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论我国企业并购存在的风险与防范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶家洋 《企业研究》2011,(10):146-146
一、我国企业并购存在的风险 (一)并购的目标企业选择不当风险。并购的目标行业选择不当是一种常见的并购问题,其根本原因还在于对外部环境和内部资源缺乏透彻的掌握。企业并购的行业选择是从战略的角度来考虑的,尤其是跨国并购,它是一种对外直接投资行为。  相似文献   

论我国国有企业并购风险及其防范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章深入分析了当前我国国有企业并购中存在的主要风险及其成因,并提出了其防范和控制措施。  相似文献   

企业并购风险的防范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业并购是企业扩张的重要形式,也是市场竞争的必然结果,其本质是在市场条件下优化资源配置.近几年来,并购日益活跃,但成功的并购并不多见.这是因为,企业并购是高风险活动,其中财务风险是并购成功与否的重要因素.  相似文献   

企业并购市场风险的成因及防范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
各种客观和主观原因的存在使我国企业并购面临着很大的市场风险.本文分析了企业并购市场风险的成因,并在此基础上提出了防范企业并购市场风险的几条措施。  相似文献   

一、我国企业并购存在的风险(一)并购的目标企业选择不当风险。并购的目标行业选择不当是一种常见的并购问题,其根本原因还在于对外部环境和内部资源缺乏透彻的掌握。企业并购的行业选择是从战略的角度来考虑的,尤其是跨国并购,它是一种对外直接投资行为  相似文献   

企业并购的风险及防范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业并购可能会为企业和各级政府带来较大的经济效益和社会效益,并且作为优化资源配置的一种有效方式,对企业的存续、发展和推动社会进步都是至关重要的。并购已经成为我国越来越多企业发展的必然选择。但是,企业在并购过程中可能会出现各种各样的问题与风险,我们要遵循企业并购的原则,采取有效方法,解决问题,规避和防范风险,使企业在高速运转中导入健康良性的发展轨道。  相似文献   

目前世界上企业间最为活跃的产权变动方式和企业交易就是企业并购了,从某种角度讲这也是资本运营的核心,当前,市场经济日益发展,企业为增强自身实力,快速实现资本扩张,通常使用的外部扩张途径或策略就是企业并购了。不过,企业并购对于我国公司来说尚处于开始阶段,市场环境还有待完善,法律制度还很不规范,运作经验也不是很成熟,由此可以看出,企业间并购的风险在我国显得尤其突出。因此,有效防范企业并购过程中可能出现的种种风险,对国民经济的发展、对企业的发展会起着很重要的作用。  相似文献   

近年来,在全球企业并购的浪潮风起云涌之时,中国资本市场也开始新一轮的大规模战略并购。企业并购已成为企业资本运营、实现跨越式成长不可或缺的策略和手段,成为企业战略发展的重要途径之一。本文对中国企业海外并购存在的主要风险以及相应的防范措施进行了分析。  相似文献   

尚素萍 《企业研究》2013,(4):97+100
在当今市场经济发达的国家中,企业为实现自身发展的战略目标,越来越依靠兼并、并购这一手段来拓展经营,增强实力,实现生产和资本的集中,达到企业的外部增长目标。在我国市场经济发展中,企业并购有很多风险,但是企业并购的成本最终会影响财务风险。规避和防范财务风险,实现企业的成功并购就成为了企业发展的关键所在。本文就企业并购中的财务风险问题进行简单的分析讨论。  相似文献   

在全球经济一体化背景下,跨国企业并购风起云涌,其排山倒海之势席卷全球。作为资本扩张的重要手段,企业并购已成为现代经济生活中一种极其重要的现象。并购作为企业进行资本运作,实现快速扩张以及提升企业核心竞争力的手段和途径也变的越来越重要。然而,并购过程  相似文献   

The most common form of foreign direct investment (FDI) is cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&A). A common explanation for M&A activity identified in the industrial organization literature is that firms seek technological expertise. However, this has not been examined in the FDI literature. In this paper, I develop and estimate a model of cross-border M&A and focus on the technology seeking explanation. In particular, I develop a general equilibrium model of exporting, greenfield FDI, technology-seeking cross-border M&A, and market-seeking cross-border M&A with heterogeneous firms. The model predicts that firms from a larger country are more likely to acquire in a smaller country when M&A activity is driven by a technology-seeking motive, but the opposite is true when it is driven by a market-seeking motive. Using detailed data on worldwide M&A activity from 1985 to 2007, I find empirical evidence that cross-border M&A activity exhibits behavior consistent with this prediction.  相似文献   

This paper examines mergers and acquisitions motivated by financial constraints. Synergy gain is measured as the cumulative abnormal return of a value‐weighted portfolio of the acquirer and the target around the acquisition announcement. By constructing a financial constraint difference between the target and the acquirer, we find a positive relationship between the financial constraint difference and synergy gains generated from the acquisition. The positive effect of the financial constraint difference is only significant for high growth targets and severely constrained targets. The acquirer's corporate governance also enhances the synergy gains created from the financial constraint difference. Additional evidence shows that both acquirer's and target's shareholders benefit from the financial constraint difference. Our results are robust for different measures of financial constraint.  相似文献   

