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全要素生产率对上海市经济增长贡献的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全要素生产率是衡量一个经济体效率的重要指标,文章运用索洛残差法估算出上海市1979-2011年的全要素生产率,并对上海市全要素生产率增长和经济增长源泉进行定量分析。分析发现1992-2011年间全要素生产率年均增长率为6.06%,对经济增长的平均贡献率达到50.56%;说明全要素生产率对上海经济增长发挥着日益重要的作用。  相似文献   

王永静  王艳 《乡镇经济》2008,24(7):93-96
全要素生产率是衡量经济增长方式的重要指标,采用索洛余值法对1979—2006年新疆生产建设兵团要素投入及全要素生产率对经济增长的贡献进行测算,对此期间的经济增长方式进行判断,发现全要素生产率对经济增长的贡献份额非常低,兵团经济长期处于粗放增长状态。要改变兵团粗放的经济增长方式,推进技术进步、提高全要素生产率是其必然选择。  相似文献   

基于1992—2020年京津冀3地宏观数据,利用索洛余值法、隐性变量法和数据包络分析3种方法,测算京津冀3地全要素生产率水平、增长率以及对经济增长贡献度等重要指标。结果显示:北京全要素生产率水平明显高于天津、河北;不同方法测算的全要素生产率增长率具有相同变化趋势,天津、河北两地的增长率变化趋势较一致,但与北京的增长率变化趋势不一致;京津冀区域的全要素生产率增长乏力,增长出现放缓甚至略微下降的局面;京津冀的经济增长主要来源于要素投入而非全要素生产率的提高;全要素生产率的增长,主要来源于技术进步而非效率提高。  相似文献   

文章采用索洛余值法和基于生产角度的Malmquist指数法测算江西省及11设区市全要素生产率。测算结果显示江西省全要素生产率表现出先上升后下降的特点,1989~1993年和2004~2008年是全要素生产率增长较高的两个时期,2000年后稳定3%左右。全要素生产率对经济增长的贡献也表现出阶段性的特点。1979~2000年对江西省经济增长的贡献约为30%~40%,2000年后对经济增长的贡献约为20%~30%。11设区市的测算结果显示新余市、南昌市全要素生产率最高,但各市均出现下降趋势。  相似文献   

文章基于C-D生产函数理论分析了全要素生产率索洛残值法的理论模型,通过实证分析,计算1985~2014年中国平均资本产出份额α,进而估算期间中国全要素生产率。研究结果表明:1985~2014年中国全要素生产率呈现涨跌互现态势;中国过去的经济增长为要素投入型增长。在经济新常态背景下,文章基于研究提出,应着力提高全要素生产率来促进中国经济健康持续发展。  相似文献   

基于1999—2019年的面板数据,运用Malmquist指数法对西部地区88个地级及以上城市全要素生产率进行了估算及分解。研究结果表明,西部大开发战略实施以来西部城市全要素生产率得到了有效提升,其中技术进步是全要素生产率提升的主要原因,而技术效率未得到有效改善且制约了全要素生产率的增长。从城市的效率分布特征来看,多数城市经济发展并非只是投入型增长,仍然存在地区间全要素生产率改善程度不均衡的情况。此外,经济增长与基础设施建设对全要素生产率增长具有显著正向影响,而政府行为、资本深化程度对其产生了负向影响。研究认为,西部城市应加快转变经济增长方式,推动产业转型升级,提升自主创新能力,加大基础设施建设力度,促进生产要素有效流动及资源合理配置。  相似文献   

利用DEA-malmquist指数模型,对2006~2016年间长江经济带物流业全要素生产率进行实证测算,从全要素生产率、技术效率、技术进步三方面分析长江经济带物流业发展状况,并对比分析各地区物流业全要素生产率的动态变化特征。结果显示:长江经济带物流业全要素生产率总体上有下降的趋势,物流业全要素生产率水平不高;各地区物流业全要素生产率整体上也表现为下降的趋势,地区之间存在一定的差异;长江经济带物流业全要素生产率的增长由主要依靠技术进步转变为技术效率驱动为主,且技术进步成为阻碍全要素生产率增长的重要因素。最后,提出提升长江经济带物流业全要素生产率的对策建议。  相似文献   

