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H. Semih Yildirim Seung-Woog Kwag M. Cary Collins 《Journal of Business Finance & Accounting》2006,33(9-10):1629-1649
Abstract: This paper examines the wealth effects of the events surrounding the passage of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 and changes in systematic risk from the pre-Act period to the post-Act period for commercial banks, investment banks, and insurance firms. The results suggest that investment banks and insurance firms are better positioned to exploit the benefits of product-line diversification opportunities allowed by the legislation compared to commercial banks that experience no significant market reaction. Further evidence indicates a significant risk shift and overall reduction in riskiness for the financial sectors under consideration around the event period. 相似文献
We examine the impact of the events leading up to and including the passage of the Financial Services Modernization Act (FSMA) of 1999 on the stock returns of banks, brokerage firms, and insurance companies. We find that the impact is positive for all institutions. Bank gains are positively related to size and capitalization. Brokerage firms gain regardless of size, but the gains are inversely related to capitalization and insurance companies gain regardless of size or capital position. The strong positive reaction suggests that the market expects the institutions to benefit from the new opportunities created by the FSMA's passage. 相似文献
互联网银行含义及其风险管理研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
刘志洋 《上海金融学院学报》2015,(1)
互联网银行并没有增加新的风险种类,但对风险管理体系建设提出了更高的要求。本文从互联网银行的含义出发,分析了互联网银行所面临的风险,研究了互联网银行跨国风险管理体系建设,对互联网银行风险管理体系提出政策建议。 相似文献
我国正面临着财富管理业务快速发展的新时代,保险以其独特的功能和对长期风险控制能力的优势,必将在财富管理体系中发挥日益重要的作用。财富管理时代到来要求保险业转变经营方式、拓展业务领域和盈利空间、促进金融创新等,保险行业应通过确立财富管理战略地位、细分财富管理市场、打造跨行业财富管理平台等措施加以应对。 相似文献
国际银行业信息披露制度研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
信息披露制度的兴起和完善伴随着商业银行治理结构的变革及风险管理技术的提升,是推动银行业公司治理改革的重要动力。《有效银行监管的核心原则》、《提高银行透明度》、《巴塞尔资本协议Ⅱ》等报告和协议为国际银行业信息披露标准提供了借鉴,折射了国际银行业信息披露制度的变革方向。美国银行业信息披露制度对我国有着明显的借鉴意义,其改进信息披露的举措主要包括提高信息披露效能、加强信用风险披露和按业务线披露经营信息等。以《巴塞尔资本协议Ⅱ》的要求为基础,借鉴发达国家的信息披露制度,细化《商业银行信息披露暂行办法》的相关规定,推进信息披露的规范化,是我国商业银行提升信息披露水平的可选思路。 相似文献
We posit that country diversification via cross‐border mergers creates wealth by providing benefits for firms that are not available to their shareholders. We hypothesize that these benefits are inversely related to the extent of co‐movement in the economies of the bidder's and target's countries. We examine the wealth effects of U.S. targets and bidders involved in cross‐border mergers with firms in other countries during 1982–1991. We show that wealth effects vary, depending on country affiliations of two merging firms, and are inversely related to the degree of economic co‐movement between the two countries. 相似文献
基于Credit Metrics模型动态度量房地产贷款信用风险,运用双重ΔCoVaR模型分析框架量化其对单家银行风险的影响,以及对银行业系统性风险的溢出,将总体溢出分解为直接溢出和间接溢出,考量房地产贷款信用风险对银行业系统性风险的传导途径。结果显示:一方面,房地产贷款信用风险近年来整体呈上升趋势,且对银行业风险溢出显著,尤其是大规模债务违约和新冠疫情的爆发加剧了溢出效应。另一方面,房地产贷款信用风险的间接溢出大于直接溢出,且高(低)系统重要性银行产生了更大的间接(直接)溢出,表明高系统重要性银行由于与其他银行的业务联系密切,其贷款信用风险更易引发银行业内的连锁反应从而间接刺激风险爆发;低系统重要性银行因为依赖少数大型客户贷款,面临信用丢失时缺乏强劲的风险缓冲能力,更可能直接对银行业的稳定造成显著破坏。 相似文献
