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The primary purpose of this study is to examine the deployment pattern of cable telephony in the US local telecommunications market. A model is established stressing that the size of local markets and the specific cost advantages of local cable systems are associated with the deployment of cable telephony by cable operators.  相似文献   

The US residential broadband market is commonly characterized as a duopoly consisting of telephone carriers (digital subscriber lines) and cable TV operators (cable modems). The implication is drawn that market power obtains; this, in turn, drives recommendations for new competition policy remedies. Yet, market power cannot be directly deduced from market shares or price-cost margins. We develop an economic analysis that examines both static and dynamic factors in considering market power, finding that fixed broadband providers do not appear to generate supra-competitive returns. Public policies to regulate broadband providers should be informed by these marketplace conditions.  相似文献   

There is currently widespread discussion in the USA of the merits of amending legislation to allow competition in the cable television market, notably from the telecommunications companies. This article explores what economic theory can contribute to this debate, and adduces empirical evidence on the effects of competition in the cable market where it presently exists. The authors conclude that blocking entry into cable, and indeed into telecommunications markets, is likely to be poor policy, and that increased competition would foster the development of an efficient modern broadband network.  相似文献   

The experience of cable television indicates that vertically integrated ISPs have plausible incentives to favor their affiliated content and to restrict entry of nascent rival content services, but these incentives are weakened in some respects, and strengthened in others, by differences in the economic architectures of cable and Internet broadband. Non-discrimination regulations designed to control such behavior are potentially more effective than in cable, but rules governing discrimination both in the upstream access and the downstream retail markets (as the FCC's no-unreasonable-discrimination rule appears to do) are likely to be necessary for effectiveness. Beneficial effects of vertical integration on financing and entry of cable programming networks should also apply to Internet video content development, but emergence since the 1970s of a robust programming supply industry with few vertical ties to cable suggests that such benefits will be less significant in the ISP case. Finally, the history of both the cable and ISP industries makes evident that the fundamental policy concern should not be vertical integration but horizontal market shares of ISPs, both at the local and national levels.  相似文献   

The development of the cable industry in Japan has been steady but slow. The Japanese cable penetration rate is not as high as in the USA and Canada for several reasons, and in this article the focus is on how broadcasting policy in Japan has affected the cable television market. Nevertheless the number of cable television systems has increased every year, and the future of the cable business in Japan is also discussed.  相似文献   

While economic theories suggest that firm behavior may diverge over time under local franchise regulation and state commission regulation, empirical studies on that issue are scant. By exploiting the facts that: both types of regulation coexisted in the cable television industry prior to federal deregulation; and the starting years of cable systems varied widely, this paper approaches the issue. Two empirically testable hypotheses are set. First, market power exercised varies with system ages. Second, the age-dependent path of the market power exercised differs under local franchise regulation and state commission regulation. The paper finds evidence supporting these hypotheses. Though some qualifications are required due to the use of cross-sectional instead of panel data, the evidence presented here is highly suggestive that regulator-firm relations have played a role and might be a cause of the differing monopoly powers exercised.  相似文献   

Broadband over cable television networks has become a growing force on the retail market in the EU. Thus, a debate has always been raised whether cable television networks should also be subject to open internet access obligations as PSTN and fibre. This article aims to share its view from a legal perspective. In order to do so, it conducts a survey of the current regulatory measures on broadband over cable television networks within the 27 EU Member States, and then carries out an in-depth legal analysis on Member States that attempted to regulate broadband over cable television networks. The conclusion is that broadband over cable television networks is currently deregulated, and will probably remain so in the future.  相似文献   

In devising rate caps under the 1992 Cable Act, the FCC measured the effects of market power in cable TV by comparing overbuild franchise areas (served by more than one cable operator) with monopoly areas. This paper draws attention to, and corrects, several shortcomings in the FCC's analysis. We conclude that the overbuilds' rates are, on average, 12 percent lower than monopoly rates (and not 16 percent as estimated by the FCC, a difference of approximately $700 million in terms of annual cable revenues). Furthermore, overbuild operators offer better service quality than monopoly systems; the average overbuild offers upto 34 percent more non-broadcast channels.  相似文献   

This research provides a new perspective to investigate the broadband diffusion in eight states of the U.S. by studying the two-stage entry decisions, namely, upgrading and subsequent product decisions, by the cable television system operators, one of the early dominant players in the broadband market, and examines the role of competition, market characteristics and firm heterogeneity in the cable company's decisions in a dynamic setting. Comparing the empirical results of the decision models of both stages can give new insights into the dynamics of broadband diffusion. The empirical results show that the subsequent product decision is affected more by the demand determinants, while the upgrading decision is affected more by the cost determinants. The results also indicate that policies which aim to reduce the entry cost such as a low city fee can largely encourage firms to upgrade the network, while subsequent policies that help boost the demand can help firms diversify into new digital services early. The effectiveness of competition policy in the broadband diffusion is confirmed in both stages. Strategic responses by cable firms to the presence of RBOCs are more noticeable in the second-staged product decision than in the first-staged upgrading decision.  相似文献   

