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当今社会,随着企业社会责任运动的广泛开展,传统的目标利润最大化理论已经不再适应现代企业发展的需要。20世纪80年代有关劳工权益的全球化讨论开始,国际劳工团体开始与跨国公司争论,要求他们为供应链的行为承担责任。但企业社会责任对于中国企业而言,还是一含新生事物,许多企业对此不甚了解或一知半解或不屑一顾。因此,中国企业无论在社会责任的理念上还是行动上都远远落后于发达国家。如何帮助和引导我国企业积极承担社会责任,既关系到我国企业能否健康发展,直接关系到国民经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

和谐社会的企业社会责任   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文认为,和谐社会的企业社会责任(CSR),就是企业在科学发展观的指导下,搞好生产和经营管理,对全体股东和企业成员负责,并承担相应的利益相关者如消费者、国家、社会和其他企业的责任,它包括经济责任、政治责任、法律责任、文化责任、生活质量责任以及环境保护责任等。企业应当认清形势,转变观念,创新管理模式,构建和谐企业,在和谐社会的建设中切实履行自己的社会责任。同时,政府应积极服务和引导,严格法制与监管,促使企业形成良性循环的发展模式。  相似文献   

韩融  韩晓东 《中国市场》2011,(39):23-24
根据我国特殊的国情,通过分析企业经营中权力、责任、利益三者的关系,找出现阶段中国企业社会责任缺失的原因。从利益相关者理论出发,重新定位企业的社会责任,即企业的社会责任不等于社会职能,应避免"企业办社会"现象;企业的利润最大化和企业的社会责任可以和谐共存,承担相应的社会责任能够为企业带来稳定的顾客群、良好的美誉度和健康的行业氛围,对企业的长期发展有促进作用。基于以上研究提出推动企业社会责任发展的相关建议。  相似文献   

企业社会责任是近年来的研究热点,很多学者从理论上或通过实证研究了企业社会责任与企业绩效的关系,以此作为推动企业承担社会责任的依据本文从经济增长的角度研究企业社会责任与其相关性.通过建立企业社会责任与企业绩效、消费增长、环境优化及其与经济可持续增长的关系模型,得出企业承担社会责任不仅对单一企业,而且对促进一国经济增长都具有重要意义.  相似文献   

政府通过“说服”、“劝诱”、“引导”的方式,给企业搭建履行社会责任的“舞台”,让那些先富起来的人积德行善,缓解社会矛盾,发展农村公益事业,带动更多的人走向富裕。这无论如何也不能说是一件坏事。  相似文献   

企业社会责任的内涵目前在国际社会没有达成共识,它是根据企业在社会中面临的突出问题及与社会、利益相关者的博弈而不断变化的。从企业基本性质和利益相关者角度分析,其基本内涵是经济责任与法律责任。就目前我国企业面临的突出问题而言,应更强调经济责任与法律责任,也就是信用责任。企业信用是企业社会责任的基本内容,是落实企业社会责任的有效手段,我国建立信用机制必须大力发挥大众、政府、企业家和法制的力量。  相似文献   

2006年3月10日,国家电网公司首次对外发布企业社会责任报告。这是我国企业发布的第一份企业社会责任报告。因此,吸引了社会普遍关注的目光。  相似文献   

企业在创造社会繁荣的同时消耗着社会资源。排放着废弃物和污染物,它必须对整个社会发展负责,这对促进可持续发展与创造和谐社会具有重大意义。经济的发展离不开会计.通过会计提供的信息可以衡量和监督企业履行社会责任的程度。本文从企业的社会责任问题进行会计核算的必要性,科学确定其会计核算目标与内容.灵活选择会计计量方法,构建会计指标分析体系.积极批露会计报告几方面进行了论述.  相似文献   

