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本文简述了服装企业资源管理系统的特点、功能,探讨了实施服装企业资源管理系统的风险规避,提出服装企业资源管理系统只是一种工具,企业在上资源管理系统项目时最关键的是提高对服装企业资源管理系统及风险的全面认识,整合企业管理,从而提高服装企业的国际竞争力。  相似文献   

  历时5天的活动中,参观团在中国服装协会专职副会长王茁,副秘书长、女装专业委员会秘书长赵琼等人的带领下,分别参观了位于深圳的歌力思服饰、爱特爱服饰、叶子服装、影儿时尚集团、赢家服饰等5家企业,以及位于广州的汇美服装和格风服饰等2家企业。这些企业在中国本土服装领域均堪称中坚力量。  相似文献   

企业可以从两个方面提升自身的竞争能力。一是优化企业现有价值链,在关键价值活动上比竞争对手做得更出色,从而赢得竞争优势。二是构建或者加入产业价值链即价值网,利用战略协作的方式,实现资源的互补,获得战略合作伙伴的支持。  相似文献   

本刊讯(记者齐歌)3月 28日,“2005年纺织服装企业营销渠道战略论坛”在CHIC2005期间召开。  当今是“渠道为王”的时代,合理的营销渠道成为纺织企业把握市场、应对竞争的关键。中国的纺织服装企业应该如何选择适合而有效的营销渠道模式?如何实现营销渠道的升级以满足更高阶段的发展需求?如何利用信息技术来提高营销渠道的管理效能?如何进行营销渠道的资源整合及深度“精耕”以提高企业的渠道价值?  作为“2005中国服装论坛”的重要组成部分,本次论坛以纺织服装企业的“渠道模式选择与升级、渠道构建及其价值提升”为主题,遍邀业内各界…  相似文献   

商务部举办名牌出口服装展示发布活动本刊讯为加快培育我国自主服装出口名牌,继2004年在广交会期间成功举办首届“名牌出口服装展示发布活动”后,中国商务部于2005年10月15日在广东国际大酒店举办第二届“名牌出口服装展示发布活动”,面向参加广交会的国际服装采购商整体展示推广我国自主服装出口名牌。据了解,商务部选择在广交会期间举办此项活动,主要是利用广交会的客商资源,通过名牌展会和名牌商品的有机结合,整体推广展示我国自主服装出口名牌,扩大相关企业的国际影响和出口成交,培育中国自己的世界服装名牌。本届“名牌出口服装展示发…  相似文献   

品牌是服装企业重要的无形资产,也是服装企业开展营销活动的核心内容。品牌使服装企业走出单纯价格战的漩涡,使顾客愿意为此付出相对较高的价格,也使服装企业在市场竞争过程中获得竞争对手无法模仿的独特竞争能力。本文主要探讨服装企业品牌营销的重要性与管理。  相似文献   

8月18~19日,由安徽省服装商会主办、安徽省路网交通建设集团股份有限公司承办的安徽省服装商会三届四次理事会在合肥召开,举办此会议旨在整合社会资源,搭建会员相互了解,互利合作的平台,充分发挥安徽省服装商会在全省经济社会活动中的作用.来自安徽省相关协会、院校和企业的领导及代表等百余人应邀出席了本次会议.  相似文献   

依靠技术创新,国际市场抓升级,国内市场挖潜力,是纺织服装企业平稳度过"寒冬"的关键。作为中国针织名城,山东省即墨市拥有纺织服装企业1190余家。今年以来,即墨的纺织服装企业遇到了较大困难。"危"中有"机",即墨市当地政府和众多纺织服装企业通过采取一系列措施,积极谋求突破。  相似文献   

中国纺织工业协会日前启动了2008~2009年度纺织服装企业竞争力测评活动。从2003年开始,一年一度的中国纺织服装企业竞争力测评活动在社会上的影响力不断提高,不仅得到政府、  相似文献   

协会·机构中纺协2008~2009年度企业竞争力测评活动启动中国纺织工业协会日前启动了2008~2009年度纺织服装企业竞争力测评活动。从2003年开始,一年一度的中国纺织服装企业竞争力测评活动在社会上的影响力不断提高,不仅得到政府、行业、企业、市场的关注,同时也受到国外行业组织的  相似文献   

