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Recent randomised, prospective studies have demonstrated the clinical efficacy and safety of clopidogrel in the treatment of patients with acute coronary syndromes, including those treated with primary percutaneous intervention. In these settings clopidogrel decreased the risk of atherothrombotic events by 20–30%.

The use of clopidogrel instead of aspirin, for secondary prevention in patients with stable cardiovascular disease, results in a modest 8.7% relative risk reduction. However, clinical trial failed to show benefit in patients treated with clopidogrel added to aspirin in this population.

Economic analyses conducted in the US and Europe demonstrated the cost effectiveness of clopidogrel in combination with aspirin in patients with acute coronary syndromes, and showed a favourable economic profile for clopidogrel compared with other cardiovascular interventions. On the other hand, the data for the use of clopidogrel in patients with stable cardiovascular disease either alone or in combination with aspirin is not as compelling.  相似文献   


The angiotensin II antagonist losartan has been clinically studied in several patient populations including type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) with nephropathy, hypertension with left ventricular hypertrophy, and the elderly with heart failure. The aim of this paper is to provide a review of the health economic evaluations based on the clinical trial results of losartan.

In patients with T2DM and nephropathy, losartan was shown to be cost saving in 14 countries and the EU. Net cost savings per patient, after factoring in the drug cost of losartan, ranged from $56 and $5,149 over a 3.5 year time horizon. For the two countries with published lifetime projections, the US and Mexico, net cost savings per patient were $24,632 and $2,223, respectively.

In patients with hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy, losartan as compared with atenolol was found to be cost effective in five countries and cost saving in one country. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratios ranged from $1,274 to $5,764 per quality-adjusted life year gained for four of the countries and was $1,083 per life-year gained in one country. The other country evaluation reported a $20 net cost saving per patient.

Pharmacoeconomic evaluations in other patient populations comparing losartan with the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor captopril generally did not demonstrate differences in health economic outcomes.  相似文献   


Today more than ever, providing quality care to patients at the lowest cost is of primary concern to hospitals, clinics, managed care organisations, integrated health systems, and all other healthcare providers operating in a prospective payment environment. Healthcare decision makers must allocate resources based on the most cost-effective treatments without sacrificing quality of care. Therapy Cost 2000 is a user-friendly Windows-based software program that can assist decision makers in reaching the goal of cost-effective quality patient care. Potential uses of the software include: cost analysis for formulary recommendations and policy initiatives, quantification of the budgetary impact of new therapies, head-to-head cost-effectiveness analysis of treatment options, and forecasting of future resource expenditures through modelling of treatment costs and treatment patterns.  相似文献   


Objective: This systematic review examines the published evidence on the pharmacoecomonics of Symbicort®. Symbicort is a combination inhaler used in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) that contains budesonide and formoterol. In asthma, Symbicort can be used as fixed or adjustable dose maintenance therapy as well as for both maintenance and reliever therapy (SMART).

Method: A literature search of PubMed was carried out to find all publications on the pharmacoeconomics of Symbicort. Additional studies were searched for in the reference lists of the papers retrieved and by searching tables of contents of relevant journals. A total of 13 studies on Symbicort in asthma and 2 studies on Symbicort in COPD were found.

Results: Total costs were lower with Symbicort than with separate inhalers containing budesonide and formoterol. Adjustable dosing maintained control of asthma using less medication and was associated with lower treatment costs than fixed dosing with Symbicort or the combination of fluticasone/salmeterol. SMART improves asthma control, reduces exacerbations and reduces direct and indirect costs compared to fixed maintenance therapy with either Symbicort or fluticasone/salmeterol. In COPD, Symbicort offers clinical advantages over therapy with the monocomponents and these are achieved at little or no extra cost.  相似文献   



The aim of this narrative review was to summarise the cost analyses and supporting trial data for aspirin prophylaxis in primary prevention.


