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中国是个具有八亿多农民的人口大国,虽然近些年中国在向工业化国家发展,但是农业与农民是则是中国重要的组成部分,农业的发展,农村的建设,农民的生活水平,决定了中国经济的平均水平是否能够达到工业化国家的基本水平。在社会经济体制的要求下,要想农民增收,提高农民的生活水平最基本的就是两点:抓好对土地的运用和时刻观察农村市场的发展。  相似文献   

李秋霞 《经济师》1999,(9):67-68
城市化是社会经济发展的必然产物,城市化水平的高低是衡量一个国家和地区进步程度的重要标志。一般来说,一国的城市化和工业化应是相辅相成、共同发展的。而我国尽管工业化率已达到50%,但城市化进程却始终徘徊在很低的水平,城市人口仅占全国人口的29%①。尤其是在我国农村,有九亿农民,乡镇企业又获得蓬勃发展,潜在的市场可谓相当广阔,但目前农村城镇化的发展却远远地滞后,这种不协调不仅导致了城市工业品和农村劳动力的双过剩,同时也遏制着广大农村市场的需求乃至影响到国内的总需求,已成为制约我国经济增长的一个重要因素…  相似文献   

本文以一个典型的农村——福建省漳州市后坂村为观察对象,以改革开放以来村庄变迁和工业化发展为观察视角,以农业和农村经济结构调整及市场结构变迁过程为分析路径,利用国家对该村25年的农村固定观察数据,分阶段地系统介绍了一个传统落后的农业村落发展变化成为一个发达的工业化社区的历程,真实地展现了改革开放给农业、农村、农民带来的巨大变化,具体地分析了市场经济对农业发展、农村变迁、农民增收的巨大贡献,深刻地揭示了农村工业化、城镇化的基本路径及其给农业、农村、农民带来的种种冲击。本文还对工业化迅速发展、城镇化迅速扩张过程中的农民财产权益维护、现有生产力发展、历史文化遗产保护及尊重宗教信仰等问题提出了种种担忧。  相似文献   

王新 《经济学家》2012,(9):48-55
中国的工业化与农村劳动力转移的一个突出特点是,1.4亿多农民转移到工业部门的同时,却没有离开农村地区,因而显示出两条截然不同的转移和工业化路径:其一是城市化,其二是发展农村工业。中国农村工业的高度发达不仅得益于改革和制度创新,也得益于农村要素市场所具有的广度和厚度——既存在着剩余劳动力,同时也存在着资本市场和隐性土地市场。但由于农村工业多数属于"技术短缺-劳动密集型"产业,因而伴随着城市化的推进、汇率和劳动力成本的改变,农村工业遇到了前所未有的挑战,这使得农村工业这种廉价劳动力转移模式又具有了浅化和不稳定性质。未来农村工业的发展不仅取决于技术创新能力,还取决于农村剩余劳动力对城乡的选择偏好。  相似文献   

党的十一届三中全会以来,我国农村经济逐渐从自给半自给的小农经济束缚中解脱出来,朝着商品经济的方向发展。随着农村经济形势的改观和农民收入的增加,我国农民的生活方式和消费结构也发生了很大的变化,特别是农村的住宅建设得到了迅速发展。但是,在农村住宅建设中仍存在着一系列问题。我们认为,要解决住宅建设中的问题使我国农村的住宅建设健康地发展下去,必须在农村实行住宅商品化。这里,我们拟对农村住宅商品化的可行性途径及其问题作一些必要的探讨。一、我国农村住宅建设的发展和存在的问题一定的生产力发展水平,决定着人们的生活方式和消费结构。多年来,与落后的生产力水平相适应,我国农村的住宅建设发展缓慢,农民住房水平很低。党的十一届三中全会以后,我国农村进行了全面的经济改革,推行了生产经营责任制,触动了农村与生产力发展不相适应的落后的生产关系,使我国农村经济得到了迅速发展。特别是正在逐渐形成的专业  相似文献   

随着农村经济体制改革和农村经济的发展,太谷县出现了多层次、多形式的农村专业科技组织,在发展农村经济中发挥了专业服务的功能,成为一支深受广大农民欢迎的合作制形式的新军,有力地推动着农村商品经济的发展。 起因与现状 党的十一届三中全会以后,太谷农村作为生产者和经营者的农民,迫切要求及时了解和掌握与之相关的科学技术、市场信息,要求提供生产全过程的系列技术,以此来不断提高专业化、商品化的水平。县级科技部门和专业科技人员也因势单力薄难以满足千家万户的需  相似文献   

