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董培海  蔡红燕  李庆雷 《旅游学刊》2014,29(11):115-124
美国著名旅游社会学家迪恩·麦肯奈尔(Dean.MacCannell)的《旅游者:休闲阶层新论》(The Tourist:A New Theory of the Leisure Class)一书是20世纪以来西方旅游社会学研究中最具代表性意义的研究著作。该书以"舞台化真实""景观神圣化""旅游吸引物的符号化"等理论为依据,从旅游者和旅游吸引物的研究着手,将同一时期社会学中盛行的结构功能分析和符号互动的方法引入旅游现象分析,以探讨旅游与现代社会文化结构变迁之间的关系,从理论和研究方法层面为旅游社会学的学科发展奠定了坚实的基础。该书在西方旅游社会学界和人类学界一直享有极高的美誉。近年来,旅游社会学的研究日益得到了国内学者的关注,然而相较于国外,无论是学科体系还是理论基础都显得极为羸弱。在此背景下,通过梳理历史以重拾经典对该书予以系统审视,总结其旅游社会学的学术思想,对于深化国内学者对国外旅游社会学知识体系的认识,构建国内旅游社会学学科发展框架,扩宽其研究路径,进而实现西方旅游社会学研究成果的本土化无疑是大有裨益的。  相似文献   

This paper reports on the development and application of a mechanism to assess the tourism potential of cultural and heritage assets. The assessment tool considers cultural, physical, product and experiential values. It was tested on a sample of 16 secondary museums, historic sites and temples in Hong Kong that are currently being promoted by the local destination management organisation. While their cultural and physical values were rated strongly, their tourism and experiential values were low. Indeed, a number of fatal flaws were identified that effectively precluded most of them from ever functioning as viable attractions. Remoteness, isolation from other attractions, small scale, a lack of uniqueness and poor setting exacerbated their weaknesses.  相似文献   

现象世界的旅游体验:旅游世界与生活世界   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
本文从基础理论研究的角度探讨了旅游现象研究的几个基本范畴.作者认为,旅游现象是一种纷繁复杂的社会经济现象,而构成这种复杂现象的内核的元素就是旅游体验.这种旅游体验过程是一个有一定自组织能力的连续系统.它由一个个富有特色和专门意义的情境串联组合而成,这些情境则共同构成了一个有别于人们日常生活世界的另类行为环境:旅游世界.通过对旅游世界结构性要素的分析和描述,本文构建了一个理解旅游现象的新的视角,而这种视角的哲学渊源来自现象学方法.  相似文献   

张金山 《旅游学刊》2013,(11):42-49
在世界城市建设的背景中,北京提出了建设国际一流旅游城市的目标,大力发展旅游产业被定位为北京中国特色世界城市建设的重要支柱。文章结合世界城市的内涵,分析了世界城市与旅游业的关系以及北京的差距所在,最后提出推动旅游产业从传统服务业向现代服务业转型升级、大力发展文化创意产业、发展旅游总部经济、努力建设国际会展之都等未来北京旅游建设的重点方向及建议。  相似文献   

近年来,考古旅游在全世界范围取得快速发展,但其研究却十分薄弱。本文在融合考古学与旅游学理论的基础上,提出考古旅游的概念与范畴,并分析了考古与旅游的互动机制;同时对我国考古旅游发展的基本模式进行了分析和评价,架构了以资源保护和以人为本为核心的我国考古旅游利益机制。基于考古旅游伦理主体利益的实现,文章提出了以文化资源观、文化保护观、文化认同观为内容的我国考古旅游伦理基本框架。  相似文献   

