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In setting minimum capital requirements for trading portfolios, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (1996, 2011a, 2013) initially used Value‐at‐Risk (VaR), then both VaR and stressed VaR (SVaR), and most recently, stressed Conditional VaR (SCVaR). Accordingly, we examine the use of SCVaR to measure risk and set these requirements. Assuming elliptically distributed asset returns, we show that portfolios on the mean‐SCVaR frontier generally lie away from the mean‐variance (M‐V) frontier. In a plausible numerical example, we find that such portfolios tend to have considerably higher ratios of risk (measured by, e.g., standard deviation) to minimum capital requirement than those of portfolios on the M‐V frontier. Also, we find that requirements based on SCVaR are smaller than those based on both VaR and SVaR but exceed those based on just VaR. Finally, we find that requirements based on SCVaR are less procyclical than those based on either VaR or both VaR and SVaR. Overall, our paper suggests that the use of SCVaR to measure risk and set requirements is not a panacea.  相似文献   

Value-at-Risk (VaR) has become a standard risk measure for financial risk management. However, many authors claim that there are several conceptual problems with VaR. Among these problems, an important one is that VaR disregards any loss beyond the VaR level. We call this problem the “tail risk”. In this paper, we illustrate how the tail risk of VaR can cause serious problems in certain cases, cases in which expected shortfall can serve more aptly in its place. We discuss two cases: concentrated credit portfolio and foreign exchange rates under market stress. We show that expected shortfall requires a larger sample size than VaR to provide the same level of accuracy.  相似文献   

We show that VaR (Value-at-Risk) is not time-consistent and discuss examples where this can lead to dynamically inconsistent behavior. Then we propose two time-consistent alternatives to VaR. The first one is a composition of one-period VaR's. It is time-consistent but not coherent. The second one is a composition of average VaR's. It is a time-consistent coherent risk measure.  相似文献   

林宇 《投资研究》2012,(1):41-56
本文在金融市场典型事实约束下,运用ARFIMA模型对金融市场条件收益率建模,运用GARCH、GJR、FIGARCH、APARCH、FIAPARCH等5种模型对金融波动率进行建模,进而运用极值理论(EVT)对标准收益的极端尾部风险建模来测度各股市的动态风险,并用返回测试(Back-testing)方法检验模型的适应性。实证结果表明,总的来说,FIAPARCH-EVT模型对各个市场具有较强的适应性,风险测度能力较为优越。进一步,本文在ARFIMA-FIAPARCH模型下,假定标准收益分别服从正态分布(N)、学生t分布(st)、有偏学生t分布(skst)、广义误差分布(GED)共4种分布,对各股市的动态风险测度的准确性进行检验,并和EVT方法的测度结果进行对比分析。结果表明,EVT方法风险测度能力优于其他方法,有偏学生t分布假设下的风险测度模型虽然略逊于EVT方法,但也不失为一种较好的方法;ARFIMA-FI-APARCH-EVT不仅在中国大陆沪深股市表现最为可靠,而且在其他市场也表现出同样的可靠性。  相似文献   

We discuss a number of quantile‐based risk measures (QBRMs) that have recently been developed in the financial risk and actuarial/insurance literatures. The measures considered include the Value‐at‐Risk (VaR), coherent risk measures, spectral risk measures, and distortion risk measures. We discuss and compare the properties of these different measures, and point out that the VaR is seriously flawed. We then discuss how QBRMs can be estimated, and discuss some of the many ways they might be applied to insurance risk problems. These applications are typically very complex, and this complexity means that the most appropriate estimation method will often be some form of stochastic simulation.  相似文献   

The new regulation of the EU for financial products (UCITS IV) prescribes Value at Risk (VaR) as the benchmark for assessing the risk of structured products. We discuss the limitations of this approach and show that, in theory, the expected return of structured products is unbounded while the VaR requirement for the lowest risk class can still be satisfied. Real-life examples of large returns within the lowest risk class are then provided. The results demonstrate that the new regulation could lead to new seemingly safe products that hide large risks. Behavioral investors that choose products only based on their official risk classes and their expected returns will, therefore, invest into suboptimal products. To overcome these limitations, we suggest a new risk-return measure for financial products based on the martingale measure that could erase such loopholes.  相似文献   

I analyze the shockwave effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on currency markets, with a comparison to the global financial crisis (GFC), employing Kapetanios m-break unit root test, investigations of standalone risk measures—downside variance, upside risk, volatility skewness, Gaussian Value at Risk (VaR), historical VaR, modified VaR—and Diebold–Yilmaz volatility spillover analysis. Standalone risk analysis shows that the turmoil in the initial months of COVID-19 was not as severe as that in the GFC. However, examination of co-movements and volatility spillovers illustrates a different scenario. According to the results of the static connectedness measure of Diebold–Yilmaz, the shockwave of the COVID-19 pandemic in the total volatility spillover is about eight times greater than that of the GFC. Among standalone risk measures, the results closest to this finding are obtained from volatility skewness analysis. Additionally, of six foreign exchange rates, the Brazilian real and Turkish lira are the currencies experiencing the greatest increase in received volatility during the GFC and the COVID-19 pandemic, respectively. These findings suggest the severe effect of crises on emerging financial markets.  相似文献   

