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How does competition affect higher education? This paper explores this question for public and private universities. Theory indicates that competition can push higher education policy in one of two different directions. On the one hand, competition may increase spending. For states, this would occur if states treat higher education as developmental; for private universities this would occur if they view spending as a means to attract students and prestige. On the other hand, competition may decrease spending if states treat higher education spending as redistributive, and competition may decrease spending by private schools if lower spending enhances their ability to attract students with low tuition. To determine which of these perspectives is most valid, we examine higher education policy choices in the 1980s and 1990s. We find that states appear to act as if higher education funding is redistributive while private schools appear to compete more on the basis of tuition than spending. These results demonstrate the important effects competition and governance structure have on higher education.Received: August 2001, Accepted: May 2002, JEL Classification: I2, I22, H72, I3  相似文献   

Summary This paper discusses some concepts of mixing for stochastic processes with discrete time. The idea of mixing, which is defined with respect to a starting distribution , means that the tranjectories of the process get out of any set with -measure zero with probability one. Such -mixing processes satisfy an invariance property; an asymptotic event has probability zero under any starting distribution, provided that it has probability zero under the starting distribution . Concerring stationary Markov chains these results imply a weak zero-one-law the relation of which with well-known stronger versions especially for aperiodic Harris chains and with the notions of weak ergodicity and a.s. triviality is studied.  相似文献   

Let be a semiorder on a countable setX and letx0 y if and only if either there existsx withxxy or there existsx withxxy. Then 0 is a preference relation with transitive indifference, which can be represented by a utility functionf of the usual sort. It is well known that is represented by a pair of real-valued functionsu, v, in the sense thatxy if and only ifu(x)>v(y). We prove that there exists a pair of functionsu, v, representing , such thatu+v is the utility function which represents in the usual sense. Moreover it is easily seen that, for such a pair of functionsu, v, we havex0 y if and only if eitheru(x)>u(y) or (u(x)=u(y) andv(x)>v(y)).
Sommario Consideriamo unsemiordine su un insiemeX numerabile e poniamox0 y se e solo se esistex tale chexxy, oppure esistex tale chexxy. In questo caso 0 è unordine debole, che può essere rappresentato da una funzione di utilitàf nel senso usuale. D'altra parte è rappresentato da una coppia di funzioniu, v, nel senso chexy se e solo seu(x)>v(y). In questo lavoro si prova che ammette una rappresentazioneu, v tale chex0 y se e solo seu(x)+v(x)>u(y)+v(y). Si dimostra altresì che, con riguardo ad una siffatta rappresentazioneu, v di , riescex0 y se e solo seu(x)>u(y) oppure (u(x)=u(y) ed anchev(x)>v(y)).

B. Rüger 《Metrika》1978,25(1):171-178
Summary On one sample space there aren tests with critical regionsK 1 and levels of significance i ,i=1, ...,n (resp.n eventsK i in a probability space with probabilities not greater than i ,i=1, ...,n). In this paper we calculate the smallest upper bound of the level of significance of the test reject the hypothesis, if at leastk among the,n tests do so (resp. of the probability of the event at leastk among then events are realized). By the way, we will show, that this smallest upper bound does not change, if we replace at leastk by exactlyk.  相似文献   

Much of the current research on participative decision making focuses on the increasing need for broad-based decision-making systems, on the different outcomes associated with different forms of participation, or on the problems associated with poorly managed participative decision-making systems. This article considers the responsibilities of employees who participate in organizational decision making and the responsibilities of employers who expect to share decision-making tasks. A Bill of Responsibilities for Employees and a Bill of Responsibilities for Employers are presented. Pitfalls associated with neglecting these responsibilities are discussed.  相似文献   

The fast-growing category of defamation lawsuits in the United States involves actions by employees against their employers. Over the last decade, the courts have increasingly ruled in favor of the employee plaintiffs, thus creating an employee's right to reputation. This article identifies a variety of responses undertaken by organizations to reduce their legal liability and lessen the likelihood of employee defamation lawsuits. We argue that while organizational actions to reduce their legal liability may appear rational, such responses may also be creating situations in which employers, employees, and the public may be the unintended victims of a law without justice. The article concludes with a discussion of balancing the freedom necessary for managers to communicate about employees and the fairness of that communication.  相似文献   

