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Using firm level data from Taiwan, this paper examines the link between firm size, growth and productivity. It shows that firms grow because they are more productive and not because they are larger in size. Indeed, the statistical analysis shows that while employment growth among Taiwanese firms was positively related to initial levels of total factor productivity, it was negatively related to initial size. The paper also shows that the productivity-size relationship has a virtuous cycle built in. More productive firms get larger and, in the process, obtain access to resources and information which enables them to become more productive. One implication of these results is that public policies should target productivity rather than size and should support reforms that make it possible for market mechanisms to weed out low productivity firms while facilitating the entry or growth of high productivity firms. Taiwan's ability to keep entry and exit costs low is one reason why productivity gains there have been high.  相似文献   

Although in the beginning the entry in the market of new companies has a positive effect on production and employment, the results don't seem to be so obvious in the long term. On the one hand, the possibilities of survival of the new companies are very scarce, on the other, the new companies that survive expel the less efficient incumbents from the market. The results of the simulations show that the effects of the policies on the population of firms in the long term are quite small because the policies are strongly limited by the pressure that the new companies cause on the established ones. On the other hand, the policies favor on increase in productivity but in a different way depending on whether they favor the rotation or not.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of global sourcing on firm performances by using data on Danish manufacturing firms during the period 1995–2006. The results show that firms with better ex-ante characteristics are more inclined to source intermediate inputs from abroad. The results also show that firms that source from different locations possess different ex-ante characteristics; the most productive source inputs from high-wage countries while capital stock and being an exporter are more important factors when sourcing from low-wage countries. Moreover, controlling for the endogeneity of both the sourcing decision and location by using instrument variable and DiD matching approach, the results seem also to suggest that firms that source inputs from high-wage countries benefited from doing so in terms of higher growth of productivity and export intensity. Firms that source inputs from low-wage countries, on the other hand, seem not to have experienced any significant impact on neither productivity nor export, not even three years after they started to source inputs from these countries.  相似文献   

This paper analyses efficiency and productivity growth in relation to size, and age and for both entrant and incumbent firms using a birth cohort approach for the period 1995–2003 for two sectors, non-specialized shop (521) and specialized shop (524) three-digit NACE. On the one hand, our results indicate the existence of statistically significant differences among entrant and incumbent firms by size. Also, we found differences according to the start up size in relation to membership of the birth cohort and activity sectors. On the other hand, productivity growth shows that, in general, the larger entrants in the non-specialized sector obtained higher productivity than did small firms. This phenomenon was not observed in the specialized sector, where firms worsened in productivity in most of the cohorts and we did not find significant differences in productivity growth between large and small firms. Efficiency changes tend to be a positive contributor to total factor productivity change, but technical change tends to be a negative contributor for both sectors. A deeper analysis of the efficiency changes (catching up) has shown that these improvements are generally attributed to pure technical efficiency and the scale.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the evolution of small and medium firms in Thailand in recent years. It shows that such firms did not preserve their share of total employment during the period 1987–96; indeed, their share fell from 60% to 52% over this period. Much of this decline was felt in the category of very small firms (with less than 10 workers). This aspect is explored further by looking at small firm employment shares in three sub-periods of varying overall economic growth rates. It is found that when overall economic growth is high, the share of small firms tends to contract possibly because many small firms become medium in size and others disband because their owners can find more remunerative employment in larger firms. In slower growth periods, the employment share of small firms appears to rise probably because larger firms may be taking in less new workers or even laying off workers. The paper also calculates productivity measures (technical efficiency and total factor productivity) and shows that different measures give different rankings by size of firm.  相似文献   

The new heterogeneous firm models in international economics predict a negative impact of trade openness on within-sector productivity disparities, due to a restructuring process leading to a reallocation of resources towards more efficient firms and the exit of less productive ones. I test this hypothesis for the Italian manufacturing sectors making use of panel data models. I investigate the existence of heterogeneous effects in terms of origin of imports and I account for a geographical dimension computing the productivity dispersion indicator by sector and regional macro-area. The analysis is implemented within a comprehensive framework controlling for other potential determinants, such as technological factors and domestic competition. My findings show that competitive pressure from low income countries reduces the productivity heterogeneity across firms. On the contrary, a positive impact is detected for the increased availability of intermediates originating from developed countries.  相似文献   

