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经济全球化使世界经济紧密联系在一起,各国经济也更易受到外部经济冲击的影响。本文考察了美国经济波动对东亚8个开放经济体的影响,结果显示,东亚经济大约有18%的波动来源于美国经济的冲击,这主要是因为美国和东亚保持着紧密的贸易和金融联系。由于各经济体在经济总量、汇率制度安排等方面的差异,造成受美国经济波动的影响也不相同。总体看,这些冲击持续的时间大约在15个季度。  相似文献   

随着1994年汇率制度改革以来,人民币实际有效汇率升值对我国商品出口的影响逐渐显现,分析汇率波动与我国出口商品结构关系具有重要的现实意义。本文在人民币汇率波动情况下,分析人民币实际有效汇率波动对我国出口商品结构的影响,提出了在人民币实际有效汇率升值趋势下,转变出口商品结构的政策建议。  相似文献   

汇率波动与亚洲的经济增长   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从年度数据看 ,亚洲各经济体的经济增长与汇率走势没有显著的相关关系 ,但是其系数的符号能呈现出货币有否升值的趋势。从每天的数据看 ,在经济高速增长时期 ,汇率波动的方差较小 ,“波动持续性”也较短。亚洲各经济体的经验可以给人民币汇率市场化提供参考 ,既要避免高速增长时由于短期外资涌入造成的本币升值 ,也要警惕国际舆论形成的对本币升值压力。中国经济持续高速增长是人民币汇率市场化的最佳时期 ,因为这种高速增长为本币国际化、最终的本币汇率市场化创造了稳定的环境。  相似文献   

内容提要本文通过建立VAR-GARCH模型研究了2006年8月以来人民币即期和离岸期货市场的关系。研究发现,人民币离岸期货市场的投机程度未对即期汇率的波动产生显著影响;反之,人民币即期汇市的波动却显著影响着离岸期货市场的投机程度。此结果佐证了Rothig(2004)的发现:不同于期权期货市场主导的发达经济体,欠发达经济体的外汇市场通常由即期市场主导。此外,人民币即期汇率波动幅度的上升会显著降低期货市场的投机程度。这与Rothig(2004)对韩元的发现相反,说明市场对人民币即期汇率的稳定有强大的信心。  相似文献   

本文基于我国1995年1季度至2008年3季度数据,通过建立和估计门限回归模型考察人民币实际汇率波动对我国出口贸易的影响。实证分析的结果表明:在不同的波动幅度下,汇率水平变化对我国出口贸易的影响呈不对称特征。当汇率波动幅度小于1.26%时,实际汇率贬值,我国的出口贸易量将增加;然而汇率波动幅度大于1.26%时,汇率与出口贸易之间关系并不显著,实际汇率贬值并不能改善我国的出口状况。  相似文献   

文章使用全球向量自回归模型方法对世界主要经济体构建一个增广的VAR模型,分析了主要发达经济体宏观经济波动对中国外贸进出口产生的影响。研究发现,就单个经济体宏观变量波动的影响程度而言,美国和日本GDP波动对中国外贸进出口的影响要高于欧盟。美国金融市场变量冲击对中国外贸进出口产生了显著且复杂的影响效应。人民币汇率波动在应对外部冲击时发挥了一定作用。中国经济结构调整可能会对外贸发展产生长远影响。在以一般贸易为主的外贸结构下,外部经济波动的传导效应会更加明显。这将为未来的宏观经济调控带来更大挑战。  相似文献   

本文利用月度数据,研究进口国名义汇率、名义汇率波动率、实际汇率、实际汇率波动率对福建省出口贸易的影响,通过协整检验来估计各变量间长期均衡关系。研究表明,福建省向美日韩、欧盟等国的出口与该国汇率及其波动无关,而福建省向香港、台湾、新加坡等地的出口则很大程度上受到其汇率水平变化的影响,但汇率波动率的影响却较小。同时,实证检验还发现,对于关注汇率变化的进口国而言,名义汇率和实际汇率水平的变化,对贸易的影响程度基本相同。  相似文献   

汇率波动会通过多种途径影响外债可持续性,文章通过建立一个分析汇率政策、外债偿付选择、产出变动以及投资者预期之间关系的模型,深入阐述了政府的政策选择机制、汇率波动对外债偿付能力的综合影响以及最终均衡的形成过程,揭示了产出(尤其是出口部门)对汇率波动反应的灵敏程度及投资者预期在汇率波动对外债偿付能力作用机制中发挥的关键作用...  相似文献   