Joachim Kunert 《Metrika》1994,41(1):71-81
We consider the simple block model with random block effects, the block effects having variance b 2 =2;, with 2 the variance of the errors. It is assumed that the experimenter can vary the sizes of the blocks. The universal optimality of certain designs for all over all designs with the same number of blocks and the same number of observations is shown. It is of interest to note that if Balanced Incomplete Block Designs compete, then they perform equally well for =0 and for =, i.e. in the one way classification model and in the simple block model with fixed block effects, but they perform worse for every (0, ).The result is, however, theoretical in nature. It treats a situation which is not very likely to happen in practice. The interest lies in the fact that it provides a counterexample to a conjecture on optimality of designs in mixed models.  相似文献   

Summary Several two-stage and sequential procedures have been developed for selecting the best component in a multivariate normal population through the classical indifference zone approach ofBechhofer. The works inMukhopadhyay/Chou will constitute to be very basic in this regard. A number of first-order and second-order asymptotic analysis of these procedures has also been reported. In the case of a bivariate population, the normality assumption has been dropped, and the rate of convergence of the probability of correct selection is studied.  相似文献   

The paper argues that there are a variety of implicit issues in qualitative inquiry that need to be addressed if the area is to develop in some normal science sense. This unfinished business is concerned with a deeper investigation of basic terms that are now simply taken for granted, such as theme and pattern. It also includes the need to develop rules which will assist in making and justifying how qualitative interpretations are made from the implicit processes of inference. Specific suggestions are made for accomplishing these issues.  相似文献   

The United States suffered an unprecedented loss of life on September 11, 2001, from what was labeled a terrorist attack. Mainly on the basis of data from professional association surveys and government agencies, it was found that the United States and many other countries of the world have been significantly affected by the events and aftermath of that morning's events. As an unprecedented attack on a country not usually affected by external terrorism, it allows a unique study of how terrorism can affect countries in the world. As a result of 9/11 there were significant changes in the U.S. economy and society that, because of the global economy and politics as well as the international war on terrorism, certainly have international consequences. Changes also occurred in most areas of human resource management as well as producing a much greater emphasis on having an overall business crisis management program. However, many of the initial changes appear to have diminished over time. The resultant changes, and lack of changes, produce rich questions for further research.  相似文献   

B. C. Gupta 《Metrika》1973,20(1):209-214
Summary In this paper, relationships between generalizedh-statistics which estimate powers and products of central moments unbiasedly and the polykays by using ordered partitions are established. A table expressing generalizedh-statistics of weight 12 in terms of polykays and vice versa is presented. Expressions of weight less than 12 are obtained from this table.
Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird mittels geordneter Zerlegungen eine Beziehung zwischen verallgemeinerterh-Statistik, welche Potenzen und Produkte von zentralen Momenten erwartungstreu abschätzt, und polykays hergestellt. Eime Tabele mit verallgemeinerterh-Statistik vom Gewicht 12 in polykay-Termen, und umgekehrt, wird gegeben. Gewichtsausdrücke kleiner als 12 werden aus dieser Tabelle gewonnen.

This research has been supported by a grant from FINEP/Ministério do Planejamento e Coordenacão Geral to the IMUFRJ.  相似文献   

Let X (r, n, m, k), 1 r n, denote generalized order statistics based on an absolutely continuous distribution function F. We characterize all distribution functions F for which the following linearity of regression holds E(X(r+l,n,m,k) | X(r,n,m,k))=aX(r,n,m,k)+b.We show that only exponential, Pareto and power distributions satisfy this equation. Using this result one can obtain characterizations of exponential, Pareto and power distributions in terms of sequential order statistics, Pfeifers records and progressive type II censored order statistics. Received July 2001/Revised August 2002  相似文献   

The paper presents some results concerning the averaging approach in a general linear regression model in one dimension under suitable conditions about the martingale structure of errors. At first asymptotics of the primary and averaged estimators are discussed. Then it is shown that variances of estimators can be consistently estimated by appropriate integrated squared deviations functionals. Finally applications to the construction of confidence regions are considered.  相似文献   

