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This paper extends He and Pearson's (1991) martingale approach to the study of optimal intertemporal consumption and portfolio policies with incomplete markets and short-sale constraints to a framework in which no assumptions are made on the price process for the securities. We show how both their characterization of the budget-feasible set and duality result can be extended to account for an unbounded set II of Arrow-Debreu state prices compatible with the arbitrage-free assumption. We also supply a (fairly general) sufficient condition for II to be bounded, as required in their setting.  相似文献   

We optimize the ratio     over an (arbitrage-free) linear sub-space     of attainable returns in an incomplete market model. If a solution exists for  1 < r < ∞  , then the 1st order optimality condition allows to construct an equivalent martingale measure for     , which is shown to be the solution of an appropriate dual minimization problem over the set of all equivalent martingale measures for     . The dual minimization problem admits a solution iff there exists an equivalent martingale measure for     and its optimal value     equals the lowest upper bound     of all α-ratios over     . This new type of non-concave duality also provides an indifference pricing method. The duality result can be extended to the case     and leads to a new no (approximate) arbitrage condition: "no great expectations with vanishing risk."  相似文献   

We consider the portfolio optimization problem for an investor whose consumption rate process and terminal wealth are subject to downside constraints. In the standard financial market model that consists of d risky assets and one riskless asset, we assume that the riskless asset earns a constant instantaneous rate of interest,   r > 0  , and that the risky assets are geometric Brownian motions. The optimal portfolio policy for a wide scale of utility functions is derived explicitly. The gradient operator and the Clark–Ocone formula in Malliavin calculus are used in the derivation of this policy. We show how Malliavin calculus approach can help us get around certain difficulties that arise in using the classical "delta hedging" approach.  相似文献   

We examine the portfolio choice problem of an investor with constant relative risk aversion in a financial market with partially hedgeable interest rate risk. The individual shadow price of the portfolio constraint is characterized as the solution of a new backward equation involving Malliavin derivatives. A generalization of this equation is studied and solved in explicit form. This result, applied to our financial model, yields closed-form solutions for the shadow price and the optimal portfolio. The effects of parameters such as risk aversion, interest rate volatility, investment horizon, and tightness of the constraint are examined. Applications of our method to a monetary economy with inflation risk and to an international setting with currency risk are also provided.  相似文献   

In the style of Rogers (2001) , we give a unified method for finding the dual problem in a given model by stating the problem as an unconstrained Lagrangian problem. In a theoretical part we prove our main theorem, Theorem 3.1, which shows that under a number of conditions the value of the dual and primal problems is equal. The theoretical setting is sufficiently general to be applied to a large number of examples including models with transaction costs, such as Cvitanic and Karatzas (1996) (which could not be covered by the setting in Rogers [2001] ). To apply the general result one has to verify the assumptions of Theorem 3.1 for each concrete example. We show how the method applies for two examples, first Cuoco and Liu (1992) and second Cvitanic and Karatzas (1996) .  相似文献   

We consider an optimal investment problem with intermediate consumption and random endowment, in an incomplete semimartingale model of the financial market. We establish the key assertions of the utility maximization theory, assuming that both primal and dual value functions are finite in the interiors of their domains and that the random endowment at maturity can be dominated by the terminal value of a self‐financing wealth process. In order to facilitate the verification of these conditions, we present alternative, but equivalent conditions, under which the conclusions of the theory hold.  相似文献   

In this paper we derive the implications of the absence of arbitrage in securities markets models where traded securities are subject to short-sales constraints and where the borrowing and lending rates differ. We show that a securities price system is arbitrage free if and only if there exists a numeraire and an equivalent probability measure for which the normalized (by the numeraire) price processes of traded securities are supermartingales. Also, the tightest arbitrage bounds that can be inferred on the price of a contingent claim without knowing agents'preferences are equal to its largest and smallest expected normalized payoff with respect to the supermartingale measures. In the case where the underlying security price follows a diffusion process and where short selling is possible but costly, we derive partial differential equations that must be satisfied by the arbitrage bounds on derivative securities prices, and we determine optimal hedging strategies. We compute the arbitrage bounds on common securities numerically for several values of the borrowing and short-selling costs and show that they can be quite sharp.  相似文献   

We consider optimal consumption and portfolio investment problems of an investor who is interested in maximizing his utilities from consumption and terminal wealth subject to a random inflation in the consumption basket price over time. We consider two cases: (i) when the investor observes the basket price and (ii) when he receives only noisy observations on the basket price. We derive the optimal policies and show that a modified Mutual Fund Theorem consisting of three funds holds in both cases. The compositions of the funds in the two cases are the same, but in general the investor's allocations of his wealth into these funds will differ. However, in the particular case when the investor has constant relative risk-aversion (CRRA) utility, his optimal investment allocations into these funds are also the same in both cases.  相似文献   

We study optimal portfolio, consumption-leisure and retirement choice of an infinitely lived economic agent whose instantaneous preference is characterized by a constant elasticity of substitution (CES) function of consumption and leisure. We integrate in one model the optimal consumption-leisure-work choice, the optimal portfolio selection, and the optimal stopping problem in which the agent chooses her retirement time. The economic agent derives utility from both consumption and leisure, and is able to adjust her supply of labor flexibly above a certain minimum work-hour, and also has a retirement option. We solve the problem analytically by considering a variational inequality arising from the dual functions of the optimal stopping problem. The optimal retirement time is characterized as the first time when her wealth exceeds a certain critical level. We provide the critical wealth level for retirement and characterize the optimal consumption-leisure and portfolio policies before and after retirement in closed forms. We also derive properties of the optimal policies. In particular, we show that consumption in general jumps around retirement.  相似文献   

We study marginal pricing and optimality conditions for an agent maximizing generalized recursive utility in a financial market with information generated by Brownian motion and marked point processes. The setting allows for convex trading constraints, non-tradable income, and non-linear wealth dynamics. We show that the FBSDE system of the general optimality conditions reduces to a single BSDE under translation or scale invariance assumptions, and we identify tractable applications based on quadratic BSDEs. An appendix relates the main optimality conditions to duality.  相似文献   

We consider a financial market with one bond and one stock. The dynamics of the stock price process allow jumps which occur according to a Markov-modulated Poisson process. We assume that there is an investor who is only able to observe the stock price process and not the driving Markov chain. The investor's aim is to maximize the expected utility of terminal wealth. Using a classical result from filter theory it is possible to reduce this problem with partial observation to one with complete observation. With the help of a generalized Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equation where we replace the derivative by Clarke's generalized gradient, we identify an optimal portfolio strategy. Finally, we discuss some special cases of this model and prove several properties of the optimal portfolio strategy. In particular, we derive bounds and discuss the influence of uncertainty on the optimal portfolio strategy.  相似文献   

We investigate the general structure of optimal investment and consumption with small proportional transaction costs. For a safe asset and a risky asset with general continuous dynamics, traded with random and time‐varying but small transaction costs, we derive simple formal asymptotics for the optimal policy and welfare. These reveal the roles of the investors' preferences as well as the market and cost dynamics, and also lead to a fully dynamic model for the implied trading volume. In frictionless models that can be solved in closed form, explicit formulas for the leading‐order corrections due to small transaction costs are obtained.  相似文献   

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