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This paper examines a network owner’s incentive for access innovation (i.e., the reduction of access cost) and compares two investment regimes (cooperation and noncooperation) under cost-based access pricing rules. When the access pricing rule is based on access cost, it brings about a spillover effect. It is then shown that when the spillover effect is large (small), a cooperative investment regime achieves a lower (higher) access cost than a noncooperative investment regime. In addition, when a regulator adopts an incremental access cost rule that requires the access charge to equal the access cost, a cooperative investment regime achieves greater social welfare than a noncooperative investment regime.  相似文献   

王向辉  蒋平  刘余  宋利 《科技和产业》2020,20(6):123-129
介绍民用航空发动机维修类服务产品的费用构成,分析其定价考虑因素,基于作业成本法建立以客户为导向的服务产品定价及费率分配方法。结合航材支援服务产品定价案例,采用作业成本法与传统成本核算方法进行对比分析,表明作业成本法在航空发动机维修类服务产品成本计算及费用分配方面能够有效指导产品定价。  相似文献   

Cost-based Pricing of Payment Instruments: the State of the Debate   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Leo Van Hove 《De Economist》2004,152(1):79-100
Earlier I have argued in favour of explicit cost-based pricing of payment instruments. This article analyses new cost estimates for the Netherlands, and provides an overview of positions recently taken by important actors such as central banks and the European Commission. The new cost estimates strengthen the case for e-money. The central bank reports indicate that many are now convinced that a transparent pricing structure can increase efficiency. The Commission, on the other hand, seems unlikely to allow commercial banks to make a coordinated move towards cost-based pricing in order to break the deadlock in which they find themselves today.  相似文献   

This paper considers a regulated monopoly that is subject to a marginal cost pricing policy. A marginal cost pricing equilibrium is a price-subsidy combination for which price equals marginal production cost and any losses are offset by the lump-sum subsidy. Employing basic degree theoretic results, conditions are established under which a marginal cost pricing equilibrium exists and is unique.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how clients' choices regarding whether or not to engage in competitive bidding affect a bidding firm's decisions about planned engagement effort and pricing. Specifically, we investigate whether competitive bidding is associated with higher planned engagement effort and lower fees relative to noncompetitive bidding, and whether competitive bidding is associated with increased sensitivity of effort and fees to cost drivers and the components of service production. There is little available evidence regarding the effects of competitive versus noncompetitive bidding in the current market, and none that focuses on both quality and pricing effects associated with competitive bidding across a broad array of clients. We address these issues using data from a sample of one firm's evaluations of prospective clients, made during 1997‐98. During that period, about half of the firm's bids were competitive and half were noncompetitive, providing a unique opportunity to study how the bidding environment affects engagement planning and pricing. Our findings reveal that competitive bidding is associated with higher planned engagement effort and lower fees. In addition, we find that in competitive bidding situations there are stronger associations between cost drivers and planned engagement effort, and between the components of service production and fees.  相似文献   

Although neoclassical economic theory predicts that fixed cost magnitude and fixed cost reporting format will not influence short‐term pricing decisions, these factors systematically affected pricing decisions in a duopoly experiment. Increasing fixed cost magnitude (a pure sunk cost in this study) across experimental conditions caused participants to first lower, then raise, competitive prices. Consistent with the psychological phenomenon of loss aversion, this change in pricing behavior reduced the frequency of reported losses. This study further reveals that the accounting format for reporting fixed costs influenced pricing behavior. Specifically, participants receiving capacity costing feedback reports established increasingly lower selling prices relative to the prices established by participants receiving contribution margin feedback reports. Given that a very simple cosmetic reporting manipulation produced increasingly significant competitive pricing differences in a market setting, this study provides evidence that functional fixation is not necessarily eliminated by market forces.  相似文献   

VIE模式:山雨欲来风满楼   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王仁荣 《上海经济》2011,(10):20-25
VIE是可变利益实体(Variable Interest Entities)的缩写,原指公司不通过股权控制,而通过协议控制的业务实体,该实体可以给公司带来类似子公司的实际利益。美国财务会计标准委员会要求对VIE进行合并报表,以避免其损害投资人利益。在国内VIE主要被民营企业或高科技企业用于海外上市,用于规避政府对FDI的准入限制。因此,VIE结构存在极大的法律风险和业务的不确定性。本文分析了VIE模式的由来、应用、结构,论证了VIE结构是可行的、有效的,但必须采取必要的风险防范措施。  相似文献   

