最早由美国DEC公司总裁简·霍普兰德(J.Hopland)和管理学家罗杰·奈杰尔(R.Nigel)在上个世纪80年代提出的,从此,战略联盟成为了管理学界和企业界关注的焦点.美国战略管理学家迈克尔·波特的定义最简洁:战略联盟是企业之间达成的既超出正常交易,又达不到合并程度的长期协议.从企业联盟的内容来看,战略联盟的发展经历了生产联盟、产销联盟、技术和研发联盟到知识联盟等几个重要阶段,在知识经济条件下,以企业间的技术和知识学习为手段,以提升企业竞争优势为最终目的的知识联盟是目前战略联盟发展的主流.  相似文献   

跨国公司为适应科学技术的迅猛发展和繁杂多变的市场环境,纷纷开始对企业竞争关系进行战略性的调整,从对立竞争转向合作竞争,其中合作竞争的最主要的形式之一就是企业的国际战略联盟,它作为企业组织关系中的制度创新,已成为现代企业强化其竞争优势的重要手段。  相似文献   

如何在多重制度主体的制约下获取创新合法性,是每个创新型企业都必须解决的问题。本文采用文献分析法和案例研究法,以阿里巴巴1999—2016年的案例信息为分析对象,从多重制度逻辑出发,分析不同制度逻辑主导下企业创新合法化战略行为对创新合法性的影响机理。研究发现专业逻辑、合作逻辑、社区逻辑和家族逻辑对创新合法性具有正向促进作用,其中合作逻辑的影响效应最为明显;而市场逻辑和管制机构逻辑对创新合法性的影响则具有一定弹性。在操作层面上,不同制度逻辑主导的产品营销、高管专业化、战略联盟、社会责任以及规范化运营等战略行为对创新合法化都具有重要作用,且以战略联盟效果最为明显。企业可以据此调整战略行为适应制度环境,以便实现创新合法化。  相似文献   

为了适应网络经济时代的新发展,全球企业都在进行战略调整、业务重组和组织制度管理改革,以寻求自身在经济全球化与信息化新形势下的最佳定位。国际产业战略联盟正是顺应了全球新兴产业成长、产业结构调整和企业组织结构创新的需要,成为众多跨国公司超极限扩张的目的和归宿。一、当前国际产业战略联盟的主要类型1.资产一体化为主型。这是以资产为纽带的企业间的资产重组产业联盟。是通过组织和整合横向同类产业的优势企业及生产经营环节,采取并购或收购的方式,把两种以上相关而分散的资产要素,从企业传统按步就班的资本积累向跳跃…  相似文献   

基于战略意图的战略联盟绩效评价指标体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前理论界对于企业战略联盟绩效评价的研究,大多数都是使用单纯的财务绩效指标对联盟的绩效进行评价。本文提出,联盟的绩效评价首先应当从组成联盟的企业的各自角度出发。其次由于不同的战略联盟的战略意图相差迥异,应当从战略联盟建立的战略意图出发,来设计评价战略联盟绩效的指标体系。首先对战略联盟各种战略意图作了一个系统的分析,然后提出一套基于战略意图的联盟绩效的评价指标体系,并给出了一种定量评价方法。  相似文献   

A Knowledge Accessing Theory of Strategic Alliances   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
ABSTRACT The emerging knowledge‐based view of the firm offers new insight into the causes and management of interfirm alliances. However, the development of an effective knowledge‐based theory of alliance formation has been inhibited by a simplistic view of alliances as vehicles for organizational learning in which strategic alliances have presumed to be motivated by firms’ desire to acquire knowledge from one another. We argue that the primary advantage of alliances over both firms and markets is in accessing rather than acquiring knowledge. Building upon the distinction between the knowledge generation (‘exploration’) and knowledge application (‘exploitation’), we show that alliances contribute to the efficiency in the application of knowledge; first, by improving the efficiency with which knowledge is integrated into the production of complex goods and services, and second, by increasing the efficiency with which knowledge is utilized. These static efficiency advantages of alliances are enhanced where there is uncertainty over future knowledge requirements and where new products offer early‐mover advantages. Compared with alternative learning‐based approaches to alliance formation, our proposed knowledge‐accessing theory of alliances offers the advantages of greater theoretical rigour and consistency with general trends in alliance activity and corporate strategy.  相似文献   

abstract Corporate entrepreneurship (CE) activities may significantly benefit from interfirm strategic alliances, although such benefits have not been sufficiently examined in the literature. In this paper, a resource‐based framework is presented to examine how strategic alliances offer entrepreneurial firms needed resources that may not otherwise be available. We argue that CE activities are likely to lead to resource gaps. We compare various options to fill resource gaps, and identify the pros and cons of the alliance approach. We then discuss the resource conditions that provide competitive advantage for a firm, if alliances are properly used to help implement CE. Finally, we examine how different types of alliance (e.g. joint ventures, R&D alliances, and learning alliances) facilitate various CE activities, including innovation, corporate venturing, and strategic renewal.  相似文献   

