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In recent years,as the automobile industry in China is booming,more and more Chinese autos go abroad,and take a share in the international market.There are many international and domestic auto exhibitions,which give those companies arenas to show.How- ever,if you would like to have an intuitive and in-depth understanding of the advantages of Chinese autos,and get fully knowledge of  相似文献   

In recent years,as the automobile industry in China is booming,more and more Chinese autos go abroad,and take a share in the international market.There are many international and domestic auto exhibitions,which give those companies arenas to show.How- ever,if you would like to have an intuitive and in-depth understanding of the advantages of Chinese autos,and get fully knowledge of  相似文献   

In order to provide more opportuni ties for the high-developing Chinese auto industry including autos and motos to do export, and to enlarge the international influence of Chinese cars,the 4th China Auto International Circuit Exhibition will be held in Syria. The exhibition has been held for three times.  相似文献   

Since January 2004, the sales of autos are slowing down. It is mature for the fast developing Chinese auto industry to go out to the international market. Meanwhile, the “early harvest“ scheme is implemented in China and ASEAN Free Trade Area and the exchange visits of high-ranking officials are more frequently. After the ASEAN  相似文献   

The 11th China Beijing International High-Tech Expo,themed as"high-tech Olympics and high- tech innovation",was rounded off successfully on the afternoon of May 25.The Expo,held as planned in such a special period of post-quake relief work,has shown us the power of technology and scientific spirit. It has not only given all the Chinese people the spiritual support and hope for the future but also opened a window for the international community to know more about the Beijing Olympic Games and the development of science and technology in China.  相似文献   

The global economy suffered the financial crisis in the first three quarters of 2008. Since China deeply integrated into the global economy, it's already faced with a number of problems in economy. As Premier Wen Jiabao said in an article published in Qiushi journal that the global economic situation had been worsen- ing and the negative impact of the volatile international market on Chinese economy would become more obvious as the days go by.  相似文献   

Since January 2004, the sales of autos are slowing down. it is mature for the fast developing Chinese auto industry to go out to the international market. Meanwhile, the “early harvest“ scheme is implemented in China and ASEAN Free Trade Area and the exchange visits of high-ranking officials are more frequently. After the ASEAN Business Meeting held in Malaysia this April, China-ASEAN Summit on Investment and Trade is to be held in Laos in November.In order to promote Chinese autos to go out cooperating...  相似文献   

In recent years,we saw more and more Chinese faces in international T stage shows,and they shine among the blondes like angels.“Angels” stand out through various model selection contests,and then step on international stages.As the only contest held during China Fashion Week each year,China Super Model Competition,provides a great number of great new models to the fashion world.  相似文献   

In order to provide more opportuni ties for the high-developing Chinese auto industry including autos and motos to do export, and to enlarge the international influence of Chinese cars,the 4th China Auto International Circuit Exhibition will be held in Syria. The exhibition has been held for three times.……  相似文献   

“Becoming more confident and mature,more and more domestic enterprises begin to make overseas investments and are devoting themselves to bringing their brands and products to the international markets and even tually bringing them to the whole world,” said Luo Jialiang,Ambassador from the Republic of Singapore to China,when commenting on the Chinese enterprises' efforts to invest abroad in an interview with China's Foreign Trade.  相似文献   

How should Chinese entrepreneurs and economy as a whole learn from CEO's wisdom? Interviews and speeches with think-tanks told China's Foreign Trade that visionary budget, international vision, internal competition, and entrepreneur spirits are pillar factors for "going-out" strategies of Chinese enterprises.  相似文献   

When most Chinese enterprises are feeling the chill of financing difficulties arising from exportation crisis,is"going-out strategy"can really strike a chord with their hearts and attract them to invest heavily overseas? Mr.Wang Chao,Assistant Minister of Com- merce told China's Foreign Trade,vast opportunities are there for those prudent yet active"Going-out"Enterprises.They should  相似文献   

