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蒋清中  王媛 《财会月刊》2012,(26):82-84
在美国上市的中国概念股曾经战绩辉煌,但是从2010年12月份开始,通过借壳的方式在美国上市的中国公司频频曝出造假丑闻,这导致了中国概念股的信任危机,中国公司赴美上市的热情受到打击。与此同时,美国的"做空"机制对中国企业造成了巨大的威慑。本文在肯定"做空"机制在我国信息监管中重要作用的基础上,分析了其在我国现行法律制度下的可行性,得出了我国尚不具备建立"做空"机制条件的结论。  相似文献   

香椽公司和浑水公司是做空公司和证券调查机构的代表,这类机构通常采用预先卖空,然后发布负面投资报告的方法狙击有问题公司的股票并获利。浑水、香椽等做空机构在做空初期,首先,瞄准信用等级最差的借壳上市的中概股,轻易大获全胜,除了获得收益之外,还在美国市场成功地给中概股打了一大大的信用折扣。两公司极少运用复杂的估值模型去判断一家公司的价值,其研究方法非常简单,就是发现财务造假的危险信号,然后采用最简单的信息核实方法,找到问题,为下一阶段调研打下基础。两公司所利用的做空机制是成熟资本市场提高市场效率的常备机制,不但让投资者在股票下跌时也能盈利且客观上对整个市场的健康发展起到了促进作用。  相似文献   

在过去的一年中,由市场做空机构引发的、进而引起监管部门关注和调查的中国概念股危机,引起了广泛的热议。那么,怎样看待中国概念股的问题,如何看待做空机构的行为,重塑中国概念股的市场形象,重建投资者的信心,是市场参与者面临的现实挑战。  相似文献   

为研究做空机构这一新兴主体对审计合谋行为产生的影响,文章应用演化博弈方法论基于审计师、上市公司高管、做空机构三个利益相关主体之间的互相监督影响关系建立了演化博弈分析框架,讨论各决策主体的决策演化路径和演化规律。根据Malthusian动态方程进行的策略组合稳定性分析和数值模拟结果均表明:监管部门加大对审计合谋的惩罚力度和对审计师公正审计的激励能起到抑制合谋舞弊的作用,做空机构在监管部门由于惩罚激励力度或者监管力度的原因导致监管失效时能够代替监管部门较好地约束审计合谋行为。基于上述分析结果,认为浑水公司这类做空机构的存在和发展对于弥补政府监管失灵,减少上市公司的合谋舞弊行为具有一定现实意义,并对该行业的发展提出政策建议。  相似文献   

郑晓云 《企业导报》2014,(11):16-16
"中国概念股"曾一度成为美国股市的焦点,然而好景不长,近年来中概股在美频遭做空引发信任危机,其中既受中概股良莠不齐、大面积财务造假、管理失范、信息披露失真以及股权结构等企业内在因素的影响,亦受做空利益链驱动和"中国经济崩溃论"思潮、中介机构违规、中美会计准则差异、审计师对客户造假举报、跨境监管滞后等其他外在因素的影响。中概股要想在美逆境求生,化解信任危机则迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

正近年来,中国概念股频遭国外机构做空。安永发布的《全球IPO最新信息》显示,2010年在美国上市的中国概念股企业42家,退市3家;2011年在美国上市的中国概念股企业只有14家,但有41家退市;到了2012年上半年,只有1家中国概念股企业在美上市,退市的却有19家之多。2012年7月,受浑水做空报告的影响,中国最大的民间教育机构新东方教育科技集团(简称新东方)受到美国证券交易委员会(SEC)调查,随即股价产生剧烈波动。虽然此次危机最终化险为夷,但新东方因此付出了巨大的代价。本文以新东方遭遇国外机构做空为例,分析做空的动因并提出几点对策。  相似文献   