军品价格规制改革,是摆在当前我国经济体制改革和中国特色的新军事变革面前的一项急需解决的重要理论与实践课题。首先,文章在分析军品价格规制的内涵、技术经济特点及规制约束等问题的基础上,指出了现行价格规制的理论困境与实践困境;然后,文章通过激励性定价的委托代理模型分析,得出规制双方在既定约束下可以实现最优成本分担率与最优成本节约分享率的结论;最后,文章根据军品科研生产的周期性的特点,分阶段设计了相应的混合激励规制合同,为军品价格规制改革提供了初步改革思路。  相似文献   

2023年2月1日,我国正式启动全面实行股票发行注册制改革,在此制度下,新股首发定价是否有效,对投资者、上市公司、承销机构、监管者等各方而言无疑都是一个值得关注的问题。在梳理国内外新股发行定价有关文献的基础上,构建基于成本函数的单边随机前沿模型,并利用创业板上市公司股票首发数据和公开财务数据,依次使用OLS、MLE和单边随机前沿估计等方法对新股首发定价的有效性进行检验。结果发现,注册制下创业板股票首发定价存在明显的溢价效应。据此从监管者视角,提出未来监管应重点提高承销商的定价能力和自我约束,同时进一步强化投资者教育,培育理性投资理念,以推动创业板市场健康发展。  相似文献   

成品油倒逼定价机制的构建研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王素玲   《华东经济管理》2009,23(11):104-106
国家发改委发布的新成品油定价机制,是以成本为基础,加上厂商合理利润和国家税费加成定价。本文在分析这种定价机制的现状及缺陷的基础上,构建了一种成品油倒逼定价机制。作者认为新构建的定价机制不仅能吸取美国公用事业行业定价的前车之鉴,而且也可以避免国家发改委定价机制存在的总成本的确定缺少科学性、不利于企业降低产品成本及造成政府(管制者)的监控困难等诸多弊端。  相似文献   

基于深圳环境形势和应急处置服务的特殊性,总结了环境应急处置服务费用的影响因素及其构成要素,初步研究符合深圳实际的环境应急处置服务费用定价方法。深圳市环境应急处置服务费用包含了4大类、9小类的构成要素及数十项具体收费项目,基本涵盖当前环境应急处置服务的主要内容。列明了大部分项目的计价公式和计价单位,对无法详细列明或难以给出具体收费数额的项目,依据共性原则列出了公式和关键参数,确保有效指导费用的计算。  相似文献   

Why output prices tend to rise faster in response to input cost increases than they fall in response to input cost decreases is a hotly debated issue in modern economics. In this article, I contribute to this asymmetric pricing debate by expanding the domain of organizational forms where this question has been investigated. More specifically, previous research has focused on for‐profit firms. I expand the investigation by focusing on nonprofit organizations. Credit unions are the nonprofit organization used in my analysis. Credit unions provide essentially identical types of consumer financial services and products as commercial banks but do so from a very different not‐for‐profit orientation. However, in this study, I document similar asymmetric rate‐setting behavior by credit unions. This suggests that pricing asymmetry is likely to be much more widespread, as it relates to nonprofit institutions as well as those in the for‐profit sector.  相似文献   

This paper examines the extent to which Dupuit preceded Hotelling in the theory of marginal cost pricing and the relation of marginal cost pricing to the Pigou–Robinson definition of exploitation, Coase’s multipart pricing, and the Kaldor compensation principle. Tsuneki’s partial rehabilitation of Hotelling’s proof of MC pricing is partially endorsed.   相似文献   

于久洪   《华东经济管理》2011,25(8):155-158
文章以银行利润最大化为目标,通过建立霍特林博弈模型研究了在我国利率市场化进程中,在线性市场情况以及完全信息情况下,不同规模、不同成本结构的双寡头银行各自的最优贷款定价与贷款风险水平选择。研究发现,当两银行贷款成本相差不大时,规模越大的商业银行的最优贷款定价越高,贷款平均风险水平也越高;此外,加强存款人对商业银行的市场约束力,可以有效降低所有银行的贷款定价水平和贷款风险水平。  相似文献   

