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加快农村合作金融机构经营机制转换的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
浙江省农村金融机构从一级法人改革至今,逐步建立和完善"三会一层"法人治理结构,健全决策执行监督机制,重新设置职能部门,合理划分职责边界,重点对城区、经济强镇、金融总量大的骨十网点进行转型改造,积极探索打造精品网点.在全面提升农信社的市场竞争力上取得明显成效,但在经营机制转换过程中,矛盾问题也十分明显,对于农村合作金融机构发展产生重要影响.  相似文献   

2008年总体工作思路:以科学发展观为指针,全面贯彻落实总行各项决策部署,围绕"创新、和谐、发展"三项重点,进一步明晰战略布局和市场定位,着力提升业务创新、市场营销、品牌影响、客户服务、风险掌控、保障支持等六项能力,确保在当地同业市场的领先优势和各项业务健康、快速发展.  相似文献   

今年10月19日,杨明生行长在农业银行第二次营销工作会议上讲话中指出,农业银行的市场战略定位就是要建立以县域市场为基础、以经济活跃城市为重点的城乡一体化市场结构,并以建设“国内最大的零售银行”为目标,打造零售银行业务优势。这是总行根据改革发展的目标取向和已有的经营基础、经营优势,结合现代商业银行的营销规律制订的科学发展规划,也为农行快速发展个人金融业务提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

一、改造农业银行组织机构体系,更新组织形式和经营管理流程自上而下整合农业银行资源配置,改造组织机构体系,变宝塔型多级管理为"扁平化"经营管理模式。重新打造的目的是要提升本银行形象,变革新的经营方式,减少管理层次,建立"扁平化"经营管理模式,使之符合参与外资银行竞争的宽松环境和市场条件。改多级管理一级经营为一级管理三级经营:总行重点管理、集中开发、适当经营批发业务;一级分行经营与管理并重;二级分行经营为主、管理为辅,并成为基本核算单位;支行为纯经营型营业机构。1.总行机构的整合。要本着精简、适  相似文献   

殷兴山 《中国金融》2021,(22):31-33
<正>浙江是小微经济大省,占比超过九成的小微主体构成了浙江经济的"毛细血管",也是浙江稳增长、保就业、促创新的特点和基础。近年来,中国人民银行杭州中心支行(简称"杭州中支")认真贯彻落实总行小微金融工作部署,坚持问题导向,聚焦首贷户重点群体,建立三张清单,实施三大行动,打造"一码一平台"精品工程,打好"几家抬"政策组合拳,推动小微金融工作取得积极进展,  相似文献   

杨明生行长在总行第二次营销工作会议上明确指出,要把农业银行建设成为“以县域市场为主体.以经济活跃城市为重点,城乡一体化的国内最大零售银行”。显然,如何进一步提升县域业务的竞争力是摆在我们面前的重大课题,需要我们去认真分析和解决。所谓县域经济.就是以县域为单位、因地制宜、形成规模、具有自身优势和鲜明特色的经济发展模式.它是我国经济体系的基本单元,也是全面建设具有中国特色的小康社会的基础和纽带。  相似文献   

最近,农行贵州省分行营业部安排部署了旺季综合营销暨2011年"春天行动"各项事宜,全面打响旺季综合营销攻坚战。打项目牌,不断扩充项目资源储备。今年是该部入选总行"46112"重点城市行优先发展战略首年,在认真分析2011年旺季营销工作新特点、新形势的基础上,充分结合当地工业、服务业重大项目,通过积极抢抓优质资源,以项目助推业务转型,不断提升城市业务竞争力。积极介入旧城改造和城市规划基建项目,深  相似文献   

2006年以来,建行天津市分行紧密结合实际,落实总行资产保全业务单元制改革的部署,以不良资产集中经营为核心,以体制改革和机制创新为动力,以大额不良贷款处置和"假个贷"治理为重点,资产保全工作取得了丰硕的成果,连续四年超额完成总行下达的资产保全主要业务年度经营计划,不良贷款额和不良贷款率大幅下降,步入低不良率分行的行列.  相似文献   

建设银行浙江省金华分竹2005年首演技总行确定为小企业业务重点推进行、2006年因拓展小企业业务成效明显又受到总行表彰。在历经五年的市场实践和有益摸索后,  相似文献   

在世界风筝都山东省潍坊市,有这样一个团结战斗的金融集体:以提升市场竞争力和可持续发展能力为核心,以"同业争第一,系统创一流"为目标,高点定位,奋发超越,全力打造市场决胜地位,以优良业绩印证了科学发展的内涵.2006~2009年,连年保持全国工行系统二级分行经营30强,且位次不断前移,分别列全国第20、14、10和第7位.近年先后获得总行"学习型组织先进单位",山东省"良好银行"、省行"内控管理先进单位"、山东省"富民兴鲁劳动奖状"等荣誉称号.  相似文献   

货币政策的非对称性:基于前景理论的解释   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用前景理论及其扩展研究不同货币政策下人们的行为选择及其变化,结果表明:不同的货币政策下,收入水平和边际利得的不同会促使人们相应地调整参考点和权重,使总价值函数处于不同的位置(税收和通胀也都对参考点和总价值具有重要的影响),使人们呈现出不同的风险偏好,并采取不同的应对措施,从而导致了货币政策的非对称性.  相似文献   

