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Prior research has consistently documented a weight-related earnings penalty for females. However, there is debate concerning the existence of a similar wage penalty for men, with many studies having found no statistically significant effect. Prior research has also found a wage penalty associated with lower self-esteem. Drawing data from the 1979 cohort of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, we refine the empirical relationship among self-esteem, wages, and weight. Implementing mediation models, our results suggest men face an obesity wage penalty, but the penalty is characterized through a persistent decrease in self-esteem when relatively young which leads to lower wages as adults. In contrast, the obesity wage penalty for females is not mediated through lower self-esteem and is likely the result of factors related to contemporaneous body weight.


This study examines the relation between audit quality and earnings management. Consistent with prior research, we treat audit quality as a dichotomous variable and assume that Big Six auditors are of higher quality than non-Big Six auditors. Earnings management is captured by discretionary accruals that are estimated using a cross-sectional version of the Jones 1991 model. Prior literature suggests that auditors are more likely to object to management's accounting choices that increase earnings (as opposed to decrease earnings) and that auditors are more likely to be sued when they are associated with financial statements that overstate earnings (as compared to understate earnings). Therefore, we hypothesize that clients of non-Big Six auditors report discretionary accruals that increase income relatively more than the discretionary accruals reported by clients of Big Six auditors. This hypothesis is supported by evidence from a sample of 10,379 Big Six and 2,179 non-Big Six firm years. Specifically, clients of non-Big Six auditors report discretionary accruals that are, on average, 1.5-2.1 percent of total assets higher than the discretionary accruals reported by clients of Big Six auditors. Also, consistent with earnings management, we find that the mean and median of the absolute value of discretionary accruals are greater for firms with non-Big Six auditors. This result also indicates that lower audit quality is associated with more “accounting flexibility”.  相似文献   

This article examines the interrelationships among race, culture, skill, and the distribution of wages. I utilize a three-equation system to explore this process: skill is a multidimensional productive attribute measured by years of education and work effort; educational attainment is a function of class background and individual effort; and individual wage rates are a function of skill and class background. By further assuming that effort is differentially distributed across individuals and social groups, I am able to estimate reduced form equations for educational and earnings attainment, where both equations are functions of the class backgrounds and race of individuals. The collective results of this article challenge the conventional wisdom among economists that African American and Latino job skills are of a lower quality than white job skills. To the extent that effort is an important element of worker skill, our results suggest that neither African American nor Latino labor is of lower quality than white labor. The results regarding differences between African Americans and whites in educational attainment, i.e., African Americans are able to translate a given level of resources into higher levels of educational attainment, reaffirm previous findings in the literature. The results on Latino versus white educational attainment are novel. Additionally, unlike previous research, this article connects racial differences in the skill acquisition process to the economics of discrimination.  相似文献   

Abstract. In this paper we examine the relation between a firm's stock return and the earnings of other firms in the same industry, controlling for the firm's own earnings. We present a model in which the sign of this relation depends on the relative uncertainty there is about the size of the total industry value versus the division of that value between firms. We document considerable cross-industry variation in the relation between a firm's return and other firms' earnings, and demonstrate empirically that the sign of the relation depends on information provided prior to the industry earnings announcement period. Résumé. Les auteurs examinent la relation entre le rendement de l'action d'une société et les bénéfices des entreprises appartenant au même secteur d'activité, en veillant à contrôler les bénéfices de la société en question. Dans le modèle qu'ils proposent, le sens (positif ou négatif) de cette relation dépend de l'incertitude relative qui caractérise l'importance de la valeur globale du secteur d'activité par rapport au partage de cette valeur entre les entreprises qui le constituent. Les auteurs ont recueilli quantité d'information confirmant l'existence d'une forte variation dans la relation entre le rendement des actions d'une entreprise et les bénéfices des autres entreprises d'un même secteur; ils démontrent aussi empiriquement que le sens de la relation dépend de l'information produite avant la période où les bénéfices du secteur sont communiqués.  相似文献   