郑唯 《当代会计》2021,(10):106-107
在新冠肺炎疫情相关新闻牢牢占据各大媒体头条的当下,RX公司自曝销售造假的消息以及后续一系列连锁事件依然频频刷屏.文章将探讨做空机构是如何看待财务报表的,以及如何针对财务欺诈进行攻击,分析做空思维与审计思维的相似性,从而引发对审计职业的思考.  相似文献   

正在中国房地产行业似乎正在度过寒冬之际,恒大地产突遭做空中国概念股的美国调查机构Citron袭击。6月21日,该调查机构发布恒大地产(03333.H K)研报,指其已资不抵债,更给出做空建议称恒大是中国资本市场中一个极佳的做空机会。在其影响下,恒大股价迅速下跌,市值一度蒸发132亿港元(约108亿元人民币)。  相似文献   

近年来,中概股被做空的情况愈演愈烈,中概股如何反做空正成为重要的研究议题。本文以被浑水做空的19家中概股公司为样本,运用模糊集定性比较分析方法(fsQCA),从监管环境、公司治理和企业应对三个层面来探索中概股企业反做空成功的若干因素。研究发现:监管环境和信息披露质量对于中概股反做空成功发挥重要作用;在反做空过程中,各个前因条件对反做空结果的影响存在非对称性,中概股需要根据不同情况选择适合的反做空策略应对做空危机。  相似文献   

完善的做空机制是证券市场健康发展的必然要求。文章就我国证券市场完善做空机制的必要性进行了深入分析,并在此基础上提出完善证券市场做空机制的政策建议。  相似文献   

In this study, we examine short selling of NASDAQ stocks and observe that more information about future returns is contained in small short sales than in medium-sized and large short sales, thus supporting the idea that NASDAQ short sellers stealth trade. These results are robust to different subsamples of stocks with and without tradable options and stocks that are more likely to face binding borrowing constraints. Further, these findings are contrary to the results in Boehmer, Jones, and Zhang (2008) who find that large NYSE short sales contain the most information. Combined, our study supports the idea that NASDAQ's bid test is less restricting than the NYSE's uptick rule and therefore attenuates the likelihood of stealth trading (Diether, Lee, & Werner, 2009a).  相似文献   

以2014年至2018年我国A股上市公司为样本,以解除卖空限制这一事件为研究情境,系统考察了卖空制度执行对企业内控质量的影响。研究发现,解除卖空限制显著促进了企业内部控制水平的提高,并且在资本市场外部监督机制较宽松的情况下,卖空机制对企业内部控制质量的促进作用更加明显。内控质量改善动因分析表明低质量内控行为引起卖空势力的聚集,导致企业面临较大的卖空压力。卖空压力的存在是企业完善内控体系、提升内控质量的重要动因。经济后果分析表明解除卖空限制以内控质量改善为途径,促进了企业财务报表真实可靠、经营效率效果及合法合规等内控目标的实现。研究结果提供了卖空机制与内控质量间因果关系的经验证据,对于理解资本市场监督机制对企业内控制度影响的经济后果具有重要意义。  相似文献   

We provide new evidence on the effects of the recently introduced short sale circuit breaker, Rule 201, which triggers when the price of a stock drops more than 10 percent in a single day. The regulatory presumption is that the trigger should damper intraday price declines for affected stocks. However, our evidence suggests that this is not the case. The circuit breaker fails to reduce intraday volatility and intraday price declines, especially for the most volatile stocks in the market. Market quality measures based on liquidity and pricing efficiency are largely unaffected. Higher dispersion of investor opinion increases overpricing when the circuit breaker is in force. Price stabilization after stocks trigger the circuit breaker is shown for stocks that experience substantial price declines. Finally, post‐shock drift reduction is consistent with improved informational efficiency.  相似文献   

