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我国的政府间财政转移支付制度是由中央对省和省对下两个部分组成的,它既包括中央财政与地方财政之间的转移支付,也包括省级财政对下级财政的转移支付.由于中央对省政府间转移支付制度中只有中央财政和31个省级财政以及5个计划单列市级财政(大连、青岛、宁波、厦门、深圳),参与者数量较少,因此制度体系较为完善.而省级以下政府间财政转移支付相对于中央对省级转移支付而言,转移支付涉及的政府层级增加,涉及的财政供养人口和公共服务规模扩张,因而省级以下政府间财政转移支付制度具有自身的特点,需要加强相关领域的研究.  相似文献   

闫海  成琳 《西部财会》2011,(11):12-15
专项转移支付是一种附条件的政府间财政资金转移,上级政府基于特定政策意图在某种范围与程度上指定资金的用途,下级政府须按照要求使用这些资金。我国专项转移支付的法制化是财税改革与财税法治建设的重要内容之一。我国立法应当建立科学的专项转移法律体系。进一步规范专项转移支付的项目设立,提高专项转移支付运作的透明度,健全专项转移支付的监督框架。  相似文献   

关于建立我国财政转移支付法律制度的构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周成刚 《西部财会》2006,(10):18-20
财政转移支付法律制度是用于调整在财政转移支付过程中所发生的经济关系的法律制度,它是由国家通过立法来确认和保障的。我国从1994年实行分税制以来,对财政转移支付只是通过一些政府规章进行规定,还没有权成的法律制度对其进行约束。我国财政转移支付法律制度的不完善,导致财政转移支付缺乏规范和资源配置的低效率。为此,我们要尽快建立财政转移支付的法律制度,依法合理划分事权与财权,加强对财政转移支付的监督与管理。  相似文献   

田红 《审计文汇》2006,(11):23-24
财政转移支付是政府间的一种补助。它是以备缎政府之间所存在的财政能力差异为基础,以实现各地公共服务水平的均等化为主旨,而实行的一种财政资金转移或财政平衡制度。一般所说财政转移支付,是指中央政府向地方政府的财政资金转移,是中央政府支出的一个重要部分.是地方政府重要的预算收入。目前我国的财政转移支付主要包括三个部分,一是税收返还,因为有一定的计算公式可循,相对于其它转移支付方式来说较为规范和透明,二是一般性转移支付,  相似文献   

"十二五"期间,中央决定大力推进以生态转移支付制度为关键和重点的政府财政转移支付,相应的绩效审计工作也应配套展开。文章重点从财政转移支付的国际比较和框架设计两个方面进行分析和探讨,以期为政府财政转移支付绩效审计工作的开展提供可资借鉴的建议。  相似文献   

我国自1994年实行分税制,初步建立起政府间财政转移支付制度的框架以来,中央财政以达到地区间公共服务横向均衡为目的的转移支付规模和力度都明显扩大,在平衡地区差距,促进西部开发等多个方面取得了明显的成效。  相似文献   

政府间转移支付是指一个国家的各级政府之间,在既定的职责、支出责任和税收划分框架下财政资金的无偿转移。目前,政府间转移支付还存在政府间收入划分和转移支付项目设立不够合理、转移支付资金安排随意性大、标准不规范、监督滞后等问题。必须通过加强财政立法、改革财政转移支付标准计算方法、优化财政转移支付结构、加大审计力度等促进转移支付制度的不断完善。  相似文献   

本文从政府间财政转移支付制度的一般理论出发,通过分析我国现行政府间财政转移支付制度的现状及存在的问题,旨在从政府间的事权划分,转移支付的目标、模式及转移支付资金的监督管理等方面探索其规范化改进思路。  相似文献   

近些年来,我国逐渐扩大财政转移支付的规模使得其作用越来越明显,但是仍存在一些问题,目前的财政转移支付制度存在和使用没有统一的标准和计算公式以及基层政府财政困难,财政转移支付的管理不完善、监督不全面以及缺乏相应的法律法规等。因此,想要充分发挥和利用财政转移支付在实现各地区基本公共服务均等化上的作用,必须进一步改革和完善转移支付制度,进一步加快政府职能转变,必须建立并逐步完善政府间的财政转移支付制度,从而使我国的财政转移支付体系完整和有效。  相似文献   