建国四十年来,中国一直在工业化问题上寻求着一条适合自己国情的发展道路,并为此付出了很高的代价。党的十一届三中全会以后,我国乡镇企业(主要是农村工业)已成为农村经济和国民经济的重要组成部分。乡镇企业的发展,为我们探索中国工业化发展的道路提供了极为深刻的启示:即通过发展乡镇企业,特别是乡镇工业,来实现农村工业化,进而达到实现城乡一体化、国家工业化和整个社会主义国家的现代化。  相似文献   

农村工业化一直是广大学者探讨的热点问题,他们的观点主要集中在农村工业化的可行性分析和农村工业化道路的选择两个方面,很少将农村工业化和农户投资行为联系起来分析。而目前农村工业化已经成为中国扩大的一条根本途径,但在农村工业化进程中,农户面临工业化不同阶段的经济环境改变,其投资行为必然存在着巨大的差别。所以,分析农村工业化之初的农户投资行为及其特征对于下一步分析农户投资方向、探讨解决“三农”问题以及实现农业增效、农民增收、农村发展和发展现代农业,如何积极引导农户的投资行为具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

1.加快城市化进程。农民收入增长缓慢的根本原因是城乡二元经济结构,城市化严重滞后于工业化。截止到目前,我国城镇化率已达36%,但仍滞后于工业化进程。要富裕必须减少农民,要繁荣农村必须城镇化。因此,从长远的政策目标看,农民增收还是要走农村工业化与城市化的道路,加快我国的农村城市化进程。同时在加快城市化与城镇化的条件下,推进农业人口的社会  相似文献   

农村中介组织既是提升农民市场化水平、提高农业综合生产能力的重要途径,也是壮大农村集体经济、促进农民增收的重要载体。但在农村经济快速发展的同时,作为连接市场和农户的农村中介组织竞争力却明显不足。要提升农村中介组织的竞争力,可以通过寻找特定市场、开展点线服务、提升服务品位等利基营销策略,彻底改变农村中介组织缺乏竞争力的现状。  相似文献   

中国地方政府没有独立的税收立法权,但仍然可以通过企业所得税优惠开展中国式税收竞争。本文在构建省级企业所得税优惠衡量指标的基础上,使用面板数据空间滞后模型分析表明,中国地方政府间存在无序的策略互补式税收竞争,并且在企业所得税名义税收优惠上的竞争比实际税收优惠更为激烈。中央政府有必要从企业所得税名义税收优惠入手,采取措施规范地方政府间的企业所得税竞争行为,但同时也应该保持税收优惠政策本身及其实施效果的连续性。  相似文献   

家族拥有企业的控制权使得家族企业的收益函数有着其特定的内涵,分析发现家族企业收益由企业收益和家族收益两部分组成,家族收益是难以度量的非货币形态的收益,包括:为家族成员提供就业机会、创业者中兴家业、光宗耀祖的成就感、在企业中指挥调拨他人的满足感、附随于企业家头衔上的荣誉感以及一系列有形或无形的社会网络资本等。家族收益依附控制权而存在,是影响家族企业控制权转移的主要原因。  相似文献   

Several recent studies of short-cut estimates comparing real income (on a purchasing power basis) of countries are reviewed, including methods comparing real income based on indicators, like electricity consumption. New estimates are presented for 101 countries which had a tradition of conventional national income estimates in 1965, and for 40 countries without extended national income series. One conclusion from the empircial analysis was that until there exist a large number of countries for which purchasing power estimates of real income are available, it is difficult to discriminate between alternative short-cut methods using indicators, and difficult to estimate real per capita incomes of low income countries without substantial errors of estimate. The paper advocates more purchasing power estimates, and institutionalizing the collection of international prices of specified items so that abbreviated market baskets can be readily compared across countries.  相似文献   

