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Using unique Swedish disclosure data from 2007 to 2012, this paper reports three important sets of findings with regard to the relationship between firms’ voluntary disclosure, external financing and financial status. First, financially strong firms disclose more than weaker ones. Second, firms that obtain new financing (equity or debt) disclose more than firms that do not. Third, the association between voluntary disclosure and financing events is stronger in financially weak firms. This last finding is new in the literature. Perhaps financially weak firms that obtain external funding have higher disclosure to counteract contracting and valuation problems in the financial markets.  相似文献   

金融发展、预算软约束与企业投资   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
本文利用上市公司的数据,实证检验了在我国转型经济的特殊制度背景下,金融发展促进经济增长的微观传导机制是否存在并发挥作用以及影响这种作用发挥的制度性因素。研究结果发现金融发展水平的提高能够减轻企业的融资约束,降低企业投资对内部现金流的依赖性。但是,预算软约束的存在扭曲了国有企业面临的真实的融资约束,使得其投资对内部现金流的依赖程度要明显低于民营企业,并且这种软约束的存在还减弱了金融发展对国有企业所带来的积极作用,产生了“漏出”效应。本文的启示为:在我国转型经济的特殊制度背景下,如果要真正地减轻企业的融资约束,降低市场交易的成本,促进经济的发展,必须从提高金融发展水平和硬化预算约束同时入手。  相似文献   

张亮  刘群燕  漆鑫 《上海金融》2012,(7):13-17,116
本文采用System GMM和固定效应模型方法对金融效率差异对外商投资的影响进行分析发现:金融效率差异的增大会抑制外商投资,即地区金融效率的提升会促进外商投资;金融效率差异随着时间推移对外资流入的作用越来越明显,影响程度越来越强。其次,将外资存量作为被解释变量进行的稳健性检验结果发现结论与外资流量基本一致,且当期金融效率差异对总体外资存量作用要小于对外资流量的作用。  相似文献   

Optimal investment in an asset and its optimal life are shown to be interrelated through operating cash flows and depreciation allowance, as well as book and salvage values upon termination; thus they are determined simultaneously. Asset life and investment are positively (negatively) related if delaying abandonment increases (reduces) the benefit of marginal investment. If investment and asset life are positively related, increased debt financing or allowable depreciation positively impact on them; otherwise, the impact is ambiguous in sign. Further, investment in a zero salvage value asset and its holding period increase with depreciation or leverage when (1) its cash flows form an annuity or (2) the firm employing it is tax-exempt.  相似文献   

金融自由化与中国金融改革   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
当今世界,金融自由化已成为一种潮流。无论是发达国家还是发展中国家都在朝着这个方向努力,以促进本国经济的较快发展和国际经济一体化。发达国家和发展中国家金融自由化的进程和一些做法值得我们借鉴。  相似文献   

近年来,实体企业金融化问题引起了政府和学术界的广泛关注。本文以2010-2016年我国A股上市公司为研究样本,考察客户集中度是否会影响企业的金融投资水平。研究发现,客户集中度越高的公司,金融投资水平越高。这样的关系在企业议价能力弱、客户稳定程度高、企业对客户是专用性投资以及产品市场竞争激烈时更显著。本文的研究结论从微观视角分析了企业金融化的动因,同时为理论界和实务界更好地理解新兴市场中供应链关系如何影响企业行为带来一定启示。  相似文献   

Companies experiencing financial distress can attempt to mitigate financial distress through changing the investment in the fixed asset base. Management may choose to expand the asset base in hopes of increasing sales. Alternatively, management may choose to contract the asset base in order to eliminate and/or reduce investment in unprofitable or risky ventures, improve liquidity, reduce earnings volatility, and reduce the need for operating capital.In this study, we examined how observed changes in the investment base affect the likelihood of emergence from a financially distressed condition. We find that, when management chooses to contract the investment in property, plant, and equipment, the likelihood of emergence from financial distress is significantly improved. On the other hand, when management chooses to expand property, plant, and equipment in the face of distress, the distress is only intensified. Our explanation is that companies that choose to contract their fixed asset base in times of trouble are taking steps that will most likely improve their financial condition—they are less likely to need working capital, and can better tolerate increased levels of long-term debt. Conversely, increasing the fixed asset base amplifies the need for working capital, and borrowing money to facilitate the expansion simply increases the necessary uses of that working capital because the debt must be serviced. As a result, companies descend even deeper into financial distress and decrease the likelihood that they will emerge therefrom.  相似文献   

This study has two objectives: to examine the relationship between managerial sentiment and corporate investment and to examine the relationship between investment and firm value. We use a sample of Taiwanese firms and find that an optimal level of investment that maximizes a firm's value does exist and that it depends upon the quality of the investment opportunities. In addition, the empirical results show that when firms have valuable (nonvaluable) investment opportunities, managerial optimism (pessimism) makes overinvestment (underinvestment) more likely. Interestingly, the overinvestment (underinvestment) phenomenon for optimistic (pessimistic) managers differs significantly between valuable project and nonvaluable project firms.  相似文献   

运用供求关系原理,设定计量模型,探讨中央银行金融监管行为对市场利率的影响,实证分析发现:短期内中央银行可以更好地控制货币供给量,进而影响市场利率,但通过货币需求量改变市场利率的效果不是很明显.  相似文献   

