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Tang Jintao 《中国对外贸易(英文版)》2008,(23):22-23
The oil market just like the sea; it is never quiet for a single moment, Facing the sea to observe the tide,we must behave calm in order to act correctly.
The oil in the country The oil like the blood of the economy, and the oil prices in the economy is like a barometer. Under the mvsterious veil, there are oil supply changes, the pattern of political restructuring... 相似文献
The oil in the country The oil like the blood of the economy, and the oil prices in the economy is like a barometer. Under the mvsterious veil, there are oil supply changes, the pattern of political restructuring... 相似文献
Rufus Ayodeji Olowe 《Journal Of African Business》2013,14(2):178-197
In this study the author investigated the day-of-the-week effect in the UK Brent crude oil market using the GARCH (1, 5) and GJR-GARCH (1, 5) models. The backdrop of the study is the Asian and global financial crises of 1997 and 2008, respectively. Daily data were used over the period of January 2, 1997, to May 27, 2009. Results show the presence of the day-of-the-week effect in both return and volatility in the oil market. More specifically, there are significant positive Thursday and Friday effects in return and significant Thursday effects in volatility. 相似文献
银行消费信贷条件下的资产价格泡沫与美国次贷危机 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
美国长期的低利率政策造成了住房抵押贷款的快速膨胀,使许多信用等级低的人获得了贷款,也促成了房地产价格的泡沫.当利率提高时,信用等级低的人首先遇到了还款障碍,次级贷款的大量发放为美国次贷危机的爆发埋下了"火种",利率的提高刺破了房地产价格的泡沫并引发了次贷危机.而住房抵押贷款的资产证券化又为次贷危机插上了"翅膀",扩散了次贷危机的影响范围,造成了整个金融系统和实体经济的波动. 相似文献
<正>全球持续蔓延的金融危机给世界各国企业造成沉重打击。就我国企业而言,也不可避免地纷纷出现订单下降、销量下滑、利润降低、出口受阻、裁员、降薪、破产、倒闭等现象,在外向型企业中尤为严重。但不要忘记,任何事物的发展都有内因和外因两方面的因素。外因只是条件,仅起 相似文献
<正>2008年下半年,由美国次贷危机引发的金融危机席卷全球,至今尚未见底。1997年7月2日,泰国宣布放弃固定汇率制,实行浮动汇率制,引发了一场遍及东南亚的金融风暴,1999年才结束,这就是亚洲金融危机。两次金融危机爆发前后相距11年。本文探讨了前后两次金融危机的起因,以期对我国金融业有所警示。 相似文献
The recent crisis was unusual in its speed and breadth and the type of countries affected.Systemic crises, situations of significant stress in the financial sector, followed by significant policy interventions, often affect several countries at the same time.In the past, though, crises have been largely limited to specific regions or types of economies, the Nordic countries in the early 1990s, Latin America in the mid-1990s, Asia in the late 1990s, and the emerging market economies of the early 2000s.The recent crisis has been unusual in its global nature, affecting countries with a speed and virulence not seen since the Great Depression, with major advance countries and countries recently integrating with the European Union (EU) most affected. 相似文献
金融阈值视角下的金融危机——从美国次贷危机看被漠视的金融临界点 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
此次美国金融危机是过度衍生和过度虚拟的金融资源危机,是全球经济金融发展的最大的不可持续,再次尖锐地考问虚拟经济与金融的本质及二者有无边界。金融必须尊重极限,仅用增长规模和财富聚敛作为衡量成功的惟一尺度,正破坏着珍贵的金融资源。通过生态阈值的警醒、逻辑斯蒂增长模型的提示,应该认识到金融发展和扩张同样有其不可逾越的金融阈值。面对人类贪婪而自负的挑战,次贷危机的爆发证实了金融临界点的客观存在性。沙堆实验、混沌论提供了理性认识金融阈值的科学方法,而确立正确的价值观是更为现实的道德标准。 相似文献
