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笔者在对FDI技术外溢效应以及东道国吸收能力相关文献分析的基础上,对异质型人力资本在东道国引进FDI以及吸收FDI技术溢出效应方面的关键作用进行理论研究,结果显示:FDI与异质型人力资本的互动作用是促进一国技术进步与经济增长的关键因素,具体来讲就是异质型人力资本水平是东道国引进FDI以及吸收FDI技术外溢的关键因素,同时东道国在吸收FDI技术外溢的基础上也能更进一步提高本国异质型人力资本水平与促进技术进步和经济增长.把FDI与异质型人力资本水平作为技术进步的源泉代入经济增长模型,对新加坡数据进行了实证分析,提出的观点得以验证.  相似文献   

FDI与中国省际能源消费强度间关系的动态分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏素  王波志 《技术经济》2011,30(10):66-71
建立了能源消费强度和FDI规模的面板VAR模型和面板计量模型,采用1995—2008年中国省际面板数据,对能源消费强度和FDI规模之间的动态关系进行了实证研究。结果显示:FDI规模对能源消费强度有显著的正向效应;FDI规模对能源消费强度的影响保持在4.3%左右;FDI规模和能源消费强度之间呈典型的倒U型关系,说明能源消费强度随着FDI规模的增加而呈先增加后降低的趋势。  相似文献   

在跨国服务企业已成为FDI主体和FDI动机日益凸显的背景下,文章通过引入沟通成本因子在理论层面考察了不同投资动机的跨国服务企业的FDI学习效应,并利用美国跨国服务企业的样本数据,分别基于母国和东道国视角进行了动态面板GMM检验.研究表明:寻求效率的跨国服务企业存在显著的FDI学习效应,而市场寻求型FDI的学习效应不存在;企业自身及东道国较高的研发水平能够促进效率寻求型FDI的学习效应,但东道国的经济发展水平具有抑制作用;与制造业的比较发现,制造业跨国企业不存在FDI学习效应,但内外部因素对其FDI学习效应的现实影响与服务领域基本一致.文章结论对于我国政府今后支持服务企业“走出去”的战略选择以及提高国内服务业的发展水平和国际竞争力具有一定的启示.  相似文献   

文章运用Johanson协整检验和误差纠正模型,检验了制度与非制度因素对中国服务业利用FDI的影响。研究发现:制度因素还没有形成中国服务业利用FDI的区位优势;非制度因素中的市场规模、第二产业FDI、人均收入水平等是中国服务业利用FDI的重要区位优势。为此,文章在政策建议中指出中国应在改善服务业利用外资制度环境的同时,充分利用现有区位优势,培育新的区位优势,吸引FDI促进本国服务业的发展。  相似文献   

宋亮 《生产力研究》2012,(6):160-162
我国经济的"增长奇迹"为世界各国所瞩目,然而能源供需问题却越来越突出。文章从三次产业的能源消费结构与能耗强度入手进行实证分析,认为产业结构调整对我国能源消费的降低已经没有太大作用。今后应当注重提高各产业的能源利用效率,尤其是第二产业的能源利用效率。  相似文献   

本文基于面板数据的空间计量模型方法,研究中国和周边国家(地区)FDI流入之间的相互关系。空间计量结果表明母国和东道国的GDP、开放度以及区域一体化规模的增加都会增加东道国FDI流入规模,东道国与投资国签订FTA也有利于本国吸引FDI。但周边国家的经济总量增加和开放度的提高会挤压本国FDI,周边国家通过FTA形成的区域一体化范围越大,对本国吸纳FDI的负面影响越大。东亚地区FDI存在空间正相关性,中国吸引外资并没有挤占周边其他国家和地区吸引外资的空间,而是促进了在该地区的互补性投资。  相似文献   

笔者将东道国的金融发展水平和契约环境质量因素引入Antràs模型,解释了跨国公司主要通过垂直型FDI而非外包的形式进入中国的原因:给定生产的可分割性和东道国的成本优势,金融发展落后将导致东道国供应商的融资成本上升,同时契约环境质量低下会增加跨国公司收到低品质中间品的风险。这两方面的因素都会导致跨国公司以垂直FDI而非外包的形式进入中国,从而形成我国以跨国公司加工贸易出口为主的贸易形态。提升我国FDI流入的质量、改善FDI流入结构必须以金融发展水平提高和契约环境改善为前提。  相似文献   