We study the relationship between income inequality and economic freedom for a panel of 100 countries for the 1971–2010 period. Using a panel Granger non-causality approach, we reject the null hypothesis of Granger non-causality running from income inequality to economic freedom, but not vice versa. From a series of dynamic panel estimations we show that the effect of income inequality on economic freedom is negative and robust to the inclusion of additional controls. In particular, inequality is negatively associated with those components of economic freedom related to international trade, domestic market regulation as well as the rule of law and property rights protection. We argue that the negative effect of inequality on economic freedom is due to the economic elite converting its economic power into de facto political power to defend its economic interests; these interests run counter to economic freedom, discouraging innovation and competition as well as protecting the elite's rents. Finally, we show that economic freedom decreases with income inequality even in democratic countries, suggesting that democratic institutions do not prevent economic freedom from eroding. We argue that the latter finding corresponds to a system of political capitalism or captured democracy, where a powerful economic elite can nevertheless exercise de facto political power by cooperating with politicians and other decision-makers for their mutual benefit.  相似文献   

This paper develops a long-range consumption planning model which, unlike conventional life-cycle theory, admits a disparity between borrowing and lending rates of interest. It is shown that, when capital markets are imperfect, optimal consumption depends not only upon an arithmetic average of the household's intertemporal income distribution, the traditional life-cycle income variable, but also upon current income and higher-order moments of that income distribution. The consumption function is estimated using the 1967–1968 CEDE budget survey of four major Colombian cities. A test is made to determine whether the assumption of perfect capital markets is acceptable for empirical approximation. The results strongly indicate that, for households in middle and lower income classes, the explanatory power of the consumption function can be raised by introducing a more flexible life- time budget constraint. The model is then estimated and used to compute the marginal consumption responses of Colombian households to transitory and permanent income changes.  相似文献   

中国式财政分权在成为推动经济增长体制性动力的同时,也是中国居民收入倍增的体制性约束,更是改善国民收入分配格局的体制性障碍,使以经济增长为主要目标的发展战略与服务于民生改善收入差距的目标存在体制性的内在冲突,最终形成了收入分配改善游离于经济增长系统之外的发展模式,造成普通民众难以或较少从经济增长中获得更多的福利改善。必须把财政分权作为一项完整的制度体系来看待,在认清中国式财政分权的动力机制和局限性的基础上,正确合理地设计制度方案,以创新的思维彻底系统地改造现有的分权体制,对于调节收入差距、实现居民收入倍增而言是最根本性的举措。  相似文献   

Inflation targeting is currently the policy of choice for central banks. This policy invariably targets consumer price inflation, which is only one of many available price level indices (such as prices of new investments and house prices). As there is no stable relationship between these price levels, and as differences in developments between the different price levels might induce destabilizing behavior, there is no reason why “low and stable” consumer price inflation should guarantee monetary and financial stability. Following John Maynard Keynes, a “low and stable” increase of average nominal wages might do a better job. As price levels are designed to estimate the purchasing power of spending power and as income, and spending power are used to not just consume or invest but also to pay down many kinds of (gross) debt, it is advisable to use a joint definition of monetary and financial stability, which combines stable purchasing power of monetary income with a stable ability of households and companies to pay off debts.  相似文献   

This article uses some of the conceptual infrastructure associated with J.K. Galbraith’s “countervailing power” argument to explore the deep history of U.S. income inequality. Two explanatory variables—institutional power and distributive conflict—have played an integral role in the shifting patterns of U.S. income inequality since the late nineteenth century. The “commodified” power of large firms, manifested in aggregate concentration and the markup, exacerbates inequality while the “countervailing” power of organized labor, manifested in union density and strike activity, mitigates inequality. One implication of this research is that U.S. income inequality is unlikely to diminish unless the labor movement (or a comparable social movement) is strengthened.  相似文献   

唐颖 《经济问题》2007,(5):102-105
内生经济增长理论认为,知识和人力资本的外部效应与创新带来的垄断势力推动经济增长的同时,也会带来非帕雷托最优的经济增长收入分配的不公平,将阻碍经济增长;加快知识和人力资本积累、促进技术进步以及缓解收入分配不公平的财政政策能纠正市场失效,使长期经济增长达到社会最优.  相似文献   

This paper develops a rationale for a comprehensive measure of income and provides illustrative calculations within the Canadian System of National Accounts for making adjustments to net worth for price changes.
The paper notes that the System of National Accounts is designed to provide a number of individual aggregates measuring total production, income, savings and net worth. There is no single overall comprehensive measure which reflects the combined effect of changes in income and wealth. Such a measure is of particular importance in periods of rapid or extensive price changes which affect not only purchasing power of income but also the value of assets held and liabilities outstanding with consequences on net worth positions. This paper explores these issues and develops techniques for measuring the effects of specific and overall price changes with respect to net worth of the various sectors in the economy, illustrated with data from the integrated Canadian System of National Accounts.  相似文献   

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