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In recent years, there has been a significant growth in knowledge transfer partnerships to improve the quality and timeliness of health care. These activities require an increasing level of interdependence between academic and health care professionals, with important implications for human resource management. To understand these knowledge transfer partnerships, we conducted an in-depth longitudinal study based on 99 interviews and 5 focus group workshops across academic and health care professionals in nine university-based knowledge transfer partnerships in England. We explore how academic professionals of lower and higher status organizations develop a new form of professional work, based on the principles of collaborative professionalism, during their involvement in partnerships with health care professionals. We illuminate how the interdependent work between academic professionals and health care professionals in the development of a new academic specialization is shaped by the status of their organizations.  相似文献   

The paper highlights the importance of data sustainability in the data infrastructures aimed at long-term knowledge discoveries. Data sustainability refers to data's capacity to endure across technological and human generations, and it problematizes the data governance literature from a temporal perspective. Existing work has already moved the literature from the organizational setting to more complex interorganizational settings, highlighting discrepancies between normative data governance models and organizational practices. We broaden this literature temporally by examining and outlining research directions for data sustainability from different meta-theoretical perspectives – evolutionary, relational, and durational. Data sustainability across technological and human generations navigates complementary and competing temporal demands: Data need to transition across socio-technical regimes over time, yet be embedded in social and material networks to be meaningful; historical and present data also must remain available and accessible in near and distant futures, for going back in time and seeing new data linkages and combinations. We argue that data sustainability is critical in ensuring progression in social and environmental sustainability. The paper contributes both to data governance and sustainability literatures.  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that to fully realise its potential, performance management should be bespoke to the social context in which it operates. Here, we analyse factors supporting the use of performance data for improvement. The study purposively examines a developmentally oriented performance management system with cross-functional goals. We suggest that these system characteristics are significant in interdependent work contexts, such as health care. We propose and test that (a) relational coordination helps employees work effectively to resolve issues identified through formative and cross-functional performance monitoring and (b) that this contributes to better outcomes for both employees and patients. Based on survey data from management and employee representatives across Irish acute hospitals, the study found that perceptions of relational coordination mediated the link between formative cross-functional performance monitoring and employee outcomes and partially mediated the link between formative cross-functional performance monitoring and patient care. Our findings signal potential for a more contextually driven and interdependent approach to the alignment of management and human resource management practices. While relational coordination is important in health care, we also note potential to identify other social drivers supporting productive responses to performance monitoring in different contexts.  相似文献   

Using the universe of patient transitions from inpatient hospital care to skilled nursing facilities and home health care in 2005, we show how integration eliminates task misallocation problems between organizations. We find that vertical integration allows hospitals to shift patient recovery tasks downstream to lower‐cost organizations by discharging patients earlier (and in poorer health) and increasing post‐hospitalization service intensity. Although integration facilitates a shift in the allocation of tasks and resources, health outcomes either improved or were unaffected by integration on average. The evidence suggests that integration solves coordination problems that arise in market exchange through improvements in the allocation of tasks across care settings.  相似文献   

Disruption in human resource management (HRM) practices necessitates processes of mutual adjustment within the organization that seeks to address these changes properly, overcome tensions, and fit strategic needs. In our single longitudinal case study of a new HRM practice development concerning blue-collar worker talent management, we examine how HR professionals and managers interact and develop new HRM practices as a response to disruptive work transformation. Considering these interactions from the perspective of HR ecosystem alignment dynamics, we find that both managers and HR professionals engaged in fruitful collaboration processes along three differentiated steps to provide value for the whole organization. We propose a grounded theorizing of HR ecosystem alignment that is based on the progression of successive convergent and divergent phases and introducing collaborative spaces of work.  相似文献   