财政转移支付是指一个国家的各级政府之间在既定的事权、支出责任和税收划分框架下,为实现双向均衡而进行的财政资金的相互转移。西部开发作为一项关系西部复兴伟业的世纪工程,具有十分重大的经济和政治意义。大开发的实现,财政转移支付法律制度无疑要发挥重要的作用。本文从西部地区自身发展的客观要求,以及中央宏观调控目标的需要两方面,探讨了西部开发中实施财政转移支付的必然性。强调在财政转移支付法律制度的总体规划上,不仅要制定法律层级的《中华人民共和国财政转移支付法》,还要健全西部自身的区域法律体系,从而让财政转移支付法律制度在西部开发发挥更大更好的效益。  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2021,45(3):100909
Local fiscal transfer rules in Turkey were revised in 2008, such that, while a significant portion of transfers continued to be based on population size, the remainder was distributed based on other criteria such as the development index. In this paper, we investigate the extent of fiscal fairness in Turkey during the period 2008–2012. We define fiscal fairness by the degree of association of transfers and local spending with the structural and socioeconomic indicators, as opposed to political-party associations. Our empirical analysis reveals that while local fiscal transfers during the investigated period were significantly correlated with the socioeconomic and structural indicators, political factors also played a significant role. Particularly, we find robust evidence that cities where the incumbent party-AKP (Justice and Development Party), who won significantly more votes in the general elections than the main opposition party-CHP (Republican People's Party), received significantly more transfers and fiscal spending than the rest. The evidence also suggests that the metropolitan municipalities held by CHP received significantly more government expenditure than the rest; though less robust than the former. This observation also holds for the metropolitan municipalities held by AKP. Additionally, we observe that cities with metropolitan municipalities that were governed by either the incumbent or the main opposition party, were less fiscally independent than the rest. We also note, however, that given the increasing opacity in data reporting, this study does not account for the large amounts of public funds that are allocated in tenders with special invitees, via public–private partnerships or in the form of social assistance, although they are also likely to constitute a major component of politically-biased fiscal transfers during the study period.  相似文献   

按照财政改革目标,2020年是我国现代财政制度基本建成之年.在本轮改革中,直接税比重提升有限,税收结构有待优化,地方税体系尚未建立;支出结构有待优化,政府职能转变尚未体现.预算制度中,全面规范尚待提升,公开透明尚需加强;绩效管理仍需扎实推进,预算标准尚待完善.财政体制在维持既有财力分配的同时,划分了事权和支出责任,但地...  相似文献   

We construct a stylized model of transfers within a federation and apply it to the European Union. Our approach differs from that of most of the existing literature in that we fix the preferences for redistribution of resources among a federation's members, rather than fix the current budgetary rules or modify them on the basis of assumed scenarios. The model is tested (successfully) by assessing its ability to predict the effects of the last (1995) enlargement on the European budget. We then use the estimated model to predict the reallocation of the Union's net transfers after the upcoming Eastern enlargement. Our estimates of transfers to the incoming member states exceed those of the rest of the literature. Our results can be interpreted in one of two ways: first, either the European Union, in its collective decision-making process (that in the future will include the five incoming countries as voting members), will institute new rules and programs to further reduce the regional disparities in income, or second, if the current rules and programs are maintained, then the Eastern enlargement would result in a reduction in the “depth” of the Union. The approach we introduce can be more generally applied to the analysis of other intergovernmental or international organizations.  相似文献   

Several empirical tests using Multiple Regression Analyses were conducted on several hypotheses using time series data obtained from the federal and state governments. The results of our analyses establish that the degree of fiscal decentralisation is dependent on intergovernmental transfers and states income per capita. However intergovernmental transfers were not dependent on expenditure decentralisationper se. The degree of urbanisation was found to be inversely related to fiscal decentralisation. The variable measuring the degree of openess was found not statistically significant as an explanatory variable for fiscal decentralisation. However, the share of agriculture was found significant in revenue decentralisation but loses its importance in expenditure decentralisation.The policy implications of the study are that: (i) There is need for the states to develop plans to increase their per capita income, improve their tax collection system, introduce new tax bases and reduce the high degree of free ridership in public goods and services exhibited by the urban population. (ii) The Federal Government should provide specific grants to state governments for urban development, because of the high per capita cost of public goods and services. (iii) The existing Revenue Allocation Act should be reviewed to reflect state government efforts in generating their own revenue from internal sources.  相似文献   

