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<正>美国海关担保制度和海关—商界反恐伙伴计划(Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism,以下简称“C-TPAT”,相当于我国的AEO制度)在美国对外贸易中发挥着重要作用。美国海关通过担保制度,确保进口商或其代理商遵守相关规定并满足进口要求。而C-TPAT作为美国海关推出的一项自愿合作伙伴倡议,旨在加强全球供应链的安全性,并减少恐怖主义对国际贸易的威胁。两者虽都涉及进口商和海关之间的合作,但重点和目的不同。本文通过研究美国海关担保制度,并探讨美国海关担保制度与C-TPAT之间的联系,以提出相关启示。  相似文献   

陈红年 《商》2012,(11):116-117
随着全球化经济的发展,以网络、信息技术为代表的新技术也迅速发展,因此,在网络环境下的版权应得到重视,而且如何认定网络环境下版权的侵权行为也成为当代社会的一大热点。同时,我国对网络版权的法律保护意识和立法制度都需要增强。一方面,可以向西方各国对于版权保护的立法优点学习,另一方面,结合我国国情,完善对版权保护的立法。  相似文献   

2023年,我国报业版权法治保障不断加强,版权保护意识显著提升,技术保护手段进一步升级,报业版权保护环境总体呈现稳中有进态势。由于生成式人工智能等技术快速涌现与迭代、法律条例和规定滞后、版权运营意识不足等,都在一定程度上影响了我国报业版权保护与发展。“十四五”时期,我国报业版权保护工作还需在内部版权运营意识提升与外部法律及行业合作方面,持续努力。  相似文献   

美国产业指控美反倾销"新出口商复审"制度存在巨大漏洞 2004年以来,美国政府和产业界就执行反倾销指令的"漏洞"问题进行了热烈的讨论。这一场大讨论肇始于美国海关及边境保护署关于2003年执行《博德修正案》情况的年度报告。在这份报告中,美国海关及边境保护署自曝家丑,宣布2003年度应征反倾销、反补贴税3.2亿美元,其中实际征收到的仅为1.9亿美元,欠税高达1.3亿美元。在巨额欠税中关于中国产品的有1.04亿美元。美国海关及边境保护署的这份报告一经公布,美国受益于《博德修正案》而能够参与分配反倾销税的国内产业立即向海关及边境保护署发起了潮水般的攻击。而攻击的焦点则是海关  相似文献   

美国海关实施品牌保护涉及到海关程序的多个方面,但海关的执法程序主要包括两个阶段:扣押与没收。在这两个阶段里,商标所有人可以亲自参与执法过程,告知海关如何识别他们的品牌,并且收集有关非法流入美国的伪造品信息。  相似文献   

我国海关保护的知识产权类型依据<条例>第二条的规定,并非所有受中国法律或者行政法规保护的知识产权都可以得到海关保护.目前只有商标权、著作权、专利权才能得到海关备案保护.即便如此,我国海关保护的知识产权范围还是比较广泛的.如美国海关保护的只限于商标权和著作权,不但将专利权排除在外,而且在出口环节不实施任何保护措施.  相似文献   

私人市场失灵和政府规制的失效,导致了版权保护法律的运行机制存在着从私力救济到公力救济,再到二者均衡合作的法律商谈机制的逻辑过程.版权合作保护的出发点是对公共权益和私人权益进行均衡保护.这种均衡保护机制主要着眼点在于:实行政府规制主导下的法律商谈机制,并且合理界定版权保护的范围和有效期.  相似文献   

美国经验视角下我国海关贸易便利化制度的完善   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
我国除传统的通关便利外已经先后实施了以海关风险管理制度、海关企业分类管理制度等为代表的贸易便利化制度,取得了相当大的成绩,但也存在着不小的差距。本文选择美国海关贸易便利化制度的特点作为参照物,针对我国海关贸易便利化制度中的指导思想、海关与商界关系以及海关国际合作等问题展开对比分析,提出我国海关应当确立贸易便利与贸易安全平衡发展的指导思想、海关与商界之间应当构建"伙伴关系"以及深化海关国际合作并积极推动我国海关贸易便利化制度国际化。  相似文献   