Drawing upon sociology of professions, our study extends insight into the specific HR practices that shape the microdynamics of knowledge-sharing behaviors among professionals. Empirically, we examine the influence of Human Resource (HR) practices on enactment of a knowledge-brokering role by doctors to drive service improvement in health care. Our study shows, first, HR practices influence professional identity, which is predicated on jurisdictional autonomy and client interest. Second, HR practices influence the legitimacy of any role and associated activities, with professionals valuing collegial leadership and evidence-based practice. Our study highlights it is employee perceptions of the effect of HR practices upon their legitimacy and identity that shape their attitudes and behavior toward knowledge sharing. Thus, different HR practices have different effects on knowledge sharing. Further, the same HR practice may be perceived differently even within the same cadre of professionals, depending upon their relative status and career interests.  相似文献   

In this paper, we provide an ex-ante explanation for why some technologies such as James Watt’s steam engine move successfully across broad technological fields, while other technologies do not. Using a sample of VC-backed biotechnology firms, we examine firm knowledge exploration choices along three dimensions—the decision to build from technologies across broad fields, the decision to explore application domains that are new to the firm, and the decision to mix these two options at the same time. We argue that firm-level invention decisions find differing responses when received by the selection environment. We find evidence of a “breadth-of-impact frontier” for technologies, wherein the choice of whether a firm should enter into a new application domain than those of the past should be informed by the degree to which the technology is citing prior work narrowly or broadly. The findings suggest that the belief that broad sourcing diversity will always result in greater citation diversity requires some caveats. The results contribute to the understanding of not only how entrepreneurial firms evolve but also how individual firms contribute to collective progress.  相似文献   

How do crises shape digital innovation? In this paper we examine the rapid adoption of digital telemedicine technologies in an Israeli hospital with a focus on the role of the institutional logics held by the stakeholders responding to emerging events. With the onset of COVID-19, the need for social distancing and minimal physical contact challenged and interrupted hospital practices. In response, remote audio-visual functionality of digital technologies were appropriated in different ways, as stakeholders – state actors, managers, health professionals, and family members – sought to improvise and enhance the protection of persons concerned. We show how emerging practices were guided by the dominant institutional logics of stakeholders responding to the crisis. Acting for many as a digital form of ‘personal protective equipment’ (PPE), the technologies enabled diverse action possibilities to become manifest in practices. We add to understanding the role of institutional logics in directing the attention of stakeholders to shape digital innovation in times of crisis.  相似文献   

Organizations are coalitions of individuals with heterogeneous interests and perceptions (March and Simon, 1958/1993). We examine an important source of heterogeneity, namely the different perceptions individuals hold across hierarchical levels. We introduce the notion of a hierarchical erosion effect whereby individual perceptions about specific practices become less favourable the lower one goes in the hierarchy. Using data from 4,243 employees across four levels in 38 business units, we provide evidence that this effect exists, controlling for other factors, including the overall favourability of the business unit culture across eight practices. We show how the size of this hierarchical erosion effect varies depending on the nature of the organizational practice being evaluated and the extent to which executives share strategic information widely, and we also show that a lower hierarchical erosion effect is correlated with higher business unit growth. In doing so, we enrich understanding of two aspects of March and Simon's work, their notion of intra‐organizational heterogeneity and their distinctive view of the nature of hierarchy.  相似文献   

With the rise of clinical management, new skills of medical doctors stand out, including leadership skills. Medical doctors organize medical work and improve patient care. The training of frontline leadership skills, however, is weakly developed in residency programmes. Medical professional cultures tend to resist organizational techniques and values. This paper analyses cultural interventions in health-care organizations, aimed at overcoming ‘clashes’ between professional and organizational logics in frontline domains. These interventions do not work against, but ‘use’ professional traditions, styles and customs as cultural resources. We use one particular project to illustrate this, a project in which internal medicine residents are invited to join quality improvement sessions, during which they identify critical (organizational) experiences with care provision and realize change. We show how residents feel enabled to establish results and cooperate with other professionals. We also show how this project links organizational responsibilities and medical professionalism – how complementarity (instead of conflict) is established. This is done in practical ways, which commit instead of alienate medical professionals.  相似文献   

