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A mathematical programming model, calibrated on individual farmdata, is used to analyse the reform of the common market organisation(CMO) in the sugar sector of the European Union. The model includesa precautionary farm supply function for out-of-quota sugarbeet that is estimated as part of a simultaneous system of first-orderconditions. Simulation results from a sample of Belgian sugarbeet farms show that the sugar CMO reform induces differentsupply and income effects across farms depending on their shareof out-of-quota sugar beet relative to their total beet supplyand their quota rent. A further cut in the minimum price ofsugar beet initiates structural change in the farm sector.  相似文献   

The on-going Doha Development Round under the World Trade Organization (WTO) has its main focus on development. This is due to the widespread disappointment with the results from the former Uruguay Round Agreement. Developing countries have not reaped the benefits of free trade. For this current Round to be a success, developing countries have to be more integrated in the multilateral trading system. One of the means of integrating is Special and Differential Treatment (SDT). SDT is a deviation from the basic principle of Most Favoured Nation, positing that developing countries can have more flexibility than others. This article investigates the positions on SDT made by WTO members. The analysis gives some insights into the negotiations. First, the analysis reveals the fact that the positions of WTO members are relatively close to each other. This could indicate that countries in fact agree or that sensitive areas are maintained as yet unaffected. Second, being able to sustain a certain level of tariff rates attracts most interest from developing countries. Third, higher income developing countries want to retain their right to support domestic producers. Finally, the article identifies the July Package right in the middle of the positions which indicate a future agreement.  相似文献   

In 2001 an agreement was reached at the WTO for the EU to introducea ‘tariff-only’ regime which ‘would resultin at least maintaining total market access for MFN banana suppliers’.The analysis shows that, contrary to the WTO 2005 ruling, theimport regime proposed by the EU in the second step of the arbitrationwould have satisfied the requirement. The regime introducedon 1 January 2006 is expected to yield in 2007 MFN imports 400,000 tabove the level that would have occurred under the previousregime. In the longer run, MFN countries will see their exportsexpand, while the opposite would have happened had the new regimenot been introduced.  相似文献   

入世对我国矿业经济发展的影响及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章从分析加入世贸组织后中国矿业经济面临的机遇和挑战入手 ,指出了中国矿业经济在跨国经营、企业规模、后备资源、资金和税赋、矿管秩序和矿业法律、资源开发和环境保护等方面存在的问题。并针对这些问题 ,提出了制定矿业经济发展战略、促进矿业企业上市融资、减免矿业企业税赋、利用国外资金资源 ,合理开发利用矿产资源、实行矿产品出口配额制度和许可证制度等项措施建议。  相似文献   

The status of competitiveness for the two most important food and beverage manufacturing sectors (meat processing and beverage manufacturing) in 13 EU countries is analysed empirically, using 1995-2002 Eurostat data. After a review of earlier agribusiness competitiveness studies, an industrial competitiveness index is proposed as a composite measure for multidimensional economic performance, covering profitability, productivity and output growth. The index approach enables relative competitiveness comparisons across industries, countries and over time. The results show that during 1999-2002, as compared to 1995-1998, for both sectors overall competitiveness in real terms slightly increased. At the same time, overall competitiveness also seems to have converged slightly across countries, implying that sector performance has become more similar. However, the two country rankings differ considerably, as do the change patterns during the analysed period.  相似文献   

Against the background of a discussion of recent analyses of capitalist subsumption of agriculture and of neo‐liberalism, the paper uses a ‘liberal governmentality’ framework to trace the development of the EU Regulation on organic agriculture from its adoption in 1991 to its recent repeal and replacement in 2007. The central argument is that regulatory development took the form of a cycle of elaboration, tightening, increasing deviation and finally a ‘return to principles’ in order to reduce deviation. At different stages in this cycle, different groups of ‘stakeholders’, including experts, were influential. Likewise, different forms of expertise became dominant or were sidelined. Meanwhile, ‘capital’ in its different incarnations remained marginal throughout. The paper leaves open the questions of the generalizability of this analysis to regulatory arenas other than the EU, as well as to regulatory objects more central than organic agriculture to capitalist accumulation.  相似文献   

We investigate determinants of quality upgrades in EU agri‐food exports using panel data models for the period 2000–2011. By employing highly disaggregated data we show that the unit value of exports is positively correlated to level of economic development and size of population. Our results highlight the negative impacts of comparative advantage and trade costs on upgrades in export quality. Our analysis partly confirms the role of income distribution in quality specialisation, that greater income inequality increases specialisation in quality upgrades. Findings are robust when applied to alternative subsamples, including vertically specialised and final agri‐food products.  相似文献   

本文主要分析了世贸组织主要成员国标准化管理体制的起源和特点,并与我国国土资源标准化管理体制作了对比,得出标准化管理体制由政府主导型向学术团体主导型过渡的必然趋势。提出了发挥学会或协会的专业技术优势,分阶段逐步实现标准化管理体制与国际接轨的问题。  相似文献   

Protection of indications of geographical origin (GIs) can reduce information asymmetry between producers and consumers, and potentially enhance trade. However, GIs can also possibly divert trade. We rely on panel data about agri‐food trade among the 27 countries of the European Union to investigate these issues using variations of estimators proposed by Head and Mayer ( 2000 ) and Santos Silva and Tenreyro ( 2006 ). Our findings suggest that the protection of GIs creates trade when the importing and exporting countries have GI‐protected products. There is also empirical evidence regarding a trade‐diverting effect when the importing country does not have GIs and a border enlargement effect arising from European GI‐protection.  相似文献   

