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This paper analyzed 200 travel blog entries posted by 100 Mainland Chinese visitors and 100 local Taiwanese visitors to Taipei, the capital city of The Republic of China. The paper is unique in three ways. First, it provides external and internal perceptions toward a destination; secondly, it combines a Chinese coding system to segment texts and computer-assisted qualitative data analysis software to count keywords frequency; and finally, it visually presents the differences between two groups of bloggers in terms of the importance and affections visitors attached to Taipei in six image dimensions. Managerial implication is further enhanced when visitors' perception is compared with those messages promoted by destination marketing organizations. Overall, both groups of bloggers expressed more positive perceptions toward frequently mentioned image dimensions such as meals, sightseeing, and transportation. Mainland Chinese bloggers mainly saw Taipei through certain frames of reference that were manifested in promotional messages, thus creating a “circle” of representation in blogosphere.  相似文献   

This study investigated travel blogs as a manifestation of the travel experience, along with the destination image of Hong Kong from the perspective of tourists from mainland China. Recently published blog entries were selected and analyzed using content analysis. Empirical results indicated that the overall perceived destination image of Hong Kong was positive, with particular strengths in transportation, the harbor, and outlying islands. The major weaknesses of Hong Kong as a travel destination were the price of meals outside hotels, rooms in five-star hotels, and the quality of cosmetics and skincare products. This article has implications for policymakers and practitioners with regard to making use of travel blogs to gather authentic visitor comments on Hong Kong.  相似文献   

The Internet spreads tourism information around the world and specifically travel blogs function as an online version of word-of-mouth (eWOM). This research explored the role of blogs as a destination image formation agent for China's inbound tourism. Data were collected from 630 bloggers who wrote on two blog websites about their travels within China in 2011 and 2012. The bloggers on TravelBlog.org and TravelPod.com were mainly from English-speaking countries. Qualitative analysis using Leximancer software was applied and identified nine major textual themes and the relationships among these themes. In order of relative importance, the themes were place, Chinese, people, food, train, city, hotel, China, and students. The research indicated that international tourists tended to have positive images of China.  相似文献   

This study presents the perceived and projected image of Taiwan as a travel destination from perspectives from Mainland China. The perceived image of Taiwan was examined by interviewing 28 Mainland Chinese; the projected image of Taiwan was investigated by analyzing articles in China's most popular travel magazines. The different types of images of Taiwan among visitors, nonvisitors, and travel magazines were compared. The projected image changed notably after the opening of Taiwan's tourism to travelers from Mainland China. The results of this study could help destination marketing organizations to assess their marketing strategies for the Mainland Chinese travel market.  相似文献   

张天问  吴明远 《旅游学刊》2014,29(10):51-60
追求幸福是个体生存的根本动机,当旅游日益成为人们享受幸福生活的重要表达时,旅游研究有理由探讨旅游与幸福感的关系。以扎根理论为研究工具,以旅游博客的博主为研究对象,系统分析旅游过程中旅游者身心感受的变化。研究发现,旅游的根本动机是寻找和收获旅游幸福感。旅游者从居住地世俗生活状态进入旅游环境,通过休闲、娱乐、教育、逃避、美感和移情过程,达到消遣、逃逸、认知、审美和移情的目的;享受从生理感知、心理变化和灵性提升不同层级的生命状态,获得深刻的人生经历,再回到居住地惯常环境的历程,实现从世俗到"神圣"再归于平凡的生命状态转换。旅游前美好期待体验、旅游中福乐体验、旅游后温馨回忆体验,成为旅游幸福感的时间构成;享受闲适生活、获得旅游福乐体验、提升积极情绪、减弱不良情绪、感受人际美好,进而提升人生境界,是旅游幸福感的重要内容构成。因此,旅游服务实际上应起始于旅游行程前,绽放于旅游过程中,延伸至旅游活动后。旅游服务必须持高度的人文情怀,以发于心、形于外的贴心关照才能给予旅游者一段幸福的人生经历。  相似文献   

