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李余 《中国广告》2021,(3):31-33
文旅是一个超级场景,在这个场景里面可以注入很多东西,商业创意、文化艺术、品牌营销,等等,可以把很多东西整合到一起。文旅的任何一个板块做出来可能都是一个很大的领域,和商业相关、与文创共生,已经超越了广告的范畴,扩展了创意的边界。品牌在这个超级场景下有哪些新机遇?对广告、创意提出了哪些新需求?  相似文献   

如今,对于广告营销而言是最好的时代,也是最坏的时代:一方面,层出不穷的新媒介、多元化的媒体组合、花样翻新的营销方式,让广告主惊喜不断;另一方面,受众碎片化、传播平台碎片化发展趋势,又让广告主在寻找目标受众时无从下手。  相似文献   

结合传统营销模式,对快时尚=资源浪费的观点进行了批判性分析,并提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

马椿荣 《北方经贸》2014,(11):49-51
通过企业营销活动引导公众在日常消费过程中树立环保意识,践行生态消费,是生态文明背景下亟待解决的重要现实问题。然而,目前企业生态营销活动的实际绩效却较差,表现为居民生态消费水平较低,如何提高企业生态营销的有效性已成为非常重要的理论和实践课题。本文基于对生态营销绩效差深层原因分析的基础上,结合消费者价值相关理论、自我决定理论,给出了企业生态营销的策略思考。  相似文献   

正UGC的鼻祖Youtube,长视频的典范Hulu,大数据自制一鸣惊人的Netflix,似乎每家国外的视频网站都有自己独特的标签和生存之道。当我们把探究的视线转向国内,却发现CPM的售卖模式依然占据了大半江山,绝大多数视频网站的营销思维似乎还局限在不断花高价购进版权内容以带动广告销量上。但事实是,贴片广告的时代渐行渐远,广告主想要的已经远远不止CPM曝光这么简单。他们希望,能够找到与自己调性匹配的媒体,能够找到实现全方位落地的  相似文献   

2009年5月.湖南省张家界市市长赵小明以夸张的卡通形象,代言张家界国际乡村音乐节,在网络上引起热议,获得超过八成网友支持,井被评为“史上最帅的市长”。现代人生活节奏加快、压力走,需要更为感性的传播环境,而动漫正以其轻松的感观体验、多元的传播连径、广泛的受众接触,进入大家的视线。  相似文献   

营销,是借用生活方式创造时尚流行符号的一种活动。成就营销,从关注时尚开始。营销源于对生活点滴的深刻理解,看有趣的时尚,做有用的营销2006年第五届实战营销中国营销高峰论坛的一个核心观点——2007年的营销更要重视生活方式营销。生活方式营销的本质是充分尊重消费者行为方式背后的内在心理动  相似文献   

"人走我不走,杀出新血路。"这是叶茂中这厮想提醒企业的一句话。企业的生存首先是市场和竞争对手的选择,然后是营销思维的选择。一旦选定了市场和竞争对手,那么就必须在营销思维上和竞争对手"反着走"。不是试图做得比竞争对手好,而是要区别于它。大企业  相似文献   

伴随着全球经济一体化,企业开展关系营销需要考虑文化因素。因此,文章主要介绍了关系营销在东方思维下的具体体现并对此提出相应的策略,以提高商业企业的营销工作效率。  相似文献   

2010年5月1日,世博会开幕,世界把目光投向了上海,投向了世博园,而世博园中最引人注目的要数炫红的中国国家馆。中国馆外立面的7000多块红色铝板和1200多块玻璃相互映衬,充分展现了“东方之冠”的雄伟身姿。而体现中国馆传统与现代、节能与环保理念的玻璃就来自信义集团(以下简称信义)。  相似文献   

随着社会的进步,汽车物流运输得到了飞速发展,其中散装运输和集装箱运输是汽车物流运输发展的主要方向。欧美发达国家在上世纪五十年代便开始研究和应用散装运输,目前其散粒物资散装运输约占80%以上,散装物流运输车技术也有很大的发展。  相似文献   