A PubMed search using the term ‘aspirin and cost-effective and primary prevention’ was performed. Professional meetings (2009) were also searched for any relevant abstracts contacting the terms ‘aspirin’ and ‘cost effectiveness’. Where possible, outcomes were discussed in terms of cost implications (expressed as quality-adjusted life-year [QALY], disability-adjusted life-year or incremental cost-effectiveness ratio) in relation to the annual risk of cardiovascular disease. Aspirin was included in cost-effectiveness models that determined direct cost savings.


A total of 67 papers were identified using PubMed, and 17 cost-effectiveness studies, which assessed aspirin in primary prevention (largely based on the key primary prevention studies), and two abstracts were included in the review. These analyses showed that low-dose aspirin was cost effective in a variety of scenarios. In the UK, Germany, Spain, Italy and Japan, the mean 10-year direct cost saving (including follow-up costs and aspirin costs) per patient was €201, €281, €797, €427 and €889 with aspirin use in patients with an annual coronary heart disease risk of 1.5%. Cost-effectiveness analyses were affected by age, risk level for stroke and myocardial infarction (MI), risk of bleeds and adherence to aspirin. Underutilisation is a major limiting factor, as the appropriate use of aspirin in an eligible population (n?=?301,658) based on the NHANES database would prevent 1273 MIs, 2184 angina episodes and 565 ischaemic strokes in patients without previous events; this would result in a direct cost saving of $79.6?million (€54.7?million; 2010 values), which includes aspirin costs.


Most analyses in primary prevention have shown that low-dose aspirin is a cost-effective option, and is likely to meet the willingness of a healthcare system to pay for any additional QALY gained in the majority of healthcare systems.  相似文献   


Background: The costs of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), the two most common chronic respiratory illnesses, are substantial and rising. The fixed-dose combination of fluticasone and salmeterol has been a safe and effective therapy for these diseases.

Objectives: To review the pharmacoeconomic impact of the fixed-dose combination of inhaled fluticasone and salmeterol in asthma and COPD.

Methods: A systematic review of the literature was carried out to identify pharmacoeconomic studies with fixed-dose salmeterol and fluticasone (Seretide, Advair, Viani). In addition, abstracts from recent respiratory meetings were sought, and any unpublished data were requested from the manufacturer.

Results: For asthma, when compared to treatment with inhaled corticosteroid monotherapy and antileukotrienes, alone or combined, salmeterol/fluticasone inhalation produced a higher proportion of successfully treated weeks, improvement in lung function and quality of life, and fewer treatment failures. The costs per quality-adjusted life year (QALY) for fluticasone/salmeterol have been favourable not only in patients with moderate to severe disease but also in patients with mild disease or patients not previously treated with a maintenance therapy. The excess cost per QALY varied from US$2,670 to US$26,445. For COPD, a clear reduction in exacerbation rates and improvement in quality of life has been demonstrated with salmeterol/fluticasone along with a likely improvement in survival rates. The incremental cost per QALY ratio for fluticasone/salmeterol against placebo ranged from US$9,512 to US$64,038.

Conclusions: The data currently available suggest that the cost effectiveness of combination therapy with fluticasone and salmeterol is favourable for asthma and COPD in a variety of clinical settings.  相似文献   

Objective: To review, summarize, and analyze both similarities and differences of pharmacoeconomic (PE) guidelines, to enable researchers to access their characteristics and the current state of PE guidelines; furthermore, to learn which methodological issues still remain contested and to promote the methodological development of PE guidelines.

Materials and methods: The authors performed a search for PE guidelines using PubMed, the Cochrane library database, and the websites of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research. Information of each guideline was extracted using a pre-designed extraction template, which included 22 aspects; the guidelines were summarized in the forms of charts, and their characteristics have been described.

Results: A total of 40 PE guidelines were studied. The most common methodological issues include the types of analysis, sources for effectiveness, use of quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) to measure outcomes, and use of incremental cost effectiveness ratios to present results. The majority of the guidelines preferred a cost utility analysis with outcomes expressed in terms of QALYs. Most of the guidelines preferred meta-analysis or meta-analysis of the randomized controlled trials, and required a systematic review of all evidence. Issues that varied most in the guidelines were the choice of the comparator, recommended costs to be included, methods related to indirect cost calculations, methods of sensitivity analysis, and discounting rate.