本文运用系统理论,从宏观、中观及微观三个层面,围绕资金配置的价值最大化,着眼于价值分配、价值流动、价值发现、价值创造,对Finance的构成要素、发展脉络及逻辑框架进行整合解析,并对Finance及其各子系统之间的相互关系进行系统论述。从经济学与管理学两个维度,归纳了微观层面Corporate Finance的理论演进,倡导各界既要从经济学原理出发,分析企业在资本市场环境下如何进行资本运作、资本管理与资本增值;亦需结合管理学理论,针对委托代理、治理机制等核心问题探究如何完善企业财务决策、计划预测、控制分析等系列管理活动。从三个层面、两个维度将Finance的概念框架进行统一,有利于更好地解决我国现阶段"绿色经济转型"与"数字经济转型"所面临的重大现实问题。  相似文献   

Second generation fiscal federalism: The implications of fiscal incentives   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
First generation fiscal federalism (FGFF) studies the performance of decentralized systems under the assumption of benevolent social planners. Second generation fiscal federalism (SGFF) studies performance based on the fiscal and political incentives facing subnational officials. The paper focuses on three aspects of SGFF. First, it considers the design of intergovernmental transfers. While FGFF emphasizes correcting vertical and horizontal equity, SGFF emphasizes the importance of fiscal incentives for producing local economic prosperity. SGFF extends FGFF approaches by showing how non-linear transfer systems can produce both equalization and high marginal fiscal incentives to produce local economic growth. Second, the paper raises the fiscal incentive approach, showing how different tax systems produce different fiscal incentives for political officials to choose policies. Third, the paper discusses the interaction of democracy and fiscal federalism.  相似文献   

当前我国物价水平仍然较高,与改革开放以来的前几次通货膨胀有所类似.本次通货膨胀的原因也可归结为中国传统增长模式中常出现的“两难困境”,即长期以来,中国经济增长过度依赖于政府投资,银行信贷与货币的发放难以受到控制,经济高增长的同时始终存在着高通货膨胀的风险,而高通货膨胀所带来的企业生产成本的上升反过来又挤压企业经营利润,从而降低经济增长率.可以预计的是,在货币政策作用空间有限的背景下,此次通货膨胀的压力将持续一段时间.能否处理好总量和结构、抑制通货膨胀和促进经济增长的关系,关键取决于货币政策与财政政策的有机配合.  相似文献   

胡卿汉  何娟 《物流科技》2021,(2):168-172
"区块链+供应链金融"管理系统的基本架构对其业务运营、维护和发展至关重要。因此,基于联盟链提出关于供应链金融信息安全的问题思考,分析论证了联盟链底层技术支持下,账户及权限管理、网络环境安全、健康监控及法律效力认证等手段使信息安全风险可防可控,最后从加强技术研发、推动基础设施建设、提升从业人员素质、完善法制建设等多角度提出信息安全管理建议,达到提升区块供应链金融稳定性和运作效率的目的。  相似文献   

We summarize the literature that uses the vector error-correction model approach to analyze the dynamics of the municipal fiscal adjustment. The international comparison between samples collected from entire countries and specific regions reveals interesting similarities, but also remarkable differences. The main similarities are the fulfillment of the intertemporal budget constraint, the volatility of the budgetary components, and the importance of the intergovernmental transfers as an adjustment instrument. The most remarkable difference is the preponderant role of the own revenues in the USA, probably reflecting the larger fiscal autonomy of US municipalities. In most cases, the large municipalities seem to be more dependent on grants than their small counterparts, although this pattern is broken in Japan. Finally, partial evidence supporting the existence of moral hazard problems and the flypaper effect is provided.  相似文献   

While decentralization is on the forefront of the reform agenda of many developing countries, few studies have performed empirical analysis to provide a holistic picture of the important fiscal, efficiency, and equity issues. Specifically, decentralization nearly always involves fiscal and administrative decisions by both national and sub-national governments, as well as intricate intergovernmental relations. Here, two empirical models are presented for the Mexican primary and secondary education sector. The first analyzes the efficiency-equity trade-off implicit the Mexican Federal Government's educational fiscal transfers to states. Unlike most similar analyses, this model analyzes the distribution of outcomes not simply expenditures. The second model analyzes the relative productivity of separate expenditures by the Federal and state governments before Mexico's recent educational decentralization legislation. The findings show that before the decentralization, the Federal Government exhibited some concern for equity, but that in doing so also treated states unequally according to criteria that have little to do with either efficiency or equity. In addition, the results show that the Federal Government may indeed have been the more efficient provider of primary and secondary education, raising concern for the fiscal and administrative relationship set up by the decentralization legislation: the Federal Government will continue to pay, while the states have gained relative autonomy over expenditures.  相似文献   

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