Dr. W. Sendler 《Metrika》1982,29(1):19-54
Summary Let gn be real functions,U ni, 1in, the ordered sample ofn independentU(0,1) distributed random variables, andc ni(), 1in, 01 be (known) real numbers,n=1, 2, ... The random quantity , 01, is studied. Based on a method proposed byShorack [1972] the main result is the weak convergence of to Gaussian processes, where , 01. The convergence is with respect to theSkorokhod [1956]-topologiesM 2,M 1 onD (I) and the -topology onC(I), depending on the conditions imposed on thec ni().  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es sei {F ,(x); –<<, >0} mitF ,(x)=F((x–)/)–F(x) eine standardisierte Verteilungsfunktion — die Familie der zulässigen Verteilungsfunktionen. Der (früher eingeführte) verallgemeinerte nichtzentralet-Test für die Hypothese {PP 0} mitP:=F ,(x 0) gegen die Alternative {P>P 0} zum Niveau wird mit dem entsprechenden nichtparametrischen Test (Test für die Hypothese {pP 0} über den Parameterp einer Binomialverteilung gegen die Alternative {p>P 0}) verglichen. Für dent-Test wird die relative asymptotische Effizienz bestimmt.Beide Tests lassen sich als Tests für das zur WahrscheinlichkeitP 0 gehörende Quantil einer Verteilungsfunktion interpretieren. Der klassische zentrale Student-Test ergibt sich als Spezialfall (F(x)=(x),P 0=0,5).
Summary Let {F ,(x);–<<, >0} withF ,(x 0):=F((x–)/–F(x) a standarized distribution function — the family of admissible distribution functions. The (earlier introduced) generalized noncentralt-test for the hypothesis {PP 0} withP:=F ,(x 0) against the alternative {P>P 0} at level of significance is compared with the corresponding nonparametric test (Binomial test). The relative asymptotic efficiency of thet-test is determined. Both kinds of tests can be interpreted as quantiltests. In caseF(x)=(x),P 0=0,5 one gets the classical central Student-test.

Secretary problems with inspection costs as a game   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dr. P. Grant 《Metrika》1982,29(1):87-93
A secretary problem without recall, with given rewards and inspection costs is considered as a game of an opponent against a statistician. Probability distributions on the set of arrangements of the arrivals and randomized stopping rules are the strategies for the two players. We give a condition under which minimax strategies may be obtained in a systematic way.  相似文献   

Si studia un modo di approssimare la probabilità di rovina relativa a un caricamento 0 con le probabilità di rovina relative a una successione di caricamenti ( k ) k , che approssimano 0 quandok tende all'infinito.
Summary In this paper we study a way of approximating the probability of ruin related to a loading 0, by the probabilities of ruin related of a sequence of loadings ( k ) k which «approximate» 0 ask converges to infinity.

W. Widdra 《Metrika》1972,19(1):68-71
Zusammenfassung Beim bekannten Gesetz seltener Ereignisse betrachtet mane große Zahl unabhängiger Ereignisse, die jeweils mit der gleichen kleinen Wahrscheinlichkeit eintreten können. Unter geeigneten Annahmen ist die Zahl der eingetretenen Ereignisse näherungsweise poissonverteilt. [Vgl. z.B. Morgenstern, p. 39, 1968;Waerden, p. 47, 1957].Ein oft angegebenes Beispiel hierfür ist die Häufigkeitsverteilung von Unfällen, die jeweils nur eine Person oder ein Fahrzeug betreffen. In dieser Arbeit gehen wir von Unfällen mit zwei Beteiligten aus. Auf diese Weise erhält man eine Verallgemeinerung des Gesetzes seltener Ereignisse auf gewisse abhängige Ereignisse.Außerdem wird ein neuer Beweis für die allgemeine Formel der Momente der Poissonverteilung gegeben.Damit ist ein Grenzwertsatz für eine spezielle Folge schwach abhängiger Zufallsgrößen bewiesen.
Summary The well-known law of rare events deals with a large number of independent events, each of which can occur with the same probability. Under suitable assumptions the number of events which occur has approximately a Poisson distribution. [CompareMorgenstern, p. 39, 1968;Waerden, p. 47, 1957].An example which is often used for illustration is the frequency distribution of accidents, in which only one car or one person is involved. In this paper we refer to accidents in which two parties are involved. This leads to a generalization of the law of rare events where cases of dependent events are concerned.In addition a new proof of the general formula as to the moments of Poisson distribution is given.This proves a limit theorem of weakly dependent random variables of a certain sequence.

Dietmar Ferger 《Metrika》2004,60(1):33-57
In this article a systematic study is given of the asymptotic behavior of two-sample tests based on U-Statistics with arbitrary antisymmetric kernels . Besides the investigation under the hypothesis and under fixed alternatives we determine the local power as a function of as well as its maximizing value opt. Moreover formulas for the asymptotic relative efficiency ARE(2,1) of the 2-test with respect to the 1-test are derived. It turns out that opt also yields the most efficient test in the sense that ARE(opt,)1 for all (admissible) kernels .  相似文献   

This article suggests a method for introducing a stochastic element into Farrell measures of technical efficiency as calculated via linear programming techniques. Specifically, a bootstrap of the original efficiency scores is performed to derive confidence intervals and a measure of bias for the scores. The bootstrap generates these measures of statistical precision for the nonstochastic efficiency measures by using computational power to derive empirical distributions for the efficiency measures.  相似文献   

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