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“工欲善其事,必先利其器”,外销员除应当取得全国经贸行业外销员统考合格证外,还必须理解自己要具备什么样的基本条件和有意识地去培养、提高那些必不可少的素质,才能成为称职的合格的外销员。  相似文献   

外销员应具备的国际贸易规则知识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国际贸易的操作过程自始至终贯穿着对相关国际贸易规则的遵循和应用,外销员的工作实质上就是以国际贸易规则为依据,运用英语这一国际贸易的通用语言与外商进行信息沟通的过程,对国际贸易规则的准确理解和熟练的英文表述是外销员应具备的基本素质。  相似文献   

外销员考试从1989年开始历经多年发展,从原外经贸部主办到现在的商务部、人事部共同主办,并重命名为"国际商务专业人员职业资格考试外销员从业资格考试",在我国的外贸行业已形成一定影响.对应试者来说既是获得上岗资格的必备条件,又是对自己综合业务水平的检验.本文目的在于探讨外销员英语考试的命题思路、内容和应对策略,希望能对广大应试者有所帮助.  相似文献   

外销员从业资格考试<外贸综合业务>涵盖的学科有<中国对外贸易>、<国际贸易>、<国际贸易实务>、<国际金融>、<国际营销学>、<国际经济贸易法>.考试题型有7种:名词解释题、单项选择题、多项选择题、判断题、计算题、操作题、案例分析题.为使应试者顺利通过外销员资格考试外贸综合业务科目,笔者以下按课程介绍复习重点.  相似文献   

在一个连续3年产销量以30%的速度增长、拥有58家啤酒厂、年销量达500多万吨的合资企业,你能想象主管销售、营销、培训等多个部门的市场总监的工作压力,工作的紧张、忙碌程度吗?如果我告诉你,看书和电视连续剧是他的嗜好,他工作、生活得很积极也很悠闲,他甚至很少在工作时间之外加班,也许你会认为这是天方夜谭,但是这个人就在我们身边。在记者的再三追问下,他道出了自己成长、成功的秘诀——  相似文献   


上一期“名人理财”栏目介绍了周华健的理财经历,从中既读到了天王的苦出身,也看到了他的创业史,更学到了理财生活中很重要的一个原则:学会拒绝。  相似文献   

冯丽娟 《国际市场》2005,(10):38-39
在上海外贸出口业有个公认的行情,一个优秀的业务员一年可以为外贸公司带来至少千万美元的销售额,但是如果他的年薪不能达到30万元以上,三个月后他肯定另投他家。  相似文献   

春天的花开秋天的风以及冬天的落阴 忧郁的青春年少的我曾经无知的这么想 风车在四季轮回的歌里它天天的流转 风花雪月的诗句里我在年年的成长 流水它带走光阴的故事改变了一个人 就在那多愁善感而初次等待的青春 在论及捷豹--JAGUAR之前,有两句题外话需要说在前边.自从拙作一个个出笼之后,不断有人问我两个问题:一个是你怎么选用的歌曲都是灰色调的;一个是你把名车都写完了咋办.  相似文献   

2009的中国地产,注定成为预言家的天堂。些许智者纵观内外,准确把握走势行情,引导购房者作出正确选择。些许智者因误读了市场重新回暖的讯息符号,动摇了购房者果断出手的意志。但无论正确与否,敢想敢言都值得我们称赞,毕竟他们为曾经消沉的市场重新赢得了关注,毕竟敢想的人多,但敢说的人很少,毕竟事情只有两面才能显现矛与盾的完整。这些人中,对者,为人赞许信奉;错者,则会成为市场炮轰的对象。这些预言家们,或者以实力说话,如王石、潘石屹;或者胆量过人,如任志强、金岩石;或者坚持己见任风雨袭来仍不动摇,如易宪容、国世平。其实,这些预言的黑与红并不是本文的重点,关注其背后的理论思想以引导市场做出正确判断才是我们的目的所在,也是地产年度风云榜每年评选的意义所在。而2010年的中国地产,圈内人又是如何看待,相信,这才是大家最为关注的……  相似文献   

Up to the press time,China and the whole world were experiencing the most exciting two weeks.The athletes won,failed,laughed,and cried,all of which define the Olympic Spirit—Unity.Friendship, Progress,Harmony,Participation and Dream to the largest extent. Chen Xiexia wins China 1st gold medal  相似文献   

150年来,路易·威登品牌总是把崇尚精致、品质、舒适的"旅行哲学"作为品牌设计的理念………  相似文献   

As one of the most controversial literary figures among his generations,Allan Poe always tries to embroider the terrific effects from the auditory aspect,which can reinforce readers' understandings of the literary texts.This thesis explores the horrific effect of Poe's short stories from the narrative point of view.  相似文献   

<正>一件商品本来可值一元钱,却定价0.99元。这样,给购买者的印象是:这件东西还不到一元钱呢,而且还会有这感觉:0.99元是经过卖主精心计算的,一定货真价实。一元钱嘛,可能是大略估算的,说不定赚我不少钱呢。因此,价格的尾数不同,给消费者带来的影响也是不同的。  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of an interview study carried out in the Republic of Ireland approximately 1 year after the introduction of the euro in January 2002 and also compares the Irish experience to that of the other initial Eurozone countries. The new currency seems to have been rather more positively received in Ireland than elsewhere. Irish adults had a generally more positive attitude towards the new currency and seemed to have adapted to it rather well. Nevertheless, they shared some common experiences and problems with citizens of other countries, such as the perception that the introduction of the euro raised inflation more than it actually did, confusion of notes and coins and the use of coping strategies involving price conversion to the former currency. The implications of the Irish experience for policy are discussed.  相似文献   

Advertising is central to creating brand meaning by endowing brands with symbolic values and embedding them within their broader sociocultural context. This study analyzes how the symbolic meaning of luxury brands is constructed in print advertisements. In particular, the study shows how brand communications of luxury brands systematically differ from those of premium and mass-market brands. Through a comparative analysis of thematic and formal characteristics of 208 print advertising campaigns consisting of about 1,700 individual ads from the primary advertising campaigns of four luxury brands, four premium brands, and four mass-market brands, this study identifies three distinguishing factors of luxury brand communication: enrichment, distancing, and abstraction. First, luxury brand advertising enriches the communication content by using more complex campaign templates that make more frequent use of symbolism, rhetorical structures, and storytelling. Second, luxury brand advertising systematically uses distancing techniques, such as temporal, spatial, social, and hypothetical distancing. Third, luxury brand ads use higher-level discourses that allow for different interpretations of brand advertisements. Therefore, this study provides insights into the construction of brand identity in the luxury field, as well as the broader sociocultural construction of luxury and the evolution of its core symbolic constituencies.  相似文献   

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