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Yuan Geng, who created the Shekou Mode, is a pioneer in 30 years' history of China opening to the foreign, and a practicer of the policy by Deng Xiaoping of "Shenzhen Special Zone should break a way for China". The success of Shekou Mode provided a vane to the rapid development of economic zones and development zones in China, and the "growing up" of China. Referring to Yuan Geng, some say he is a capitalist, some say he is pioneer, and some say he is a star of reform, and so on. To carve a real picture let's go near to him and share the valuable memories.  相似文献   

When people talk about fortune, they are always recalled of the entrepreneurs. However, in the Fortune Global Forum, some well-known domestic entrepreneurs such as Charles Zhang, Peggy Yu and Jack Ma, they are honored as Pioneers.  相似文献   

一 在鹿特丹OMA工作并在纽约成立REX工作室之后,Erez Ella回到特拉维夫分别成立了HQ建筑师事务所和GreenGo环境事务所.HQ规划公共项目,比如特拉维夫,的艺术学院;而GreenGo则启动绿色基础设施项目,包括在成千上万的学校安装太阳能板,如今,其安装的太阳能板产生的太阳能占以色列总太阳能的三分之一.此外,Erez还带领以色列馆策展团队参加今年的威尼斯建筑双年展.  相似文献   


Given the risks and returns associated with conducting business online, practitioners and academics alike are urged to gain an understanding of the strategic variables that can offer firms competitive advantages. A strategic variable of importance to traditional retailers is the image that is promoted to consumers. To date the concept of online retail or “e-tail” image has not been assessed in marketing literature. This study forwards the development of a multi-dimensional scale to measure e-tailer image. By way of extensive review of retail image literature, the authors develop a six-dimensional definition of e-tailer image consisting of the functional dimensions of price, merchandise, and service, and the affective dimensions of atmosphere, self/site image congruence, and convenience. Through interviews with online consumers and experts in the field, an item pool is generated to represent e-tailer image. The results of three empirical tests, the first consisting of a student sample and the second and third consisting of online shoppers, are reported. Utilizing exploratory/confirmatory factor analysis and correlation analysis, findings confirm the proposed dimensionality, reliability and validity of the e-tailer image scale. The most important contribution of the study revolves around the fact that it takes the first logical step in measuring a very illusive, yet crucial, strategic marketing variable.  相似文献   

香港创业板对国内创业板风险控制的借鉴意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
余津津  戴志敏 《商业研究》2001,(10):106-109
国内创业板的推出指日可待,而创业板的风险控制问题已成为理论界和公众关注的焦点。在对香港创业板的运行现状进行考察的基础上,从外部环境和自身运行等方面剖析了香港创业板市场高风险的原因,并且针对国内创业板情况提出控制风险的几点建议。  相似文献   

杨宇时 《广告大观》2007,(2S):132-132
小时候在台湾的眷村中长大。记忆中的母亲,穿着高雅的旗袍,觉得她是美丽的极致;上了小学,看到随着国民党将军们撤退的老太太,裹着小脚,蹒跚地行走,觉得中国是陈腐的;上了初中,科学课读到中国的四大发明,历史课读到了墨翟与公输般论攻城守城,觉得中国是创新的;稍长后,念古文,读到“夷入华则华”,看到虬苒客(白人血统?),看到昆仑奴(黑人血统?),觉得中国是包容的;讲到“王何必日利,必也仁义哉!”,觉得中国是爱心的;讲到“士不可以不弘毅,任重而道远”,觉得中国是有理想有毅力的。  相似文献   

大庆精神是大庆石油职工在中国共产党的领导下,自觉学习、灵活运用马克思主义理论,将中国工人阶级的优秀品质、党的优良作风、人民军队的光荣传统高度融合的重要成果,是党在社会主义建设时期谱写出的伟大精神的新篇章。大庆精神在党的伟大精神中占有重要、崇高、特殊的地位:它的诞生雄辩地证明了党不但善于领导革命,而且善于领导建设;它的形成和发展标志着党带领人民探索出了一条管理社会主义工业企业的成功道路;它是第一个与自身原初实践始终没有分离的党的伟大精神。我们应当努力继承弘扬大庆精神,使之发挥更大价值。  相似文献   

作为中国经济发展的后起之秀,经过20多年的发展,民营企业取得了第一次创业的成功,民营经济也已占据国民生产总值六成以上。随着中国加入WTO,经济全球化、国际化速度的加快,市场竞争变得尤为激烈。因此,如何赢得二次创业成为民营企业迫在眉睫的任务。  相似文献   

2010年1月27日,国家电网公司发布了其第五份社会责任报告。该报告系统披露了公司全面履行社会责任,推动科学发展的年度实践和具体绩效。透过报告,我们更能感到作为中国企业社会责任理论的创新者,实践领跑者和推进全面社会责任管理的拓荒者,国家电网公司正在形成系统的科学社会责任观,并将其逐步融入到公司使命、战略、日常运营和管理中,正给我们呈现一幅系统推进全面社会责任管理愈来愈清晰的路线图。  相似文献   