The implications of dietary changes for the environment and for human health are well documented, but the impacts on the agricultural sector are less well researched. We fill this gap by specifying scenarios in which European consumers' diets approximate the EAT-Lancet dietary recommendations to varying degrees and estimate the effects on agricultural production, incomes and emissions using an agro-economic modelling framework. The combination of different models allows for a detailed assessment of consequences for the agricultural sector from the global through European NUTS2 level to the farm level at different time scales. Shifting European consumption towards the EAT-Lancet recommendations leads to decreasing production of animal-based products, while production of fruits and vegetables increases sharply. The results indicate that the agricultural sector could benefit from a dietary shift, though the results are mixed at country, regional and farm levels. In particular, countries and regions that are highly specialised in animal farming are likely to lose income—at least in the short run—while regions with higher shares of vegetable and fruit farms can expect income gains. In Germany, pig and poultry farms may experience losses of up to 34% of their income, whereas farms with a high share of vegetables could gain more than 30% in income. Our results have implications for the policies to assist these extensive structural adjustments in response to widespread dietary changes.  相似文献   

The Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Measures provides guidelines for countries to protect domestic production from pests and diseases. The guidelines permit consideration of consumer welfare. We find an optimal set of SPS measures considering total welfare and mitigation strategies. Our model suggests that it is optimal and less restrictive to apply mitigation strategies first and then an additional smaller tariff if necessary. Relative cost of mitigation determines the amount of the mitigation strategies applied in the importing and exporting countries.  相似文献   

欧盟共同农业政策改革及其对WTO新一轮农业谈判的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
2 0 0 3年 6月 ,欧盟对其实行了 40多年的共同农业政策进行了根本性的改革 ,其核心内容是改变了欧盟对农业的补贴方式。这次改革是由欧盟财政不堪重负、迫于欧盟东扩的压力、欧盟内部多种因素以及为在WTO新一轮农业谈判中争取主动等引发的。但是 ,由于这次改革所涉及的农产品种类不多 ,并未实质性地削减农业补贴 ,以及只包括国内支持政策的调整等原因 ,它对推动WTO新一轮农业谈判的作用十分有限。  相似文献   

Policies regulating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are expected to create a significant burden on emitting industries as well as final consumers, which can lead to a strong influence on international trade flows of commodities. This study examines whether the regulation of GHG emissions affects livestock trade flows. A commodity‐specific gravity model approach is employed to estimate and test the impact of regulating GHG emissions on livestock trade flows. The results show that regulation of GHG emissions has a negative effect on livestock trade flows from countries restricting GHG emissions to countries without GHG restriction, from restricting countries to restricting countries, and unrestricting countries to restricting countries.  相似文献   

The government of British Columbia (BC) imposes restrictions on the export of logs from public and private forestlands, primarily to promote local processing and associated employment benefits. Most economists wholeheartedly oppose BC's export restrictions, arguing that BC's citizens are worse off as a result of the government's measures. In this paper, it is shown that, while free trade in logs might well maximise global wellbeing, it might not necessarily result in the greatest benefit to BC. Indeed, both economic theory and a follow-up numerical analysis indicate that some restrictions on the export of logs can lead to higher welfare for BC than free trade. Thus, log export restrictions could be economically efficient from a local perspective, but only if the transaction costs of obtaining necessary permits are not excessive.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the impact of conventional cage bans for laying hens in the EU on exports of poultry-keeping equipment. Using detailed data on international trade in poultry-keeping equipment combined with an event study regression approach yields several new findings. The results suggest that the cage bans were associated with an increase in intra-EU trade, and also an increase in exports of poultry equipment from EU member states to non-EU countries where conventional cages are still permitted. The results suggest that some banned cages were likely exported to countries outside the EU to be used in egg production.  相似文献   

Import demand functions for origin-specific chilled fish filletsto the EU using a Rotterdam-type production model are estimated.Results are used to project the impact of the EU expanding marketaccess to non-African countries. The preference erosion argumentsuggests that the lower tariffs will erode the competitive positionof African countries; however, when the total impact of pricesis considered, expanding preferential access may result in increasedimports from African countries. If tariffs are reduced to zero,the total EU imports are projected to increase by 4.1 per centresulting in a 2.2 per cent increase in chilled fillet importsfrom Lake Victoria.  相似文献   

This article reports findings from a simulation model representing the European farming system disaggregated at different scales. This modeling experiment explores the effects of various decoupling options associated with the 2003 European agreement on gross margins, land use, shadow cost of land, and greenhouse gas emissions. Our results show increases in the farmers’ gross margins when decoupled support is maintained equal to the amount of direct aid previously attributed to agricultural production, assuming unchanged prices. Land used for pasture increases at the expense of land used for cereals and protein crops. The extent to which these effects materialize depends on the policy options selected by Member States when implementing the Luxembourg agreement. When they opt for some recoupling of support, adverse net economic impacts occur for producers. Regional differences in impacts are more pronounced than the analysis aggregated at European and national scales suggests. This highlights the need for further work based on geostatistical downscaling.  相似文献   

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