王斌 《中国海关》2006,(10):66-67
2006年3月24日~26日,世贸组织对美国进行了两年一度的贸易政策审议。《美国贸易政策报告》中“进出口手续及措施”部分比较详细地阐述了9&#183;11以后美国海关与边境保护局的职责、组织机构、通关作业模式、原产地规则、知识产权保护等内容。本刊将分两期介绍报告的内容。 本期主要介绍美国海关的职责及海关手续等相关内容,下期主要讲述美国海关的知识产权保护.  相似文献   

美国长期重视国内版权保护,尤其是在其版权产业落后时游离于国际主流版权保护体系之外,而在其版权产业拥有竞争优势时,则主动融入国际主流版权保护体系,并谋求版权保护的全球霸权等,是美国版权产业成为全球规模最大最发达最具活力的原因。版权产业尤其是核心版权产业对美国经济增长、就业、海外销售和出口等的贡献突出。美国版权产业发展战略对中国具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

微博内容虽短小精炼,却并不因此否定其著作权的存在。微博著作权的法律确认和对微博著作权侵权责任之追究,成为微博经济发展需求下的微博著作权保护的主要内容。而如何确认微博著作权,如何依据微博著作权的侵权类型明确微博著作权侵权标准、完善微博著作权侵权证据制度、确定微博著作权侵权损害赔偿标准,则是需要大家审慎思考的问题。同时,微博著作权法律保护,单靠侵权防范的法律规制是不够的,还得依赖于网络用户的道德水准与自律水平。只有完善的法律制度与高尚的网络道德相结合,才能最终实现微博著作权的法律保护。  相似文献   

The article describes the challenges of copyright protection in the digital world. Starting from the observation that copyright is one of the most disputed regulative systems in the 21st century, it analyses the reasons for the intensity of the public and political debate. The analysis comes to the conclusion that the main reason for this is the radical change of impact copyright law has undergone since computers and Internet access found their way into almost every household. What was designed as a regulative system for professional market players became a statutory code of conduct for the general public. However, the necessary steps to acknowledge this elementary change were never taken by the legislators. The article concludes that a copyright that affects professional authors, rights holders, prosumers and consumers alike needs significant conceptual modifications. Several proposals for short-, middle- and long-term changes of the copyright systems are offered.  相似文献   


After laying an historical foundation of the concept of “promonopoly” legislation in the face of a U. S. public policy devoted, since 1890, to a generally antimonopoly position, this paper examines the relevance of recent changes in the three types of domestic promonopoly law: patent law, copyright law, and trademark law. During the last thirty years of the twentieth century, and especially during the last decade of that period, all three aspects of American promonopoly legislation were strengthened. The term of copyright was extended from a maximum of fifty-six years to the lifetime of the last-living author of a work plus seventy years and coverage was broadened to extend to recordings-by a number of means-of performances; patents were lengthened in duration from seventeen years to twenty; and the law of trademarks was modified to include protection for trademark holders against “dilution,” or loss of value of trademarks due to the acts of noncompetitors. The implications and rationales of these changes are examined in the context of their effect on business life at the beginning of the third millennium. While it is too soon since the majority of these changes in law went into effect to draw definitive conclusions concerning their ultimate consequences, it does appear that, in general, their thrust is to increase the value of intellectual property to its proprietors.  相似文献   

The following is a brief report of the discussion and main comments that were made during a workshop ‘The place of the iConsumer in EU and US law—protecting consumers of copyright protected content’, held in Amsterdam on 14 and 15 of December 2007. The workshop was part of a series of joint events organised by the Berkeley Centre for Law and Technology, University of California (BCLT) and the Institute for Information Law (IViR), University of Amsterdam on copyright and a follow-up to the conference on ‘Copyright, digital rights management technology and consumer protection’ that was held at the UC Berkeley in March 2007. The main goal of the workshop was to confront a consumer law approach with the more commonly discussed approach of internalising user-related questions directly into copyright law. To this end, a selected group of European and US experts in both fields, copyright law and consumer law, were invited. The participants were then asked to share their thoughts and views from the different fields of law with regard to a number of main statements given by the organisers. The transatlantic perspective further added to the discussion. The main purpose of this report is to point to a number of issues that, according to the workshop participants, should be taken into account in future discussions concerning the legal position of the iConsumer. This report summarises the discussion along the three statements that the organisers asked participants to consider. The report gives some background information for each of the statements, to then describe the main arguments made during the workshop, to the extent that this discussion has not already been internalised in the papers that are part of this special JCP issue.
Natali HelbergerEmail:

Relating the collected customs duty to the value of imports enables the estimation of a rate of applied duty that takes into account all pricing components and their use. Indeed, this ad valorem equivalent integrates the complex dimensions of customs duties, the measures of exemption and suspension, and those concerning preferential regimes. Processing collected duties for all the products reveals that the 1.5 per cent rate of duty actually applied in 2003 is the same for the EU and the US. Nevertheless, it appears that the US taxes more the least developed countries (LDCs) and developing countries than does the EU. Thus, setting aside those products which enter free of duty, the rate of taxation applied by the US is 15 per cent and 6.2 per cent respectively with regards to LDCs and developing countries, whereas in the EU it is only 3.7 per cent and 4.1 per cent. In the US market the sectors that are the most highly taxed upon importation are textiles, apparel and clothing, cotton and articles of leather, whereas in the EU it is more agricultural and food products (fruits and preserves, meats, sugars and cereals).  相似文献   

在当今中国,举凡对货物贸易统计做研究,势必想到海关统计,或者说海关统计就是货物贸易统计的代名词。然而这种对应关系在几十年前并非自然存在,几乎在整个20世纪后半叶,曾有对外贸易业务统计与海关统计平行存在的情形。本文从对外经济贸易大学两代统计学人的视角,回顾了现代中国海关货物贸易统计主流地位演进历程,剖析了中美货物贸易统计差异的原因,澄清了贸易增加值核算的相关表述,并对数字经济背景下海关统计工作的创新进行展望。  相似文献   

经济全球化对各国海关的最大挑战就是如何处理好海关有效监管和便利贸易之间的矛盾。20世纪90年代以来各国海关法纷纷进行改革以适应经济发展需要。改革的主要内容包括:改革海关组织和通关程序,实现快捷通关、促进贸易发展;合理分配权利和义务,满足通关效率的需要;海关法的立法体例凸现通关制度的模式等。海关法的渊源则表现为国内海关法的国际化、国际海关法的国内化、区域海关法的兴起等特点。中国海关法应进一步完善海关法律体系,以适应经济全球化的挑战。  相似文献   

我国对侵犯著作权犯罪"营利目的"要件存废问题,大致有取消论和保留论的对立。TRIPS协定中"蓄意"规定不应排除成员采取"营利目的"实施方法,"蓄意商业规模"一般可意味着以营利为目的,故我国侵犯著作权犯罪"营利目的"要件与协定具有符合性。基于网络技术的迅猛发展和"因特网条约"在我国的适用,"传统——网络二分论"应成为"营利目的"要件在我国侵犯著作权犯罪中存废与否的未来走向。  相似文献   

聂婴智 《商业研究》2013,(1):156-162
反垄断法中对反竞争行为的制度性规制是市场经济追求的公平、自由竞争秩序的体现与维护。但是在农业领域,农业产业化的发展却需要适用农业豁免制度来保障。通过对美国农业豁免制度及其在农业产业化过程中存在的公共选择现象的解读,本文论证了作为我国农业基本发展方向的产业化经营模式,需要走坚持竞争理念、依循豁免制度、执行产业政策的推进路途。在反垄断法及其豁免制度的管控与保障下,农业产业化的发展不仅可以更好地实现农业主体的经济利益追求,而且对提升我国整体农业的国际竞争力也大有助益。  相似文献   

中美知识产权争端中,WTO专家组裁定我国《著作权法》第四条第一款不符合《伯尔尼公约》和TRIPS协定。在2009年3月20日该裁决发生了效力,这使得我国必须修改《著作权法》的第四条第一款。对此,要正确评价《著作权法》第四条第一款在国际贸易中的作用,走出该条仅仅规制国内的反动、淫秽作品的误区。同时在最大限度维护我国利益的前提下运用WTO规则对该条进行修改。  相似文献   

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