徐虹  叶武君  孙成伸 《银行家》2020,(4):130-131
县域经济是统筹城乡经济的纽带,是国民经济运行的重要基础,发展县域经济对推动新型城镇化和农业现代化、推进新农村建设具有重要的战略意义。在现代经济社会下,金融与经济高度融合。习近平总书记强调"金融活、经济活,金融稳、经济稳",并在2017年全国金融工作会议上提出"实体经济是金融的根基,金融是实体经济的血脉,为实体经济服务是金融立业之本"。  相似文献   

金融监管的障碍与革新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现行的监管体系存在体制性、功能性、机制性、制度性等诸多障碍,必须改革体制,规范监管内容,改进监管方式,改革用人机制,完善监管体系。  相似文献   

The operational connection between tax and financial reporting has been reported on in detail for a few countries but not for Spain. However, the literature suggests that there was a great reduction in the influence of tax in Spain in the early 1990s. This paper applies the methodology of earlier researchers in order to measure the tax/reporting linkages for Spain at three different dates. We find that Spain is intermediate between France/Germany and USA/UK in the degree of tax influence on financial reporting. We also find that the common belief in a major reduction in tax influence over time can be refuted.  相似文献   

李培功  肖珉 《金融研究》2012,(2):127-141
本文基于管理者在一定约束条件下追求自身利益最大化的逻辑思路,分析管理者任期与企业资本投资之间的关系,重点检验我国上市公司CEO的既有任期和预期任期对企业投资水平和投资效率的影响。研究结果发现,在管理者任期与投资水平的关系上,国有企业与非国有企业表现一致:CEO的既有任期越长,企业的投资水平越高;CEO的预期任期越短,企业的投资水平越低。在管理者任期与投资效率的关系上,国有企业与非国有企业表现不同:非国有企业的过度投资程度与CEO的既有任期及预期任期无关,而国有企业CEO的既有任期越长,过度投资问题越严重;CEO的预期任期越短,过度投资问题越能得到缓解。  相似文献   

Debt Maturity Structure and Firm Investment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study shows that the maturity structure of a firm's debt has a significant impact on its investment decisions. We show, after controlling for the effect of the overall level of leverage, that a higher percentage of long-term debt in total debt significantly reduces investment for firms with high growth opportunities. In contrast, the correlation between debt maturity and investment is not significant for firms with low growth opportunities. The results are strong at the firm level and at the business segment level. These results hold even after controlling for the endogeneity problem inherent in the relationship between total leverage, the maturity composition of leverage, and investment.  相似文献   

张羽  李黎 《新金融》2010,(9):41-45
货币政策与金融稳定的关系一直是理论界所关心的热门话题。由于目前对于金融稳定的内涵缺乏一个广泛可接受的定义,从而无法建立起考察货币政策与金融稳定关系的一致的分析框架,有关货币政策与金融稳定的相互作用机制难以达成一致的结论。本文采用金融不稳定说来定义金融稳定,从金融机构危机、货币危机和资产价格冲击三个方面,对货币政策与金融稳定关系研究进展进行梳理,以期对未来的进一步研究有所启发。  相似文献   

以我国A股上市公司2009-2014年聘请了财务顾问的并购事件为样本,考量投行关系对公司选择并购财务顾问及并购绩效的影响.结果显示:与没有"关系"的投行相比,有"关系"的投行被聘请担任财务顾问的概率大23.8%;并且"关系"越紧密,被选中的概率越大;进一步分析表明,"直接关系"比"间接关系"发挥的作用更大,投行的"关系"与"声誉"之间存在替代效应;并且公司选择有"关系"的投行提高了其并购绩效,但仅存在于非国有上市公司发生的市场化并购中.  相似文献   

利用1978-2003年的数据,运用协整分析、格兰杰因果检验、脉冲响应函数和预测方差分解方法,对我国金融发展与投资增长之间的相关关系和因果关系进行了实证研究。结论表明:我国金融发展中货币供应量和金融机构信贷量明显地促进了投资的增加,而证券类金融资产量对投资有着显著的负面效应,并在此基础上提出了政策建设。  相似文献   

生存问题是企业面临的头等重要大事。本文采用1999-2007年期间新成立的非国有企业样本数据刻画了中国企业的生存时间。数据显示非外资参与企业相对于外资参与企业具有较低的生存率。通过使用COX比例风险回归模型发现外资参与确实可以有效缓解企业的融资约束,从而降低企业的失败风险。相比利用外资带来融资约束缓解效应而言,加快金融市场改革、消除基于所有制性质的信贷歧视才是真正缓解民营企业融资约束,进而提升中国企业竞争力的切实有效的路径。  相似文献   

Abstract:   This study examines the relation between bank relations and market performance in Thailand, an economy in which commercial banks play a crucial role through lending relationship and, for a number of companies, equity ownership. Overall, bank relationships, both equity‐based and debt‐based, positively affect capital investment. However, there is a negative relation between lending relationships, both short‐term and long‐term, and market performance indicating that bank lending may not always be consistent with value maximization. There is also evidence of a positive marginal effect of bank monitoring through equity ownership on market performance. Further, the relation between bank equity ownership and market performance appears to be non‐linear with a concave function. Ownership by corporate insiders is also negatively related to bank equity ownership. Overall, the findings highlight the detrimental effects of excessive short‐term debt usage, one of the factors believed to contribute to the financial crisis in Thailand, and the marginal benefit of the equity‐based relationship on firm value.  相似文献   

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