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The purpose of this article is to investigate how competitive intensity impacts the relationship between crucial firm resources (human capital, organizational capital, management capability) and firm performance. Using a sample of 105 service providers from the Indian information technology–enabled services (ITES) industry, I find that competitive intensity positively moderates the relationship between firm resources and firm performance such that the relationships become stronger when competitive intensity is high than when it is low. Results imply that top managers' evaluation of the performance implications of internal firm resources are significantly shaped by the perceptions of intensity of competition encountered by their firms. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

我国出口产品遭遇新型非关税壁垒的对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在经济全球化形势下,贸易壁垒从内容到形式不断更新。由于我国企业出口产品技术含量较低,价格低廉,对相关标准与规则了解不够,缺乏自我保护意识,致使其在国际贸易中遭遇到日益频繁的技术性贸易壁垒、反倾销等新型非关税壁垒。文章提出,我国企业应积极进行技术创新,与国际标准接轨,建立产业预警机制,组建出口企业行业战略联盟,以应对技术性贸易壁垒。应加强行业自律,重视非价格竞争;加强成本控制,转换国际市场进入方式;招聘专业人才,加强市场信息管理;健全财务制度,充分利用世贸组织争端解决机制,以应对反倾销。  相似文献   

Export intensity (EI) has been widely examined as a performance outcome of exporting firms. To date, studies on the determinants of EI have generated mixed and even contradictory results. To reconcile such inconsistencies, this study dichotomizes export strategy in emerging economies into two distinctive types, expansion-oriented vs. escape-oriented, with the former inspired by exploiting firm-specific competencies as portrayed by the RBV and the latter motivated by avoiding the domestic institutional deficiencies as informed by the institutional perspective. Different from prior findings in the International Business literature, this research finds that a firm’s extremely high EI might not result from their superior competencies. Instead, high EI firms might focus on export mainly for the purpose of escaping from their home country’s deficient institutional environment that places extra burdens in terms of costs of doing business. Such escape-oriented exporters are more sensitive and responsive to changes in the environment while they do not enhance their learning as much as those expansion-oriented exporters. Furthermore, institutional environment has heterogeneous impacts on firms with different ownership types. Our study helps integrate the insights from both the RBV and the institutional perspective, and our dichotomization of export strategy adds precision and sophistication to the understanding of EI and export performance. Our hypotheses are supported by an empirical study based on a sample of exporting firms in China between 1998 and 2007.  相似文献   

在开放经济条件下,外商直接投资(FDI)、出口贸易和经济增长的关系一直是国内外学者研究的热点。运用向量自回归(VAR)模型、脉冲响应函数、方差分解等计量经济学方法,采用1997年至2013年的所有季度数据,对FDI、出口贸易与经济增长的关系进行了实证研究,得出外商直接投资、出口贸易对我国经济增长具有显著的促进作用的结论,因此,今后我国应进一步加强对FDI的产业导向,积极优化外贸环境、改善外贸结构以引进外商直接投资。  相似文献   

This study argues that improved working practices acquired from intra-firm technology transfers are a crucial source of organizational sustainability. This study used 252 subsidiaries of foreign-based multinational corporations located in Peninsular Malaysia as a quantitative data source. The findings revealed that market environment, cultural factors, and absorptive capacity significantly improved working practices, which in turn significantly and positively affected the social and environmental sustainability of firms. We recommend that the government of Malaysia formulate and adopt more market-friendly policies while simultaneously providing both insight on the various cultural norms of foreign nations and higher education and training for its citizens to maximize knowledge transfer following foreign investment, which is beneficial for both the host country and the organizations involved.  相似文献   

环境规制和要素禀赋均会影响某地区的比较优势,但环境规制对出口贸易的影响存在不确定性,特别是对于污染密集型产业来说。文章建立产业环境污染指数来定义污染密集型产业,同时建立环境规制强度评价体系来计算产业的环境规制强度,并以HOV模型为基础建立动态面板方程,对我国污染最为密集的四个行业的环境规制和出口贸易进行估计。估计的结果表明环境规制对我国污染密集型产业出口贸易的影响是显著的,出口量和环境规制程度之间呈现出"U"型的关系,而且在现有经济水平下大多数制造业处于拐点左侧,环境规制强度的提高仍不利于产业发展和出口贸易。  相似文献   

代工制造是跨国公司主导全球价值链治理和资源优化配置的重要形式。中国已成为全球代工制造大国,但长期以来代工制造业的国际竞争力并没有随规模扩张实现同步提升。文章概述了全球价值链理论的核心内容,并基于全球价值链分工的视角,分析了代工制造模式的主要类型、价值链分工位置、产业组织特征和技术追赶过程。最后,提出了中国代工制造业技术追赶的几点建议。  相似文献   

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