"一带一路"倡议下我国"走出去"的企业越来越多,企业国外业务占比日益增加,小币种汇率的不稳定性引致汇率波动风险不断攀升。本文基于2013-2017年264家参与"一带一路"建设的中国企业微观数据,实证检验了企业经营性对冲和金融性对冲策略的外汇风险对冲效果以及二者之间的关系。研究结果表明:经营性对冲和金融性对冲都能起到良好的对冲效果,经营性对冲的效果优于金融性对冲,二者之间是互补关系;东道国综合发展程度越高,企业采取经营性对冲策略的对冲效果越好,且制造业企业比非制造业企业更适合采用经营性对冲策略。  相似文献   

我国中小企业的跨国经营——案例分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
小规模技术理论、技术地方化理论、一体化国家投资发展理论、技术演进理论等跨国投资理论,为我国中小企业实施"走出去"战略提供了很好地理论支持.而飞跃集团成功实现跨固经营的案列则给予了我们更多的启示,我国的中小企业应根据我国的经济现实及国际环境,确立明确的发展战略,选择合适的跨国经营方式,形成产业集群效应,以自身独特的优势发展国际化经营.这对于我国经济发展极具战略意义.  相似文献   

"Invest in Georgia" Trade and Investment Seminar on Au gust 20 hosted by CCPIT is a reminder that brave "going-out" Chinese entrepreneur pioneers still lack role models.  相似文献   

在经济全球化的大背景下 ,我国制造业企业“走出去”是实现我国经济腾飞的必由之路 ;是衡量我国经济发展水平的重要标志 ;是一个国家综合国力的具体体现。文章指出政府的制度创新以及企业国际竞争力的提升对我国制造业企业“走出去”有着深刻的影响。  相似文献   

宋巍 《北方经贸》2006,(8):23-25
随着经济全球一体化的发展,以及“地球村”的逐步形成,中国已经有越来越多的企业走向国际化。如今中国企业国际化主要表现为“海外并购”的形式,但中国企业的海外并购存在着一些问题。事实证明企业并购中最关键的因素之一是人力资源因素,而中国的人力资源状况并不乐观。虽然中国人力资源的总量多,但是人力资源的素质偏低,从而导致中国企业国际化道路的困难。要想缩小中国人力资源状况对企业并购的影响,中国企业则要注重对国际化人才的培养,企业并购后人员的整合及并购企业双方的文化融合等问题。  相似文献   

近10年来中国企业的国际化程度迅速提高,"走出去"的规模迅速增大。从企业特点和国际市场态势观察,中国应该从大型企业领衔对外投资扩展到鼓励支持更多中小企业"走出去"。中小企业的国际化水平,是反映中国经济和中国企业国际化水平的重要内容。中小企业在提升国际化水平的时候,要注意发挥其独特的优势,并在行业选择、区域选择和介入国际市场的组织方式选择上制订好积极稳妥的发展战略与策略;而政府和社会有关方面,应该对中小企业的国际化水平的提高给予更多的关注和采取更积极的政策措施加以推进。  相似文献   

扩大开放进一步提高国际经贸合作水平   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,中国的对外开放正在实现中外企业的双赢,中国已成为很多外资企业生产和销售的平台,越来越多的跨国公司把中国作为其全球战略的重点,在中国投资、采购、生产加工,又从中国出口,中国企业也开始“走出去”。文章指出,中国将继续毫不动摇地坚持对外开放的基本国策,积极促进服务贸易和高新技术领域的对外合作,鼓励外商投资企业到我国中部、西部和东北发展,欢迎外资参与国有企业的改革,同时也鼓励中国企业到国外去投资。文章认为,中国有市场,有优秀的劳动者,有日益完善的基础设施和法律体系,有爱好和平、与人为善的环境,未来几年中国仍将是投资者的乐土,并有条件在更高的层次上与外国企业进行合作,一是合作的项目应有更大的规模;二是要提升技术合作的层次。  相似文献   

随着中国“一带一路”倡议的逐步实施,越来越多的企业开始加入“走出去”的队伍。但是由于不同企业所处行业、资金实力、规模大小、对外投资目的等因素不尽相同,如果选择不恰当的模式往往会导致陷入经营困境。因此本文为江苏“走出去”企业提出相应的财务风险防控措施,旨在促进企业在国际化进程中健康、可持续发展。  相似文献   

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