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城镇化进程的加快导致农村失地老人群体的扩大。而当前,家庭养老仍是主要的养老模式。对农村失地老人经济状况、日常生活、精神慰藉、医疗健康、安全隐患等方面的现状进行分析,归纳农村失地老人家庭养老存在的问题。  相似文献   

科技工业的迅猛发展在带给人们丰富物质享受的同时,也给其精神世界铐上了沉重的枷锁。在这种生存境遇下,现代人迫切需要通过一种方式完成对自身灵魂的救赎,而旅游则恰逢其时地出现并以其独特方式填补了这个沟壑。在现代性的生存困境下,旅游活动强调旅游主体对于时空独立性和人的完整性的追求,从而获得独特的审美意义。  相似文献   

The article discusses the role of environmental and climate factors in the modernization of the global and Russian economies in the context of the challenges presented by the new industrial revolution. It is emphasized that a restraining effect of these factors on economic growth is primarily caused by qualitative characteristics of technologies used for resource utilization and the adaptation of population and facilities to global climate changes. The article considers a growing urgency of eco-innovations, as well as “green” technologies overall, as a factor affecting the economic growth and modernization of the economy; the unevenness of the development of these technologies in the countries of the world; and strategic risks of Russia’s lagging behind the leading world economies in this area. A special emphasis is placed upon (i) a substantiation of the significance of the mineral, raw material and fuel and energy complexes, as well as the forest-industryl and agro-industrial complex, as priority sectors for the development eco-innovations and green technologies in Russia and (ii) arguing that in Russian conditions a long-term development policy is in essence a strategy for green economic growth.  相似文献   


This article discusses the Swedish attitude to European economic cooperation, an attitude that has been described as reluctant. The traditional explanation for this has been Sweden's neutrality. This explanation has been challenged by researchers, who have claimed that a nationally self-sufficient social democracy was responsible for the reluctance towards Europe. In this article, neutrality is still seen as the main explanatory factor. Swedish strategies for dealing with European integration linked the concepts of neutrality and global free trade. Nordic cooperation was also seen as a strategy to meet demands for European integration. Swedish activities within the European organisations were limited by neutrality concerns. Within these limits Sweden worked for economic policy solutions, which might be called social democratic.  相似文献   

浅析金融海啸中的信用卡业务风险及防范预警对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈青  葛志鸿 《特区经济》2009,(9):230-231
随着我国改革开放的深入和金融市场的发展,商业银行的信用卡发行量迅速增长,并且已经成为银行利润的重要来源之一。但是从2008年美国次贷危机引起的全球金融海啸可以看出,银行的信贷业务深刻影响着经济的健康发展,信用卡业务中的潜在风险威胁着国民经济的稳定。本文从对我国信用卡业务发展现状的分析出发,针对信用卡的风险特点和目前信用卡风险管理中存在的问题进行了重点研究,提出了信用卡的风险防范及预警措施。  相似文献   

Global Market Effects of Alternative European Responses to Genetically Modified Organisms. — Current debates about genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in agriculture reveal substantial differences in the perception of the associated risks and benefits. Genetically modified crop varieties allegedly provide farmers with agronomic benefits, but environmental, health and ethical concerns are also being raised. This paper discusses the ways in which the emergence of GMOs could lead to trade disputes between Western Europe and the United States. It then uses an empirical model of the global economy to quantify the effects on production, prices, trade patterns and national economic welfare of specific policy and consumer responses to GMOs in Western Europe.  相似文献   

全球流动性风险和对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
借鉴国际清算银行的测量框架,本文认为,私人流动性本质上指融资意愿,具有很强的传染性和跨境传递特征;其周期波动与金融危机密切相关,与主要国际货币发行国政策取向相关,而新兴市场是全球流动性的被动接受者;有效减缓全球流动性周期波动幅度、降低跨境流动性对宏观经济和金融体系的冲击、及时提供救助以避免系统性破产,是全球流动性管理的核心目标;实现这些目标,需要一个涵盖国别、双边、区域和全球在内的应对框架和全球金融安全网;全球流动性机制建设为中国参与国际金融治理提供了契机,也为国内各项政策协调提出了挑战。  相似文献   

关于央行对民间借贷监管制度的完善与创新研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民间借贷已成为融资的重要渠道之一,而我国却还没有关于民间借贷的专门性法律法规,已有的规定相当混乱,导致由民间借贷不仅很难有效控制,而且有可能带来系统性的金融风险,特别是近年来全球性的经济危机,更加剧了这些纠纷的出现,本文探讨一些可行的监管措施,用以解决由民间借贷引起的纠纷,这对于促进民间借贷健康有序的发展及社会的稳定有着重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

程燕 《改革与战略》2012,28(2):182-183
利比亚危机给中国"走出去"的企业如何应对政治风险具有案例式的启示作用。文章认为,应加强我国国外投资企业的政治风险评估和政治风险预警,通过制定亏损准备金制度、与东道国签订双边投资保证协定和建立完善问责机制等措施规避政治风险,同时妥善处理好政治风险善后问题,化被动为主动。  相似文献   

人类的需要决定了人类文明的产生 ,物质、政治、精神三大需要产生了三大文明。而政治文明的标志就是民主政治 ,因此在物质、精神文明的基础上 ,决定了民主政治逐渐发展的必然性。“没有民主就没有社会主义” ,建设民主政治是社会主义发展的客观需要。要使我国的社会主义社会更  相似文献   