邢斐  宋毅 《财经研究》2015,41(5):123-133
引进外商直接投资(FDI一直被视为东道国实现技术升级和产业发展的重要途径;然而,FDI纵向一体化的进入模式有可能不利于东道国的产业发展.文章在双边寡占的框架下,将技术转移决策以及技术扩散效果引入Lin和Saggi(2011)的模型中,分析上下游FDI一体化与非一体化进入方式对东道国产业发展和福利的影响.研究表明:在本土企业技术能力不足时,上下游FDI一体化进入方式虽然会给东道国带来更多的先进技术转移,但这更有利于FDI提高自身的竞争优势,而且这种一体化的进入方式通过消除自身面临的“双重边际化”以及加剧东道国本土企业的“双重边际化”来挤压本土企业的利润,进而给东道国企业的利润和福利带来负向影响.文章不仅为外资带来的“产业升级悖论”提供了一种理论解释,而且也为我国引进外资的政策导向和改善引资质量提供了借鉴.  相似文献   

本文运用中国工业31个行业1998年-2004年的面板数据,分析了能源价格、FDI的进入程度、进出口商品结构、工业内部的行业结构和R&D投资强度对中国工业能源强度的影响。研究发现,能源价格的上涨对提高工业能源利用效率有显著的促进作用;降低FDI的进入程度与R&D投资强度都有助于降低工业特别是高能源强度行业的能源强度;降低高能源强度行业的出口额在工业出口总额中的比重,有利于降低高能源强度行业的能源强度,进口商品结构变化对工业能源强度没有显著影响;降低高能源强度行业的工业增加值在整个工业增加值中的比重,有助于降低全工业行业和低能源强度行业的能源强度。  相似文献   

有偏技术进步、要素替代与中国工业能源强度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在一个要素替代的框架下研究了不同来源技术进步对能源强度的影响。文章构建了一个包含中性技术进步和有偏技术进步的超越对数成本函数模型,利用中国36个工业行业1999-2010年的数据进行回归,在回归结果的基础上得出了不同来源技术进步的要素偏向,并计算出不同来源技术进步及其中性技术进步和有偏技术进步(要素替代)对中国工业能源强度的影响。结果发现:第一,RD、进口、FDI水平溢出和后向溢出效应是能源节约型的,出口和FDI前向溢出效应是能源使用型的。第二,RD、FDI水平溢出效应可以显著降低能源强度,RD、FDI水平溢出效应每增加1%,能源强度将下降0.1935%和0.1661%;FDI前向溢出效应可以显著增加能源强度,前向溢出每提高1%,能源强度上升0.2589%。第三,有偏技术进步的要素替代效应是技术进步影响能源强度的主要渠道。  相似文献   

张颖  张鹏 《经济问题》2012,(4):57-60
采用加权最小二乘法与向量自回归方法构建了在低碳经济环境下我国碳排放量及其影响因素之间关系的对比性实证分析模型,并进一步利用脉冲响应函数和方差分解探索影响系数大小和时期变化规律。研究表明,一方面,我国碳排放量与其影响因素之间存在一种长期均衡稳定的关系,其中最重要的因素是人均GDP、能源效率和产业结构,其次是人口数量和人均收入;另一方面,通过脉冲响应函数和方差分解得出我国碳排放量对人均GDP、能源效率和产业结构的冲击反应比较敏感,而对人口数量和人均收入水平随时期变化的响应则比较稳定,各变量影响系数在短期和长期存在明显差异。  相似文献   

采用中国30个省(市、区)2000~2010年的相关数据,运用面板数据模型对中国碳排放量的影响因素进行实证研究。面板协整检验表明:区域碳排放量与人均GDP、产业结构、人口数量、能源价格、能源效率和人均可支配收入之间存在长期稳定的内生经济关系。运用面板模型估计各因素的影响系数分析,认为对中国东部、中部、西部地区碳排放量影响最大的三大因素为人均GDP、人口数量和能源效率。  相似文献   

Recent studies on economic growth focus on persistent inequality across countries. In this paper we study mechanisms that may give rise to such persistent inequality. We consider countries that accumulate capital in order to increase the per capita income in the long run. We show that the long-run growth dynamics of those countries can generate a twin-peak distribution of per capita income. The twin-peak distribution is caused by (1) locally increasing returns to scale and (2) capital market constraints. These two forces give rise to a twin-peaked distribution of per capita income in the long run. In our model investment decisions are separated from consumption decisions and we thus do not have to consider preferences. Empirical evidence in support of a twin-peak distribution of per capita income is provided.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze the relationship between income and health expenditure in 31 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries. We focus on the differences between short and long term elasticities and we also check the adjustment process of health care expenditure to changes in per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and its cyclical and trend components. In both cases, we test if results differ in countries with a higher share of private expenditure on total health expenditure. Econometric results show that the long-run income elasticity is close to unity, that health expenditure is more sensitive to per capita income cyclical movements than to trend movements, and that the adjustment to income changes in those countries with a higher share of private health expenditure over total expenditure is faster.  相似文献   

