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在三万吨大容量短纤维后加工生产中采用了S5系列可编程序控制器、西门子变频器及现场总线技术,完成了对大容量短纤维生产的现场监视、控制、报警任务、联锁及生产管理、数据维护等工作。实现了短纤维生产的现代化控制。  相似文献   

企业经济运行监测和预警系统即“EMASE”(EconomicMonitoringandAlarmingSystemofEnterprise)是指通过对工业企业经济运行状况进行连续的测定、监视和预先报警,经过该系统的处理,显示出企业当前经济运行是否正常及未来有无潜在危机,以达到准确、及时对企业实行监控和预先报警的目的。监测是指对企业当前经济运行状况实行连续的监视和测定。预警是指根据监测的结果,经过比较、判断在险情来到之前发出报警。“EMASE”应包括监测和预警指标体系设计、信息系统设计、数据库设计和软件设计等内容。本文仅就前两部分内容进行探讨。一…  相似文献   

根据国内外统计资料显示,突出煤层中的突出危险区域仅占突出煤层的5-10%,突出矿井的突出危险点仅占矿井开采区域的5-10%。平煤股份一矿自05年以来,瓦斯鉴定结果均为突出矿井,为了加强对防突工作的管理和对突出危险点的防控,一矿通过对区域瓦斯含量、地应力、瓦斯压力等数据的测定和分析,进一步划定了矿井区域瓦斯突出危险等级,增强了防突工作的针对性,实现了防突资源的合理配置,减少了不必要的人力物力投入,为实现安全高效矿井打下了扎实的基础。  相似文献   

近年来我国的矿难事故频频发生,据统计数据显示,仅在2005年全年就有7000人死于矿难。矿难频发,尤以煤矿事故居多。经事故后的调查表明,很多矿难其实是可以避免和减少的。就拿常见的瓦斯爆炸来说,按我国目前的防治能力和技术水平,只要把防范措施落实到位,瓦斯爆炸事故应该有能力避免,即或是矿难发生后被困矿工如能及时得到外界的救助并配备有高效实用的保护逃生装备,其生还率将大大提高。  相似文献   

本文基于AT89S52单片机的家居型火灾自动报警系统,采用气体传感器、温度传感器以及LED显示灯模块,可以实现声光报警、故障自诊断、浓度显示、报警限设置、延时报警及与上位机串口通信等功能。是一种结构简单、性能稳定、使用方便、价格低廉、智能化的火灾报警器,具有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   

汪能新 《城市建设》2010,(7):254-255
煤矿是一个充满多种危险源的复杂生产环境。煤矿生产过程中往往受到瓦斯、煤尘、火灾、水灾、围岩失稳等灾害的威胁。其中以瓦斯爆炸和煤与瓦斯突出为代表的瓦斯灾害事故发生的频率最高,造成的人员伤亡和财产损失最严重。本文就是研究在瓦斯爆炸之前,通过分析瓦斯爆炸的条件,监控瓦斯的积聚和异常情况,预测瓦斯爆炸的发生和影响范围及损失程度,形成一套瓦斯爆炸监测顸警系统,尽量把瓦斯爆炸对矿山的影响降低到最低限度。  相似文献   

矿用人员定位管理系统,具有进、出井人员考勤、统计、位置实时监测、区域超员报警、滞留超时报警、禁区闯入报警等功能。因此针对井下人员流动大,灾变情况多,如何利用该系统做好矿井安全管理尤为重要。  相似文献   

煤矿一起起瓦斯爆炸,令人触目惊心;事故背后家庭失去亲人的痛楚,令人心酸。因此,做好井下现场监控情况,及时检测掌握施工现场的有害气体浓度,做到监控有效,至关重要。所以,必须确保监控系统的完好和检测准确度。  相似文献   

化学需氧量(COD)、总有机碳(TOC)已广泛应用于污废水工艺处理行业,实施现场自动监测分析、无线传输、远程控制和实时报警,为环保部门增强科学监管能力、提高环境执法效能发挥了积极作用,已成为环境监管体系中不可缺少的组成部分.本文由影响COD和TOC测量的干扰物质分析、两者的相互关联性等进行展开,着重介绍了氯离子、无机碳分别对COD、TOC测定结果的影响,分析污废水工艺对设备的正常运转存在哪些不确定因素,并针对这些因素提供解决的方案.伴随着环境信息化进程,全自动在线水质监测系统的应用越来越广泛,这就要求有一大批水质在线监测运营的专业技术人才,能熟悉了解水质监测仪的原理和结构,能熟练操作并维修此类在线水质检测仪,保证水质监测系统的正常运转.为学习在线分析仪的从业人员提供必要的参考资料和数据.  相似文献   

哈尔滨市煤炭工业公司依兰第二煤矿是高瓦斯矿井,随着矿井开采深度的不断增加,瓦斯涌出量也随之加大,井下生产始终伴随着瓦斯隐患的威胁,特别是采煤工作面上隅角瓦斯隐患尤为突出,针对这种情况,我们专门进行了多方面实验,并且对相关数据进行了论证,通过实践,只有结合开采煤层的赋存条件,合理选择工作面瓦斯抽放方式,才能有效治理工作面上隅角瓦斯隐患,确保工作面安全生产。依兰第二煤矿根据工作面的具体情况,采取了走向长钻孔抽放采空区瓦斯的方法,有效解决了工作面上隅角瓦斯超限的隐患并取得了成功实践。  相似文献   