在当前全球一体化背景下,金融危机对世界上绝大多数经济体都产生了较大的影响。当前,国际金融危机远未结束,全球经济复苏步履维艰,国际金融跌宕起伏,贸易保护主义抬头,外需疲软。国内外严峻形势和宏观市场环境导致金融机构业务经营难度和风险管控的难度不断增大,中国金融业的发展无疑将面临非常巨大的挑战,许多中国金融企业核心竞争力不强,管理水平不高,创新能力不足等仍然是普遍的问题。应对金融危机,应健全风险管理系统,贷后个人信用风险处置系统,贷中个人信用状况监控系统,完善个人资信档案登记制度和个人资信调查制度,完善信用管理系统。 相似文献
Xie Wenjing 《中国对外贸易(英文版)》2009,(5)
During the Asian financial crisis, the exchange rate of Thai baht against U.S. dollar grew by 17%. The rate of Korean won against U.S. dollar skyrocketed to a record high of 1008:1 and that of Indonesian rupi-ah against dollar even crossed the 10000:1 mark. However, after the international financial crisis broke out in 2008, the dol-lar index turned out to rise dramatically. On November 21, 2008, the dollar index reached 88 points, rising by 23.3% over the 71 points on April 22, 2008. Conven-tional wisdom is that a currency should depreciate when the economic fundamen-tals are in a downturn. Then how do we explain the substantial appreciation of the U.S. dollar? 相似文献
The global financial tsunami has swept the automobile industry and put major auto markets in the world at stake.The Ameri- can market is now between the beetle and the block,with both General Motors and Chrysler on the verge of reshuffling.The European market has seen a plunge in both car production and sales in many countries.Several big auto companies in Japan have suffered a slump in car sales both at home and abroad.China's economy is inevitably affected,on a relatively small 相似文献
The global financial tsunami has swept the automobile industry and put major auto markets in the world at stake. 相似文献
油价飙升.国内铁路、国际海运迅速跟进.运价指数频创新高 新一轮运价飙升直接撞击外贸公司老总 在能源面前,我们该怎么做? 相似文献
近十年来,关于一国或地区(尤其是欠发达国家或地区)应该选择何种经济发展战略的问题,在我国经济学界中出现了赶超战略论与比较优势战略论之争。本文提出了"综合优势战略论":在经济发展过程中,实施赶超战略容易造成"赶超困境",而实施比较优势战略则容易陷入"比较优势陷阱",只有实施综合考虑比较优势、分工优势和交易效率优势的"综合优势发展战略",才能够使经济持续、健康、快速地发展。"东亚奇迹"既非比较优势战略之功劳,也不是赶超战略之成就,而是实施综合优势战略的结果。偏离综合优势的经济更易于出现金融危机:赶超战略式的过度创新导致了源自美国的国际金融危机,而比较优势战略则引发了1997年的东南亚金融危机。 相似文献
金融危机形成与传染机制研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
我国加入WTO后,金融开放的深度和广度不断提高,旧有风险进一步暴露,新的风险进一步产生,人民币可自由兑换是必然趋势,中国经济受全球经济波动的影响越来越大,发生金融危机的可能性也在增大。对金融危机的种类进行梳理,对金融危机的形成和传染机制进行分析,使之对金融危机的进一步研究起到有益帮助。 相似文献
The global financial tsunami has swept the automobile industry and put major auto markets in the world at stake.The Ameri- can market is now between the beetle and the block,with both General Motors and Chrysler on the verge of reshuffling.The European market has seen a plunge in both car production and sales in many countries.Several big auto companies in Japan have suffered a slump in car sales both at home and abroad.China's economy is inevitably affected,on a relatively small 相似文献
<正>2009年是不平凡的一年,世界各国都经历了沉重的打击,中国也不例外。自全球经济衰退在2008年第四季度冲击中国以来,中国的企业状况和消费者信心指数一度跌至历史低位。尽管快速消费品行业被普遍视为具有"防御性"的行业,但其销售额仍然受到了不同程度的影响。 相似文献
亚洲金融危机爆发的深层原因 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
亚洲有关国家的巨额外债、金融资产泡沫、经常项目逆差、汇率高估等是导致亚洲金融危机的直接原因。而"冰冻三尺,非一日之寒",巨额的外债、经常项目赤字、房地产和股市泡沫不是一天两天就产生的,亚洲有关国家不合理的经济和金融结构是亚洲金融危机产生的内在的深层的原因。在人们的伤痛逐渐平复,对这场金融危机的记忆慢慢变淡时,对危机爆发的深层原因进行深入的分析,无疑仍有警示作用。 相似文献