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2013年9月15日,2013汇丰财富论坛在北京万达索菲特酒店开幕。著名经济学家樊纲、汇丰环球投资管理高级宏观及投资策略师Herve Lievore(李贺伟)、汇丰银行(中国)有限公司零售银行及财富管理业务总监李峰、汇丰环球资本市场副总监宋跃升、汇丰晋信基金管理有限公司总经理王栋、汇丰晋信首席投资官林彤彤等与会嘉宾和到场 相似文献
前不久,交通银行与汇丰银行联合举办高管人员能力建设培训,赴英国汇丰银行集团总部参观考察。笔者有幸成为其中的一员,通过为期二周的伦敦布里克特伍德之行,学习交流,实地观摩,身处金融管理理论的前沿,吸取先进经营模式的营养,感悟汇丰长盛不衰的精髓。体会最深的是,汇丰之所以成为国际一流金融集团,离不开对战略管理的高度重视,良好的战略思维、应变的战略规划、高效的战略执行是它不断前行、续谱辉煌的坚实保障。 相似文献
随着科技进步和信息化浪潮的推进,知识经济时代的到来,使各类组织日益认识到知识作为战略性资源的重要地位。人才尤其是核心人才,在组织发挥着巨大作用。组织赢得人才,就赢得了未来。人员流动问题一直困扰着许多组织。很多人从不同的角度出发研究人员流动问题。本文是从人员流动的基础理论出发,结合西部高校人才流动的实际情况,运用人员流动理论分析了西部高校人才流动其原因,为高校的人才管理管理提供可行的建议。 相似文献
从青涩的新人到交行系统的王牌营销人才,这一路流了多少汗水,只有任江宏知道。翻开任江宏的履历表,今年恰好是她进入交通银行的第20个春秋,而这20年中的13年,任江宏的心血都奉献给了营销岗位。踏上营销岗位的那一天起,任江宏就立志要成为最优秀的营销人才。 相似文献
“走出去”战略其实就是我国的海外投资战略,实施“走出去”战略是我国在对外开放新阶段的重大举措。越来越多的企业把眼光投向海外市场,但由于各种因素的影响,除海尔等少数企业外,大多数企业在国外的日子并不好过,中国企业要想在国际市场上产生更大的影响,还有一段很长的路要走。不久前,本刊记者李路阳采访了全国十届政协委员、原北京市副市长、华夏银行党委书记刘海燕。请看刘海燕说 相似文献
2002年是中国工商银行科技发展史上具有重大意义的一年.在这一年,工行基本完成了"9991"工程,实现了全行业务数据的大集中,确立了在国内银行界的科技领先地位. 相似文献
We consider the effect on performance of very large controlling shareholders, who are mostly organized in voting blocks and business groups, in a sample of Belgian listed firms from 1991 to 2006. Since the shape of the relation between ownership and firm value is a controversial issue in corporate finance, we use semiparametric local-linear kernel-based panel models. These models allow us not to impose a priori functional restrictions on the relation between ownership and performance. Our semiparametric analysis shows that the effect on performance varies depending on the size of ownership stakes and that there are departures from linearity, especially in family firms. Our results suggest that this non-linearity in family firms is related to whether or not the CEO is a family member. 相似文献
Talent management for the twenty-first century 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Cappelli P 《Harvard business review》2008,86(3):74-81, 133
Most firms have no formal programs for anticipating and fulfilling talent needs, relying on an increasingly expensive pool of outside candidates that has been shrinking since it was created from the white-collar layoffs of the 1980s. But the advice these companies are getting to solve the problem--institute large-scale internal development programs--is equally ineffective. Internal development was the norm back in the 1950s, and every management-development practice that seems novel today was routine in those years--from executive coaching to 360-degree feedback to job rotation to high-potential programs. However, the stable business environment and captive talent pipelines in which such practices were born no longer exist. It's time for a fundamentally new approach to talent management. Fortunately, companies already have such a model, one that has been well honed over decades to anticipate and meet demand in uncertain environments: supply chain management. Cappelli, a professor at the Wharton School, focuses on four practices in particular. First, companies should balance make-versus-buy decisions by using internal development programs to produce most--but not all--of the needed talent, filling in with outside hiring. Second, firms can reduce the risks in forecasting the demand for talent