低碳经济下企业的社会责任   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
21世纪各国经济都进入了快速的发展阶段,为满足人们的消费水平不断的提高,企业不断的扩大生产规模和寻求经济利益的最大化,使碳排量急剧的增长,致使人们赖以生存的地球面临越来越严重的威胁:地球臭氧层正遭受前所未有的破坏,全球灾难性气候变化屡屡出现。这些已经严重危害到人类的生存环境和健康安全,研究和减少碳排放已经是企业发展与人类生存的核心问题。低碳经济要求我们每一个企业、甚至每一个人,通过以低碳经济发展为导向,生产低碳产品、减少碳排放、肩负社会的责任,为社会生产健康、安全、低碳的产品,同时对生态进行保护,已是企业生存与发展的核心问题。  相似文献   

浅析企业社会责任   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文通过对企业社会责任的定义内涵的讨论,对企业社会责任的发展的回顾,简要介绍了SA8000标准体系,并在此基础上提出了“企业社会责任发展的三阶段”论,最后提出了对企业和政府的合理化建议。  相似文献   

国际企业社会责任标准运动及其对我国的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文认为,国际企业社会责任标准的宗旨是确保生产商及供应商所提供的产品符合社会责任的要求,其主要内容包括人权、劳工权益和环境三个方面,其中劳工权益是核心。企业社会责任标准运动作为一种不可遏止的国际化运动,必然会对我国社会和经济的发展产生越来越大的影响。我们必须采取措施,积极应对,趋利避害,将其纳入我国劳动法制建设的轨道。加快完善我国相关法律法规,积极参与国际多边谈判,改善国内劳工条件,推动出口产品结构升级,加强企业社会责任意识,促使这一运动的运作规范化。  相似文献   

企业社会责任风险管理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业面临着越来越多来自利益相关的压力.分析了企业由于承担的社会责任不合理所导致的社会责任风险,介绍了企业进行社会责任风险管理的一般流程,希望通过本文引起对社会责任风险研究的重视。  相似文献   

冯梅  姜艳庆 《中国市场》2009,(28):69-71
随着企业社会责任理念在中国的广泛传播,作为我国综合运输体系的重要组成部分的航空运输企业,其社会责任状况引起了公众越来越多的关注。航空企业承担社会责任,既是企业发展的战略选择,也是推动和谐社会建设的方式。本文就航空企业的社会责任内涵进行深入剖析,重点论述近年来我国航空运输公司社会责任实践状况,并依据企业在社会责任承担上的不足提出针对性的建议,以推动我国航空企业社会责任实践的进一步发展。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化发展,各企业正积极融入国际社会,社会责任正逐步成为企业战略管理的内容之一。本文以石油石化企业为研究对象,揭示石油石化企业社会责任存在的问题,并提出强化石油石化企业社会责任的对策。  相似文献   

民营企业社会责任的推进对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目前,民营企业普遍存在缺乏社会责任问题,社会上要求民营企业履行社会责任的呼声越来越高。许多民营企业家对履行社会责任的呼声怀有怨言和抵触情绪,对履行社会责任的认识存在误区。因此,只有通过一系列的政策措施,增强民营企业的社会责任意识。  相似文献   

This paper examines recent developments in U.K. utility regulation from a business ethics perspective. The regulatory framework that facilitated privatisation of the utility companies has foundations based upon free market principles involving a transfer from regulation to competitive markets wherever possible. Where competition is not feasible, continuing economic regulation is relied upon, designed to mirror the competitive market to induce, through comparative competition and the price capping mechanism, incentives for greater efficiency. The New Labour Government, having fundamentally reviewed this framework when it came to office, has surprisingly endorsed its basic tenets. However, it wishes to superimpose social responsibility regulations designed to achieve social policy rather than economic objectives. This interventionist approach is in itself in conflict with the free market inspired regulatory framework but additionally, the imposition of social policy objectives creates fundamental ambiguities within the framework for the key stakeholders. The paper concludes that the Government's policy, by eliciting stakeholder confusion and perverse behaviour, could be counter-productive but that ethical theories and frameworks can contribute to thinking in this vital area of the economy.  相似文献   