广义虚拟经济视角下房地产市场预警的前提是确定影响房地产市场发展的各个重要环节为监测对象,通过对监测警值的分析,确立房地产市场运行过程中已经存在的风险和可能发生的警情变化趋势。房地产预警建立在预测技术之上,其预警方法是房地产预警系统的核心。通过对广义虚拟经济下房地产市场预警的理论与实证分析,本文提出房地产市场预警需要与计算机技术实现更密切的结合,开发城市房地产市场预警系统。先进的软件使房地产预警系统具有良好的人机交互能力,将计算机信息系统建模技术引入到房地产市场预警领域将会成为今后研究的重点方向。  相似文献   

领导干部廉洁自律工作是反腐败工作任务之首,是固本强基之策。一是必须抢先机,预警在领导干部违规念头萌发之前,以加强反腐倡廉教育为主要手段敲响廉洁自律的警钟。二是要争主动,防范在领导干部违规问题产生之前,以加强制度建设筑牢廉洁自律防线。三是要广纳谏,整治在领导干部违规苗头扩大之前,以强化监督机制规范廉洁自律行为。  相似文献   

We have developed a new strategy and espouse a novel paradigm for large-scale computing and real-time interactive visualization. This philosophy calls for intense interactive sessions for a couple of hours at a time at the expense of storing data on many disk drives during regular or heroic runs on massively parallel systems. We have already carried out successfully real-time volume-rendering visualization by employing hundreds of processors for a grid with over 25 million unknowns. Both Cartesian and spherical 3D mantle convection are visualized. The volume-rendered images are viewed on a large display device, with many panels holding around 13 million pixels. We will employ a software strategy involving an hierarchical rendering service, which will have as software an Ajax interface for interactive visualization of large data sets on many different platforms from desktop PC’s to hand-held devices, such as the OQO and the Nokia N-800. An option for stereo viewing is also implemented. We have installed a user interface as web application, using Java and Ajax framework in order to achieve over the Internet reasonable accessibility to our ongoing runs. Our goal is to expand the array of interactive devices, which will make it feasible to carry out ubiquitous visualization and monitoring of large-scale simulations or onsite events and to allow for collaborations across oceans.  相似文献   

The 1978 Public Utility Regulatory Policy Act (PURPA) fostered decentralized generation of electricity, particularly in the form of cogeneration. A model of a firms' decision to cogenerate is developed that illustrates both the interface between the firm and an electric utility, and the firm's internal interface between its primary product and cogeneration technologies. The model is used to show that the firm may operate inefficiently in both the short run and long run owing to the fixed-proportions technology of cogeneration and PURPA mandated operating procedures, respectively. Cogenerating firms that dump heat into the atmosphere may signal inefficient behavior; therefore, monitoring heat dumping may be important in measuring the success of cogeneration.  相似文献   

Ownership Concentration and Share Valuation   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Abstract. Concentrated ownership of large listed companies is widespread throughout the world, and Germany is typical in this respect. This paper proposes a method of distinguishing empirically between the beneficial and harmful effects of ownership concentration, and applies it to German data. The results show that, for most types of largest shareholder, the beneficial effects on minority shareholders of increased ownership (greater monitoring of management, and reduced incentives to exploit minority shareholders due to greater cash‐flow rights) are at least as large as, and sometimes significantly larger than, the harmful effect (greater private benefits of control due to greater control rights).  相似文献   

《Ecological Economics》2007,63(3-4):559-570
The relationship between economic development and environmental quality is a debated topic. Environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) is one prominent hypothesis, positing an inverted U-shaped development–environment relationship. Here we test this hypothesis using data from Shenzhen, People's Republic of China. Established in 1980 as the first special economic zone in China, Shenzhen has developed from a small village into a large urban-industrial agglomeration with the highest income level in the country. The enormous expansion of infrastructure, industrial sites and urban settlements has profoundly changed the local environment. We utilize environmental monitoring data from Shenzhen on concentration of pollutants in ambient air, main rivers, and near-shore waters from 1989 to 2003. The results show that production-induced pollutants support EKC while consumption-induced pollutants do not support it.  相似文献   

This article deals with the design of a resource discovery system, based on a Web interface, for searching and downloading data stored in a Geo-Data Server. The main features of the Geo-Data Server are the design of a cartographic and image database, following international standards, a relational catalogue, containing meta-information on the archived data, and a high-level interface to access the system. The Geo-Data Server implements a distributed system where data are appropriately organised for remote consultation.  相似文献   

We answer two questions concerning natural gas spot and futures prices. The first is: Can natural gas futures prices predict natural gas spot prices? The second is: Are natural gas spot and futures prices weak form efficient or can they be predicted based on examination of historical data? To answer these questions, we use daily data for Henry Hub natural gas spot and futures prices. Our answer to the first question is that natural gas futures prices do not predict the magnitude of future natural gas spot prices any better than what would be predicted by a random walk model. This result has important implications for many financial analysts and policy institutions that have used commodity futures prices to predict movements in spot prices. The answer to the second question is that when we apply a unit root test that allows for heteroskedasticity and two structural breaks, natural gas spot and futures prices are predictable. We then simulate a contrarian trading strategy for spot and futures prices to show under what circumstances trading in spot and futures prices are also profitable. The results point to the need to accommodate heteroskedasticity when applying unit root tests to model energy spot and futures prices with high-frequency data, such as daily data.  相似文献   

To evaluate search effort monitoring of unemployed workers, it is important to take account of post‐unemployment wages and job‐to‐job mobility. We structurally estimate a model with search channels, using a controlled trial in which monitoring is randomized. The data include registers and survey data on search behavior. We find that the opportunity to move to better‐paid jobs in employment reduces the extent to which monitoring induces substitution toward formal search channels in unemployment. Job mobility compensates for adverse long‐run effects of monitoring on wages. We examine counterfactual policies against moral hazard, like reemployment bonuses and changes of the benefits path.  相似文献   

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