Recently, much of the research into the relation between market values and accounting numbers has used, or at least made reference to, the residual income model (RIM). Two basic types of empirical research have developed. The “historical” type explores the relation between market values and reported accounting numbers, often using the linear dynamics in Ohlson 1995 and Feltham and Ohlson 1995 and 1996. The “forecast” type explores the relation between market value and the present value of the book value of equity, a truncated sequence of residual income forecasts, and an estimate of the terminal value at the truncation date. The analysis in this paper integrates these two approaches. We expand the Feltham and Ohlson 1996 model by including one‐ and two‐period‐ahead residual income forecasts to infer “other” information regarding future revenues from past investments and future growth opportunities. This approach results in a model in which the difference between market value and book value of equity is a function of current residual income, one‐ and two‐period‐ahead residual income, current capital investment, and start‐of‐period operating assets. The existence of both persistence in revenues from current and prior investments and growth in future positive net present value investment opportunities leads us to hypothesize a negative coefficient on the one‐period‐ahead residual income forecast and a positive coefficient on the two‐period‐ahead residual income forecast. Our empirical results strongly support our hypotheses with respect to the forecast coefficients.  相似文献   

This paper conducts stationarity tests for levels and ratios of national and regional unemployment rates by race and ethnicity. Results indicate that both unemployment rates and ratios for the total population and for subgroups by race, ethnicity and region are stationary around changing means. The black/white unemployment ratio has increased on average and the Hispanic/white unemployment ratio has decreased on average. Results are compared across regions of the US.  相似文献   

Recent work in the supply chain literature suggests that the variance in orders placed with suppliers will be larger than that of sales to buyers. This distortion in demand information increases as it is passed along the supply chain from customers to upstream suppliers and has been referred to as “the bullwhip effect.” In this paper, we argue that the bullwhip effect reduces the ability of order backlog to predict future sales and earnings for upstream suppliers. Results obtained from our empirical analysis support this proposition. We find that the impact of bullwhip on the predictive ability of order backlog is further accentuated in firms with longer operating cycles. Market intermediaries such as financial analysts, on average, are unable to fully account for differences in the predictive ability of order backlog. However, analysts belonging to employers that follow all firms in a vertical supply chain do a better job of understanding the impact of bullwhip on the predictive ability of order backlog. In additional tests, we find that the bullwhip effect also impedes the ability of inventory components to predict future sales and earnings.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether an individual's status as a current or a prospective investor affects the investor's susceptibility to earnings fixation and proposes a mechanism to reduce earnings fixation. Our experimental results suggest that current investors are more susceptible to earnings fixation than prospective investors, and that current investors can reduce earnings fixation by explicitly forecasting future earnings as part of their evaluation process. We provide theory‐consistent evidence that current investors' prevention focus makes them elevate the importance of summary earnings in their evaluation of a company. However, after forecasting future earnings, current investors view summary earnings as only one of several similarly important evaluation inputs rather than as one substantially more important input (relative to its components). Our study contributes to research on earnings fixation and investor status. We also contribute to practice by documenting the moderating effect of investor status on earnings fixation and by identifying a simple mechanism that current investors can use to reduce their susceptibility to earnings fixation.  相似文献   