This paper analyses the short‐term wealth effects of large intra‐European takeover bids. We find announcement effects of 9% for the target firms compared to a statistically significant announcement effect of only 0.7% for the bidders. The type of takeover bid has a large impact on the short‐term wealth effects with hostile takeovers triggering substantially larger price reactions than friendly operations. When a UK firm is involved, the abnormal returns are higher than those of bids involving both a Continental European target and bidder. There is strong evidence that the means of payment in an offer has an impact on the share price. A high market‐to‐book ratio of the target leads to a higher bid premium, but triggers a negative price reaction for the bidding firm. We also investigate whether the predominant reason for takeovers is synergies, agency problems or managerial hubris. Our results suggest that synergies are the prime motivation for bids and that targets and bidders share the wealth gains. 相似文献
我国银行业的市场结构与绩效研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文吸收、借鉴和利用现有的关于银行业绩效的研究成果,选择产业组织学的经验研究方法,引入产权结构这个重要因素作为对SCP框架的扩展,从市场结构和产权结构的二维空间中讨论银行效率和绩效,力图揭示银行业市场化特征的变化对银行企业绩效的影响和作用机理,从而发现改善我国银行业绩效的方案应该是双管齐下,一方面改进市场结构,另一方面改革产权,两者协调配套、相互促进。 相似文献
财政部于2006年初发布的新企业会计准则是对我国会计制度的重大改革,它将对我国银行业的财务状况及经营管理产生影响。就总体而言,新准则的实施有利于企业披露信息质量的提高。从银行业角度看,新准则使银行的资产负债分类方式发生改变,有助于银行进行风险管理;新准则引入公允价值,使银行金融工具的价值变化得以及时反映,同时增大了银行经营成果的波动;新准则理念先进,预示着管理模式的变迁,对银行业的经营理念提出新的挑战,要求银行管理者与从业人员加快转变经营理念,转变业务增长方式。新准则增加了银行进行资本管理的难度,并对从业人员的执业能力提出了更高要求。 相似文献
本文以2009-2018年19家商业银行为研究对象,运用波动性分析、相关性分析及面板数据回归分析方法,考察了经营投资银行业务对银行风险的影响。研究结果表明,投资银行收入无明显周期性趋势,波动性明显高于利息净收入,经营投资银行业务会加剧银行业收入的不确定性,但由于收入占比较小,投资银行业务并非造成我国银行业收入波动的主要因素。多数银行的投资银行收入与利息净收入表现为正相关性,银行难以通过经营投资银行业务实现风险分散目的。投资银行业务对银行风险影响的回归结果较为显著,随着投资银行收入在银行收入结构中的权重越来越大,银行多元化收入程度随之加深,银行风险也随之下降。 相似文献
财政部于2006年初发布的新企业会计准则是对我国会计制度的重大改革,它将对我国银行业的财务状况及经营管理产生影响.就总体而言,新准则的实施有利于企业披露信息质量的提高.从银行业角度看,新准则使银行的资产负债分类方式发生改变,有助于银行进行风险管理;新准则引入公允价值,使银行金融工具的价值变化得以及时反映,同时增大了银行经营成果的波动;新准则理念先进,预示着管理模式的变迁,对银行业的经营理念提出新的挑战,要求银行管理者与从业人员加快转变经营理念,转变业务增长方式.新准则增加了银行进行资本管理的难度,并对从业人员的执业能力提出了更高要求. 相似文献
Wi Saeng Kim Esmeralda Lyn TaeJun Park Edward Zychowicz 《Journal of Business Finance & Accounting》2005,32(5-6):945-971
Abstract: This paper investigates the capital investment decisions of Korean firms and their impact on shareholder wealth. Overall, we find positive abnormal returns surrounding the announcements of 697 cases of investment projects during the period 1992–1999. This paper also finds that the investment decisions of business group ( chaebol ‐affiliated) firms do not increase shareholder wealth, while the capital investment decisions of non‐ chaebol firms generate significantly positive abnormal returns. The multivariate tests provide consistent evidence that the announcement effects for chaebol firms are lower than for non‐ chaebol firms, after growth opportunities, investment size and firm size are controlled for. The findings support the view that the organizational structure of Korean chaebols creates an incentive for managers to make non‐value maximizing capital investment decisions. 相似文献