The industry standard for the measurement of the downside risk of financial positions, Value at Risk (VaR), has serious deficiencies. In the current article we systematically discuss properties of risk measures and alternatives to VaR. It is demonstrated that utility-based shortfall risk (UBSR) possesses many desirable properties.  相似文献   

The potential for stock market growth in Asian Pacific countries has attracted foreign investors. However, higher growth rates come with higher risk. We apply value at risk (VaR) analysis to measure and analyze stock market index risks in Asian Pacific countries, exposing and detailing both the unique risks and system risks embedded in those markets. To implement the VaR measure, it is necessary to perform "volatility modeling" by mixture switch, exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA), or generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) models. After estimating the volatility parameters, we can calibrate the VaR values of individual and system risks. Empirically, we find that, on average, Indonesia and Korea exhibit the highest VaRs and VaR sensitivity, and currently, Australia exhibits relatively low values. Taiwan is liable to be in high-state volatility. In addition, the Kupiec test indicates that the mixture switch VaR is superior to delta normal VaR; the quadratic probability score (QPS) shows that the EWMA is inclined to underestimate the VaR for a single series, and GARCH shows no difference from GARCH t and GARCH generalized error distribution (GED) for a multivariate VaR estimate with more assets.  相似文献   

With the regulatory requirements for risk management, Value at Risk (VaR) has become an essential tool in determining capital reserves to protect the risk induced by adverse market movements. The fact that VaR is not coherent has motivated the industry to explore alternative risk measures such as expected shortfall. The first objective of this paper is to propose statistical methods for estimating multiple-period expected shortfall under GARCH models. In addition to the expected shortfall, we investigate a new tool called median shortfall to measure risk. The second objective of this paper is to develop backtesting methods for assessing the performance of expected shortfall and median shortfall estimators from statistical and financial perspectives. By applying our expected shortfall estimators and other existing approaches to seven international markets, we demonstrate the superiority of our methods with respect to statistical and practical evaluations. Our expected shortfall estimators likely provide an unbiased reference for setting the minimum capital required for safeguarding against expected loss.  相似文献   

This paper studies a risk measure inherited from ruin theory and investigates some of its properties. Specifically, we consider a value-at-risk (VaR)-type risk measure defined as the smallest initial capital needed to ensure that the ultimate ruin probability is less than a given level. This VaR-type risk measure turns out to be equivalent to the VaR of the maximal deficit of the ruin process in infinite time. A related Tail-VaR-type risk measure is also discussed.  相似文献   

The Value at Risk (VaR) is a risk measure that is widely used by financial institutions in allocating risk. VaR forecast estimation involves the conditional evaluation of quantiles based on the currently available information. Recent advances in VaR evaluation incorporate conditional variance into the quantile estimation, yielding the Conditional Autoregressive VaR (CAViaR) models. However, the large number of alternative CAViaR models raises the issue of identifying the optimal quantile predictor. To resolve this uncertainty, we propose a Bayesian encompassing test that evaluates various CAViaR models predictions against a combined CAViaR model based on the encompassing principle. This test provides a basis for forecasting combined conditional VaR estimates when there are evidences against the encompassing principle. We illustrate this test using simulated and financial daily return data series. The results demonstrate that there are evidences for using combined conditional VaR estimates when forecasting quantile risk.  相似文献   

This study compares the performance of the widely used risk measure, value at risk (VaR), across a large sample of developed and emerging countries. The performance of VaR is assessed using both the unconditional and conditional tests of Kupiec and Christoffersen, respectively, as well as the quadratic loss function. The results indicate that VaR performs much more poorly when measuring the risk of developed countries than of emerging ones. One possible reason might be the deeper initial impact of the global financial crisis on developed countries. The results also provide evidence of the decoupling of the market risk of emerging and developed countries during the global financial crisis.  相似文献   

As the skewed return distribution is a prominent feature in nonlinear portfolio selection problems which involve derivative assets with nonlinear payoff structures, Value-at-Risk (VaR) is particularly suitable to serve as a risk measure in nonlinear portfolio selection. Unfortunately, the nonlinear portfolio selection formulation using VaR risk measure is in general a computationally intractable optimization problem. We investigate in this paper nonlinear portfolio selection models using approximate parametric Value-at-Risk. More specifically, we use first-order and second-order approximations of VaR for constructing portfolio selection models, and show that the portfolio selection models based on Delta-only, Delta–Gamma-normal and worst-case Delta–Gamma VaR approximations can be reformulated as second-order cone programs, which are polynomially solvable using interior-point methods. Our simulation and empirical results suggest that the model using Delta–Gamma-normal VaR approximation performs the best in terms of a balance between approximation accuracy and computational efficiency.  相似文献   