With social media playing an increasingly important role in marketing strategies for travel agencies, this study explores travel agencies that develop their own travel blogs as a marketing channel in order to differentiate their products or services and their strategic performances. The paper herein adopts a two-stage research design, with the first stage developing a three-round Delphi research. According to this research, Taiwanese travel agencies consider four external environment forces, five internal motivations for investment, four developing differentiated strategies, and four channel performance measurement indicators for managing travel agencies' own blogs as a marketing channel. The second stage explores a quantitative survey, Structural Equation Modeling, with the structural equation testing the business model of a travel blog marketing channel strategy. Finally, the findings provide innovative approaches for effectively exploiting differentiated marketing channel strategies when targeting maximum profits.  相似文献   

This study presents a visual analysis of photographs of six destinations (Hong Kong, Macau, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, and Taiwan) published in Chinese travel magazines. The object and subject categories, size, and providers of the photographs are content analyzed. The three most popular object categories were Culture, history, and art; Leisure and recreation; and Physical environment. The dominant subject category was No people. Multiple Correspondence Analysis showed that the different destinations correlated with diverse object and subject categories. All six destinations were portrayed differently in terms of the source and size of the photographs. These findings can be utilized by destination marketing organizations (DMOs) to devise positioning and promotion activities for implementation in the Chinese market.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the literature on tourism distribution by examining the distribution behavior of 547 New Zealand outbound travelers segmented by the way in which they have made their travel arrangements: package tourists, independent travelers, and an intermediate group, package plus. The results reveal differences among the three segments in terms of travel characteristics, information search, booking, and purchase, but not profile attributes or the influence of distribution on destination or product choice. Variations are also found in channel behavior across the four different sectors examined: transport to and at the destination, accommodation, and attractions, and activities.  相似文献   

The current study examines the phenomenon of transitional travel by college students in China. The transitional travel takes place during that period when students are graduating and about to embark on a new phase of their lives. A conceptual model of destination choice for such travel is developed. The data was derived from personal interviews with 14 college students by telephone with both prescribed and open-ended questions. The model consists of five components: 1) barriers to transitional travel, 2) motivations for transitional travel, 3) internal inputs, 4) external inputs, and 5) destination selection.  相似文献   

Today, destination-marketing organizations and researchers are increasingly focusing their attention on travel blogs and reviews due to their potential for projecting the image of a specific destination and for influencing travel behavior and decision making. However, the criteria used to select the Web sites hosting travel blogs and reviews for study are unclear, and very few quantitative or demographic studies about users (bloggers and readers) have been conducted. The aim of this study is to propose a method in which a webometric analysis is used to select the most suitable Web sites for a specific case study and to obtain information about users. The proposed webometric analysis consists of an integrated formula including visibility, popularity, and size metrics. This method was used to rank 11 suitable Web sites for studying the case of Catalonia.  相似文献   

Travel style has been shown to be a useful concept for understanding travelers. In this study it is argued that the portfolio of trips (specifically, the portfolio of various trip styles) one takes can be used to describe his/her overall travel persona. Network analysis was used to examine the structural relationships between types of trips based upon the assumption that each travel style may be considered as a “node,” and its association with other travel styles may be represented by the links within the network. Analyses indicate that American travelers take on a wide range of different travel personae which, in turn, are related to their choices of places visited and their response to advertising materials. It was concluded that the framework provided by these findings along with new tools on the Internet offer the potential to develop highly personalized communications with existing and potential visitors.  相似文献   

中国和印度入境旅游发展比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
印度是亚太地区旅游业发展最快的国家之一.本文对中国大陆和印度近年来入境旅游的发展水平进行比较研究,重点从两国的旅游基础设施状况、入境旅游宣传和干扰入境旅游的异常因素等方面进行分析,提出应该重视印度入境旅游发展趋势、借鉴印度经验改进中国旅游国际市场营销策略、加强两国旅游业交流与合作等一系列建议,以应对印度入境旅游快速发展的局面.  相似文献   