With escalating expectations and opportunities for HR professionals to add greater value comes the mandate for greater knowledge about the fundamental driving forces of business. Business leaders and employees increasingly assume that HR professionals have foundational knowledge of HR concepts and practices. But to create competitive advantage from that knowledge, HR professionals must be fully versant about external business realities that directly or indirectly influence how to apply that knowledge. We examine four of the most central categories of external business knowledge: advancements in technology, the causes and effects of economic and regulatory turbulence, the dynamics of business globalization, and changes in population demographics. With knowledge about these fundamental business drivers and their supporting data, HR professionals will be more able to make credible and accurate strategic contributions to business discussions and to proactively build more centrally relevant HR practices. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are a strong fit with organizations dominated by routine, highly programmed technologies, and tightly regulated operations. However, while these settings are best suited for ERP implementation, they also have the greatest difficulty making use of the knowledge ERP systems generate because of their inherent rigidity, inertia, and resistance to change. This article examines how human resource management practices can help a firm overcome the problems and capitalize on the opportunities that ERP technology presents by facilitating an effective dual‐core structure through an emphasis on knowledge management, human capital stewardship, and relationship building. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Organizations cannot function without healthy and safe employees, a stark reality evidenced by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019-20: when lives are threatened, everything else becomes secondary. Few would question that there is a critical need to build HR-relevant knowledge of how to manage the health and safety of employees. Despite the duty of care carried by organizations and the fact that those who work across national borders are a particularly vulnerable group, there is surprisingly little discussion about their health and safety. We examined the literature relevant to the health and safety of international employees across four research disciplines. Our review of 180 papers found a growing yet fragmented field offering important insights with implications for HRM. Our paper is intended as both a review and a call for future advancement. We bring together disparate but related research streams in order to understand what is known about occupational health and safety related to working across national borders and to outline a roadmap for future research and practice.  相似文献   

In this paper, we combine two theories of the dynamics of a large socio-technical system — technology drift and actor-network theory — to address how and why information technologies often need to change, relative to their initial conceptions, during implementation. We analyze the failure of the first introduction of electronic cash in Umeå, Sweden as an example of what happens when drift does not occur: the lack of drift resulted in the socio-technical system's failure to stabilize. Lack of flexibility is identified as an important reason for the card's poor public acceptance. Banks ignored the critical comments of merchants, thus refusing to negotiate about the intended role of the technology. The cards were perceived as serving only the needs of the banks, while ignoring the needs of merchants and card users. Based on the findings in this case study, we argue that in order for a socio-technical system to stabilize it must drift from a single-purpose network, reflecting the interest and agenda of its designers/originators, to a multi-purpose network that reflects the interests of all involved social actors. In addition, we argue that a network-building process can be successful only if the network is flexible enough to serve the multiple purposes of its constituent actors.  相似文献   

Most theories predicting technology use were conceived when information and communication technology (ICT) devices were less portable, had less functionality, and individuals experienced less permeability between work and nonwork domains. Thus, while individuals today widely use ICT for both professional and personal needs, there is limited knowledge about the validity of traditional models predicting ICT use within and across work and nonwork domains. Using a model based on boundary theory, border theory, and human agency perspective, this study empirically examines the predictors of ICT use across four contexts, namely work use on work and nonwork days, and nonwork use on work and nonwork days. The results, based on data collected from managers and professionals from different Canadian industries, suggest that different drivers may be affecting the four contexts of ICT use. While perceived usefulness of ICT is a significant predictor for both within-domain and across-domain ICT use, there are specific work and individual characteristics that drive across-domain ICT use. Using theories from work/nonwork literature, this paper presents a renewed view to predict context-specific ICT use beyond the traditional models.  相似文献   