Do firm entry and exit improve the competitiveness of regions? If so, is this a universal mechanism or is it contingent on the type of industry or region in which creative destruction takes place? This paper analyses the effect of firm entry and exit on the competitiveness of regions, as measured by total factor productivity (TFP) growth. Based on a study across 40 regions in the Netherlands over the period 1988–2002, we find that firm entry is related to productivity growth in services, but not in manufacturing. The positive impact found in services does not necessarily imply that new firms are more efficient than incumbent firms; high degrees of creative destruction may also improve the efficiency of incumbent firms. We also find that the impact of firm dynamics on regional productivity in services is higher in regions exhibiting diverse but related economic activities.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the determinants of firms’ technical efficiency in the Italian Performing Arts (PA) sector, by estimating a stochastic production frontier for an unbalanced panel of 107 firms over the period 2005–2012. The panel data setting allows us to control for both unobserved and observed heterogeneity of PA firms, reaching several interesting and robust findings. Firstly, it finds that the Italian PA firms are scale inefficient as they generally operate in either an increasing or decreasing returns to scale landscape. This result is reinforced by the fact that the smaller firms (10–49 employees) are the most technically efficient firm size class. Secondly, this research proves that the efficiency score is on average 66%, demonstrating that PA firms’ output could be substantially increased without the use of new inputs. Thirdly, it confirms that the quality matters and competences increase the efficiency in the sector. Finally, the environmental factors (especially the quality of institutions) have a strong impact on technical efficiency of PA firms, supporting that regional differences also exist in this sector.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to study empirically the relationship between export orientation and firms’ environmental performance from different perspectives of trade theory. On the one hand, productivity heterogeneity is analysed within the new trade‐theoretical framework. The approach followed is to determine firm‐level productivity components, including an environmental productivity indicator (as a performance measure) and taking as reference the Spanish food industry. On the other hand, from the traditional comparative advantage perspective, this study also develops an export performance model to evaluate the effect of technology, environmental variables and factor endowment on exporting. The results show greater environmental productivity and corporate efficiency for export‐oriented firms. Our findings also determine the positive effect on firms’ export intensity of environmental performance as a factor of specialisation and technology proficiency.  相似文献   

This paper tries to shed some light on the Austrian situation of the efficiency of firms according to their size class. For total Austria we find that large firms seem to be more efficient with respect to value-added per employee, but small firms are more efficient with respect to the gross residual quota and to profitability (= (value added — wages)/(value added)). On the other side a similar analysis for Upper Austria does not show this result. Here firms with the size of 500 employees or more seem to be the most efficient with respect to efficiency and profitability, and only the employment cost efficiency criteria reveals the picture, the smaller the firm, the more cost effective it seems to be. Hence, the result obtained from most studies in Europe, that at least the biggest firms are not the most efficient, can only be confirmed to a limited extent for (Upper) Austria.  相似文献   

Change in the size distribution of UK firms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines the extent of change and stability in the population of UK firms through time in terms of its size distribution, as defined by number of employees. It was empirically found that the distribution of employment by firm size remained surprisingly constant over the 1987–1989 period. A major implication of this finding is that in times of very high net job creation (involving high gross job creation and loss), factors are at work in the economy to keep the population distribution of firms (in terms of employment concentrations) more or less stable. It is hypothesised that a natural concentration exists for each different size band, and that as change takes place, the proportion of total employment based in the size band will tend towards this natural level.The rise in the proportion of employment in small firms, and the comparatively high job creation ability of small firms in recent times has come about in part because of negative rather than positive macro-economic influences. In recession, small firms in aggregate in spite of their individual volatility, are the most resilient. In prosperous times they do not increase their proportion of employment share, while in times of recession they do. Our results imply that large firms have a very significant, if not the most significant, bearing upon aggregate employment trends. On the other hand, small firms inherently have more potential to create jobs than large firms.The majority of public expenditure and legislative support for UK business is directed at large firms, as a result of culture and tradition. Even with the benefit of this support, large firms in recent decades have still performed badly, in job generation terms. In contrast, small firms have shown an inherent advantage in their ability to create jobs. A shift of government expenditure and legislative support from large to small firms would further enhance and realise the potential of small firms to benefit the economy and create jobs.  相似文献   

Process innovations and firm productivity growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article analyses the effect of process innovations on firm total factor productivity growth, explicitly considering the impact of firm size on the nature of this relationship. In particular, we analyse whether firm size affects the life span of the impact of process innovations on productivity growth. The data are drawn from a Spanish survey of manufacturing firms over the period 1991–1998. We use a fully non-parametric methodology based on the concept of stochastic dominance. Our results show that the implementation of process innovations produces an extra productivity growth both for large and small firms. However, this productivity growth is more persistent for large than for small firms.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of the factors involved in the start-up situation and the first seven years' development on the subsequent high growth of firms. The criterion of success used in this study was high growth in business during the first seven years. The subjects were Finnish metal products manufacturing firms and business service firms established in 1990. The results indicated, firstly, that it is the internal networks of firms that bring about competitive advantage, innovations and efficiency. In these entrepreneurial team-driven firms a group of people participate in the strategic management of the firm. It was also found that co-operation between firms and changes in external personal networks contributed to a high rate of growth. The empirical results showed that new firms had equal chances for growth irrespective of their locality. On the other hand, growth was affected by changes in a new firm's competitive situation and by changes in strategic factors. The results also clearly indicated that high growth firms were characterised by rising productivity of labour at the same time as they were generating new jobs.  相似文献   

