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通过使用2000~2013年中国工业企业数据库和海关数据库测算出企业进口产品的质量,分析进口产品质量对企业生产率的影响以及影响渠道,结果显示:企业进口高质量的资本品、中间品以及消费品能够提升企业生产率;企业进口高质量产品能够通过加剧行业竞争,促进企业提升生产率,提高竞争力;企业进口高质量产品的技术创新效应不同,资本品和消费品的技术创新效应为正,中间品为负;中间品技术创新效应为负的原因是加工贸易中的来料加工占据中国中间品进口的大部分且其技术创新效应为负。  相似文献   

文章基于2000~2010年中国工业企业数据库与海关贸易统计库合并数据,全面系统地评估了中间品进口对企业生产率的影响。结果表明:中间品进口与企业生产率呈正相关关系,产品质量效应、产品种类效应与技术溢出效应是中间品进口提升企业生产率的三个可能的渠道,其中产品质量效应起主导作用。进一步地,产品异质性检验结果发现,第一,从发达国家进口的中间产品对企业生产率有显著正向影响效应,尤其是从G7国家进口的中间产品对企业生产率的提升作用更为突出,而来自欠发达国家的中间产品对企业生产率的影响有限;第二,零配件进口对企业生产率的影响效应最强,其次是加工型中间品,而初级型中间品对企业生产率的影响效应不显著。  相似文献   

中国处于质量升级的关键阶段,由于进口中间品能实现技术溢出、优化资源配置,因而可能会提升出口产品质量。为此本文基于2000-2006年中国工业企业和海关进出口贸易匹配数据进行研究,结果表明:进口中间品能显著提升中国企业出口产品质量,剔除加工贸易后结果更加显著,然而进口中间品使用强度对产品质量提升呈递减趋势;运用PSM逐年匹配解决内生性问题后采用DID和FE也得到一致结果,进一步发现高技术产品提升出口产品质量也较高,而受技术垄断影响来自高收入国家、高技术国家的中间品对产品质量的提升作用有限;从动态角度看,进口持续期与出口产品质量呈U型关系,短暂进口在质量提升上并不明显,适时进入以及持续进口能显著提升产品质量。  相似文献   

本文运用2000-2005年中国工业企业数据库和海关数据库的匹配数据,分析进口中间品的使用对中国企业全要素生产率影响。研究发现:与非进口企业对比,进口企业在反映企业经营状况的各项指标上都强于非进口企业,一直进口的企业在各项指标上最高,东部地区企业和高人均资本行业的企业表现最佳;进口中间品对企业层面全要素生产率有显著促进作用,企业从非进口状态转为进口状态能促进全要素生产率提高7.49个百分点,这种促进作用对低人均资本行业企业和西部企业尤为明显。这一结论的政策含义在于,后金融危机时代,中国须重新调整"出口主导,进口从属"外贸发展思路,实施积极的进口贸易战略,促进企业全要素生产率的提高和技术创新,鼓励中、西部企业和低人均资本行业企业参与到经济全球化,边干边学,促进企业全要素生产率水平更快提高。  相似文献   

本文主要从中间品进口多元化的角度入手,分析中国出口产品质量的决定因素和提升机制。理论上,进口中间品多元化可以通过边际成本、固定成本等渠道影响出口产品质量,并受限于企业自身的吸收能力。实证方面利用中国海关数据库与中国工业企业数据库匹配进行计量分析。结果表明:中国企业进口中间品多元化水平呈现下降趋势;从所有制分布看,国有企业进口中间品多元化水平最高,私营企业最低,外资企业居中;平均看,进口中间品多元化提升了中国企业出口产品质量;但这一提升作用仅限于外资企业、源自OECD国家的中间品和2004-2006年样本;对于本土企业、源自发展中国家的进口中间品和2000-2003年样本并不显著,可能的解释在于,一是企业与进口中间品匹配的吸收能力较差,二是企业进口中间品多元化的边际成本效应弱于固定成本效应。  相似文献   