Conclusion: A comparison of these guidelines revealed that a number of differences exist among them in several key aspects, and some critical methodological issues still exist, for which no best solution is available. Furthermore, efforts need to be made to develop harmonious methods for the PE, and to improve the transferability of the outcomes of PE evaluations.  相似文献   

Objective: To develop a model to predict the length of time before patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) of varying severity require full-time care (FTC).

Methods: A predictive model (equation) of time to FTC (defined as being institutionalised or dependent) was developed based on the London and South-East Region (LASER–AD) epidemiological study using a discrete time representation of the Cox continuous time proportional hazards model and complementary log–log specification.

Results: Of the 117 pre-FTC patients, 68 (58.1%) patients progressed to FTC during the 54-month follow-up period. Analysis of potential predictors showed that baseline cognitive state, impairment of activities of daily living (ADL) and neuropsychiatric symptoms were strong predictors of time to FTC. In addition, the rate of cognitive and ADL decline predicted time to FTC. The final model predicted 88.2% of observations.

Conclusion: The model simulates and predicts progression of pre-FTC AD patients until the need for FTC based on assessments for cognitive, functional and behavioural domains. The main application of the model is to assess the cost effectiveness of AD therapies as potential adjuncts to a background AD treatment including disease-modifying treatments. The applicability of the predictive model to a specific setting should be carefully assessed, i.e. the patient population being examined should have similar characteristics as patients in the LASER–AD cohort.  相似文献   

Aims: The purpose of this study is to assess the economic cost differences and the associated treatment resource changes between the developing coronary artery disease (CAD) diagnostic tool fast strain-encoded cardiac imaging (Fast-SENC) and the current commonly used stress test single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT).

Materials and methods: A “payer perspective” model was created first, consisting of long-term and short-term components that used a hypothetical cohort of patients of average age (60.8?years) presenting with chest pain and suspected CAD to assess cost-impact. A cost impact model was then built that assessed likely savings from a “hospital perspective” from substituting Fast-SENC for a portion of SPECTs assuming an average number of annual SPECT tests performed in US hospitals.

Results: In the payer model, using Fast-SENC followed by coronary angiography (CA) and percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) treatment when necessary is less costly than the SPECT method when considering both direct and indirect costs of testing. Expected costs of the Fast-SENC were between $2,510 and $2,632 per correct diagnosis, while expected costs for the SPECT were between $3,157 and $4,078. Fast-SENC reduced false positives by 50% and false negatives by 86%, generating additional cost savings. The hospital model showed total costs per CAD patient visit of $825 for SPECT and $376 for Fast-SENC.

Limitations: Limitations of this study are that clinical data are sourced from other published clinical trials on how CAD diagnostic strategies impact clinical outcome, and that necessary assumptions were made which impact health outcomes.

Conclusion: The lower cost, higher sensitivity and specificity rates, and faster, less burdensome process for detecting CAD patients make Fast-SENC a more capable and economically beneficial stress test than SPECT. The payer model and hospital model demonstrate an alignment between payer and provider economics as Fast-SENC provides monetary savings for patients and resource benefits for hospitals.  相似文献   


Background: Multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) is a novel method for diagnosis and prognosis of coronary artery disease (CAD). The opportunity costs that favour MDCT over other CAD diagnostic methods is currently unknown.

Methods: This study used an episodes of care cost model based on epidemiologic and economic data evaluating individuals without known CAD undergoing MDCT or myocardial perfusion scintigraphy (MPS). It was a multicenter retrospective database review of medical and pharmacy-related claims linked by episodes of care from 2002 to 2005. CAD-related episodes of care costs were examined 1-year downstream for patients after initial MDCT that were matched to patients who underwent MPS.

Results: After adjustment for patient factors, 1-year total CAD-related episodes of care costs for MDCT were 16.4% lower than MPS, by an average of $682 (95% confidence interval $14, $1,350) per patient. While costs per CAD-related episode were similar between MDCT and MPS groups ($4,284 vs. $4,277, p=0.08).