This paper presents some of the major health concerns that affect black women, and examines how various individual health problems co-exist and coincide to create complex health concerns for women. It posits the idea that to effectively address a Black woman’s health, her mental, emotional, social, economic and even spiritual health must be considered as well as her physical condition. The paper focuses largely on the information from individual health-related research presentations at “The Invisible Woman” conference held at Bennett College in March 18–19, 2011 in Greensboro, North Carolina. At this event, scholars presented new research on HIV, obesity and mental health—three areas of critical concern for African–American women—examining ways in which these conditions affect Black women. The paper also addresses the role of health care access and policy in addressing these and other health concerns among women and within the black community. The review of the literature highlights the importance of examining health—perhaps especially Black women’s health—from social, cultural, behavioral, environmental and economic perspectives. It also points out the continued need for research that includes women and people of color.  相似文献   

This article tells how the two British economists Hugh Dalton and Colin Clark, came to regard Queensland in the 1930s as an enviable model of economic development. Both men were Fabian socialists and impressed by Queensland's authoritarian premier and by its array of economic controls. Clark even surrendered a promising career at Cambridge to become an economic advisor there. In turn, Queensland, and a personal spiritual crisis, would propel Clark to discard Fabianism for Distributivism. In the final analysis Queensland's agrarian socialism was not drawn upon Fabian lines but rather impelled by a mix of rural development and electoral pragmatism.  相似文献   

The article discusses the current state of production facilities and infrastructure and provides a detailed assessment of their development and depreciation. It is emphasized that it is appropriate to consider the underfunding of this area of the economy, including the subsequent high accident rate and the increase in technological risks, as a set of socioeconomic (investment) debts. An assessment of these debts is given. The trends of technological risks of the economic growth and options for an investment maneuver to address the accumulated socioeconomic debts and reduce economic risks are considered in the context of two basic scenarios of economic development for the period 2011–2030.  相似文献   

This article concerns the consequences of current demographic aging in Japan. The emphasis is on the responsibilities of government to deal with the problems posed by an aging society and the increasing social and economic needs of a growing number of elderly people.  相似文献   

This article develops a new indicator of financial system risk tolerance capacity to see how the financial risk management function mechanism reacts to economic growth by applying a system generalized method of moments estimation technique. Based on a sample of 49 countries for the period 1998–2011, we find that both bank and stock market risk tolerance capacity can significantly promote long-run economic growth through absorbing and bearing real economic risks. These findings indicate that financial system risk tolerance capacity, which provides a powerful trial and error system, has a positive effect on long-term growth. Therefore, the policy implication is that releasing controllable financial risks actively and moderately beforehand may support scientific and technological innovation, maintain financial stability and, finally, promote long-run economic growth.  相似文献   

China and India were relatively unscathed by the global financial and economic crisis: after a brief downturn, stellar economic growth is back on track. New global and regional economic and political orders are also emerging in the post‐crisis period with both nations playing a prominent role. There is heightened attention being given to the nature of their development paradigm and related matters such as governance. This paper begins with a brief introduction to the subject. Second, China and India's paradigms for development progress are outlined. Third, the key current and emerging risks and challenges facing these nations are discussed. Fourth, their respective fault lines are exposed. Fifth, some final thoughts are offered on the possible shape of the next development paradigm shift. I conclude by suggesting that the next paradigm shift in China and India will likely successfully tackle some of the unresolved developmental problems that these nations face.  相似文献   

Mechanisms contributing to the aggregation of systemic risks in economic systems, as well as their transmission channels at national and global levels, are considered in the paper. The advantages and disadvantages of different approaches to regulating systemic risks are discussed. The author emphasizes the necessity of differentiated approaches to the regulation of financial organizations, depending on the latter’s systemic importance, and the role of counter-cyclical instruments for stabilizing financial market fluctuations.  相似文献   

社主义核心价值体系包含着丰富的唯物辩证法思想。真正全面的的体会和理解这一核心价值体系是有中国特色的社会主义的必修部分。只有坚持真理性与价值性、整体性与层次性、传统性与时代性、民族性与全球性的辩证关系才能在辩证统一中构建社会主义核心价值体系。  相似文献   


This paper examines the link between country-level governance and global stock market returns. We find a negative relation between governance quality and equity return. Countries with low governance scores, on average, have higher equity returns than those with high governance scores after controlling for global risk factors known to influence international equity returns. This implies that investors associate low governance quality with increased risk and thus demand higher risk premium. We find that the quality of governance as measured by Political Stability and Absence of Violence is key governance dimension affecting international equity returns, suggesting that heightened investor concerns over political risks have profound impact on equity markets. Interestingly, we find no evidence that variation in equity returns is affected by the governance indicator representing Voice and Accountability. The findings of this study provide important policy implications.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,中东欧国家先后实施了金融银行业对外开放政策。金融开放为中东欧国家金融银行业注入了活力,但同时也蕴含着很多问题和潜在风险,在全球金融危机的冲击下,这些问题和潜在风险已影响到这些国家的金融市场和银行体系的稳定。本文着重从过高的外币融资、过快增长的家庭信贷、过度依赖的间接融资,以及外资银行大量进入挤占内资银行市场份额等4个方面分析这些国家金融银行业潜在风险的形成过程。  相似文献   

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