The literature on human resource management (HRM) indicates that HRM plays an important role in merger and acquisition (M&A) integration success, but pays little attention to the mechanisms for knowledge sharing in post-M&A integration. Limited work has been carried out to provide understanding on how social capital and HRM practices influence intra-organizational knowledge sharing in M&A integration. This paper primarily focuses on the phenomenon of social capital and HRM practices – one of the primary means by which knowledge sharing can occur within firms. The main aim of this paper is to provide an alternative framework that introduces the literature on HRM and social capital to discuss how HRM practices and the various dimensions of social capital may enhance knowledge sharing in post-M&A integration. Drawing on the literature on social capital and HRM, we offer an alternative view on the issue of knowledge sharing in M&A integration by explaining how specific HRM practices that have an impact on employees’ knowledge, skills and abilities for participating in knowledge sharing activities may depend on relational, cognitive and structural social capital. We isolate a number of HRM practices and social capital variables that may enhance knowledge sharing in post-M&A integration, and develop a research model and propositions for future empirical investigation.  相似文献   

Contemporary organizations increasingly rely on digital technologies structuring how work gets done. Algorithms in particular are fundamental for such technologies. Management literature on digital transformation has studied how algorithms either automate or augment work. In doing so, this literature treats algorithms as largely independent from existing work practices. This paper, on the contrary, theorizes and empirically illustrates how algorithms transform the workplace in a spatiotemporal sense by introducing a new epistemic vantage point through which work is understood. We do so by drawing on previous work on reconfiguration and ‘Ways of Seeing’, and through a qualitative case study on sports trading. Our analysis shows that traders and algorithms each perceive and see the market in specific, though incomplete ways. Since this market is partly virtual and constituted via a range of heterogeneous actors, ‘seeing’ the market entails knowing its distributed nature and pulling spatiotemporal distant elements together. Our paper contributes to the literature on the effects of algorithms on work by putting forward the conceptual lens of ‘distributed seeing’. This highlights that digital transformation is more than an instrumental optimization process by automating or augmenting tasks with technology but that it actively reconfigures the work to be done. We show that digital transformation 1) is reciprocal and thus irreversible; 2) patchworked and thus requires mending work; 3) introduces new organizational vulnerabilities.  相似文献   

Pressure to utilize research evidence in decisions about patient care and population health, so-called evidence-based medicine, has swept the health care systems of most industrial countries. In the UK, the attention of policy makers has recently turned from the production of more 'effectiveness information' to the more fundamental challenge of understanding the factors involved in influencing the attitudes and practices of health care professionals. This article seeks to contribute to this process by reporting the findings of an evaluation of a clinical effectiveness initiative established in Wales between 1996-9 (Locock et al . 1999). The study shows that a number of different factors are involved in improving the implementation of effectiveness information, including the strength of the evidence, and the role of peer influence. However it is the interaction of various elements rather than any single factor, which appears to be crucial. These findings are important not only for health but for informing future interventions across other parts of the public sector.  相似文献   

The development of technology strategies are often supported by strategic frameworks. Although standards can be critical in fostering technological innovation, particularly by supporting knowledge diffusion, their importance is often neglected by commonly used strategic frameworks. This paper presents a framework which uses the knowledge that needs to transition between key anticipated innovation activities to anticipate potential standardisation needs for emerging technologies. The framework draws attention to strategic considerations and dimensions that might otherwise be overlooked, including different types of standards; standardisation stakeholders; the alignment, coordination, and sequencing of standards; and how these all change over time. A technology roadmapping based framework was used because it explicitly characterises the alignment, coordination, and sequencing of innovation activities (over time) and can be configured to draw out information against the other above strategic considerations and dimensions. The principles and utility of the framework are demonstrated in three contrasting case studies: synthetic biology, additive manufacturing, and smart grid. These show how standards mediate between innovation actors by codifying and diffusing knowledge and can enhance and catalyse innovation. The proposed framework can be used to reveal where standards might be used to support innovation, better characterise the types of standards needed, identify the stakeholders needed to develop them, and highlight any potential alignment, coordination, and sequencing issues related to standardisation activities.  相似文献   

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