by sending smaller batches of candidates through more modularized training systems in much the same way manufacturers now employ components in just-in-time production lines. Third, companies can improve their returns on investment in development efforts by adopting novel cost-sharing programs. Fourth, they should seek to protect their investments by generating internal opportunities to encourage newly trained managers to stick with the firm. Taken together, these principles form the foundation for a new paradigm in talent management: a talent-on-demand system. 相似文献
Growth in an adjacent market is tougher than it looks; three-quarters of the time, the effort fails. But companies can change those odds dramatically. Results from a five-year study of corporate growth conducted by Bain & Company reveal that adjacency expansion succeeds only when built around strong core businesses that have the potential to become market leaders. And the best place to look for adjacency opportunities is inside a company's strongest customers. The study also found that the most successful companies were able to consistently, profitably outgrow their rivals by developing a formula for pushing out the boundaries of their core businesses in predictable, repeatable ways. Companies use their repeatability formulas to expand into any number of adjacencies. Some companies make repeated geographic moves, as Vodafone has done in expanding from one geographic market to another over the past 13 years, building revenues from $1 billion in 1990 to $48 billion in 2003. Others apply a superior business model to new segments. Dell, for example, has repeatedly adapted its direct-to-customer model to new customer segments and new product categories. In other cases, companies develop hybrid approaches. Nike executed a series of different types of adjacency moves: it expanded into adjacent customer segments, introduced new products, developed new distribution channels, and then moved into adjacent geographic markets. The successful repeaters in the study had two common characteristics. First, they were extraordinarily disciplined, applying rigorous screens before they made an adjacency move. This discipline paid off in the form of learning curve benefits, increased speed, and lower complexity. And second, in almost all cases, they developed their repeatable formulas by studying their customers and their customers' economics very, very carefully. 相似文献
乔志刚 《江西金融职工大学学报》2006,(Z1)
本文阐述了在当前形势下实验教学改革的必要性及其在培养人才过程中的作用,提出应在实验教学方式、内容及实验课成绩评定等几方面进行改革,指出实验教学改革需解决的问题,提出了一些关于实验教学改革的初步设想。 相似文献
2006年,工行海南省三亚分行党风廉政建设与案防工作紧紧围绕股份制改造的新形势、新要求,坚持查防并举、以防为主、标本兼治的方针,深入落实党风廉政建设责任制和案件防范工作责任制,全面加强教育、制度、监督并重的惩治和预防腐败体系建设,有效地提升了核心竞争力,保障了各项业务的健康发展,实现安全营运、无重大案件、无重大差错和无重大事故发生。截至今年5月30日, 相似文献
近年来中国经济快速发展引发了银行业的激烈竞争,而这其中各家银行不约而同选择了将人才作为核心竞争力,寄望于人才队伍的扩大和素质的提高来提升内力,保持长盛不衰。一方面银行需要从千军中觅得良将,另一方面银行精英期盼从万马中脱颖而出。如何减少伯乐相马的搜寻成本,做到物尽其用、人尽其用呢?制度使然,别无它法。西方有句谚语:好制度使鬼变成人,坏制度使人变成鬼。上个世纪九十年代发生的巴林银行破产案和日本大和银行的巨亏事件无时无刻都在警示我们要重视人才制度的建设。完善的用人制度可以发挥聚宝盆之功效,将人才洼地变成人才高地,提高银行竞争实力。基于此,本期《银行家》月度论坛邀请多位业内专家,共同畅谈中国银行业人才制度建设,本次论坛由高广春主持。(按嘉宾发言顺序编排,其观点仅代表本人,与所在单位无关。) 相似文献
随着我国金融业的迅速发展,市场迫切需要一批既有扎实的金融理论知识,又能够熟练地运用金融分析技术处理各种金融业务能力的金融工程专业人才。如何培养出高水平的金融工程人才,就成为各大院校的迫切任务。本文就目前我国培养金融工程人才的现状及存在的问题进行了深入分析,提出了今后应该在培养目标、课程体系设置及教材建设等方面加快对金融工程人才培养的步伐。 相似文献