The paper analyses the advertising as power vs. advertising as information controversy as well as its recent empirical testing. It is stressed that this distinction focuses too much on the interaction between consumer and manufacturer while ignoring the retailer as an important stake-holder. To compensate for this lack, a complex marketing system perspective is introduced in which consumer, retailer, and manufacturer interact. However, these complex marketing systems might drift towards market equilibria which are against the consumer interests: that is, firmsmight lock out brands from the market by means of trade and sales promotions and then use advertising to protect their position. Consequently brands of better quality and/or innovative brands are barred from trade shelves.
Werbung, ProduktqualitÄt und komplexe Marketingsysteme
Zusammenfassung Der Beitrag behandelt die kontroverse Gegenüberstellung von Werbung als Marktmacht und Werbung als Information, sowie einen neueren Versuch, diese Kontroverse empirisch zu entscheiden. Der Autor betont, da\ sich die Kontroverse zu stark auf die Interaktion zwischen Konsument und Hersteller konzentriert, wÄhrend der Handel als eigenstÄndig beteiligte Instanz übersehen wird. Um diesen Mangel zu beheben, führt er eine komplexere Perspektive des Marketingsystems ein, in welcher alle drei Instanzen interagieren. Die Analyse ergibt jedoch, da\ sich solche komplexe Marketingsysteme auf Gleichgewichte zubewegenkönnen, die gegen das Konsumenteninteresse gerichtet sind. Unternehmen können Konkurrenten mit handelspolitischen Ma\nahmen vom Markt fernhalten und dann ihre eigene Position mit Mitteln der Werbung schützen. Folgich können Marken besserer QualitÄt oder innovative Produktenwicklungen vom Markt ferngehalten werden.

《Journal of Business Research》2006,59(10-11):1201-1205
This study explores a 2003 Yahoo Anniversary Website–I left my heart in Aegean Sea–built by Justin, a Taiwanese engineer. Justin returns from the romantic Aegean Sea and puts 124 photographs he took onto a website to share with his friends. Unexpectedly, the website becomes a hit and the address achieves wide distribution via various chain e-mails. The site helps to promote tourism to Greece, a destination relatively unknown to most Taiwanese. This investigation explores why the site appeals to so many visitors, impresses them, and even draws them to plan travel to Greece. The article describes the effect of the website by analyzing messages left on the site. The AIDA model is useful for classifying holistic messages. The data demonstrate that the website generates desire and action in over 45% of its readers. These individuals either announce plans to visit Greece immediately or at some time in the foreseeable future. The website thus significantly influences browsers and indirectly promotes Greek tourism. Then, this article describes the key success factors of this popular website. Finally, the article presents suggestions and implications for the tourism industry and for nations seeking to promote tourism.  相似文献   

It is argued that marketing people may benefit from adopting the hedonic methodology used by economists, especially when analysing price/quality relationships, but also in order to make better evaluations of differentiated products. Hence the paper introduces the theoretical and empirical aspects of hedonic analysis and gives some suggestions for the improvement of the econometric analysis of price/quality relationships. In addition, the application of the hedonic methodology is shown on a sample of 528 Danish house transactions, and the advantages of hedonic analysis are demonstrated.  相似文献   


To address ‘wicked problems’ such as obesity, family violence or community safety, we need systems change interventions that reach large numbers, are scalable and can be enriched over time.

Follow the development of a social marketing platform as it became a critical component of Healthy Together Victoria; an internationally recognised, and radically different, approach to driving change for better health. Working beyond the delivery of public education campaigns, social marketing became a key pillar of this powerful movement – one that emboldened governments, business and other partners across sectors and communities – to tackle the rising tide of obesity through leadership, big thinking and joint action.  相似文献   

中国是一个多民族国家,每一个地区、每一个省份、每一个民族都有自己璀璨的文化特色。很多地区的特色文化还没得到充分的开发,或者说没有得到商业范畴的大范围推广传播。结合文旅项目的开发和创新,可以使我们国家的文化得到更好的传承,促进品牌、商业多元化发展和人们生活品质的提升。本刊采访了整合营销专家、时趣SVP赵赫,他从创意升级、IP打造、消费者沟通等角度,与我们分享了他在文旅创新领域的经验和看法。  相似文献   

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