工程量清单计价方法相对于传统的定额计价方法是一种新的计价模式,是一种市场的定价模式,是由建设产品的买方和卖方在建设市场上根据供求情况、信息情况进行自由竞价,从而能够确定合同价格的方法。推行工程量清单计价方法是工程造价计价方法改革的一项具体措施,也是我国加入WTO与国际工程管理接轨的必然要求。  相似文献   

The declaration of a state of national disaster in South Africa, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, was followed by excessive-pricing regulations pertaining to certain consumer and medical products and services. The regulations and their application suggest an intertemporal benchmark to judge excessive pricing, deviating from previous practice. Intertemporal comparisons assume a structural shift during COVID-19 that changes competitive conditions, related to changes in consumer behaviour. Such comparisons must also account for demand and cost changes. While the COVID-19 regulations allow for cost-based price increases, demand-based increases are not explicitly accounted for, suggesting that the regulations are framed more generally as price-gouging regulations. The differences between price-gouging and excessive-pricing benchmarks depends on the type of disaster-period demand shock. They are similar following a transitory demand spike, provided sufficient time is allowed for dynamic price behaviour, but differ markedly when demand is elevated for the duration of the disaster period. Applying simple cost-based comparisons in recently concluded cases against smaller retailers are consistent with excessive pricing, given the presence of a demand spike. To the extent that these involve persistently higher demand, cases against wholesalers and larger retailers will be more complicated, as such demand must be reflected in competitive prices.  相似文献   

扑面而来的网络金融服务大时代   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文通过世界全流通证券市场IPO定价原理 ,对我国非流通股的成本进行重新确定 ,进而缩减其数量 ,调整非流通股与流通股的相对比例 ,在接受IPO合理溢价的基础上解决非流通股问题。  相似文献   

This paper develops a simple, two-period specialization model to analyze the effect of start-up costs on auditing competition. Audit firms in the model make strategic specialization and pricing decisions. Through specialization, an audit firm achieves a comparative cost advantage over its competitors for all clients whose characteristics are closer to its area of specialization. This comparative cost advantage is further fortified by the presence of start-up costs. As a result, each audit firm obtains some market power and is able to price-discriminate across clients by offering “specialization-and-relationship-specific” audit fee schedules. This paper demonstrates that the practice of “low-balling” is a natural consequence of competition among audit firms. However, low-balling occurs only in a certain market segment where audit firms compete fiercely. This paper also shows that a policy of banning low-balling acts as a substitute for the commitment of the audit firms to partially collude their pricing policies and results in increased profits for audit firms and increased fees. However, it also results in audit firms choosing specializations in a more efficient way, thereby reducing total auditing costs.  相似文献   

The finance literature offers two competing possibilities on how investors respond to the quality of public financial statements in their pricing decisions. They could collect either (i) more private information to benefit from lower information collection cost, or (ii) less private information because of lower incremental benefits. In this paper, we use the audit setting to examine which possibility prevails. Using the idiosyncratic return volatility as a proxy for firm‐specific information, we show in a sample of 51,559 firm‐year observations for 8,261 U.S. firms spanning the period of 2000–2010 that firms audited by higher‐quality auditors exhibit lower average idiosyncratic return volatility but a higher concentration of it at the time of earnings announcements. Our findings are consistent with the argument that investors reduce private information collection in response to higher audit quality. Our findings are robust to alternative measures of audit quality and idiosyncratic return volatility.  相似文献   

文章以发展近四十年的期权定价方法为基础,引入GARCH(1,1)期权定价模型对银行股本收益率的波动率进行了建模分析,并与早期的Merton和RV模型实证分析结果进行比较。研究发现:采取传统求方差算法的费率要低于采取GARCH模型算法的保险费率;同时,Merton方法计算的费率高于RV方法的计算结果。研究结论为我国存款保险的定价提供参考性建议。  相似文献   

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