基于技术溢出、数字经济发展和市场竞争等企业外部环境影响,本文提出数字产品进口对企业全要素生产率作用的理论假说;运用数字产品进口和企业全要素生产率的指标测度方法以及2000~2013年企业层面的面板数据进行实证检验,得出以下主要结论。(1)数字产品进口能够显著促进企业全要素生产率的提高。(2)区分产品类别后发现,数字资本品和ICT产品进口对提升企业生产率的作用更加明显;区分企业类型后发现,外资企业进口数字产品比国有企业和私营企业作用更大;区分贸易方式后发现,采用加工贸易方式的企业促进作用优于混合贸易和一般贸易;区分行业后发现,资本密集型行业的技术溢出效应大于劳动密集型行业。(3)数字产品进口通过技术创新提升企业全要素生产率,市场竞争对其有调节效果,而当地数字经济水平调节效果不显著。据此,本文认为应强调差异化策略,细化数字产品进口品类的优惠措施,有针对性地引导和鼓励企业开展数字贸易,根据行业类别、企业性质选择进口不同类型的数字产品,发挥数字产品进口技术溢出的最大效用。  相似文献   

国际贸易中发展中国家的企业进口发达国家的中间品是提高产品附加值的一条重要路径。本文利用"中国企业—劳动力匹配调查"(CEES)数据,就不同类型的企业进口中间品的自我选择效应进行研究。实证结果表明:进口中间品的自我选择效应在不同类型的企业中具有差异性;分不同所有制来看,自我选择效应仅在外资企业中存在,内资企业中并不存在;分不同贸易类型来看,加工贸易企业中不存在自我选择效应,而在非加工贸易企业中自我选择效应非常显著。  相似文献   

随着中国成为《贸易便利化协定》接受国,贸易便利化正成为推动中国企业对外贸易可持续发展的重要动力。基于此,文章从进口中间品视角构建了贸易便利化对企业出口持续时间影响的理论分析框架,在此基础上利用2007~2013年中国制造业企业数据实证检验了理论分析的合理性。结果表明:贸易便利化对企业出口持续时间总体表现为延长作用,且该效应通过了一系列稳健性检验。其机制主要是通过降低进口中间品价格以及提高进口中间品种类来实现的。进一步异质性分析发现,贸易便利化对东部地区企业出口持续时间的延长作用小于中部地区企业,而中部地区企业又小于西部地区企业;同时贸易便利化对企业核心品出口持续时间的延长作用大于企业非核心品。  相似文献   

本文利用迭代法测算了企业出口复杂度,并考察了资本品和中间品等不同类型进口产品对企业出口复杂度的差异性影响。结果表明:进口资本品可以提升中国企业出口复杂度,而进口中间品则抑制其出口复杂度;进口中间品对外资企业出口复杂度的抑制程度要强于本土企业,这印证了加工贸易低端锁定效应的存在;进口中间品提升了高技术制造业和一般贸易企业的出口复杂度,抑制非高技术制造业和加工贸易企业的出口复杂度;进口资本品只显著提升了本土企业、高技术制造业以及一般贸易企业的出口复杂度;在影响机制检验中,进口中间品对企业出口复杂度的抑制作用主要是由企业研发投入被抑制、研发部门人力资本被挤出而引致的。  相似文献   

This article examines the effects of imported intermediary inputs and in-house research and development (R&D) on productivity growth, using firm-level data from Indian manufacturing industries for the period 2000–09. For this purpose, we adopted two empirical frameworks: production function and growth accounting method. The estimated results from the production function framework suggest that the impact of imported intermediary goods on output is reasonably sizable. The role of R&D activities under this framework is found to be insignificant. The analysis based on the growth accounting suggests that total factor productivity of firms is linked with import and R&D activities.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of foreign acquisition on the productivity of Slovenian manufacturing firms subject to takeover in 1997. It finds evidence that foreign investors acquire those enterprises with higher productivity, that are more inclined to export and that operate in more concentrated industries. It then controls for the estimation bias induced by this non‐random selection process by applying the combined propensity score matching and difference‐in‐differences estimation technique. The results of the empirical analysis show no robust statistical evidence of a positive causal effect of foreign acquisition up to two years following takeover. This finding suggests that a transfer of intangible assets from foreign firms to their Slovenian affiliates does not take place over this time period.  相似文献   