Research summary : We explore the effect of the interplay between a firm's external and internal actions on market value in the context of corporate social responsibility (CSR). Specifically, drawing from the neo‐institutional theory, we distinguish between external and internal CSR actions and argue that they jointly contribute to the accumulation of intangible firm resources and are therefore associated with better market value. Importantly, though, we find that, on average, firms undertake more internal than external CSR actions, and we theorize that a wider gap between external and internal actions is negatively associated with market value. We confirm our hypotheses empirically, using the market‐value equation and a sample comprising 1,492 firms in 33 countries from 2002 to 2008. Finally, we discuss implications for future research and practice. Managerial summary : Companies often accumulate intangible assets by taking internally and externally oriented CSR actions. Contrary to popular beliefs, the data show that they undertake more internal than external ones: firms do more and communicate less. How does a potential gap (i.e., a misalignment) between internal and external CSR actions affect a firm's market value? We find that although together (the sum of) internal and external actions are positively associated with market value, a wider gap has negative implications. In other words, firms do not realize the full benefits of their internal actions when such actions are not externally communicated to key stakeholders, and to the investment community in particular. This negative association with market value is particularly salient in CSR‐intensive and the natural resources and extractives industries. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The current study investigates a central premise of the resource‐based view of the firm—that managers are a potential source of value creation for the firm. Using data from professional sports teams, we test theory regarding the effects of managerial ability, human resource stocks, and managers' actions on resource value creation. While results indicate managerial ability affects resource productivity, this effect is less pronounced with increases in the quality of firm resources. Further, we investigate the extent to which managerial actions that synchronize resource bundles account for the influence of managerial ability and resource context on a firm's performance advantage. These results contribute to our understanding of resource management and provide empirical evidence for the importance of managerial ability in the resource‐based view. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

外部劳动力市场主导的雇佣关系模式中的企业雇佣管理法则迥异于内部劳动力市场主导模式,新的雇佣关系模式破坏了雇主和雇员之间的心理契约,互惠关系被打破,企业在员工管理中面临四大在原有雇佣管理理念中难以自圆其说的两难问题。新的互惠关系的达成和维护成为雇佣关系达成新的平衡的关键。该研究认为,可雇佣性成为新的互惠关系形成的关键,围绕可雇佣性提升建立新的员工管理理念和系统成为企业在外部劳动力市场主导的雇佣关系模式中的雇佣管理策略。  相似文献   

Customer value is a dynamic interactive phenomenon. Based on a longitudinal, phenomenological study of buyers and sellers in the New Zealand wine industry, we shed light on the phenomena of customers' desired value change (CDVC), driving contextual conditions, and firms' strategic response. A four-stage model of market-CDVC evolution is proposed. Findings identified external and internal drivers of CDVC, such as increasing niche density, changing customer demands, changing competitor actions, and increased competitive rivalry. We were able to track changes in each driver, and identify the related changes in CDVC, including changes in CDVC form and intensity, and the scope of CDVC related actions.  相似文献   

Technological resources in the form of patents, trade secrets, and know‐how have become key assets for modern enterprises. This paper addresses a critical issue in technology and innovation management, namely, the commercial exploitation of technological resources resulting from research and development (R&D) investments. Extracting economic value from these resources by maximizing the benefits for shareholders is an extremely challenging task because technological resources are intangible, idiosyncratic, uncertain, predominantly tacit, and with poorly defined property rights. In their attempt to extract the maximum value from their technological resources, firms increasingly combine their internal exploitation through new product development (NPD) with external exploitation through licensing. However, most existing studies on NPD and technology licensing have treated the two exploitation paths independently and in isolation, which has resulted in two separate research streams using different theories and addressing different managerial challenges. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to filling this gap by developing and testing a comprehensive conceptual framework that simultaneously considers the antecedents affecting the successful implementation of NPD and licensing strategies as well as their consequences on firm profitability. The paper in particular investigates the effects of the interplay between technological resources and three types of complementary resources, marketing, manufacturing, and relational. We test the model using structural equation modeling on a sample of 733 Spanish manufacturing firms observed from 2003 to 2007. The data provide support for the existence of different paths to market firm technologies: an internal path, whereby the ownership of technological resources fully explains NPD performance, and an external path, whereby high intensity of marketing and relational resources reinforces the positive effect of technological resources on licensing performance. This sustains the relevance of the resource‐based value‐enhancing effects of complementary resources in licensing, as opposed to the motivation‐reducing effects advanced by transaction cost‐based literature. Moreover, the empirical analysis shows a substitution effect between NPD and licensing, whereby their simultaneous pursuit at intense levels is associated with lower profit margins. This provides evidence of the much theorized, but seldom tested, rent dissipation effect. These findings offer several contributions to research on licensing, NPD, open innovation, and the resource‐based view of the firm. On a managerial level, they suggest that achieving maximum value from proprietary technologies may not entail exploiting them both through external and internal paths. Managers are also informed that the resource combinations that enhance licensing performance include marketing and relational resources.  相似文献   

