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This study focused on Hong Kong and Singapore and sought to explore culinary tourism development and marketing strategies and contents. The study also analyzed the framework of marketing strategies for developing culinary tourism from a resource-based theory perspective. The methodology primarily involved in-depth interviews with strategy planners on tourism boards and content analysis of academic documents and official publications on tourism as means for exploring marketing strategies for culinary tourism in Hong Kong and Singapore. The results showed that, although Hong Kong and Singapore do not have abundant natural resources to develop more diverse tourism experiences, they do have a diversified dietary and cultural background, and with a combination of tourism and creativity they could develop culinary tourism that is innovative, diverse and likely to attract attention. The public and private sectors could form strategic alliances to enhance the attractiveness of tourism through different marketing strategies and thereby present an image of the destination's culinary culture.  相似文献   

This study aimed to construct an operable, monitorable, and quantifiable low-carbon tourism development suitability evaluation model. This paper presents quantitative indicator standardization. Delphi and fuzzy analytic hierarchy process methods were used for data collection and carrying out the corresponding weight analysis. Through abundant literature review and expert interviews, this study constructed an objective and quantitative evaluation model, consisting of 6 aspects and 16 evaluation categories with 53 indicators that were significant to develop low-carbon tourism. The six aspects include transportation, travel agencies, hotel accommodation, destinations, local communities, and food service. This study also used Yilan Taiwan, a low-carbon tourism county, as an example, and carried out a comprehensive assessment, providing advice for developing low-carbon travel. This model can be used for evaluating the development of low-carbon tourism not only in Taiwan but in all places that aspire to promote low-carbon tourism development.  相似文献   

This study examined how a cooking school in Thailand acted as a site of living history in its staging and touristic experience of authenticity. The cooking school was one of the oldest, most visited and most comprehensively “staged” cooking schools in Bangkok. Research focused on understanding: (a) the nature of spatial and temporal staging of authenticity in the school, (b) tourists’ perceptions of authenticity and (c) parallels between the cooking school and living heritage sites. Findings showed that the cooking school was carefully designed to transport tourists from the heterogeneous tourist spaces of present-day Bangkok to the idealized, enclavic space of an imagined Thai culinary past. Tourists took on multiple roles, had rich sensory experiences, felt a sense of play and space–time transcendence, and revelled in close social relations with hosts and other tourists. These factors allowed them to experience multiple forms of both modernist and post-modernist authenticity. In its scenography, interpretative performance, narrative and rituals, the cooking school did indeed resemble a living history site. However, the school made no particular claim to expertise in Thai history, place or culinary culture, and tended more towards touristic entertainment, and less towards accurate historical and cultural visitor education.  相似文献   

隐性旅游资源显性化的概念和应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
“隐性旅游资源显性化”是指原来不曾被认知为旅游资源的客体而现在被认为是具有开发价值的旅游资源的总过程。文章分析了我国“隐性旅游资源显性化”的类型、特征和支撑“隐性旅游资源显性化”的三大内在动力。提出了“隐性旅游资源显性化”理论在实践中的四个方面的应用价值。  相似文献   

面向泛珠三角区域合作的湖南旅游发展战略分析   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
袁新华 《旅游学刊》2005,20(1):48-52
泛珠三角区域旅游合作是一项重要的区域发展战略。区域内旅游业地缘关系紧密,旅游资源富集程度不均,旅游市场对粤港澳的依赖性大,旅游企业发展水平不一,各自的资源与市场优势尚未匹配协调发展。湖南省应采取突出重点、纵横兼顾、市场运作、研究先行的旅游发展战略积极参与泛珠三角区域旅游合作。  相似文献   

应天煜 《旅游学刊》2004,19(1):87-92
旅游作为一门跨多个学科领域的应用科学,其学科发展往往会涉及社会学、心理学、人类学、地理学等各相关学科的研究成果。而目前旅游学研究中具体实证研究有余而基础理论工作相对不足的局面已经阻碍了旅游学作为一个学科体系的确立、完善和向前发展。本文试对社会心理学中新兴的“社会表象理论”(Social Representation Theory)以及近年来国外学术界将该理论引入旅游学研究的基本情况作一个简单的介绍,以期能够为国内旅游学界的相关研究工作起到一点参考作用。  相似文献   

对旅游复合资源系统建立的价值分析   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
梁学成  郝索 《旅游学刊》2004,19(1):61-66
本文通过对旅游资源本体及与其相关的环境、时间和空间等资源要素关系的分析,构建了旅游复合资源系统模型,进而从资源与环境经济学、管理经济学等不同的研究视角,对旅游复合资源系统的价值进行分析,提出建立旅游复合资源系统的必要性和可能性,并指出这一系统时旅游产业深层发展所具有的重要指导意义。  相似文献   