Abstract. Several studies have documented a significant association between firm size and cumulative abnormal returns surrounding quarterly earnings announcements, after controlling for unexpected earnings. The sign of the association depends on the sign of unexpected earnings. Specifically, in a regression of cumulative abnormal returns on unexpected earnings and firm size, the coefficient on firm size is negative for observations with positive unexpected earnings and is positive for observations with negative unexpected earnings. These results hold after adjusting returns for the firm size return effect. In the absence of an economic rationale for firm size per se to be priced in this manner, we draw on extant capital market literature to identify two potential explanations for the signed-size effect. Each suggests that firm size may be proxying for some misspecification of the relation between cumulative abnormal returns and unexpected earnings: measurement error in the researcher's proxy for unexpected earnings and constrained estimation of earnings response coefficients. The signed-size effect remains after incorporating numerous procedures to mitigate the influence of each of these misspecifications. We develop implications of ignoring the anomalous signed-size effect for studies investigating the association between cumulative abnormal returns and unexpected earnings. Studies affected are those that omit firm size (the estimated earnings response coefficient is biased upward), include firm size as a linear additive variable (the estimated coefficient on firm size is generally not interpretable), and include other variables correlated with firm size (their estimated coefficients are generally biased). Résumé. Plusieurs chercheurs ont démontré l'existence d'une relation significative entre la taille de l'entreprise et les rendements anormaux cumulatifs entourant les annonces de bénéfices trimestriels, compte tenu du contrôle des bénéfices inattendus. Le signe de cette relation (positif ou négatif) dépend de celui des bénéfices inattendus. En termes précis, dans une régression des rendements anormaux cumulatifs par rapport aux bénéfices inattendus à de la taille de l'entreprise, le coefficient relatif à la taille de l'entreprise est négatif pour les observations de bénéfices inattendus positifs, alors qu'il est positif pour les observations de bénéfices inattendus négatifs. Ces résultats persistent une fois les rendements ajustés pour tenir compte de l'incidence de la taille de l'entreprise. Faute de fondements économiques sur lesquels appuyer ce genre d'évaluation en fonction de la taille de l'entreprise en tant que telle, les auteurs ont puisé dans les écrits existants relatifs au marché des capitaux deux explications possibles de l'incidence positive ou négative de la taille: l'erreur de mesure de la variable substitutive des bénéfices inattendus utilisée par le chercheur et l'estimation restreinte des coefficients de réaction aux bénéfices. Dans un cas comme dans l'autre, il semble que la taille de l'entreprise puisse servir de substitut lorsque certaines définitions de la relation entre les rendements anormaux cumulatifs et les bénéfices inattendus sont erronées. L'incidence positive ou négative de la taille demeure après l'application de nombreux procédés visant à atténuer l'influence de chacune de ces erreurs de définition. Les auteurs cernent les conséquences que peut entraîner la négligence de l'incidence positive ou négative anormale de la taille, dans le cas d'études portant sur la relation entre les rendements anormaux cumulatifs et les bénéfices inattendus. Les études en cause sont celles dans lesquelles est omise la taille de l'entreprise (le coefficient de la réaction estimée aux bénéfices étant alors biaisé à la hausse), celles qui font intervenir la taille de l'entreprise à titre de variable additive linéaire (le coefficient estimé relatif à la taille de l'entreprise ne pouvant être interprété, de façon générale) et celles qui font intervenir d'autres variables en corrélation avec la taille de l'entreprise (leurs coefficients estimés étant, dans ce cas, habituellement faussés).  相似文献   

This paper examines factors that influence individuals’ time use decisions regarding food preparation. Using American Time Use Survey data, Tobit estimates confirm that time spent on food preparation differs by race, ethnicity and socio-economic status. In general, hours worked, age, and education are negatively associated with time spent preparing food-cooked-at-home, while family care and leisure time are positively associated with it. Time spent purchasing prepared-food, on the other hand, has a positive relation to hours worked, family care, leisure time, education, and income, although its effects significantly differ by race and ethnicity. Estimates further show a positive relationship between time spent preparing food-cooked-at-home and family size, supporting the Barten theory of scale economies in home production.  相似文献   

Two community gardening projects in the Cape Town Metropole, South Africa, were studied in terms of how their intended outcomes were conceptualised by programme stakeholders, and how programme implementation was perceived by the intended beneficiaries. Following a broadly qualitative approach, data collection methods included individual and group interviews, participant observation, and reviews of programme records. A model of short-term, medium-term, and long-term outcomes, as perceived by programme management and staff, was elicited. Gardeners generally were positive about the service delivery of the programme, and identified the provision of food for their households as the major change that the programme introduced in their lives. They achieved some savings on household food purchases, and improved their nutrition somewhat. They also reported some income generation, but they perceived it as too little. Finally, respondents were very positive about a range of social benefits obtained from participating in the projects.  相似文献   