本文在一个全要素生产率增长率不同的三部门模型中,讨论了部门之间全要素生产率变化对产业结构的影响。结果发现:当不同商品间的替代弹性比较小时,就业人口流向服务业部门的充分条件是,本国农业的全要素生产率增长率快于制造业,且制造业的全要素生产率增长率快于服务业,而国外农业的全要素生产率增长率快于制造业。通过对模型校准,本文较成功的模拟出美国的产业结构转型。美国的历史经验说明,实现产业结构的转型,关键在于提高制造业和农业的全要素生产率。  相似文献   

本文对两种常用的生产率——全要素生产率和劳动生产率的增长率研究的发展进行了评述。首先总结了全要素生产率核算的两种主要方法:增长核算法和前沿生产面法,并详细描述了确定前沿生产面的DEA法和前沿函数法的研究进展。然后总结了利用增长核算法和前沿生产面理论对劳动生产率分解的已有成果。  相似文献   

文章利用中国和韩国制造业行业的投入产出数据,基于扩展生产函数和面板数据模型方法研究了各制造业行业的传统全要素生产率和环境全要素生产率。文章的研究发现:2001~2011年我国制造业行业全要素生产率整体平均增长速度较快,全要素生产率逐渐成为工业经济增长的主要来源,但我国全要素生产率对产出增长的贡献落后于韩国。比较传统全要素生产率和环境全要素生产率可以发现:中国所有行业在平均意义上前者大于后者,而韩国则平均前者小于后者。  相似文献   

Several recent studies on total factor productivity (TFP) concluded that the East Asian economies benefited little from TFP growth. This study claims that the failure by previous studies to consider the effect of net indirect taxes and market imperfections resulted in the underestimation of the share of the contribution of labor input to factor income, which consequently led to the overestimation of capital share and understatement of TFP growth. Therefore, this study has modified the conventional approach of calculating factor shares by taking account of net indirect taxes and market imperfections and used the modified approach to estimate TFP growth in 16 Taiwanese manufacturing industries during the period 1979–1999. The conclusion drawn by the study is that TFP growth was the driving force behind the success of Taiwan's manufacturing industries, although many of these industries experienced a sharp decline in TFP during the 1990s.  相似文献   

We calculate partial factor productivity and total factor productivity (TFP) indices for rice production using panel data across 42 Japanese prefectures from 1996 to 2006, and perform panel unit root tests of TFP convergence across prefectures. We find that during this period, the partial factor productivity growth rates for capital, land and materials stagnated at the aggregate national level, as did the TFP growth rate, despite a large increase in labor productivity. We also identify evidence of a convergence in TFP across Japanese prefectures.  相似文献   


In this study, parametric and non-parametric methods are employed to measure the total factor productivity (TFP) growth in the Korean manufacturing industry from 1993 to 2003. The analysis period contains both periods before and after the Asian financial crisis. The TFP growth rate is decomposed into different components. Also different elasticities are reported. By classifying the results by period and classifying a number of time invariant firm characteristics, such as sector, size, and location of firms, we observe systematic heterogeneity for each characteristic. We discuss the underlying causal factors. The results from a non-parametric approach are also compared with those of a parametric approach.  相似文献   

In this paper we try to assess the quality of growth for provinces in China over the period of 1997–2015. To do so we calculate a set of Green total factor productivity (or GTFP) indexes by incorporating environmental performance variables at the provincial level. A nonparametric approach (Directional Distance Function a la Chung et al., 1997) is adopted in the estimation. Furthermore, we apply bootstrapping method to correct estimation bias and obtain statistical property of the estimated indexes. The GTFP indexes estimated here demonstrate very different trends from the GDP growth rateand standard TFP indexes ignoring environmental outcomes. For the period of interests, when annual GDP growth rate was very high, no steady growth was found in TFP and GTFP, by contrast. The rankings of provinces differ significantly across measures of GDP growth, TFP and GTFP. In addition, our estimates of GTFP trends are also significantly different from findings by other papers of GTFP estimation (Hu et al., 2008; Wang et al., 2010) without bootstrapping procedure.  相似文献   