文章选用二变量VECM-GJR-MVGARCH(1,1)-BEKK扩展模型,分析了在美联储货币政策冲击影响下的在岸人民币即期和远期汇率,在岸远期和离岸远期汇率间长期均衡关系调整、均值溢出、波动溢出以及非对称效应。实证结果表明,(1)在岸即期汇率对远期汇率有引导作用,主要由在岸远期汇率进行调整以实现即期、远期汇率间的长期均衡关系,意料之外的美联储加息会导致即期、远期汇率的贬值,并减小即期汇率的波动率;(2)在岸远期汇率引导离岸远期汇率,离岸远期市场处于信息波动的中心位置,意料之外的美联储加息会导致在岸、离岸远期汇率的贬值;(3)各外汇市场具有较强的波动集聚性,在岸即期汇率对远期汇率有较强的波动溢出效应和非对称效应,离岸远期汇率对相应期限的在岸远期汇率有显著的波动溢出和非对称效应,美国货币政策冲击对在岸、离岸远期外汇市场的波动率和波动溢出效应有显著影响。因此,投资者和政策制定者在决策时不仅要考虑不同人民币外汇市场间的长期均衡关系调整、均值溢出、波动溢出以及非对称效应,也应重点关注美国货币政策对人民币汇率水平和波动可能带来的影响。  相似文献   

文章选用二变量VECM-GJR-MVGARCH(1,1)-BEKK扩展模型,分析了在美联储货币政策冲击影响下的在岸人民币即期和远期汇率,在岸远期和离岸远期汇率间长期均衡关系调整、均值溢出、波动溢出以及非对称效应。实证结果表明,(1)在岸即期汇率对远期汇率有引导作用,主要由在岸远期汇率进行调整以实现即期、远期汇率间的长期均衡关系,意料之外的美联储加息会导致即期、远期汇率的贬值,并减小即期汇率的波动率;(2)在岸远期汇率引导离岸远期汇率,离岸远期市场处于信息波动的中心位置,意料之外的美联储加息会导致在岸、离岸远期汇率的贬值;(3)各外汇市场具有较强的波动集聚性,在岸即期汇率对远期汇率有较强的波动溢出效应和非对称效应,离岸远期汇率对相应期限的在岸远期汇率有显著的波动溢出和非对称效应,美国货币政策冲击对在岸、离岸远期外汇市场的波动率和波动溢出效应有显著影响。因此,投资者和政策制定者在决策时不仅要考虑不同人民币外汇市场间的长期均衡关系调整、均值溢出、波动溢出以及非对称效应,也应重点关注美国货币政策对人民币汇率水平和波动可能带来的影响。  相似文献   

Using a global general equilibrium trade model, this paper assesses the long-term implications of global rebalancing for Asian economies and explores the benefits of China–Japan–United States (US) integration. The analysis suggests that consumption evaporation, a growth slowdown in the US, and the consequent current account correction would force China, Japan, and other East Asian economies to undergo substantial structural adjustments. A combination of domestic reform aimed at boosting service sector productivity and external liberalization aimed at fostering broader economic integration will be critical for East Asian economies to facilitate their economic rebalancing and sustained growth. Our global computable general equilibrium (CGE) analysis suggests that China and Japan need to strengthen their economic ties with the US while at the same time bringing other East Asian economies into this integration process.  相似文献   

The paper analyzes East Asian interdependence in the face of global imbalances. A macro-econometric multinational model is used, describing Korea, Japan, China and the rest of East Asia in their respective relations with the United States as well as with the rest of the world. US imbalances and their expected consequences, notably a depreciation of the dollar and the slowdown of US demand, have rather contrasted effects on East Asian economies, depending on relative magnitudes of the two components. Korea is more affected by the dollar depreciation while China is more exposed to the US slowdown. Japan, less open and less dependent on the US market, is less touched. The correction of East Asian exchange-rate misalignments, which have prevailed since the beginning of the 2000s, would badly affect East Asian economies if undertaken too abruptly. Lastly, the perspective of creating an area of stabilised exchange rates between won, yen and other currencies, organized either as a common currencies basket system or in a regime based on the ACU, is explored preliminarily. Sets of simulations comparing adjustment mechanisms between East Asian countries, with or without the possibility of monetary adjustment, illustrate the cost of precluding exchange-rate adjustments in the case of asymmetric demand shocks.  相似文献   