Basel II aims to aggressively improve on Basel I, and is projected to capitalize on the technological advancements that have permeated the financial industry since Basel I. This paper examines the correlation issues that arise, and provides recommendations on implementation as we move forward. We provide the following results: (1) We demonstrate that fixing asset value correlations by regulators without a specification of business unit granularity and aggregation impacts franchise risk. (2) Loss distributions for credit risk are more sensitive to correlation assumptions that those for market risk; arbitrary, inaccurate correlation specifications can cause large errors in capital requirements. (3) Current regulations do not recognize that credit losses depend on four distinct correlations, not just one. (4) Recovery rates may be determined uniformly across banks. (5) Tail risk comes from LGD correlations and non-Gaussian risks. (6) The 1-year VaR horizon causes distortions especially when regimes and pro-cyclicality are involved. (7) We recommend a quantitative measure for implementing market discipline, the third pillar of the Basel II accord. Therefore, this paper highlights many issues that may be addressed using the tools banks already employ for internal risk management.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a risk measure, based on first-passage probability, which reflects intra-horizon risk in jump models with finite or infinite jump activity. Our empirical investigation shows, first, that the proposed risk measure consistently exceeds the benchmark value-at-risk (VaR). Second, jump risk tends to amplify intra-horizon risk. Third, we find large variation in our risk measure across jump models, indicative of model risk. Fourth, among the jump models we consider, the finite-moment log-stable model provides the most conservative risk estimates. Fifth, imposing more stringent VaR levels accentuates the impact of intra-horizon risk in jump models. Finally, using an alternative benchmark VaR does not dilute the role of intra-horizon risk. Overall, we contribute by showing that ignoring intra-horizon risk can lead to underestimation of risk exposures.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the credit risk modeling issues of retail lease portfolios. Using a re-sampling method, I estimate the probability density function of losses and VaR measures in a portfolio of 46,732 leases issued between 1990 and 2000 by a major European financial institution. My results show that physical collaterals play a major role in reducing the credit risk associated with lease portfolios. However, because of insufficient recognition of such collaterals under the new regulatory capital framework (Basel II), significant differences are observed between the estimated capital requirements and those calculated in accordance with the various Basel II approaches.  相似文献   

We propose a novel approach to active risk management based on the recent Basel II regulations to obtain optimal portfolios with minimum capital requirements. In order to avoid regulatory penalties due to an excessive number of Value-at-Risk (VaR) violations, capital requirements are minimized subject to a given number of violations over the previous trading year. Capital requirements are based on the recent Basel II amendments to account for the ‘stressed’ VaR, that is, the downside risk of the portfolio under extreme adverse market conditions. An empirical application for two portfolios involving different types of assets and alternative stress scenarios demonstrates that the proposed approach delivers an improved balance between capital requirement levels and the number of VaR exceedances. Furthermore, the risk-adjusted performance of the proposed approach is superior to that of minimum-VaR and minimum-stressed VaR portfolios.  相似文献   

We propose a method for estimating Value at Risk (VaR) and related risk measures describing the tail of the conditional distribution of a heteroscedastic financial return series. Our approach combines pseudo-maximum-likelihood fitting of GARCH models to estimate the current volatility and extreme value theory (EVT) for estimating the tail of the innovation distribution of the GARCH model. We use our method to estimate conditional quantiles (VaR) and conditional expected shortfalls (the expected size of a return exceeding VaR), this being an alternative measure of tail risk with better theoretical properties than the quantile. Using backtesting of historical daily return series we show that our procedure gives better 1-day estimates than methods which ignore the heavy tails of the innovations or the stochastic nature of the volatility. With the help of our fitted models we adopt a Monte Carlo approach to estimating the conditional quantiles of returns over multiple-day horizons and find that this outperforms the simple square-root-of-time scaling method.  相似文献   

This paper studies capital adequacy rules based on Value-at-Risk (VaR), leverage ratios, and stress testing. VaR is the basis of Basel II, and all three approaches are proposed in Basel III. This paper makes three contributions to the literature. First, we prove that these three rules provide an incentive to increase the probability of catastrophic financial institution failure. Collectively, these rules provide an incentive to increase (not decrease) systemic risk. Second, we argue that an unintended consequence of the Basel II VaR capital adequacy rules was the 2007 credit crisis. Third, we argue that to reduce systemic risk, a new capital adequacy rule is needed. One that is based on a risk measure related to the conditional expected loss given insolvency.  相似文献   

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