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为规范短期融资券的发行和交易,保护短期融资券当事人的合法权益,中国人民银行制定了《短期融资券管理办法》,并开始推行短期融资债券。文章通过对短期融资券的特点以及优势介绍,阐述其有效促进资本流通和企业规模的发展的作用。同时也介绍了此种短期债券的限制性,论述了其影响和发展前景。  相似文献   

银行储蓄和证券储蓄就其资金运用来看,前者属于间接融资,后者属于直接融资。间接融资具有间接性、短期性、可逆性的特点。与此相反,直接融资则具有直接性、长期性、不可逆性的特点。据此,首先我们将两种储蓄的第一个特点加以对比。银行储蓄转化为投资的间接性,使此种融资能否形成资产增殖要受诸多因素的影响,因为银行作为中介机构在分配资金的方式、数量和结构等方面都要受中央银行宏观调控和自身资金营运状况及地方政府的干预,容易导致信贷资金财政化。作为资金的使用者企业一方在“企业管生产,银行管资金”思想主导下,往往也不能很好地注重资金的使用效益,从而影响了银行储蓄有效地转化为投资。与此不同,证券储蓄的直接性决定了资金是在投资者和筹资者间直接融资,债券的刚性和股份制  相似文献   

有关居民储蓄行为的研究缺乏专门针对农村居民预防性储蓄和融资约束的实证分析。本文专注于分析在二元经济结构下,我国农村居民所面对的不确定因素风险感受以及正规金融机构融资约束感受显著地差别于城市。通过构造一个包含正规金融机构融资约束的预防性储蓄模型,专门针对农村居民储蓄行为特点进行实证检验。结论认为:随着人口老龄化程度的加强,面对不确定性因素可能造成的风险与融资约束,农村居民的消费行为越来越谨慎,储蓄存款的倾向越来越高,这也印证了建设农村社会保障体系和完善农村金融环境的重要性与紧迫性。  相似文献   

融资约束、债务能力与公司业绩   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
本文利用短期融资券的推出作为自然实验研究金融创新引起的公司融资约束变化对公司经营业绩的影响,从而为金融发展与经济增长的关系提供微观证据。基于金融发展与经济增长关系中"分配金融资源"的理论观点——金融发展能够更加有效地分配资金资源,减少公司的融资约束,增加公司的业绩,本文提供了这一经济作用机制的实证证据。本文发现当短期融资券成为企业潜在的融资工具后,能够利用这一金融工具的企业在负债能力和投资能力方面有了大幅提高,其经营业绩也得到大幅增长。本文的证据表明金融工具创新和金融市场发展对公司价值产生了显著影响。  相似文献   

2005年<企业短期融资券管理办法>出台.作为一种新的融资工具,短期融资券的发展为改变我国目前直接融资和间接融资失调状况起到了一定的促进作用,同时也有利于完善货币政策传导机制.维护金融稳定,促进金融市场全面协调发展起到了积极的作用.本文从欠发达地区实际情况对企业发行短期融资券的政策效应进行了深入调查分析,通过短期融资券业务发展的外部环境及内部环境进行分析,探讨其未来发展趋势并提出相关建议.  相似文献   

在银行间债券市场引入短期融资券是我国融资方式的重大突破,是金融市场建设的重要举措。在银行间市场发行短期融资券,对拓宽企业直接融资渠道、改变直接融资与间接融资比例失调、疏通货币政策传导机制、防止广义货币供应量过快增长、促进货币市场与资本市场协调发展、维护金融整体稳定具有重要的战略意义。5月25日,中国人民银行发布的《短期融资券管理办法》以及《短期融资券承销规程》、《短期融资券信息披露规程》两个配套文件体现出以下新特点:  相似文献   

企业短期融资券研究的新视角--银行信用风险缓释绩效   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期以来,我国企业融资结构中间接融资占总融资额的比重较大,其比重平均为80%以上.周业安[1]认为由于发展中国家,金融抑制比较普遍,金融创新迟缓,企业对银行贷款有较大的依赖.李健[2]认为我国企业融资结构的失衡除了金融抑制之外,企业、银行的国有性质也是重要原因.为了解决企业融资结构问题,我国推出了企业短期融资券.企业短期融资券是指企业依照一定的条件和程序,在银行间债券市场上发行和交易并约定在一定期限内还本付息的有价证券,是一种无担保的融资凭证.企业短期融资券的推出,对我国企业结构和金融结构都带来了一定的影响.  相似文献   

短期融资券(以下简称融资券)是央行今年出台的重要政策,肩负着“发展货币市场、拓宽企业直接融资渠道”的重任。从2005年5月23 日《短期融资券管理办法》正式颁布, 到2005年8月12日,短短81天,已经有9家企业共发行融资券279亿元。  相似文献   