周坤  王进 《旅游导刊》2021,5(1):43-57
游客旅游行为失范时有发生,威胁着旅游资源与环境安全。心理归因影响个体行为逻辑,归因偏差是解释心理归因的经典理论。本文引入归因偏差理论,采用实证方法探究旅游行为失范背后的归因偏差因素,为减少旅游行为失范提供心理学依据。研究发现,归因偏差能够引致旅游者心理认知偏差,后者直接引发和助推旅游行为失范。心理环境和群体心理对引致旅游者的心理认知偏差和行为失范具有显著作用,归因偏差成为旅游者弱化旅游行为失范结果的心理屏障,可激发或促进旅游行为失范的发生或持续。研究认为旅游地可从完善硬件监控、控制游客流量、强化失范行为负面教育、发挥在场监督作用等方式削弱归因偏差效应。  相似文献   

保继刚  杨兵 《旅游学刊》2022,37(1):18-31
国内有关"旅游吸引物权"的研究大多止步于理论探讨,而旅游地却存在大量旅游吸引物权益缺失的发展困境。文章尝试将"旅游吸引物权"学术概念进行落地运用,通过一场持续3年的旅游减贫试验,探索出旅游吸引物权在中国制度情境下的制度化路径,解析其实践效应。研究发现:(1)旅游吸引物权的产权建构需要首先从结构层面建立兼顾分配和资源保护意义的制度规则体系,制度规则背后的核心运行逻辑是经济利益调节。(2)制度结构建立后,再从能力与文化层面建构多方主体对旅游吸引物权表达与实践的理解和认知,重点是在认知范畴上建立产权共识。(3)旅游吸引物权建构所需的制度、能力与文化培育可由多方外部主体援助完成,但援助的目的是催发原住民的主体性。发展乡村旅游不一定需要大资本进驻,地方政府的政策支持、适量的资金投入、产权建构的技术援助,足以带动原住民参与旅游发展。其中,地方政府作为土地产权的决定性主体,对旅游吸引物权的理解、授权与支持是开展产权建构的根基性条件。需要指出的是,文章的旅游吸引物权建构是对各个构成物要素凝结的共有性、整体性旅游吸引价值的产权关系进行系统表达,本质上是不改变现有构成物的"名义产权"制度,利用制度多元逻辑引导多方主体改变产权认知观念与结构,在认知范畴上建立关于新增的旅游吸引价值的"事实产权"。  相似文献   

Kenya is an important tourist destination in Africa accounting for over 6% of the total international tourist arrivals to the continent. However, in recent years Kenya's tourism industry has been experiencing problems of poor performance and continuing decline in the number of international tourist arrivals. This study examines the main characteristics of the country's tourism product vis‐a‐vis the changing trends in global tourism market demands. It is argued that the underlying cause of the recent poor performance of the tourism industry relates to the nature of the country's tourism product. Over the years, Kenya has been offering a limited tourism product that is based on beach and wildlife tourism. Also, the marketing of Kenya mainly depends on overseas tour operators who mainly sell inclusive tour packages. Thus, the form of tourism product that is offered by Kenya has not responded to the recent changes and trends in international tourism market demands. Post‐modern tourists, particularly tourists from developed countries, are increasing becoming aware of the negative impacts of mass tourism and are increasingly looking for alternative tourism products that provide a deeper and more meaningful experience. Thus, if Kenya is to rejuvenate its tourism industry there is need for the country to provide a diverse alternative tourism product which is more appealing to the post‐modern tourists.  相似文献   

A quality assessment scale in tourism was constructed in five dimensions: economic, development, human resources, marketing and product. We presents the research findings for the economic dimension, aiming to understand the perception of Portuguese public decision makers at the local level. Using survey methodology, a sample of Portuguese municipalities was used for data collection. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were performed, and three factors supported quality assessment regarding economics: development strategy (F1), economic factors of demand (F2), and financial incentives (F3). Results focus on the validation of the psychometric properties of this measuring instrument, identifying key issues for future research.  相似文献   