International telecommunications facilities—both satellite and cable circuits—in the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean basins are characterized by persistent excess capacity. Although some excess is desirable to provide flexibility and protection against system failure, the problem is so great that Intelsat has 100 satellite transponders deemed surplus to international requirements. However, plans are under way for continued expansion of cable and satellite capacity. This article examines why telecommunications organizations are investing in such a seemingly wasteful manner. Three possible explanations are explored: (a) over-optimistic traffic forecasts, (b) market structure and regulatory policy, and (c) inefficient pricing of circuits.  相似文献   

In recent years, the Brazilian cable TV industry has experienced a sharp downturn. In parallel, the over-the-top platform Netflix gained popularity and Brazil has become one of its biggest markets. The objective of this paper is to investigate the competitive effects of Netflix's entry on the incumbent cable TV industry. We explore the regional variability of Netflix's popularity (measured by Google Trends) and combined this information with official data of the cable TV market. Using a two-way fixed effects estimator with state-month observations (covering the period of 2012–2019), we showed that the increase in one standard deviation in Netflix popularity is associated with a 3.62% reduction in the density of cable TV subscribers and with a 19.69% reduction in the number of small firms that operate cable TV.  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2002,26(5-6):295-310
“Open access” would allow ISPs to use a cable operator's broadband connection under regulated terms and conditions. Advocates stress the desirability of an “end-to-end” architecture for the Internet and the danger that cable operators will use their control over the last mile to limit consumer choice and stifle innovation. Opponents contend that wholesale price controls and other regulatory burdens under what they term “forced access” would in fact slow down the deployment of broadband, stifle innovation and harm consumers. The fears of “open access” advocates seem largely speculative at this point. Evidence from related policies also favors the opponents. “Closed” cable systems are beating their “open” DSL competitors in the market place; analogous regulation of cable TV did not serve consumers well; and forced “unbundling” of local service has been controversial and largely ineffective. In addition, relevant technology stocks declined in price with political and legal victories for “open access” and increased when it suffered setbacks.  相似文献   

Because cable television is the classic example of a bundled commodity, it is difficult to determine how consumers value individual cable networks offered on a typical system. This paper uses a modified hedonic framework to determine the marginal willingness to pay by consumers for individual cable networks. The traditional hedonic framework is adapted to allow for the lack of competition on the supply side of the market. It is clear that consumers do value some types of programming more than other types. Sports, news, and family programming all have positive implicit prices while program guides have negative marginal prices.  相似文献   

In platform‐component systems with indirect network effects, some ‘must‐have’ components are so popular with consumers that they create large, discrete indirect network effects when they become available on a platform. For example, ESPN is a must‐have component of cable TV platforms. This paper examines how platform market structures determine exclusive versus non‐exclusive contracts between platforms and components. It shows that a component provider is more likely to sign exclusive contracts with a single platform if its popularity is high, the platform market share difference is large, and cross‐platform indirect network effects are low.  相似文献   

This paper builds and tests the thesis that CEO influence evolves differently for founders and agents. We theorize that at the beginning of their tenures, founder CEOs can pursue market expansion more aggressively than agent CEOs, because they take office with the combination of motivation, power, and requisite knowledge that agent CEOs build over time. Subsequently, however, founder CEOs have less access to the administrative infrastructure necessary to sustain a growing firm, making them less able than agent CEOs to continue market expansion mid‐tenure and more severely constrained by market complexity. A longitudinal study of cable television operators confirms that the firm's market expansion follows an inverted U‐shape for agents and a downward slope for founders, while market complexity reduces market expansion, especially for founders. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The scope of a wholesale market may, in addition to demand- and supply-side substitution at the wholesale level, also be determined by substitution patterns at the retail level. Considering wholesale broadband access markets, it is argued that each of these forces can be strong enough to render a 5–10% price increase by a hypothetical monopolist at the wholesale level unprofitable and thus may lead to a wider wholesale market definition including, for example, cable networks in addition to DSL. Based on the theory of derived demand elasticities the paper discusses under which circumstances this could be the case. The position of the European Commission and the practice of national regulatory authorities are then reviewed in light of these arguments.  相似文献   

The Canadian and US cable television industries have similar economic characteristics and market structures, yet each has a distinct mix of programme services and a different history of development. These differences are largely due to a different economic status in each country, cultural peculiarities and contrasting theories of regulation. The US regulatory environment is gradually moving toward a laissez-faire market approach while in Canada more traditional and formal rules still apply which constrict economic behaviour. This difference in regulatory philosophy is most evident in the treatment of pay television. Canadian regulatory policy has given rise to rules which are at variance with economic incentives and efficiency.  相似文献   

The Market Structure of Broadband Telecommunications   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The recent growth of the Internet is creating markets for broadband telecommunications networks. In the past, virtually all such 'infrastructure' networks have been subject to government regulation. Two reasons advanced for this market intervention are (i) such networks constitute a natural monopoly, and (ii) to achieve 'universal service', in which all citizens have access to services. In this paper, we develop a model and estimate it using engineering data which tests if these two hypotheses are likely to obtain for broadband networks. We find that oligopolistic competition is likely to emerge for demand levels approaching that of today's cable television.  相似文献   

阐述了棚模、高强薄膜、管材、中空容器、铝塑复合板、电线电缆、涂层料、EVA树脂等作种具有较高的附加价值的聚乙烯专用树脂产品的下游市场情况。提出目前国内生产时有一定难度,在不同程度上依赖进口。国内聚乙烯企业加大结构调整力度,以市场为导向,增产高附加值产品,提高经济效益。  相似文献   

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