郑函 《首席财务官》2012,(5):22-24,8
摒弃"产能至上"的垂直一体化模式,一直深耕细作、寻求另类成长的中盛光电正在利用资本、技术和模式三大支点撬动光伏产业的下一个春天。  相似文献   

建立健全城镇农民工社会保障制度的构想   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
城镇农民工是随着我国城乡经济体制改革的不断深化而产生和发展壮大的群体,是生活在城镇和农村之间的边缘人,具有流动性强、非正规就业多、素质低、自我保护能力差等特点,缺乏社会保障保护。建立健全城镇农民工的社会保障制度具有重要意义,笔结合我国改革实际提出了以社会保险和社会救助为内容,按照工伤保险——医疗保险——养老保险的顺序逐步将城镇农民工纳入城镇社会保险体系,建立针对城镇农民工的公益劳动组织和法律援助制度的设想,并对改革的指导思想和相关配套措施建设做了论述,对完善我国社会保障体系有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Actuarial life-table analysis has long been used by life insurance medical directors for mortality abstraction from clinical studies. Ironically, today's life actuary instead uses pivot tables to analyze mortality. Pivot tables (a feature/function in MS Excel) collapse various dimensions of data that were previously arranged in an "experience study" format. Summary statistics such as actual deaths, actual and expected mortality (usually measured in dollars), and calculated results such as actual to expected ratios, are then displayed in a 2-dimensional grid. The same analytic process, excluding the dollar focus, can be used for clinical mortality studies. For raw survival data, especially large datasets, this combination of experience study data and pivot tables has clear advantages over life-table analysis in both accuracy and flexibility. Using the SEER breast cancer data, we compare the results of life-table analysis and pivot-table analysis.  相似文献   

产业集聚与大城市郊区城镇化——以上海为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
产业集聚是人口集聚的依托,人口集聚是产业发展的基础.以制造业为核心的产业集聚带动人口集聚,促进大城市郊区小城镇迅速发展;以制造业为核心的主导产业拉动其他产业迅速发展;主导产业的功能定位决定小城镇的功能定位多样化.  相似文献   

The present day city mirrors the internal conflict of modern man. He wants to live in towns and preferably in towns which are pleasant to live in. But, at the same time, he does not wish to be deprived of his car and indeed cannot do without it. Yet the present day automobile has shown itself to be incompatible with the city, or at least with a city that is good to live in. Is there any hope of resolving this dilemma in the next generation, the 26 years which will take us to the year 2000, without endangering a powerful automobile industry, probably vital to the survival of our industrial society, and without destroying our civilisation which is essentially a civilisation of town dwellers ?  相似文献   

One-company towns, characterized by the presence of a largeemployer in a local labor market, are a frequent legacy of state-leddevelopment strategies. How will downsizing or closing unprofitablestate-owned enterprises affect these towns?This article developsa simple model combining monopsony power in the labor marketwith a Keynesian closure of the product market and uses it tointerpret the findings of previous studies. The article evaluatesthe impact of the company's employment level on the town's laborearnings in Kazakhstan, where one-company towns are still prevalent.The evaluation is based on data from the 1996 Living StandardsMeasurement Survey. The results show that labor earnings inthe town decrease roughly 1.5 percent when the share of itspopulation working for the company decreases 1 percent. Theresults are robust to changes in the definition of labor earningsand to the inclusion of a variety of other community characteristicsin the analysis. These results and the theoretical model arecombined to evaluate the welfare impact of company downsizingand, consequently, to derive the optimal extent of labor retrenchment.  相似文献   

极目中国城市适合房地产开发的地块,有多少个梅陇镇存在?相比于倒塌的楼房,更让人担心的是,系在这座楼房背后那薄如蝉翼的行政信用。  相似文献   

After briefly reviewing the production of nuclear energy and waste in Canada, this paper uses two small Ontario towns as case studies to examine the treatment of low-level radioactive waste and the communities’ responses and narratives to it. Both towns, Port Hope and Kincardine, have long histories of dealing with such waste. Using interviews, relevant websites and past accounts, this paper employs a discourse analysis to understand the differences in risk perceptions and living with the presence of these materials. Ideas from landscape narratives are employed to show that responses in Port Hope are dominated by death, elegy and crime, whereas those in Kincardine are predominately linked to progressivism and optimism. We explore the characteristics of each case to highlight the reasons for these differences. We conclude by emphasizing the potential role of narrative analysis in informing policymaking.  相似文献   

Demands for enhanced levels of efficiency and effectiveness have caused many to question traditional bureaucratic forms in public sector organizations. Team-based structures have been cited as an attractive alternative, perceived as facilitating the necessary levels of flexibility, innovation and responsiveness. Through the case of one Next Steps agency, the authors explore the difficulties encountered by rigid bureaucracies in their attempts to introduce team-working. It is argued that cultural change must act as a pivot for movement towards structural change, embodying all of the perceived positive aspects of team-working within public sector organizations. This will, in turn, facilitate the achievement of desired performance outcomes.  相似文献   

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