This paper uses the dual approach to growth accounting to examine the role of total factor productivity (TFP) in recent Chinese growth. Most previous growth accounting studies on China have followed the primal approach, which depends heavily on the national income accounts. Unfortunately, despite efforts to rectify them, Chinese national income accounts data continue to have problems that affect primal approach growth accounting results. The dual approach, in contrast, allows independent price information to play a role. Recent research has focused on the following two questions: (i) How significant has TFP's role been in post‐reform Chinese growth? (ii) Has TFP growth rate slowed down in more recent years? This paper finds that: (i) the TFP growth rate for mainland China computed using the dual approach also proves high; and (ii) there has been some slowdown in TFP growth rate in recent years.  相似文献   

将资源和环境因素同时纳入效率研究框架中,运用SBM模型以及Malmquist指数方法测度了2006—2013年14个城市的经济效率、全要素生产率(TFP),并将全要素生产率变动分解为技术效率和技术进步,实现了TFP增长的动态分解。研究结果表明,大多数城市存在效率改进空间;当考虑资源环境约束时,城市绿色TFP较低,技术进步是推动绿色TFP增长的主要源泉,而技术效率的作用并不明显。在生产效率的核算中,如果忽略资源环境因素的刚性约束,有可能导致经济增长效率被高估,由此得出的政策建议会带有一定的误导性。  相似文献   

王兵  王丽 《南方经济》2010,28(11):3-19
本文运用方向性距离函数和曼奎斯特-卢恩伯格指数方法测算了环境约束下中国1998--2007年各地区工业技术效率、全要素生产率指数和环境规制成本,并对影响技术效率和全要素生产率增长的因素进行了实证分析。结果显示:环境技术效率呈现东、中、西依次递减,并且技术效率越高的地区,环境管制成本越低;考虑环境因素后,中国各地区工业全要素生产率指数降低,主要是由技术进步推动;环境约束下工业全要素生产率东部最高,西部次之,中部最低;人均GRP、FDI、工业结构、能源结构、人口密度对技术效率和全要素生产率有不同程度的影响。  相似文献   

This paper considers technical progress and the growth of theJapanese economy. Many economists are pessimistic about theeconomy's future because of the rapid ageing of the population.However, capital and total factor productivity (TFP) are muchmore important than labour in determining economic growth. Duringthe high-growth era of the 1950s and 1960s, TFP contributedalmost 4 percentage points to the 10 per cent annual growthrate. Since then, however, TFP growth has fallen significantly.During the 1970s, Japan's machinery industries became worldleaders and made possible the export-led growth of the period1975 85. I argue that the stagnation of the 1990s was causedby demand deficiency, and that demand creation by technicalprogress is the key to economic growth.  相似文献   

This paper provides empirical estimates of total factor productivity (TFP) trends in a sample of 17 APEC countries over the period 1975 to 1996. TFP growth is an important measure of an economy's performance and if measured correctly it can provide valuable guidance on issues related to the assessment of sustainable growth trends. We use the Malmquist index to measure TFP growth and decompose it into an efficiency change and a technical change component. This decomposition provides extra insight on assessing sustainable growth trends. The measurement technique itself is regarded as a significant improvement over previous conventional measures of TFP growth. The results are very interesting. Japan, Thailand and primarily Indonesia and Malaysia are identified as countries exhibiting on average negative TFP growth rates in the 1975-1990 period. In all these countries as well as in South Korea and Taiwan the main cause of low TFP growth is a poor (negative) efficiency record. The average TFP growth rate for Japan and Malaysia is positive in the 1975-1996 period but the efficiency change component remains negative. In all these countries the main contributor to labour productivity growth is capital accumulation. Unlike previous studies we find no evidence of a poor TFP growth performance for Singapore. Furthermore, we estimate that most of Singapore's labour productivity growth is driven by efficiency change. Estimates of rates of convergence towards the frontier economy that is estimated (not assumed as in other studies) to be the US, are also reported.  相似文献   

This study estimates and analyzes provincial productivity growth in China for the period 1979–2001. The Malmquist Index approach allows us to decompose productivity growth into two components, technological progress and efficiency change. Considerable productivity growth was found for most of the data period, but it was accomplished mainly through technological progress rather than efficiency improvement. Although China's capital stock has accumulated at record speed in recent years, our findings show that TFP growth slowed down significantly during 1995–2001. The study thus raises serious questions about whether China's recent growth pattern is consistent with its comparative advantages, and whether its reliance on capital accumulation can be sustained in the long run.  相似文献   

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