This study examines the decision-making processes of young Chinese travelers, with a particular interest in understanding points of disagreement and resolution processes. On the basis of interviews with 25 young Chinese travelers, this study found that while a small number of travelers did not perceive any disagreement, or did not voice their disagreement, the majority of interviewees described the decision-making process as being characterized by periods of disagreement. It was found that Chinese cultural values including “forbearance” and “authority” influence travelers’ disagreement prevention. The strategies for disagreement resolution were primarily influenced by two Chinese cultural values: “reciprocity” and “conformity”.  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of destination image and overall satisfaction toward behavioral intention of travelers to Thailand. The results found that destination image dimensions of quality of hotels and restaurants and cultural and natural attractions significantly influenced overall satisfaction. In addition, overall satisfaction had a positive effect on behavioral intention. This study further investigated the moderating effect of perceived risk on the relationship between overall satisfaction and behavioral intention. Travelers with low perceived risk of these natural disasters had a tendency for greater positive destination image, overall satisfaction, and behavioral intention than travelers with high perceived risk.  相似文献   

Researchers in tourism have identified the information sources used most often by travelers in an effort to develop more efficient ways to communicate with potential visitors. The goal of this study was to extend our knowledge in this area by investigating the extent to which travelers actually use various information sources for planning Midwest vacations. The study clearly identified those information sources for planning trips. Furthermore, demographic analyses indicate that segments exist which derives greater utility from particular travel information sources. Simulation analyses were then used to evaluate alternative marketing communication strategies.  相似文献   

洲际背包客旅华空间流行为模式研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文以西安和桂林为例,通过问卷调查,分析总结出了洲际背包客旅华空间流动模式.从国际视角研究发现游客选择目的国的3种情况,从国际、国内视角研究发现洲际背包客旅华路线规律.研究结论对旅游产品开发与营销有指导意义,彰显了旅游产品开发与营销中国际合作、国内合作的重要性.世界遗产级旅游产品对洲际背包客的强大吸引力不容忽视.  相似文献   

郑晶 《旅游学刊》2007,22(4):84-87
中国旅游强制保险立法分为旅游意外保险和旅行社责任保险两个发展阶段.在这一发展过程中,对旅游强制保险究竟在多大程度上能够规避旅游风险,理论界和实务界始终存在疑问.本文从旅游意外保险制度、旅行社责任保险制度的具体规定出发,论述旅游强制保险制度在立法上存在的问题及问题的成因,并探讨该项制度的发展思路.  相似文献   


On April 5th, 2005 the US Departments of State and Homeland Security announced the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI) which will require Americans traveling to Canada to present a passport for re-entry into the USA. The Conference Board of Canada estimates that this legislation (for the years 2005-2008) will result in a loss of nearly 7.7 million trips and cost the Canadian tourism industry approximately $1.6 billion in lost revenues. The purpose of this study was to investigate how this change in legislation will affect southwestern Pennsylvania residents' perceptions and image of Canada and their propensity to visit Canada. A series of three focus groups designed to measure these impressions was conducted. The results indicate that successful mitigation strategy could reverse potential image issues as a result of the USA legislation.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to offer a comparative assessment of destination image and travel risk as perceived by young German travellers across three ASEAN countries, namely Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. In addition, effects of destination image and travel risk perception on intention to visit are evaluated. The results are drawn based on an online survey of 281 German university students who have recently travelled long-haul, each offering their perceptions of the three countries for analysis. It was found that destination image and travel risk perceptions vary across the studied destinations. Furthermore, destination image factors are discovered to display much stronger relationships with travel intention than the risk factors. The results reveal that travel risk perceptions only had some influence on visit intentions in Vietnam, which is perceived to have higher degrees of risk. Moreover, the relationship between tourist role and destination choice was confirmed.  相似文献   

Despite the large increase in the amount of online purchases of travel-related products in recent years, previous studies on travel website analysis have concentrated mainly on assessing the quality of travel websites, customer purchase behavior, and website content analysis. In the context of Mainland China (hereafter known as China), with growing wealth of her citizens and the inclination to travel, more Chinese travelers have been, and will probably be, visiting worldwide destinations. In addition, many Chinese travelers will use the Internet to search, and subsequently to purchase, travel-related products and services. This study makes an attempt to analyze Chinese online buyers and online browsers on their perceived importance of travel website functionality (content) and usability (design) and their specific factors. Online buyers (e-buyers) are the Internet users who have previously purchased on travel websites, whereas online browsers (e-browsers) are the Internet users who have browsed travel websites but without making any purchases. The research findings showed that e-buyers did not differ significantly from e-browsers in most of the included factors. The findings of this research are expected to assist travel website developers to improve their websites and to attract more e-travelers.  相似文献   

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