In spite of the consensus on the benefits of strategic alliances for learning and innovation, our understanding of the effects of partner similarity remains conflicted. This paper develops an integrative theoretical framework in which we propose that similar partners in a focal firm's alliance portfolio contribute to the firm's innovation up to a threshold, beyond which additional similar partners can lead to a decrease in innovation because of the trade-offs embedded in collaboration between similar partners. In this integrative framework, we also draw on organizational ecology and institutional perspectives to propose that the effect of partner similarity on innovation is positively moderated by organizational aging and the industry norm of collaboration at the firm's founding. Results from an analysis of 176 biotechnology firms between 1988 and 1999 support our arguments. This study contributes to research on strategic alliance and innovation by considering both the benefits and costs of partner similarity in the context of alliance portfolios and by exploring the multilevel contingencies for the effects of partner similarity.  相似文献   

Strategic flexibility is a vital capability for new ventures to update their strategies in a timely manner. However, the role of external knowledge sources in new ventures’ endeavours to develop strategic flexibility are unclear. Drawing on the knowledge‐based and relational views, we explore the effect of two sources of external knowledge: new product development (NPD) alliances, representing tightly coupled sources, and loosely coupled sources such as industry associations. Our field study of 148 high‐tech ventures found that the extent to which firms utilize knowledge from NPD alliances has a curvilinear relationship with strategic flexibility, whereas the extent to which firms utilize loosely coupled sources has a positive linear relationship with strategic flexibility. We also found that in new ventures, decentralization of decision‐making and institutional support enhance knowledge integration, positively moderating these relationships.  相似文献   

We investigate how the size of the geographic cluster in which a firm is located influences its governance choice between equity and non-equity alliances and subsequent innovation performance. We argue that firms located in larger clusters tend to form non-equity alliances rather than equity alliances because the communication and control benefits of cluster membership, which increase with cluster size, reduce in-cluster firms' need to form equity alliances. We also claim that the effect of this preferential use of non-equity alliances on innovation becomes stronger when firms are located in larger clusters. Our arguments are supported by a panel analysis of alliances formed by US-listed semiconductor firms.  相似文献   

战略联盟中企业间知识转移影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在知识经济时代,战略联盟为企业获取知识、增强创新能力提供了一个非常好的平台,联盟中企业间如何实现有效知识转移的问题开始被密切关注,找出影响知识转移的因素是解决这一问题的前提条件。  相似文献   

Cultural intelligence (CQ) on the organizational level is an organization's capacity to reconfigure its capability to function and manage effectively in culturally diverse environments and to gain and sustain its competitive advantages. This study aims to present a model, examining how organizational CQ through competitiveness framework might potentially affect the strategic alliancing ability of contracting firms operating abroad. The research involves a questionnaire survey conducted with the contracting firms. The research findings support the contracting firms leveraging their cultural intelligence as their main cross‐cultural competence for establishing and increasing the performance of international strategic alliances.  相似文献   

Alliance Dynamics for Entrepreneurial Firms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
abstract    Small firms are thought to encounter various difficulties implementing strategic alliances. Due to these problems, they may be less able to reap the benefits of alliance adaptation, and the changes that do occur in alliances may not coincide with a small firm's interests. The evidence we present on contractual renegotiations in alliances suggests that small firms are no more or less likely to adjust their alliances' contracts in general. However, small firms tend to bear inefficiencies of two kinds in their collaborations. First, they are less likely to adapt alliances in the presence of governance misalignments. Second, our sampled small firms were more prone to make transaction-specific investments, which can stimulate ex post hold-up in the form of contractual renegotiations.  相似文献   

Li Yuan  Su Zhongfeng  Liu Yi 《Technovation》2010,30(5-6):300-309
Although it is generally acknowledged that product innovation is critical for firms to sustain their competitive advantages, innovating firms sometimes fail to obtain economic returns from product innovation. This study focuses on the moderating effect of strategic flexibility (composed of resource flexibility and coordination flexibility) on the relationship between product innovation and firm performance, in order to address an important but previously unexplored question: Can strategic flexibility help firms profit from product innovation? Our empirical test, utilizing a sample of 607 Chinese firms, reveals that the moderating effect of resource flexibility on the positive relationship between product innovation and firm performance is negative, while that of coordination flexibility is positive. Further, such moderating effects are especially likely to be profound for firms confronting a high level of competitive intensity. We conclude by discussing our contributions, the implications, and possible future extensions.  相似文献   

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