We have analysed whether innovations in a firm's possession increase a firm's propensity to buy other firms and, on the other hand, whether this possession attracts other firms so that they buy the firm concerned. Our results suggest that in the heavily investing processing industries high entry costs and the incumbency of all the firms make more efficient firms—the possessors of innovations—acquire inefficient firms. On the other hand, in the non-processing industries innovators become, according to our findings, easily purchased by the other firms whose strength obviously lies in other areas than in innovative activity. JEL classification  G34, O31, O32  相似文献   

The papers in this issue continue with the tradition of adding puzzles pieces to the overall picture of the impact and importance of firm international activities. In "What makes a successful exporter?", we have collected twelve papers, the majority of which were presented at the 13th annual ISGEP workshop in Ljubljana, Slovenia on 20–21 September 2018. The common thread linking these papers is that they explore both what it means to be an exporter and the ramifications of exporting on firms and the economy as a whole. On the one hand, this special issue addresses the role of foreign sourcing, export experience in the board of directors and credit supply shocks on the propensity to export, as well as the factors that affect firms' overall readiness to export. On the other hand, it investigates various measures of performance in the export markets, such as export duration, markups, quality upgrading and product mix.  相似文献   

We implement an endogeneous switching‐regression model for labour productivity and firms’ decisions to use business‐to‐business (B2B) e‐commerce. Our approach allows B2B usage to affect any parameter of the labour productivity equation and to properly take account of strategic complementarities between the input factors and B2B usage. Empirical evidence from 1,460 German firms shows that there is a simultaneous relationship between labour productivity and the adoption of B2B. Firms deciding to use B2B e‐commerce employ their input factors more efficiently than non‐B2B users. Conversely, firms refrain from engaging in B2B probably because they expect the cost of B2B adoption will not be sufficiently compensated by productivity gains.  相似文献   

随着中国对外贸易的蓬勃发展,双边贸易摩擦事件也日益增多,这种外部贸易摩擦究竟会对中国微观主体产生怎样的影响?基于中美贸易摩擦的背景,以中国A股上市公司为研究样本,采用事件研究法实证检验外部贸易摩擦的微观主体效应。研究结果表明,中美贸易摩擦对生产率、规模、要素密集度、所有权属性不同的企业的影响均存在显著差异,具体而言,中美贸易摩擦对高生产率企业、大规模企业、低劳动密集度企业与民营企业的影响相对更大。进一步研究发现,采用不同企业异质性衡量指标的检验结果最终均可归结于企业全要素生产率,即全要素生产率是企业在中美贸易摩擦中所受影响程度大小的决定因素,而且生产率越高的企业所受影响程度越大。该研究结果有助于理解中美贸易摩擦的微观主体效应,从而为中国更好地解决外部贸易摩擦与促进国内经济转型提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

Institutional Effects on the Evolution of the Size Distribution of Firms   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In this paper it is argued that the size distribution of firms may largely be determined by institutional factors. This hypothesis is tested in an exploratory fashion by studying the evolution of the size distribution of firms over time in Sweden for a period spanning from the late 1960s to the early 1990s. The data used are divided into finer size classes compared to most previous studies. This gives more scope for investigating the impact of institutions. Moreover, we use a unique data set, starting in 1984, to take account of corporate groups and government ownership. The analysis shows a poor development for intermediate-sized (10–199 employees) firms. This is likely to reflect the existence of a threshold that many firms are either unwilling or unable to cross. The analysis of the institutions and rules of the game determining the entrepreneurial and business conditions in Sweden indicate that the conditions have been unfavorable for small firms, and hence that too few small firms have managed to grow out of the smallest size classes. The conclusion is supported by an international comparison of the number of firms in different size classes. Data indicate that Sweden has fewer small (10–99 employees), and more large (500+) firms per capita than other European countries.  相似文献   

On the basis of an augmented Euler equation, we use firm survey data provided by the World Bank to investigate the impact of FDI (foreign direct investment) on the financing constraints of firms in China. First we calculate the forward and backward linkages of FDI. Then through empirical estimation, we find that only private firms have financing constraints and that the incoming FDI alleviates this situation. Private firms with more foreign capital shares or having stronger vertical linkage with FDI can get financial resources easily. Furthermore, industries hosting a large amount of FDI are favorite clients of the financial institutions because they are usually much more competitive in the world. As a result, the private firms in these industries also have easier access to financial resources. In the financial market, FDI is a helping hand that reduces the information asymmetry between firms and financial institutions. Financial resources go where FDI goes, which to some extent improves the allocation efficiency.  相似文献   

We extend the size–innovation debate by incorporating decision-making style as a relevant factor in the innovation process. We propose that the size of firms affects the scale and quality of product innovation through the adoption of different decision-making styles. Using the literature on cognition, we conceptualize decision-making style as the degree to which firms rely on analytical information for decision making during the R&D process. Using longitudinal data of Spanish firms, we show that, as firms increase in size, they rely more extensively on analytical decision tools for the innovation activity. Additionally, we show that the size of firms is negatively related to product innovation productivity in terms of scale and positively related to the quality, and that these relationships are mediated by firms’ reliance on analytical decision-making style. We discuss theoretical and managerial implications for innovation research and practice.  相似文献   

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