Conclusions: Patients without known CAD who undergo MDCT as an initial diagnostic test, compared to MPS, incurred fewer CAD-related episodes of care and lower overall CAD-related costs.  相似文献   

Objectives: the study aims to estimate the clinical-impact and cost-effectiveness value of adding human papillomavirus 16/18 vaccination against cervical cancer among women currently undergoing organised screening in Finland.

Methods: A Markov cohort model evaluating high-risk HPV infections and cervical cancer (CC) cases combined with screening has been customised to the Finnish setting. The model outcome for a cohort of 30,000 girls aged 10 years was calibrated to age-specific annual number of Pap smears, CC incidence and mortality.

Results: The observed age-specific incidence and mortality rates of CC closely match the data replicated by the model. The model predicts that with a 90% vaccine coverage rate, CC cases and mortality would be reduced by 70%. In the base-case analysis with a discount rate of 3% the incremental cost per quality-adjusted life-years (QALY) gained, from a healthcare perspective, was €17,294. Without discounting this value is €2,591/QALY gained.

Conclusions: The analysis suggests that implementing prophylactic CC vaccination within the current screening system would substantially reduce CC cases and deaths, as well as the overall disease burden expressed in pre-cancer lesions averted. Vaccination could be a cost-effective intervention in Finland despite the fact that the number of CC cases and deaths are currently relatively low. Conservative estimates of the cost effectiveness of the vaccination were provided since it was not possible to assess herd protection induced by vaccination using this Markov model.  相似文献   

Objective: To compare the pharmacoeconomic guidelines in South Africa (SA) with other middle- and high-income countries.

Methods: A comparative review of key features of the pharmacoeconomic guidelines in SA was undertaken using the Comparative Table of Pharmacoeconomic Guidelines developed by the International Society of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, and published country-level pharmacoeconomics guidelines. A random sample of guidelines in high- and middle-income countries were analyzed if data on all key features were available. Key features of the pharmacoeconomic guidelines in SA were compared with those in other countries, and divergent features were identified and elaborated.

Results: Five upper middle-income countries (Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Malaysia, and Mexico), one lower middle-income country (Egypt), and six high-income countries (Germany, Ireland, Norway, Portugal, Taiwan, and the Netherlands) were analyzed. The pharmacoeconomic guidelines in SA differ in important areas when compared with other countries. In SA, the study perspective and costs are limited to private health-insurance companies, complex modelling is discouraged and models require pre-approval, equity issues are not explicitly stated, a budget impact analysis is not required, and pharmacoeconomic submissions are voluntary.

Conclusions: Future updates to the pharmacoeconomic guidelines in SA may include a societal perspective with limitations, incentivize complex and transparent models, and integrate equity issues. The pharmacoeconomic guidelines could be improved by addressing conflicting objectives with policies on National Health Insurance, incentivize private health insurance companies to disclose reimbursement data, and require the inclusion of a budget impact analysis in all pharmacoeconomic submissions. Further research is also needed on the impact of mandatory pharmacoeconomic submissions in middle-income countries.  相似文献   


Objectives: To perform a cost-utility analysis of a new formulation of mesalazine (Mezavant XL, MMX mesalazine) versus an existing oral mesalazine (Asacol; mesalazine) from the UK National Health Service perspective.

Methods: A 5-year Markov cohort model was developed. Costs were obtained from the literature and utilities from an independent study. Uncertainty was evaluated using one-way and probabilistic sensitivity analyses (PSA). The potential effect of dosing frequency on adherence and possible long-term effects of remission maintenance on colorectal cancer (CRC) rates were also investigated.

Results: The model suggested that 5-year therapy with MMX mesalazine was likely to generate gains when compared with mesalazine, including a gain of 0.011 QALYs per patient, 19 more remission days, and 12% fewer hospitalizations and surgical episodes. These gains came at an increase in total NHS direct cost of £8, resulting in an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of £749. The PSA suggested that MMX mesalazine had a 62% chance of resulting in cost savings, and a 74% chance of being cost effective (£20,000 threshold). Extended analysis including adherence and CRC effects suggested further incremental benefit of MMX mesalazine over mesalazine could be expected. Limitations include uncertainty in extrapolation to a 5-year time horizon and impact of adherence and drug acquisition costs on outcomes.