Abstract. Valuation theory recognizes that the relation between earnings innovations and changes in security valuation is increasing in the persistence of the earnings innovations. Analyses in this article reveal that the present value of revisions in expected future benefits is a function of the length of revision horizon, suggesting that earnings persistence is determined, in part, by an entity's going-concern status. These analyses predict an inverse relation between earnings informativeness and an entity's probability of termination. Drawing on a sample of quarterly earnings and returns data from more than 1,500 distinct firms for the period 1981–1990, a statistically significant inverse relation is documented between an entity's probability of termination and the informativeness of earnings—the latter measured as the coefficient from a regression of returns on earnings. Further empirical analyses reveal that this result is a pervasive economic phenomenon not attributable to extreme conditions or other prevailing explanations of earnings informativeness. This inference is robust to variations in research design, including measurement of earnings informativeness and of termination probability and alternative specifications of the relation between returns and earnings. Consequently, the evidence in this article is consistent with a fundamental role for an entity's going-concern status in determining the usefulness of earnings. Résumé. La théorie de l'évaluation reconnaît le fait que la relation entre les nouvelles informations relatives au bénéfice net et les changements dans l'évaluation des titres s'intensifie lorsque persistent lesdites informations. Les analyses réalisées par les auteurs révèlent que la valeur actualisée des rajustements dans les gains futurs espérés dépend de l'horizon du rajustement, ce qui donne à penser que la persistance du bénéfice net est en partie fonction de la continuité de l'exploitation de l'entreprise. Selon ces analyses, le potentiel informatif du bénéfice net devrait être en relation inverse avec la probabilité de fermeture de l'entité. En s'appuyant sur un échantillon de données trimestrielles relatives au bénéfice net et au rendement recueillies auprès de plus de 1500 entreprises distinctes pour la période 1981–1990, les auteurs observent une relation inverse statistiquement significative entre la probabilité de fermeture d'une entité et le potentiel informatif du bénéfice—ce dernier étant mesuré sous forme de coefficient, au moyen d'une régression des rendements sur les bénéfices. D'autres analyses empiriques révèlent que cette conclusion est un phénomène économique répandu qui n'est pas attribuable à des conditions extrêmes ou à d'autres explications prédominantes du potentiel informatif du bénéfice net. Cette inference résiste aux variations dans le plan de recherche, y compris la mesure du potentiel informatif du bénéfice net et de la probabilité de fermeture, et les autres caractéristiques possibles de la relation entre le rendement et le bénéfice. Les résultats obtenus confirment donc que la continuité de l'exploitation joue un rôle fondamental dans la détermination de l'utilité du bénéfice net.  相似文献   

Abstract. This study develops and tests the proposition that corporate merger transactions give rise to changes in the association between firm accounting earnings and security returns. A model of the effect of merger transactions on stock price responses to information releases suggests that the earnings response coefficient of a postmerger entity is a weighted average of the earnings response coefficients of the combining firms, with the weights depending on relative earnings variability of the combining firms. Empirical results, based on a sample of 90 mergers completed over a 12-year period, are consistent with the model. Résumé. L'auteur élabore et vérifie une proposition selon laquelle les opérations de fusion donnent lieu à des changements dans la relation entre les bénéfices comptables de l'entreprise et le rendement de ses titres. Selon le modèle de l'incidence des opérations de fusion sur la réaction du cours des valeurs mobilières à la communication d'information, le coefficient de réaction des bénéfices d'une entité résultant d'une fusion est la moyenne pondérée des coefficients de réaction des bénéfices des entreprises qui fusionnent, les pondérations dépendant de la variabilité relative des bénéfices des entreprises constituantes. Les résultats empiriques, fondés sur un échantillon de 90 fusions s'échelonnant sur une période de plus de 12 ans, confirment la validité du modèle.  相似文献   