The article departs from the existing research treatment of expatriation as an individual-level phenomenon, and looks at the expatriation of work teams. We examine the performance management of expatriate teams brought in from 17 independent organizations to work on a new-product development project. We find that the teams faced diverse stakeholder expectations and that these stakeholders' expectations were a source of tension for the teams. The teams responded by adopting performance management strategies that tended to prioritize their respective home organizations' expectations. We discuss the vulnerability of contextual performance and the relative insignificance of national cultural differences in this expatriation context. We propose practical considerations and an agenda for further international human resource management (IHRM) research on expatriate teams.  相似文献   

Despite wide recognition of the central role of knowledge and its transfer, extant research has focused much on some important aspects of knowledge transfer and paid little attention to others. We focus on two underexplored issues in the knowledge transfer literature, namely: (a) compatibility of new knowledge with recipients’ needs, interpretations of its past experiences and its existing norms, and (b) organizational unlearning, which moderates the relationship between compatibility and extent of successful knowledge transfer. We examine different types and dimensions of knowledge compatibility and organizational unlearning within our proposed knowledge transfer process framework. We situate our discussion primarily within knowledge transfer in cross-border mergers and acquisitions. Based on the proposed model, we also offer propositions future research can test.  相似文献   

Cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&As) have become the dominant mode of growth for firms seeking competitive advantage in an increasingly complex and global business economy. Although human resource management (HRM) can play a value-adding role in the merger process, existing research and evidence does not clearly demonstrate how it can do so. This paper addresses the neglected human side of M&As by providing a strategic fit framework to assess the link between M&A strategy and HRM strategy. Because cross-border M&As are of an order of magnitude more complex than domestic mergers, we examine contingencies in national contexts that influence outcomes in the merger process. We draw on recent empirical evidence to highlight HRM roles in terms of resources, processes and values that reflect the influence of both strategic fit and national context in the integration stage of cross-border M&A.  相似文献   

跨国并购后中国企业人力资源整合风险与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
跨国并购整合的全过程,是人力资源全面驱动的过程,发现企业在跨国并购后人力资源整合风险是避免并购失败最重要的环节。本文从这一角度对人力资源整合风险进行理论探讨,在此基础上分析中国企业跨国并购中面临的具体的人力资源整合风险,并针对这些风险提出了相应的控制策略。  相似文献   

This study explores the effect of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance on market value and performance in the context of mergers and acquisitions. We examine whether acquisition of targets with better ESG performance can help acquirers to increase their own ESG performance and whether the market values the increased ESG performance positively. Moreover, we explore whether the acquisition of targets with better ESG performance affects the market value of acquirers. For this study, we utilize a sample of 100 European mergers and acquisitions between 2003 and 2017, for which matching data on the ESG performance of both the target and acquiring firms are available. Our results show that the postmerger ESG performance of the acquirer increases following the acquisition of a target that has higher ESG performance than that of the acquirer in the premerger stage, whereas the postmerger market value of the acquirer increases following an increase in the acquirer's postmerger ESG performance in relation to its premerger ESG performance. Finally, we provide partial evidence of a positive relationship between the postmerger market value of the acquirer and the acquisition of a target with higher ESG performance than itself in the premerger stage.  相似文献   

国际形势风云变幻,世界金融危机席卷全球,欧美国家的企业纷纷出现经营困境,世界经营格局发生了巨大变化。这些都为中国企业的跨国并购提供了难得的良机。然而,跨国并购并不是一帆风顺的,甚至可能是一个巨大的陷阱,对并购行为中风险的模糊认识会危及并购企业本身。跨国并购风险分析已经成为了企业实施并购行为时的必要工作。  相似文献   

The question of whether an outside director with multiple board seats creates value for a firm is a subject of continued debate in the corporate governance literature. Dozens of studies have investigated this linkage over the past decades. Unfortunately, the findings generated to date are inconclusive and contradictory. This study reconciles conflicting perspectives by synthesizing the existing insights and knowledge, and develops a new three-stage S-shaped curve proposition. We target firms’ merger and acquisition (M&A) activities to test this argument. The results show a consistent horizontal S-shaped relation between the number of directorships held per director and the wealth creation from corporate M&A investments before the enactment of the Sarbanes–Oxley Act of 2002. However, the negative relation at the highest directorship level turns insignificant in the post-SOX period, suggesting that the mandatory changes by SOX may mitigate the negative impact of overboarded directors. This study contributes to the on-going debate on the performance effect of multiple directorships by providing a more complete assessment of the full range of the advantages and disadvantages across different levels of directorships. The different association patterns found in the pre-/post-SOX periods further highlight the importance of factoring in regulative environmental change when making an inference about the effect of multiple directorships.  相似文献   

This article compares and contrasts the Renault‐Nissan and DaimlerChrysler‐Mitsubishi mergers to consider the relative and combined effects of national and organizational culture on the performance of Nissan and Mitsubishi. It also examines the reasons why the Renault‐Nissan merger was successful and the DaimlerChrysler‐Mitsubishi merger failed. It finds that Japanese national culture influenced organizational culture and HRM practices, which created organizations that had no sense of urgency, profit orientation, or accountability and led to poor market and financial performance. It also finds that leadership was a major factor impacting on the success of the turnaround efforts of these two organizations. These findings have implications for leaders and human resource management practitioners engaged in international business and are of particular relevance to Western organizations working with organizations in high‐context countries with a collectivist rather than individualist orientation. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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