一、营销理念创新 创新是企业发展的不竭动力.在当今买方市场条件下,企业要想把顾客从竞争对手那里夺过来,使其产品(服务)赢得较高的市场份额,就必须进行营销创新.而实现营销创新的一个前提条件,就是要进行营销理念创新.营销理念创新是营销创新的灵魂,可以说,没有营销理念创新,就没有营销创新.所谓营销理念创新,是指企业为适应新的营销环境的变化而形成的具有前瞻性的营销指导思想.其主要有两个涵义:一是要勇于采用适应消费需求变化的一些新的理念;二是要善于运用与其营销理念创新相适应的营销手段.  相似文献   

本文借助经济学与哲学的分析范式探究传统浙商的精神特质,认为传统浙商精神既有时代的影子,也有超越时代的诉求,它是时代性、地域性和超越性的统一,蕴涵丰富的理性内涵.今天的浙商应该领会和接纳传统,铸造新的理性精神.  相似文献   

马欢  王嫒  肖妤倩 《中国市场》2011,(17):50-53
<正>又是卡洛斯·斯利姆·埃卢(CarloSlim Helu),这位来自墨西哥的电信大亨再度超越比尔·盖茨和沃伦·巴菲特,蝉联福布斯全球亿万富豪榜世界首富头衔。"财富意味着创造更大财富的责任与承诺,不管是公共的还是私人的财富,都  相似文献   

左学荣 《广告大观》2007,(5S):84-85
有一次,我到杭州的一家广告公司做TRADING,课间休息时,有位员工私下里问我——怎样才能让自己成为一名优秀的创意总监?  相似文献   

我国创为投资的退出机制与第二板市场的建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

我国创业投资的退出机制与第二板市场的建设   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
创业投资是市场经济的产物,科技成果产业化不仅需要大量的资金投入作为商品化的“媒体”,更需要与之相适应的创业投资机制。在我国,创业投资的退出机制则是发展创业投资的关键所在。一、创业投资的特点和运作机理创业投资是指投资者出资协助具有专门技术而无自有资金的...  相似文献   

许多成功的广告走上了跨越类别的康庄大道:一条TVC的源头是一次巨大的植入活动,一张平面的背后是一场成功的PR推动,一条VIRAL视频的真身是一次真实的事件营销……这些创意的穿越,跨越媒体与类别的传播成为了这一届戛纳的主旋律。与上海上海戛纳走过了59个年头,今年是戛纳广告节更名为戛纳国际创意节的第二年。主办方的进步改革,全球创意领域的变化,都在这一年的戛纳更为明显地展现出来。我们二人有幸成为《中国广告》的前方特派观察员  相似文献   

浙江商人是中国近代最具实力和影响的区域商人群体。在一个多世纪的经营中,浙江商人形成了富有特色的“浙商精神”,即实业兴国精神,开拓进取、自强不息、矢志不渝精神和敬业精神,这是近代浙商长盛不衰的重要原因。近代浙商精神是一笔精神财富,在今天建立社会主义市场经济体制、推进现代化建设中,仍然值得继承和弘扬。  相似文献   

This mixed-methods case study describes the experiences of a rural health organization in Canada that was a pioneer in undergoing institutionally driven radical change. This change was advocated by senior managers and physicians with the strong backing of the government. The senior managers and physicians made a strong case for the radical change and argued that a focus on efficiency and wellness would lead to improved service and quality of patient-care. However, this radical change initiative was resisted by nurses and support staff who perceived that these changes were being driven by market-based institutional logics and questioned their ethical appropriateness in a public system. They also expressed a lack of trust given the large-scale layoffs in a prior restructuring. These findings run counter to extant theory by highlighting the role of agency despite institutional pressures. Specifically, change implementers not only face the burden of justifying ethical appropriateness of institutional logics, but also are required to engage in persuasive discourse that these institutional logics protect the interests of the members.  相似文献   

Relatively little is currently known about thecoverage of ethical issues in the accountingcurriculum. This paper reports on the resultsof a questionnaire survey of universityacademics in the British Isles which found thata significant minority of management accountinglecturers do claim to address ethical issues intheir teaching. In addition to reporting theextent of such provision, the paper exploresthe reasons for the coverage of ethics. Bothpersonal interest and a belief in theimportance of ethics are found to besignificant, and lecturers who do addressethical issues tend to express stronger beliefsin the responsibility and ability ofuniversities to improve the ethical attitudesand behaviour of their students. Some evidenceis found that personal interest is positivelyrelated to number of years of practicalexperience, which would appear to be a topicworthy of future research in accounting andbusiness ethics.  相似文献   

大庆精神作为中国精神的重要因子,作为中华民族精神的重要组成部分,蕴涵着党的建设取之不竭的丰富资源,既符合马克思主义的基本原理,又具有新鲜活泼为人民群众喜闻乐见的中国作风和中国气派,具有超越时代和空间的恒久价值。大庆精神、铁人精神是具有地方特色的文化资源,蕴含着丰富的党性教育思想、理念、素材和经验,对其开发和利用,对于提升干部精气神,激发广大党员干部昂扬进取、奋发有为、永不懈怠、敢于担当的精神状态具有重大的启示与借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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