This paper estimates models of social spending, income risk, and per capita income levels using data from a post-war panel of OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) countries. The objective is to test two theories about the pathway from inequality to per capita income. According to one theory, inequality reduces incomes because it induces social spending, which acts as a drag on the economy. The results here suggest, however, that inequality does not seem to induce social spending, and social spending does not seem to lower per capita incomes. According to a second theory, inequality causes upheaval which adds to the volatility of per capita income, which may reduce the level of per capita income. The results suggest, however, that volatility, measured here as the standard deviation of per capita income, has little measurable impact on either per capita income or social spending. The mainsprings of per capita income are more likely to be the traditional factors: the work force, human capital, and physical capital.
JEL classification: E6.  相似文献   

This paper shows that improvements in life expectancy (LE) had a non-linear effect on income per capita over the 1940-1980 period as this effect was conditional on each country’s initial level of LE. Whereas higher LE had an initial statistically significant negative impact on income per capita in countries with LE under 43 years in 1940, the opposite is true in countries with initial LE over 53 years.  相似文献   

While high fertility persists in the poorest countries and fertility declines with per capita income in developing countries, fertility and per capita income are now positively associated across most developed countries. This paper presents a model where a U‐shaped relationship between overall fertility and per capita income reflects within country differences in workforce skill composition and household choice of occupation, fertility, and childrearing. The fraction of skilled workers rises with economic growth. By allowing for both differences in the fertility of skilled and unskilled workers and purchased childrearing inputs, we explain a poverty trap with high fertility, fertility decline with economic development, and the possible reversal of fertility decline in a developed economy where most workers are skilled.  相似文献   

Constructing Bounds on Per Capita Income Differentials across Countries   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The results of purchasing power parity (PPP)-based comparisons of income across countries can be quite sensitive to the choice of index number formula. Tighter bounds on per capita income differentials can be constructed either by assuming homothetic preferences, or by estimating a demand system. Both approaches are used to construct bounds on per capita income differentials across the OECD countries. The paper concludes by discussing the strengths and weaknesses of each approach.
JEL Classification C 43; F 31; O 47  相似文献   

This study examines the impacts of the population age groups of 20–34, 35–49, 50–64 and 65–79 on the per capita energy use of the oil-exporting countries of Commonwealth Independent States: Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Russia employing the modified-STIRPAT framework. Considering that estimations using non-stationary data may yield spurious results, unlike many prior STIRPAT studies, we explore integration and cointegration properties of the data and then estimate long- and short-run elasticities as well as speed of adjustment coefficients. Since our time series analysis covers only 23 observations (1990-2012), as a robustness check, we also conduct panel data analysis by pooling the mentioned countries data with that for members of Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. We apply the Autoregressive Distributed Lags Bounds Testing approach in the time series analysis and Pooled Mean Group estimator in the panel analysis, both are superior in small samples. The findings from the time series analysis are supported by those from the panel data analysis. According to the results, there is cointegrated relationship among the variables. The age groups together with affluence and oil prices have statistically significant impacts on the per capita energy use in the selected countries. Moreover, we find the speed of adjustments exhibiting different magnitudes for different countries depending on which population age group is considered. The findings suggest that policymakers should pay special attention to the population age groups of 35–49 and 50–64, as they have a large effect on per capita energy use. Since these groups are the main part of the working age population, increase in their energy consumption is likely to lead to economic growth. Furthermore, the policymakers should take into consideration the finding that speed of adjustments towards an equilibrium path is quite high. It implies that any policy related shocks to the per capita energy use relationship could disappear within a year or even sooner.  相似文献   

We estimate a panel model where the relationship between inequality and GDP per capita growth depends on countries’ initial incomes. Estimates of the model show that the relationship between inequality and GDP per capita growth is significantly decreasing in countries’ initial incomes. Results from instrumental variables regressions show that in Low Income Countries transitional growth is boosted by greater income inequality. In High Income Countries inequality has a significant negative effect on transitional growth. For the median country in the world, that in the year 2015 had a PPP GDP per capita of around 10000USD, IV estimates predict that a 1 percentage point increase in the Gini coefficient decreases GDP per capita growth over a 5-year period by over 1 percentage point; the long-run effect on the level of GDP per capita is around ??5%.  相似文献   

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