Conclusion: The pharmacoeconomic analysis suggested that MMX mesalazine is likely to produce small, but worthwhile, increases in total NHS direct cost while increasing time in remission and associated quality of life, when compared with mesalazine. Advantages in adherence to treatment with MMX mesalazine relative to mesalazine suggested that further health gains and cost savings can be obtained. Overall, these results suggest that MMX mesalazine is a cost-effective treatment for UC.  相似文献   



Palivizumab is a prophylactic therapy shown to reduce the number of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)-related hospitalizations but has a high acquisition cost. The objective was to systematically examine the cost effectiveness of palivizumab in defined infant groups and identify important cost and outcome determinants.


Literature searches of MedLine, the Cost-Effectiveness Analysis registry and the UK NHS Economic Evaluation Database (NHS EED) were conducted to identify economic evaluations of palivizumab compared to no prophylactic treatment for RSV prevention in any infant population. Study quality was evaluated using Quality of Health Economic Studies (QHES) criteria and results converted to 2009 CAN$ for comparison.


A total of 23 articles meeting inclusion criteria were identified, including 11 cost-utility analyses (CUAs) and 12 cost-effectiveness analyses (CEAs). Quality of individual analyses was fairly high (range 60–100, median 86). Results ranged from cost dominance for prophylaxis to $3,365,769/QALY depending on population, outcome measures, and input parameters. Base-case and sensitivity-analysis mortality rates varied between studies and influenced results.


RSV prophylaxis with palivizumab is cost effective in specific groups of high-risk infants, especially those with multiple environmental risk factors. Cost-effectiveness estimates vary between populations and settings and are more positive in those at highest risk for RSV hospitalization.


Direct comparison of the published reports was limited by restriction to English language articles and the varied methodologies, input measures, and populations across the studies reviewed. Although reported currencies were converted to a common unit for comparison, this does not completely account for monetary and inflation differences.  相似文献   


Rimonabant, the first selective CB-1 receptor blocker, is expected to reduce cardiometabolic risk substantially. This study assesses the economics of such treatment in patients at elevated cardiometabolic risk.

A Markov model was developed using data from the Rimonabant in Obesity (RIO) trial, published risk equations, and UK cost and utility data. Patients begin either in a diabetic or a non-diabetic state and can transition to cardiovascular disease or to death (based on UK life tables). Transitions to diabetes and subsequent cardiovascular events are also counted. Resource use due to events and long-term management were translated to UK costs (2005 GBP). Tariffs for events and states were applied to age-dependent utilities. Extensive univariate and multivariate probabilistic sensitivity analyses were carried out.

Over 10 years, 8% will suffer a cardiovascular event with a loss of more than 1,000 quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) and a cost of more than £500,000 per 1,000 patients. Projecting risk for a lifetime, 1 year of rimonabant use is estimated to gain >65 QALYs at £8,574/QALY. In probabilistic sensitivity analysis, incremental cost-effectiveness ratios varied from £2,657 to £22,141/QALY.

Based on the metabolic effects seen in clinical trials, rimonabant should reduce cardiovascular risk in obese or overweight people at reasonable cost.  相似文献   


Background: Crohn's disease (CD) and multiple sclerosis (MS) are debilitating autoimmune diseases, which represent a substantial cost burden in the context of managed care. As a corollary, there is an unmet pharmacotherapeutic need in patient populations with relapsing forms of MS, in addition to populations with moderately to severely active CD with evidence of inflammation who have experienced an inadequate response to other mainstream therapies. The purpose of this study was to analyze the clinical and economic data associated with natalizumab (Tysabri) and to determine the potential impact of its formulary inclusion in a hypothetical health plan.