Firms’ innovative capabilities and performance increasingly rely on successful search and integration of internal and external knowledge. To this end, firms engage in various open innovation relationships, aiming to create and capture value in multi-actor contexts. This can give rise to a “paradox of openness” due to the contradictory role of knowledge as a key resource that creates value when shared, but also as a source of appropriability challenges. We explore the concept of a “paradox within a paradox;” the knowledge-leveraging paradox embedded within the paradox of openness. We integrate a knowledge-based view with paradox theory and develop a conceptual model to pinpoint core knowledge-related transferability and exposure tensions. We then show how these tensions are inversely moderated by innovation-related knowledge ambiguity. This ambiguity amplifies transferability tensions by making the knowledge more difficult to transfer and integrate across organizational boundaries, while relieving exposure tensions for the same reasons. We discuss potential solutions for resolving these core knowledge-related tensions by identifying separation and restructuring mechanisms that can facilitate simultaneous knowledge transfer and alleviate exposure hazards.  相似文献   

This paper examines the drivers that lead manufacturers to choose between an internal versus external resource integration approach as they transition to solution-based business. We emphasize product-based resources and examine drivers for the choice of resource integration approach through four distinct firm boundary conceptions – identity, competence, efficiency, and power. These boundary conceptions are applied to an empirical investigation of two global manufacturers, Wärtsilä and Kone, which have chosen opposite strategies to integrate product-based resources in transitioning to solution business: one opted to internalize the required resources, while the other works with a network of external partners. We develop research propositions to explicate how internal vs. external resource integration approaches in solution business represent distinct paths for manufacturers to grow their underlying product businesses; derive value from integrated resources; manage interdependence between solution components; and position themselves as central integrators of complex solutions. This paper contributes to the existing research by providing a systematic and theoretically inclusive analysis of alternative approaches to organizing solution provision. Previous contributions on these issues are very few and predominantly focus on examining manufacturers’ organization of service provision. This paper provides a complementary view focusing on product-based resources and incorporates a wider range of explanatory theories.  相似文献   

To overcome the negative outcomes of dependence, disadvantaged parties in exchange relationships characterized by dependence asymmetry seek effective strategies to rebalance their dependence. Obtaining legitimacy in the eyes of the advantaged party through legitimizing actions is a novel way to influence the advantaged party's exchange and conflict management approaches toward the disadvantaged party. However, a disadvantaged party's preference between external and internal legitimizing actions varies across cultures because culture influence the character if the relationship management preference. Drawing on the individualism–collectivism framework, we argue that facing dependence asymmetry, a Chinese firm is more likely to seek legitimacy through external legitimizing actions than a Western firm. In contrast, a Western firm is more likely to seek legitimacy through internal legitimizing actions than a Chinese firm when facing dependence asymmetry. We also predict a positive relationship between legitimizing actions, both external and internal, and the disadvantaged party's performance. We test these hypotheses by collecting dyadic survey data of exchange partners in Chinese-owned and Western-owned firms. The results support most of our predictions. Theoretical and managerial implications for partners in dependence-asymmetric relationships are discussed based on these findings.  相似文献   

Strategic planning frameworks provide a means of combining internal data about the firm's capabilities with external information about the competitive environment in a manner designed to guide resource allocation. The value chain approach to strategic planning, as described by Michael Porter in his book Competitive Advantage (1985), is a recent addition to this family of planning frameworks. In this article, we address some of the difficulties in using accounting data for value chain analysis. These difficulties are divided into those that are inherent, because of differences in methods of data accumulation, and those that are avoidable.  相似文献   

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