The notion that a tourist has about a certain destination is conditioned by his vision of it, and this behavior is the result of his perceptions (Baloglu &; McCleary, 1999 Baloglu, S. and McCleary, K. W. 1999. A model of destination image formation. Annals of Tourism Research, 26(4): 868897. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Goodrich, 1978 Goodrich, J. N. 1978. The relationship between preferences for and perceptions of vacation destinations: Application of a choice model. Journal of Travel Research, 17(2): 813. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]). The outcome of this information assessment process is currently known as destination image (Milman &; Pizam, 1995 Milman, A. and Pizam, A. 1995. The role of awareness and familiarity with a destination: The central Florida case. Journal of Travel Research, 33(3): 2127. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]). Based on the model of Baloglu and McCleary (1999 Baloglu, S. and McCleary, K. W. 1999. A model of destination image formation. Annals of Tourism Research, 26(4): 868897. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) we propose a model which explains the process of destination image formation. For testing this model, we have gathered information from residents in Spain, with Mexico as a destination. For this task, a covariance analysis was estimated by maximum likelihood with EQS.  相似文献   

This study addresses the paucity of research on volunteer management in art museums and heritage attractions. Based on the results of surveys and interviews with volunteers and managers from international art museums, it identifies three sets of promising practices that appear to increase the performance of volunteer programmes: (1) building a community of volunteers; (2) enhancing volunteers' learning experiences; and (3) fostering the self-management of volunteers. Taken together, these practices offer evidence for the value of the ‘serious leisure’ concept in the theory and practice of volunteer management.  相似文献   

德语国家休闲与旅游地理研究的回顾与进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
冯革群 《旅游学刊》2006,21(11):24-30
德语国家的旅游地理学研究发端于汉斯·波塞尔(Hans Poser)1939年对利森山区(Riesengebirge)旅游景区的分析研究.他将景观看作旅游的背景,认为地理学研究旅游要从分析景观和度假之间的关系入手.二战后形成的以休闲行为研究为主的慕尼黑学派,更重视游客及其休闲行为.目前的旅游地理学研究主要以应用为主,如可持续旅游发展、空间承载力以及社会变迁对旅游供求市场的影响等.另一个趋势是地理多元空间(如物理空间、行为空间、虚拟空间等)对休闲和旅游的影响研究.另外,休闲旅游发展的整体性研究方法又重新复活.  相似文献   

吴茂英  黄克己 《旅游学刊》2014,29(12):66-74
Web 2.0技术在全球的迅猛发展为网络与旅游的结合提供了重要的基础,并为现代旅游业开启了一个崭新的时代。人们的旅游搜索和分享方式都与互联网密切相关。该研究认为,互联网不仅为游客提供了信息搜索和分享的便捷平台,也为旅游学研究提供了良好的数据信息。如何深度挖掘和利用这些数据,并为旅游业的健康发展做贡献,成为旅游学研究面临的一个重要问题。在此背景下,文章重点介绍网络志研究方法。网络志是人类志在网络时代的应用,在智慧旅游的大背景下具有很强的用武之地。研究认为,网络志能有效帮助我们快速了解新兴的、变化的旅游市场,并做出相应的市场反应。文章结合旅游业的一个新兴现象"间隔年",重点阐述网络志的实用操作步骤(包括前期准备、数据收集、数据解释以及成员检测),并提出该方法在使用过程中所存在的问题以及改进建议。  相似文献   

北京间接入境聚集旅游流流势时空演化规律研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张佑印  马耀峰  顾静 《旅游学刊》2011,26(10):31-35
通过对旅游流研究进展分析,引入物理学理论方法,文章提出了旅游流流势概念,依据权威部门多年统计数据分析了1999~2007年间北京15条入境聚集旅游流流势时空演化规律,并借助SPSS软件进行聚类分析。研究发现,北京聚集流流势在时空演化规律方面存在明显的经济导向性和区位导向性。从聚类分析结果来看,北京15条聚集流可总体分为4大股聚集流,分别是以环渤海典型旅游区、长三角典型旅游区、珠三角典型旅游区为核心的三大股聚集流和福建贵州自成一组的聚集流。  相似文献   