Findings: Regarding MS, the implemented cost-effectiveness and budget-impact models demonstrated an anticipated reduction in relapse rate of 67% over 2 years, and a total therapy cost of $72,120 over 2 years, equating to a cost per relapse avoided of $56,594. With respect to the model assumptions, the market share of natalizumab would experience an increase to 8.5%, resulting in a total per-member, per-month healthcare cost increase of $0.003 ($0.002 for pharmacy costs and $0.001 for medical costs).

Regarding CD, over a 2-year period outlined by the model, natalizumab produced the highest average time in remission, steroid-free remission, and remission or response in comparison to the other agents. The mean total costs associated with the initiation of natalizumab, infliximab, and adalimumab were $68,372, $62,090, and $61,796, respectively. Although natalizumab's costs were higher, the mean time spent in remission while on this medication was 4.5 months, as opposed to 2.4 months for infliximab and 2.9 months with adalimumab. This shift in market share was used to estimate the change in total costs (medical + pharmacy), and the per-member per-month change for the model's base case was calculated to be $0.035.

Limitations: The aforementioned cost-effectiveness results for natalizumab in the treatment for CD and MS were limited by the model's predetermined assumptions. These assumptions include anticipated reduction in relapse rate after 2 years of therapy and acquisition costs in the MS model, as well as assuming a certain percentage of patients were primary and secondary failures of TNFα inhibitor therapy in the CD model.

Conclusion: The evidence presented here demonstrates that natalizumab provides clinical practitioners with another tool in their fight against both MS and CD, albeit by way of a different mechanism of action. After a thorough review of the evidence, the authors find that natalizumab has been shown to be relatively cost effective in the treatment of both conditions from a payer perspective; the therapy adds a new option for those patients for whom conventional treatment was unsuccessful.  相似文献   


The objective of this study was to evaluate the cost effectiveness of paricalcitol injection compared with calcitriol injection when used to reduce parathyroid hormone levels in patients undergoing haemodialysis. A decision tree was developed to model the 1-year costs and outcomes of therapy for secondary hyperparathyroidism from a US government payer's perspective (2005 US$). Probabilities of hospitalisations and survival with paricalcitol and calcitriol were obtained from published observational studies.

When only drug costs and survival were considered, the incremental cost effectiveness of paricalcitol over calcitriol was $9,900 per life saved. When utilities were included, the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio for paricalcitol compared with calcitriol was $13,200 per quality-adjusted life year. When both drug and hospitalisation costs were included in a cost analysis, paricalcitol treatment was cost saving compared with calcitriol, and when hospitalisation costs were included in both the cost-effectiveness analysis and cost-utility analysis paricalcitol demonstrated first-order dominance, cost savings and cost effectiveness.

This decision analysis demonstrated that paricalcitol injection is both cost effective and cost saving compared with calcitriol injection.  相似文献   

银行监管是有成本的.它一方面可以降低银行体系的风险,使整个社会从中获益:另一方面也有可能会造成监管成本超过由监管带来的收益.从而降低整个社会的福利。本文对银行监管的成本和收益及其构成进行了界定,分析了,影响银行监管成本收益的各种因素,建立了基于成本收益分析的最优监管模型:同时从现阶段我国银行业监管中监管对象和监管环境的特殊性出发,提出了重新塑造高效银行监管体系的建议。  相似文献   



This study’s objectives were to examine and compare the cost-effectiveness of biologic and non-biologic therapies in the improvement of the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   

Objective: An economic evaluation was performed, using modelling techniques, to compare 1-year total costs of four revascularisation procedures in patients with multivessel disease: on-pump coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG); off-pump CABG; percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with bare-metal stents (BMS); and PCI with drug-eluting stents (DES).

Methods: Clinical data were derived from four randomised clinical trials comparing CABG versus PCI, as well as from literature reviews. Resource use and unit cost estimates were modelled to reflect current Canadian practice.

Results: This study demonstrated that 1 year after the initial revascularisation, PCI with BMS is the least costly procedure, followed by off-pump CABG, PCI with DES and on-pump CABG. DES became the most costly procedure if 3.5 or more DES were used or if staged PCI was performed.  相似文献   

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