徐小鹰 《经济问题》2012,(10):11-16
通过引入流动性约束和不确定性等因素,分析了房价波动影响居民消费的预防性储蓄效应这一作用机制。研究发现,不论是从长期还是短期来看,房价上涨通过预防性储蓄效应对居民消费产生负面影响,换言之,房价上涨通过不确定性因素和流动性约束导致居民预防性储蓄增加最终会使居民消费下降,短期内预防性储蓄效应的影响系数要小于其长期影响系数。  相似文献   

游春  胡才龙 《发展研究》2011,(10):82-85
超短期融资券的推出是适应当前我国金融体制改革的必然趋势,其具有发行期限短、灵活性强、风险低、成本低、收益高和发行主体信用等级高等优点,为企业提供了在短期内获得及时和低成本的资金的直接融资工具,缓解了企业临时性资金紧缺危机。超短期融资券的推出还将增加短期投资品种,满足投资者多元化需求,提高了企业直接融资比例,增强了央行货币政策的有效性和加快了利率市场化进程,对金融市场将产生深远积极的影响。  相似文献   

This paper makes an in-depth investigation on the phenomenon of high savings rate in the rural economy of China between 1978 and 2003. On the basis of precautionary savings theory, we construct a model incorporating the risks, liquidity constrains, and aging population to explain the existence of high savings rate in the rural economy of China. We measure risks with Gini coefficient and marginal propensity to save. We find that these risk indices are positively associated with the higher savings rate and the higher degree of prudence of rural households. Our findings pose an urgency of the reform of rural financial system and the improvement in social security system in the rural economy of China. Translated from Economic Science, 2005, (1) (in Chinese)  相似文献   

We develop a model in which individuals compete for a fixed pool of prizes by investing effort in a contest. Individuals belong to two separate and identifiable groups. We say that the contest is discriminatory if a lower share of prizes is reserved for one group than for the other. We show that it can be difficult for an observer to detect the presence or absence of discrimination in the contest, as both regimes can be observationally equivalent. In particular, one group’s belief that it is allocated a lower share of prizes than the other group can be consistent with observed data even if no such group quotas actually exist. Conversely, the belief that the contest does not discriminate can be consistent with data when, in fact, discrimination exists. Incorrect beliefs will therefore not be revised, as the contest generates no evidence to the contrary.  相似文献   

《Research in Economics》2001,55(1):15-38
Germany has one of the most generous public pension and health insurance systems of the world, yet private savings are high and remain positive until old age, even for most low income households. How can we explain what we might want to term the “German savings puzzle”? We provide a complicated answer that combines historical facts with capital market imperfections, housing, tax and pension policies. The first part of the paper describes how German households save, based on a synthetic panel of four cross sections of the German Income and Expenditure Survey (“Einkommens- und Verbrauchsstichproben”) collected between 1978 and 1993. The second part links saving behaviour with public policy, notably tax and pension policy.  相似文献   

Savings growth and the path of utility   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract.  We derive an expression relating the change in instantaneous utility to the growth of net (genuine) saving in an economy with multiple stocks and externalities that maximizes welfare in the utilitarian sense. This result is then shown to hold for decentralized competitive efficient economies as well, to yield an extension of the Hartwick rule: instantaneous utility is non-declining along a development path if genuine saving is decreasing. By way of example the rule is applied as a constant genuine saving rate rule in a simple Dasgupta-Heal-Solow-Stiglitz economy. The rule yields a path with unbounded consumption and higher wealth than on the standard Hartwick constant consumption path.  相似文献   

居民储蓄率与金融风险   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
谷秀娟 《经济经纬》2005,(5):117-120
以间接融资为主的独特金融结构决定了我国金融体系的稳定性对于银行体系从而高储蓄率的依赖。因而,研究我国居民储蓄率的决定因素以及其波动趋势并在宏观调控层面予以关注、监控就应成为防范金融风险的重要举措。  相似文献   

It has become popular to advocate tax reduction on the basis of promoting savings, investment and ultimately economic growth. The linkage between the variables is argued by various neoclassical growth models and is further suggested by recent studies which highlight the close association between domestic saving and investment rates. The close association may allow for polices which alter domestic saving levels in order to alter domestic investment levels. This interpretation, however, presumes an endogenous investment response. Equally likely, theoretically, is that the close association is maintained by movements in national savings. The present paper explicitly examines the endogeneity of the Australian saving and investment rates. The results highlight the exogeneity of investment. The results further suggest an endogenous response on the part of Australia's saving rate. The results may limit the potential benefits of these tax changes.  相似文献   

Railroad deregulation has had tremendous effects on the level of costs and productivity gains. I use an unbalanced panel of railroads from 1978 through 1989 to estimate a translog cost function. I find that initially cost savings from partial deregulation were modest. However, by 1989, I find that cost savings were tremendous, with costs being up to 40 percent lower than they would have been under regulation. I also find that while initial effects of deregulation on productivity gains were large, these effects have fallen through time, and currently are comparable to pre-deregulation levels.  相似文献   

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