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在杨晓东看来,中星微电子所以选芯片领域,一是自身有很强的技术,二是这个行业属于新兴的领域。选择多媒体行业,特别是与音、视频相关的领域,中星微电子有自己的话语权  相似文献   


Are emerging market banks necessarily prone to localize HRM when entering developed markets? According to this comparative case study of two Chinese banks in Canada, we instead found a trend toward the integration of HRM with the parent companies’ practices, with varying levels of integration based on factors such as international experience and investment method. Importantly, the current practice, which may appear to be suboptimal in light of the localization imperative, has not prevented the banks from attaining steady financial performance, partly enabled by the carrying-over of home grown customers and the presence of a distinct co-ethnic community. However, such practice may have adverse effects on their long-term success, especially given their claimed aim to become global competitors. A conceptual model is built upon these findings, which also offers important practical implications.  相似文献   

This article analyses the Chancellor's options for the forthcoming Budget and, in particular, the case for tax cuts. James Nixon, John O'Sullivan and Andrew Sentance argue that there is no case for large reductions, with public borrowing still running at an unsustainable rate and reasonable prospects for growth next year. The case for a modest reduction is more finely balanced. Against a background of public spending restraint, a small tax reduction can be seen as an insurance policy against a much weaker economy next year.  相似文献   

Management Review Quarterly - Numerous “smart” consumer products are already available on the market, and the diversity of such smart products is expected to increase considerably in...  相似文献   

Although the economics of multisided platforms has developed important insights for antitrust policy, there are critical respects in which the body of academic knowledge falls short of providing useful advice to enforcement agencies and the courts. Indeed, there is a substantial risk that recent scholarship will be misapplied to the detriment of sound antitrust policy, as evidenced by the US Supreme Court's recent decision in American Express. In this note, I identify several areas in which economics research could potentially make significant contributions to the practical antitrust treatment of platforms.  相似文献   

This paper provides a new comparative analysis of pooled least squares and fixed effects (FE) estimators of the slope coefficients in the case of panel data models when the time dimension (T) is fixed while the cross section dimension (N) is allowed to increase without bounds. The individual effects are allowed to be correlated with the regressors, and the comparison is carried out in terms of an exponent coefficient, δ, which measures the degree of pervasiveness of the FE in the panel. The use of δ allows us to distinguish between poolability of small N dimensional panels with large T from large N dimensional panels with small T. It is shown that the pooled estimator remains consistent so long as δ<1, and is asymptotically normally distributed if δ<1/2, for a fixed T and as N→∞. It is further shown that when δ<1/2, the pooled estimator is more efficient than the FE estimator. We also propose a Hausman type diagnostic test of δ<1/2 as a simple test of poolability, and propose a pretest estimator that could be used in practice. Monte Carlo evidence supports the main theoretical findings and gives some indications of gains to be made from pooling when δ<1/2.  相似文献   

沈靓 《上海管理科学》2020,42(2):110-115
慈善捐助行为指个体通过捐赠金钱、时间或物资等方式帮助有需要的群体或慈善组织。个人的慈善捐助行为能够促进社会资源再分配,提高社会整体福祉。因此,如何科学地对慈善活动进行宣传、吸引更多个体参与捐助,对于营销学者而言是一个十分重要的话题。一次捐助包括捐助者、捐助资源、受助者以及社会和文化四个方面,这四个方面的因素既可以单独影响消费者的慈善捐助行为,又可以相互影响对慈善捐助行为产生交互作用。由此可见,个体的慈善捐助行为是十分复杂的,将通过对这四方面因素的梳理以提高我国公益组织对个体捐助行为的理解,进而采取有效的宣传以募集更多的捐助。  相似文献   

This paper illustrates the significance of employing data analysis together with standard econometric techniques. A detailed analysis of the same data base used by Tobin (1950), Chetty (1968) and Maddala (1971) indicates (i) the existence of two outliers, and (ii) the presence of serially correlated residuals. It is shown that the conventional estimation and hypothesis testing techniques employed by these authors are extremely sensitive to these two factors.  相似文献   

