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目前 ,我国金融市场整体框架基本形成 ,金融工具发行总量、交易总量也已初具规模 ,此时研究利率结构问题更显其重要性。本文从利率的风险结构、期限结构和决定结构三个方面探讨了我国利率结构的现状及存在问题  相似文献   

本文对利率市场化后我国的利率结构及其形成机制进行了分析 ,并提出了进一步完善利率结构的一些建议。利率市场化后我国的利率结构主要是中央银行的再贴现率、金融市场利率及金融机构存贷款利率。这三层次的利率结构中金融市场利率是利率市场化的核心 ,中央银行的再贴现率是整个利率的基准 ,而金融机构的存贷款利率是利率市场化影响的主体。  相似文献   

近年来,我国经济进入了增长速度换挡期、结构调整阵痛期、前期刺激政策消化期"三期叠加"的特殊阶段,产能过剩较为严重,经济下行压力较大。在这种形势下,各项改革措施不断推出,利率市场化在经济运行和行政推动的共同作用下加速推进,汇率的市场化改革步伐也在风险可控的前提下稳健向前。本文将对我国的利率、汇率市场化动因和现状进行描述和解析,并研究其对我国短期跨境资金流动的影响。  相似文献   

完善我国基准利率主导作用的基本思路   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
胡海鸥  季波 《上海金融》2006,(11):34-37
实现资金的平滑流动是规范基准利率的重要条件,所以必须消除制约资金平滑流动的因素,使得我国的基准利率成为真正完全意义上的基准利率,我国的利率市场化才能获得稳定和持续的进展。  相似文献   

我国利率市场化进程中的利率结构问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文阐述了在利率市场化过程中建立合理利率结构的重要性。文章在分析我国利率结构中现存的问题及其市场环境的基础上,提出发展货币市场和资本市场、完善利率结构以促进利率市场化、提高货币政策有效性的政策建议。  相似文献   

人民币升值条件下的货币和利率控制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着人民币升值预期上升和外汇储备不断增加,宏观经济目标之间存在矛盾和冲突。为了维持汇率稳定和控制货币供应量,中央银行必须采取冲销干预的措施来实现,同时为了防止投机资本的套利和经济过热,央行又必须进行利率控制,但是这些政策都有一定的局限性,难以兼顾。目前在人民币升值预期的情况下,维持汇率的相对稳定,中央银行必须采取多种政策搭配手段来实现宏观经济的内外均衡。  相似文献   

This paper estimates the intraday value of money implicit in the UK unsecured overnight money market. Using transactions data on overnight loans advanced through the UK large value payments system CHAPS in 2003–2009, we find a positive and economically significant intraday interest rate. While the implicit intraday interest rate is quite small pre-crisis, it increases more than tenfold during the financial crisis of 2007–2009. The key interpretation is that an increase in implicit intraday interest rate reflects the increased opportunity cost of pledging collateral intraday and can be used as an indicator to gauge the stress of the payment system. We obtain qualitatively similar estimates of the intraday interest rate by using quoted intraday bid and offer rates and confirm that our results are not driven by the intraday variation in the bid-ask spread.  相似文献   

We extract two systematic economic factors from a wide array of noisy and sparsely observed macroeconomic releases, and link the dynamics and market prices of the two factors to the interest rate term structure. The two factors predict 77.9–82.1% of the daily variation in LIBOR and swap rates from one month to 10 years. Shocks on inflation-related releases have large, positive impacts on interest rates of all maturities, leading to parallel shifts of the yield curve, but shocks on output-related releases have larger impacts on the short rate than on the long rate, thus generating a slope effect.  相似文献   

This paper investigates when and how the response of interest rates to money announcements changed in recent years. The response of both short and long rates rises in October 1979, but drops during 1981. During mid-1982, the response of long rates raises again, but without a change in the response of short rates. Despite a number of ex post explanations for these shifts, none of the major hypotheses of why interest rates respond to money announcements provides a complete ex ante explanation of these response shifts.  相似文献   

文章在梳理中央国库现金管理发展及货币市场利率体系的基础上,采用协整方程和误差修正模型实证检验了中央国库现金管理中标利率与同业拆借利率和回购利率之间的协整关系,研究表明其与二者均存在长期协整关系,误差修正模型的调整力度为0.8。文章分析了这种长期趋势存在的现实原因。最后结合实证分析中样本出现的特点,就进一步完善中央国库现金管理提出建议。  相似文献   

The effective liquidity supply of the economy—the weighted-sum of all assets that serve as media of exchange—matters for interest rates and unemployment. We formalize this idea by adding an over-the-counter market with collateralized trades to the Mortensen–Pissarides model. An increase in public liquidity through a higher supply of real government bonds raises the real interest rate, crowding out private liquidity and increasing unemployment. If unemployment is inefficiently high, keeping liquidity scarce can be socially optimal. A liquidity crisis affecting the acceptability of private assets as collateral widens the rate-of-return difference between private and public liquidity, also increasing unemployment.  相似文献   

Liquidity and capital structure   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We examine the relation between equity market liquidity and capital structure. We find that firms with more liquid equity have lower leverage and prefer equity financing when raising capital. For example, after sorting firms into size quintiles and then into liquidity quintiles, the average debt-to-asset ratio of the most liquid quintiles is about 38% while the average for the least liquid quintiles is 55%. Similar results are observed in panel analyses with clustered errors and using instrumental variables. Our results are consistent with equity market liquidity lowering the cost of equity and, therefore, inducing a greater reliance on equity financing.  相似文献   

We examine the role of market structure in identifying microstructure features of the NYSE.Euronext-LIFFE STIR futures market by comparing the ability of two bid-ask spread component models to explain bid-ask spreads. These two models differ only in their assumptions about whether or not market makers are present. The period we analyze includes data from pit-based trading alongside electronic market data. We explore how market structure affects the way private information influences bid-ask spreads and return volatility. A second part of our study employs intraday correlation to investigate these links in greater depth, while a third part looks at how private information and trading noise contribute to price evolution.  相似文献   

Conventional wisdom on public debt management says that liquidity demand should be satiated and that tax rates should be smoothed. Conflicts between the two can arise when government bonds provide liquidity. Smoothing taxes causes greater variability in fiscal balances, and therefore in the supply of government liabilities. When prices are flexible, and can jump to absorb fiscal shocks, the tradeoff between liquidity provision and tax smoothing is eased; when they conflict, optimal policy subordinates tax smoothing to satiating liquidity demand. When price fluctuations impose real costs, conflicts necessarily arise and optimal policy gives primacy to neither goal.  相似文献   

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