Prior work contends that informed short sellers do not stealth trade because the uptick rule produces “execution uncertainty” and does not afford short sellers the opportunity to spread their trades across time. Contrary to this idea, our results show that informed short sellers tend to use larger trade sizes, instead smaller trade sizes, after the suspension of the uptick rule. Further, we find that the use of smaller short sales during the post-suspension period, which is documented in prior studies, is not a result of greater stealth-trading activity and is instead explained by a reduction in liquidity that occurs when the uptick rule is suspended.  相似文献   

Using a clean setting in China, we test the Miller (1977) hypothesis that stocks are overvalued in the presence of short sale constraints and dispersion of opinion as an extension of Berkman et al. (2009). We find that stocks with short sale constraints have significantly negative abnormal returns during earnings announcement periods, especially when investors have diverse opinions. These results are robust to alternative measures of abnormal returns and endogeneity concern. The findings help to explain the impact of short sale constraints on pricing efficiency and have important policy implications for relaxing restrictions on short selling and improving regular information disclosure in emerging markets.  相似文献   

关余平 《价值工程》2010,29(30):131-131
110kV变压器抗短路能力的增强措施很多,文章介绍了目前我国电力技术设备发展中,经过实践验证的七项强化措施,主要从技术、工艺两个角度阐述针对变压器抗短路能力的有效措施,并提出了几点并不成熟的措施介绍,以供业内人士的思考。  相似文献   

We examine the short term stock price performance of firms that acquire or sell technology rights. We find significant positive announcement-period abnormal returns to the acquirers and sellers. However, the price increases reverse during the subsequent twenty trading days. These quick fortune reversals cannot be attributed to methodology; they prevail in the late 1970s through the 2000s, in bear and bull stock markets, and in both high and low technology industries. Upon splitting the sample into two subsamples comprised each of stocks with either pre-announcement price run-up or decline; we find that the abnormal return reversal is confined to the latter subsample. Stocks that witness price run-up prior to the announcement do not reverse to original prices but lose the momentum right after the announcement-period. We believe this is caused by the combination effect of the momentum prior to-and the impact of the announcement.  相似文献   

分析融资交易、融券交易对标的证券定价效率影响的不一致性,可以发现,融资融券交易制度的推出显著地提高了标的证券的定价效率,但融资交易和融券交易的影响却存在不一致性。具体而言,融券交易提高了定价效率而融资交易降低了定价效率。融券交易对改善高估值股票的定价效率更加显著,融资交易的影响则没有显著差异。融资融券调控不应采取一刀切的方式,应针对不同标的采取差异化的调控。  相似文献   

The Market as the New Emperor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In recent years readers of urban studies journals have been regaled with articles on urban development in China. Contrary to expectations, what we read is not a multiplicity of accounts, but instead a repetition of one story: (a) the land market has emerged in China; (b) however, the market is imperfect; (c) therefore the best policy is to define property rights. It is surprising how uncritically scholars have accepted the idea that the land market has emerged, without defining the concept of the market. Perhaps even more surprising is the approval of the recommendation to define property rights, without asking what the ideology behind such a recommendation is and what social and political consequences it might have. This article will examine and criticize studies of this type. First, I will reconstruct what seems to be a new fashion in real estate and urban development studies, and then criticize its weaknesses, which are connected to the ambiguity of the concept of the market, insufficient empirical evidence, and ontological and ideological problems.  相似文献   

This study examines the time-frequency co-movement and network connectedness between green bonds and other financial assets in China. We propose wavelet coherence and multiscale TVP-VAR to explore the time-frequency co-movement and spillover connectedness. The empirical results are as follows. First, green bonds positively co-move with conventional bonds across time scales and negatively co-move with stocks and commodities. Second, there is a significant network connectedness of green bonds with conventional bonds in the short term, and the connectedness with stocks and commodities gradually strengthens with the increase in time scales. Third, the dynamic spillover between green bonds and other assets is much greater in the long and medium terms than in the short term. Finally, under crisis shocks, the spillovers spike temporarily in the short term, while they are persistent and at a high level in the long term. Overall, some practical implications are proposed for investors and policymakers.  相似文献   

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