伴随着异质性企业贸易理论的兴起,国际贸易理论研究开始真正给予产品品质差异问题以足够的重视。引入产品品质差异,在生产率和产品品质双重异质性框架下重新剖析企业出口行为选择、出口价格决定及其空间分布特征是异质性贸易理论发展的最新前沿动态,理论研究和经验分析都得到许多创新性观点。与此同时,为克服以单位价格衡量企业出口产品品质进行经验分析的缺陷,多种出口产品品质的测算方法得到开发,如直接估计法、品质调整价格指数法和反推法等。本文梳理了目前国内外已有的理论研究文献,并对相关的经验研究和出口产品品质的测算方法进行比较性评述,指出未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

This paper analyses whether the use of imported intermediates improves productivity using firm‐level panel data of manufacturing firms in Ghana covering the period between 1991 and 2002. This includes examining the importance of absorptive capacity (ABC) in enhancing the productivity gains from imported intermediates. We propose lagged relative productivity as a new measure of ABC. For any given period, ABC is defined as the natural logarithm of a firm's total factor productivity (TFP) in the previous period relative to the firm's initial TFP. An alternative measure of ABC considers real value added per worker in lieu of TFP. Overall, we find that firms with high levels of ABC derive productivity gains from the contemporaneous and prior use of imported intermediates, particularly for firms operating in the input‐intensive industries. Our findings are robust to different specifications of the base model and different estimation techniques.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a theoretical model in which the incentives that product differentiation exercises on process innovation are established. The resulting quadratic relationship determines a point beyond which a trade-off between these two variables exists. The estimations based on a panel data of Spanish manufacturing firms confirm this result. Moreover, firm size seems to play a important role on process innovation only for those firms with a certain degree of product differentiation. For the rest, the degree of differentiation of rival firms is the relevant variable.  相似文献   

Empirical research in international trade has shown that exporting firms display higher productivity than their non-exporting competitors. This paper focuses on the relation between export and profitability. Our evidence on Italian exporting firms shows that exporting activity is not systematically associated to higher firm’s profitability. This is shown both by means of non-parametric methods and, with an approach that is more standard within the empirical trade literature, by regression techniques that try to identify an “export premium”.  相似文献   

We examined cynicism as a mediator of the influence of managers’ mission-congruent communication and behavior about ethical standards (a form of supervisory behavioral integrity) on employee attitudes and intended behavior. Results indicated that cynicism partially mediates the relationship between supervisory behavioral integrity and organizational commitment, but not the relationship between supervisory behavioral integrity and intent to comply with organizational expectations for employee conduct.  相似文献   

The article contributes to the limited literature on marketing strategies of microfirms operating in new niches within mature industries. The study explores the effect of brand management processes and product quality on performance of microfirms in the Italian brewing industry. Preliminary qualitative interviews with eight entrepreneurs were realized. Then 92 questionnaires were collected from the entire population of 335 microbreweries operating in Italy for quantitative analysis. Findings suggest intrinsic product quality being the most relevant determinants of firms’ performance, while the adoption of brand management processes exerts a significant, negative impact. The article takes into account the relationship between brand management, quality, and performance by focusing on a single industry. Future research may enhance the significance of our findings by including multiple sectors. Entrepreneurs and microbusiness leaders should carefully assess both external (industry life-cycle stage) and internal (resource availability) factors before engaging in any brand management activity. In mature firms, it may be more beneficial and effective focusing on enhancing product quality. The article addresses an important gap regarding the adoption of brand management practices in microfirms, adding to the emerging strategic marketing literature in the small business field.  相似文献   

Small Business Economics - Small firms provide and create a large proportion of jobs in Germany. Are these jobs worse than jobs in larger firms? The mosaic picture that emerges from a review of...  相似文献   

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