肖奎喜  杨岩 《特区经济》2014,(11):137-138
2008年金融危机后美国采取量化宽松货币政策造成大量流动性进入新兴经济体股票市场。通过建立面板VAR模型,运用脉冲响应函数和方差分解技术分析了美国货币供应M1、股票市场以及联邦基金利率透过汇率、利率和预期方式对新兴经济体股票市场价格指数产生的影响。结果表明,美国量化宽松货币政策对新兴经济体股票市场价格具有正向溢出效应,利率渠道影响效果显著。  相似文献   

This paper investigates how “prices” in East Asian economies correlate with those in Japan and the United States. The analysis is particularly noteworthy because although the East Asian economies are geographically close to Japan, their currencies have been tied more closely to the U.S. dollar. In this paper, we analyze two different types of “prices”: overall price levels in terms of the same currency and relative prices among different commodities. We demonstrate that overall price levels in the East Asian economies are more closely related to those in the United States. However, the relative prices in East Asia, especially those in Taiwan and Korea, are more closely correlated with those in Japan. These price correlation patterns are in marked contrast with those in other regions.J. Japan. Int. Econ.December 1993,11(4), pp. 643–666. Faculty of Economics, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan; and Department of Economics, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, and Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University, Japan.  相似文献   

1997年东南亚金融危机使东亚各国认识到域内合作的重要性,东亚区域合作蓬勃发展。十年之后的美国次贷危机演变成全球金融危机,客观上推动东亚区域合作呈现出了一些新态势。与此同时,鉴于中国及东亚各国当前面临的发展问题,东亚区域合作应在遵循东盟主导的基础上开拓互联互通务实合作,增强区域凝聚力和内生发展动力,提升合作的机制化水平,实现区域内经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Growing concern that a dollar peg exposes East Asian economies to fluctuations in the dollar–yen exchange rate has stimulated research on currency basket regimes as alternatives for these economies. However, existing studies have mostly ignored an important characteristic of East Asia, i.e., most of its international trade is invoiced in the U.S. dollars. This paper investigates how the preponderance of dollar invoicing affects optimal currency basket regimes for East Asian economies. I develop a three-country center-periphery sticky-price dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model for the analysis. The model is solved numerically by taking second-order approximations to the policy functions with the expected lifetime utility of households chosen as the welfare criterion. Contrary to the conjecture of existing literature, I show that predominance of dollar invoicing implies that the dollar should receive a smaller weight than suggested by bilateral trade shares between emerging markets in East Asia and the United States. The results hinge on the interaction of different degrees of pass-through implied by the choice of invoice currency and endogenous responses of monetary policies in the center countries.  相似文献   

The public debt problems of the largest economies of the world are considered. A particular consideration is given to the United States, i.e., a country, which not only affects the stability of the global financial system, but also the world economy.  相似文献   

世界经济全球化已成为趋势,发达经济体的股市之间以及发达经济体与新兴经济体股市之间的联动性也在经济全球化的趋势中更加紧密。各国金融领域以及金融市场间的快速融合,不断形成统一规范的金融行为准则,也使得全球金融周期性特征越来越明显。文章选取世界五个主要股票市场指数为研究对象,按照已有研究对全球金融周期的划分,将该样本区间分成了繁荣期、衰退期和正常期三个阶段,然后基于这三个阶段分析了在不同金融周期五国股票市场指数收益率联动效应。基于实证研究结论,认为美国和欧洲股市联动性较强,与亚洲股市联动性相对较弱,且美国和中国股市之间联动性最弱,基本捕捉不到下尾相关。相关实证结论有利于国际投资者的投资组合管理,也有助于各国股票市场的风险规避。  相似文献   

Is the real appreciation of the Chinese yuan essential for correcting global imbalances? The present study offers a new perspective to the debate by drawing upon the rich international experience embodied in World Bank's World Development Indicators database. We find that the price levels of China and the United States are both low relative to the world's average. Therefore, the discrepancy between the price levels of China and the United States has been, in fact, close to zero since 2002. The difference in per capita income can fully account for the price difference between China and the United States. However, the Balassa–Samuelson effect is not a reliable guide for projecting the trend of real appreciation. According to the experience of those economies that have experienced real currency appreciation against the US dollar in 1985–2005, the mode of faster wage growth and inflation is as common as nominal appreciation, far more common for economies with a low initial price level. We do not find empirical evidence to substantiate the claim that low price levels tend to cause external surpluses. But real appreciation has a powerful effect in boosting job creation in the service sector. Therefore, the real appreciation of the Chinese yuan would contribute to restructuring the Chinese economy towards a domestic demand-based growth track.  相似文献   

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