The study explores the impact of the tourism industry on income inequality upon a panel set of countries, classified in accordance with their levels of economic development. The countries are classified into three clusters based on their per capita GDP, the volume of international trade, and foreign direct investment inflows. The income inequality was measured using the GINI score. The long-run relationship between tourism receipts and GINI income inequality was explored for a panel set of forty-one countries over the period 1995 to 2016. The study concludes that earnings from tourism have varying impacts on the three clustered sets of countries. The inequality index of the highly developed countries remains unaffected by the earnings from tourism. The developed countries show Kuznets curve behaviour as far as the relationship between tourism and inequality is concerned. The developing countries exhibit an inverted Kuznets curve behaviour between tourism receipts and inequality of income.  相似文献   

Satisfaction is an excellent predictor of tourist behavior, often used in marketing and destination management. This paper analyzes the extent to which tourist satisfaction influences tourism expenditure at the destination using a gamma regression model, based on the information obtained from 2967 surveys conducted in 14 emerging urban cultural destinations in Andalusia, Spain. The results obtained show that there is indeed a correlation between tourist satisfaction and tourism expenditure at the destination, and guide the implementation of specific policies by stakeholders in these destinations, in order to increase the economic impact generated by this activity.  相似文献   

与商业服务领域相似,旅游公共服务近年来也经历了由产品主导逻辑向服务主导逻辑演变的过程,由公共服务供需双方共创价值的实践现象已经出现。文章以杭州市社会资源国际访问点为案例,通过扎根理论的方法,探索性地提出旅游公共服务价值共创的概念,剖析了由政府、企业、居民、游客等不同社会主体参与的旅游公共服务价值共创现象,识别了制度保障、增权激励、信息透明、技术摄入、文化契合是实现旅游公共服务价值共创的驱动因素与前提条件。而不同主体间耦合形成的服务生态系统,其内部各要素的互动与整合是旅游公共服务价值共创实现的中介要素。此外,旅游公共服务价值共创的行为过程包括价值主张提出、共创环境营造、社会成员嵌入、社会价值共识、公共价值创造和社会影响输出。文章拓展了价值共创理论在旅游公共服务领域的应用,揭示了共创的内部机理与行为规律,为旅游目的地公共服务发展与供给模式创新提供了理论工具。  相似文献   

The conceptual framework of the Tourism Area Life Cycle (TALC) has been frequently examined since it was first proposed by Butler in 1980. However, few studies have applied the concept to national parks and other protected areas. This paper examines the applicability of the model to China's Zhangjiajie National Forest Park. In addition, both external and internal factors affecting the park's tourism development as well as the environmental, social, and economic changes of the area are also discussed. Results indicate that the park has experienced the first four stages as described in Butler's 1980 seminal paper [The concept of a tourist area cycle of evolution: Implications for management of resources. Canadian Geographer, 24, 5–12]. Currently, the park is in the consolidation stage. Both governments and the private sector are major players as catalysts for the park's tourism development from one stage to the next. While the local or even regional economy has become increasingly dependent on tourism, the park has also been experiencing noticeable transformation and loss of traditional cultures since its inception in 1982. Finally limitations to the current paper are outlined.  相似文献   

我国区域旅游产业发展潜力的时空差异研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于国内外旅游产业发展潜力现有研究成果,文章概括了旅游产业发展潜力的内涵与特性,构建了包含产业自我成长潜力和外源支撑潜力在内的区域旅游产业发展潜力评价指标体系,并运用加权主成分TOPSIS价值函数模型对我国31个省市旅游产业发展潜力进行了时空分析.研究表明:我国区域旅游产业发展潜力呈增长态势,并在空间上表现为东部较强、中部和东北部次之、西部较弱的非均衡格局,不少省份旅游产业发展潜力没有得到有效发挥.最后,文章归纳了加快我国旅游产业发展的两点启示.  相似文献   

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