In cross sections of US banks before the deposit-insurance system was reformed in the early 1990s, bank risk-taking was positively associated with bank size and negatively associated with the value of bank charters and bank capital. These empirical associations have an easy theoretical interpretation. Bank size is positively related, while charter value and capital are negatively related, to the moral hazard associated with flat insurance premiums and other aspects of a laxly administered system. Hence the observed associations of risk-taking with size, charter value, and capital reflected the expected positive relation between moral hazard and risk-taking. We test the hypothesis that the three associations became weaker after reform. In the case of unsystematic risk, we find no evidence of significant changes for any of the three. In the case of systematic risk, we find that risk-taking associated with lower charter values and larger size is indeed significantly weaker after reform. Risk-taking associated with capital ratios is also weaker after reform, though not significantly so. Since systematic risk is undoubtedly the more appropriate measure, reform seems to have reduced moral hazard. 相似文献
私人银行的洗钱风险主要体现在因产品和服务而产生的洗钱风险以及因制度体系而产生的洗钱风险两方面。本文在分析私人银行反洗钱监管主要国际经验的基础上,提出了加强我国私人银行反洗钱监管的对策建议。 相似文献
我国投资银行业市场结构、规模与绩效实证研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
本文的实证研究表明,市场结构、行业规模以及市场整体收益率对我国投资银行业的利润率有着很强的解释能力,三个因素对于净资产收益率的解释能力超过98%。从影响的相对水平来看,集中度的影响要大于市场收益的影响,规模的影响与集中度、市场收益的影响相反。进一步研究还表明,尽管行业资产规模与净资产收益率的时间序列显示随着行业资产规模的增加,我国证券公司的净资产收益率呈现出不断下降的特征,但这并不意味着我国投资银行业是规模不经济的。有关规模经济的横截面分析数据表明,现阶段我国证券公司的规模与其绩效之间并不存在着明显的关系,既没有显示出规模不经济,也没有显示出规模经济。 相似文献
影子银行体系的超常规发展和信用扩张,是全球金融危机爆发的重要原因之一。本文从影子银行体系的内涵、运作机制展开研究,分析危机后西方主要国家有关的金融监管改革举措,并结合中国影子银行体系的现状提出有关建议。 相似文献
中国大型银行股改上市后的规模和利润增长很快,核心指标也基本上与国际银行比肩,但估值水平却低于美国的银行同业.虽然业界对于银行的评价方法一直备受争议,越来越多的人已经意识到,资产规模、盈利能力、资产质量等评价指标只能反映银行某一方面的能力,不能全面反映银行的综合实力和竞争力;相对而言,市值指标是一种长期趋势性判断,隐含了... 相似文献
We analyze the deregulation impact on commercial banks, investment banks, and thrifts associated with four major events progressively integrating commercial and investment banking activities in the United States during the 1990s. We find that commercial banks are the only group to react favorably to Federal Reserve announcements relaxing firewalls and easing restrictions on commercial bank revenues from investment banking activities. These regulations primarily benefit large banks. The Bankers Trust acquisition announcement of investment bank Alex Brown is associated with increased wealth for each of the three types of financial service institutions. At the eventual deregulation of the financial services industry, with the passage of the Financial Services Modernization Act in 1999, the values of commercial banks and investment banks increase significantly although thrifts are not affected. 相似文献
我国商业银行私人金融业务的风险特征及管理对策 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
近年来,私人金融业务在商业银行中的战略地位日益重要.但与此同时,作为推动这项业务持续发展的重要保障,私人金融业务的风险管理也必须同步完善.本文认为,相对于公司业务和以储蓄业务为主的传统私人金融业务而言,现代私人金融业务具有其鲜明而迥异的风险特征.而对这些风险特征的忽略,导致了当前我国商业银行的风险管理体系仍然沿用以公司业务为重点的传统模式,风险管理模式的转型滞后于私人金融业务战略地位的转型.为此,作者指出,必须针对私人金融业务的风险特征,重新构建商业银行的风险管理体系,并相应完善商业银行风险管理的外部环境. 相似文献