骆珣  王佩 《科技和产业》2015,(12):91-95
以高阶梯队理论为基础,分析任期交错的影响,运用创业板上市公司2012-2014经验数据进行检验,结果表明CEO和CFO任期交错与盈余管理程度存在显著的负相关关系,因此CEO和CFO任期交错能够抑制公司的盈余行为,据此提出为提高上市公司会计信息披露质量,应避免CEO和CFO长期共事。  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of the inherent demand implied by short interest by studying how stock price reactions to earnings announcements depend on the level of short interest. We find that, for extreme good and bad news events, the inherent demand increases stock prices around the earnings announcement date, with the effect being stronger for good news relative to bad news. Specifically, the initial market reaction to an extreme positive earnings surprise is larger for firms with high levels of short interest. On the other hand, for an extreme negative earnings surprise event, the initial market reaction is less negative for heavily shorted firms. Furthermore, we find that the post‐earnings‐announcement drift is smaller (larger) in magnitude for extreme positive (negative) earnings surprises for the heavily shorted firms.  相似文献   

林川  曹国华 《南方经济》2012,(12):18-35
本文利用2007-2010年间沪深A股532家上市公司的2191个减持事件样本,实证检验了盈余管理、非年报效应与大股东减持间的关系。研究发现,上市公司盈余管理程度越高,则大股东减持力度越高;而且大股东减持行为具有明显的非年报效应,选择在中期报告或季度报告期间减持的大股东的减持力度更大;而考虑盈余管理对非年报效应的依赖性后,盈余管理与大股东减持之间同样存在显著地正相关关系,而且盈余管理的影响程度被明显放大了。而进一步研究后发现,大股东减持存在明显的三季报效应,大股东会主动通过第三季度的盈余管理行为达到减持目的。  相似文献   

Abstract. This study shows that financial analysts of brokerage firms that provide investment banking services to a company (investment banker analysts) are optimistic, relative to other (noninvestment banker) analysts, in their earnings forecasts and investment recommendations. Returns earned by following the investment recommendations of investment banker analysts, however, are not significantly different from those of non-investment banker analysts. Given that information regarding the investment banking relationships of brokerage firms is publicly available, we find evidence that capital market participants rely relatively less on the investment banker analysts in forming their earnings expectations. Although we find a significant capital market reaction around the noninvestment banker analysts' research report dates and not around the investment banker analysts' research report dates, the difference between the two market reactions is not statistically significant. Finally, we find that investment banker analysts' earnings forecasts are, on average, as accurate as those of noninvestment banker analysts. Résumé. Les auteurs mettent en évidence le fait que les analystes financiers des maisons de courtage qui offrent des services de prise ferme aux entreprises (les analystes de courtiers preneurs ferme) sont optimistes dans leurs prévisions de bénéfices et leurs recommandations de placements, par comparaison aux autres analystes (c'est-à-dire aux analystes de courtiers qui ne sont pas preneurs ferme). Les rendements obtenus par les investisseurs qui observent les recommandations de placements des analystes de courtiers preneurs ferme ne sont cependant pas sensiblement différents de ceux qu'obtiennent les investisseurs qui se fient aux analystes des courtiers qui ne sont pas preneurs ferme. Compte tenu du fait que l'information relative aux relations qu'entretiennent les maisons de courtage en matière de prise ferme est du domaine public, les constatations des auteurs confirment que les participants au marché financier s'appuient relativement moins sur le verdict des analystes des courtiers preneurs ferme dans le calcul de leur espérance de gains. Bien que les auteurs observent une réaction marquée du marché financier à proximité des dates de publication des rapports de recherche des analystes des courtiers qui ne sont pas preneurs ferme, ce qui n'est pas le cas à proximité des dates de publication des rapports de recherche des analystes des courtiers preneurs ferme, la différence entre ces deux réactions n'est pas statistiquement significative. Enfin, les auteurs constatent que les prévisions de bénéfices des analystes des courtiers preneurs ferme sont, en moyenne, aussi exactes que celles des analystes des courtiers qui ne sont pas preneurs ferme.  相似文献   

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