This study draws on the literature on strategic choice theory and training and development (T&D) to explore the theoretical mechanisms that explain the strategic decisions of top management, thereby leading to the T&D investment of firms. The current theoretical framework was examined using cross-lagged data collected from 163 Korean manufacturing companies at three time points over a five-year period. Results confirmed that firm performance and environmental change exert significant effects on top management strategic orientation toward T&D, which in turn, lead to financial resource allocation to T&D. The analysis also demonstrated that the effect of top management strategic orientation toward T&D on actual financial investment in T&D is stronger when the current level of human capital is high but not when it is low. This study provides meaningful practical and theoretical insights into the firm-level strategic decisions on T&D investment in organizations.  相似文献   

“如因银行‘挤兑’导致公司生产经营异常,其连锁 商业银行等。最终的结果就是德隆危机将转嫁给整个社会。反应将无法估量,结果将是企业利益、银行利益和社会利 现在,德隆把自己的巨大的债务当作一把枪抵在了国有益的最小化。”银行的腰眼上,与金融监管者对峙。德隆旗下的湘火炬(000549)5月13日一则题为“关于 回头来看,曾经梦想构建德隆金融帝国的精英们对“德近期情况的公告”,直白地告诉银行 隆系”进行精巧设计之初,应该说已和金融监管层,“世界上任何一家大 经预料到今天这种香港“警匪片…  相似文献   

体育教学艺术不仅能促进体育教学的顺利进行,而且还能给予人们一种美的享受。笔者就体育教学艺术的重要性、体现等方面谈了自己的理解和看法。  相似文献   

This article studies the impact of the characteristics of software product portfolios on the performance of firms involved in a merger of software companies. The short-term financial results reveal that markets generally seem to neglect the characteristics of software product portfolios when the merger is announced. Nevertheless, such portfolios appear to have a positive impact on the price/book value ratio of merged software firms. The empirical evidence presented in this paper suggests that, in the long term, the performance of business combinations in the software industry is related to certain factors that are attributable to virtual network effects.  相似文献   

  • This study derives four attributes that make up the typical blood donation service bundle. It focuses on the role of monetary incentives in such bundles, but also discusses three other attributes, namely the offering organization, the distance to donation location, and the donation time. Each attribute is discussed in the context of a blood donation marketing mix. In an empirical conjoint study, 529 potential blood donors evaluate different designs of blood donation service bundles. Monetary incentives are found to be the most important factor when donors compare different blood donation service bundles. It is found that the distance to the donation location is almost as important as monetary incentives. Blood donation organizations aiming to collect all blood donations from unremunerated blood donors should therefore shape their service bundles to be attractive for potential blood donors. It is concluded that nonpaying blood donation organizations have to offer superior convenience to their donors to be able to compensate for not offering monetary incentives. Operating with mobile donation teams is one of the concrete suggestions for blood donation marketing that are given in this study.
Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

焦晶 《中国新时代》2005,(10):114-115
贺兴桐先生为世界华商联合总会会长,世界艺术家联合会主席,世界文化名人协会副会长,中华民族文化促进会常务理事,中国文学艺术基金会常务理事,湖南省湖湘文化交流协会会长,我国著名书法家。1996年被收入英国剑桥编纂的《世界名人录》,2002年获联合国世界和平基金会功勋奖。贺兴桐先生才华横溢,集作家、诗人、编剧、导演、教授、书法家、企业家、慈善家、社会活动于一身。这位被称为奇才、怪才、鬼才的作家、书法家,亦文亦商,还担任了美国兴隆投资控股集团董事局主席、长天国际投资集团董事局主席等职。  相似文献   

How can poor countries get rich? David Osterfeld, of the Heritage Foundation Washington DC, argues that multi-national companies and foreign investment hold the key to economic development and escape from poverty.  相似文献   

李燕 《价值工程》2015,(2):142-143
本文通过对传统预算存在的问题进行分析,引出了当前较为流行的两种弥补传统预算管理缺陷的模式,即改进预算和超越预算。针对我国预算管理中存在的问题,结合国外学者的研究及我国企业目前面临的市场环境分析,试图探索出适合我国国情的预算改革方向。  相似文献   

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