从利益相关者理论角度者看,利益相关者理论与企业经济绩效具有正相关的关系。中国企业对利益相关者履行社会责任的数据表明,中国企业缺乏社会责任的主要原因是企业经营困难、经营者素质不高、社会诚信缺失及社会相关部门没有履行责任等。为了促进企业更好地履行社会责任,必须努力提高企业经营者自身素质,政府部门应抓紧完善产权、价格、激励机制等制度体系,社会各界应给予大力支持,使企业社会责任具有可考核性。  相似文献   

Small Business Champions for Corporate Social Responsibility   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
While Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has traditionally been the domain of the corporate sector, recognition of the growing significance of the Small and Medium Sized Enterprise (SME) sector has led to an emphasis on their social and environmental impact, illustrated by an increasing number of initiatives aimed at engaging SMEs in the CSR agenda. CSR has been well researched in large companies, but SMEs have received less attention in this area. This paper presents the findings from a U.K. wide study of socially responsible SMEs. The 24 companies studied were chosen as “exemplars” of␣CSR in SMEs. The aim of this study therefore is to progress understanding of both the limitations on and opportunities for CSR in SMEs through the exploration of exemplary characteristics in the study companies. Key areas of investigation were CSR terminology, the influence of managerial values, the nature of SME CSR activities, motivation for and benefits from engaging in CSR, and the challenges faced. The results of this study demonstrate some of the exemplary goals and principles needed to achieve social responsibility in SMEs, and begin to provide knowledge that could be used to engender learning in other SMEs. In particular, there is evidence that stakeholder theory may provide a framework in which SMEs and CSR can be understood. SMEs prefer to learn through networking and from their peers, so this is a possible avenue for greater SME engagement in CSR. This would require strong leadership or “championing” from individuals such as highly motivated owner–managers and from exemplary companies as a whole.Heledd Jenkins is a Research Associate at The ESRC Centre for Business Relationships, Accountability, Sustainability and Society based at Cardiff University. She holds a degree in Geography from the University of Wales, Aberystwyth, and a Masters degree in Sustainability, Planning and Environmental Policy from Cardiff University. Heledd's research areas of interest include Corporate Social Responsibility, Small to Medium sized Enterprises, Stakeholders, the mining industry, business ethics, and social entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

社会责任:企业永续经营的基石   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文认为,企业的社会责任是企业对社会符合道德的行为,主要包括对消费者的责任,对社会的利益和发展的责任,对自然环境及社会生态平衡的责任,对企业员工的责任。企业要长远发展,必须要有核心价值观,必须讲道德,必须承担社会责任。承担社会责任不仅有利于社会大众,更有利于企业自身,它可以提升企业的社会形象和声誉,提高企业经营效益,建立员工和顾客持续稳固的忠诚,从而使企业获得长期繁荣和持续发展。  相似文献   

The notion of corporate social responsibility has evolved into a fairly complex concept that can influence the very world we live in. Today's society is interested not only in companies' financial results but also in the way they conduct their businesses. Corporations everywhere try to respond to new environmental challenges by actively engaging in the life of the community and by developing relationships based on mutual trust with consumers. This article introduces the corporate social responsibility domain by underlining the importance of this concept to the later development of a company. The article denounces the results of research conducted on Romanian consumers regarding corporate social responsibility campaigns undergone by firms in Romania. Its purpose is to bring insight into Romanian consumers' perceptions of recent social campaigns, reviewing the extent to which these consumers are willing to become involved in society's well-being. The survey conducted here attempts to provide answers to issues that concern the companies' involvement type, their purview, the reasons for participating in society's welfare, as well as the social campaigns' most common action areas. The results gathered show that corporate social responsibility is not only a promotion method, but a method that implies the effective involvement in the life of the community and in its subsequent issues, therefore representing a real means of support for the economic development of the community in question. In conclusion, companies must put their social conscience into use when dealing with their clients and stakeholders, by offering solutions to environmental concerns, resource management, mutual aid, and welfare rising from corporate support.  相似文献   

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