从混沌理论哲学观对旅游学混沌态及学科体系探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯淑华  沙润 《旅游学刊》2006,21(9):54-58
从混沌理论哲学观,对旅游学混沌态进行了分析,将其分为"前科学阶段"混沌态和"内在随机性"混沌态,认为旅游学的"内在随机性"决定了旅游学多学科、交叉性的特点.从混沌学的"初值敏感性"理论,阐明了旅游研究应以游客为初始路径的观点.根据混沌理论,确定了体验和服务是旅游系统的两个奇异吸引子,并分析了它们之间的联系与区别.从旅游系统动力机制分析,提出了由体验维、服务维、影响维和信息、技术维等4个维度构成的旅游学科体系框架.  相似文献   

旅游企业利益相关者管理理论研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利益相关者理论是近年来颇受西方管理学界重视的一个新兴的企业管理理论,被认为是理解和管理"现代企业"的工具.旅游业关联性强的性质决定了旅游企业必定有众多的利益相关者.文章对利益相关者理论在旅游管理研究中的引入、旅游企业利益相关者的界定,以及旅游企业利益相关者的管理策略的研究进展进行了综述,并作出了简要评价.  相似文献   

旅游文化与文化旅游:理论与实践的若干问题   总被引:50,自引:4,他引:50  
徐菊凤 《旅游学刊》2005,20(4):67-72
“旅游文化”与“文化旅游”是两个容易被混淆的概念,也是两个应该引起重视的研究领域。本文从对比这两个概念在国内外的研究状况入手,辨析了这两个概念的含义及其研究范畴,指出目前研究的局限和应有的研究框架,并分析其相应的实践应用方向。  相似文献   

论中西部旅游资源开发的资本市场战略   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:20  
彭德成 《旅游学刊》2000,15(2):42-45
针对当前中西部旅游资源开发中普遍存在的资金不足,本文提出社会化投入和多元化融资将是旅游资源深层次开发的重要途径和市场经济下旅游产业化发展的必由之路。文中分析了旅游资源开发利用资本市场的特点,阐述了利用资本市场直接融资的5种途径,分析了当前旅游资源开发难以充分利用资本市场进行融资的主要原因。文章指出,资本市场能有效化解旅游资源开发的融资障碍,是因为资本市场建立了较完善的投资风险与投资收益相对应机制。  相似文献   

基于凯恩斯消费理论的旅游消费与收入关系实证研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文基于凯恩斯消费理论,根据1994~2007年间的数据,利用Eviews计量软件构建了城乡居民年总国内旅游消费支出与年总可支配收入、城乡居民基尼系数与国内旅游平均消费倾向之间的消费模型,得出城镇居民年总可支配收入增加100亿元,年总国内旅游消费支出增加6.4亿元,基尼系数每上升0.1,国内旅游平均消费倾向下降0.0051;农村居民年总纯收入每增加100亿元,年总国内旅游消费支出增加12.37亿元,基尼系数每上升0.1,国内旅游平均消费倾向上升0.0694等结论。  相似文献   

英国旅游业发展战略及借鉴价值研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
何效祖 《旅游学刊》2006,21(9):70-74
英国在旅游发展战略和实施措施上,一直是引导世界旅游潮流的前瞻性国家之一.本文重点分析研究了英国旅游发展中,<公共服务协议>的量化管理与服务;市场推广措施与电子旅游的运作;住宿等级的标准制定与规范化管理;及旅游目的地管理中的可持续性战略.针对中国的旅游业现状,对比分析了中国旅游的不足和英国旅游的可借鉴之处.  相似文献   

中国旅游企业普遍存在融资难、融资成本偏高问题,这严重影响了旅游企业的生存、发展与扩张。为此,迫切需要科学探究旅游企业融资成本的影响因素,并采取相应治理措施以降低融资成本。文章以公司治理视角为切入点,立足于旅游业区别于其他行业的特殊性,利用我国旅游上市公司的财务统计数据,实证检验了旅游经营环境、旅游企业投资战略、治理机制对融资成本的影响效应。研究结果表明:旅游企业债务融资成本小于股权融资成本,旅游企业应充分利用经营权和用地使用权质押贷款等多元化债务融资方式。投资战略方面,旅游需求波动性和非旅游相关多元化战略会提高融资成本,旅游企业投资方向应为相关多元化/并购,投资项目应能降低旅游收益波动性。治理机制方面,信息披露与法律保护机制能降低融资成本,股权结构与融资成本存在倒"U"形关系,而高管激励机制则会提高融资成本,旅游企业应建立科学的股权结构和董事会治理机制,构建多层次高管薪酬体系和信息披露制度,完善品牌投资战略以实现品牌质押融资。  相似文献   


This paper discusses the importance of understanding cultural differences for developing positive tourist-host contact and, consequently, enhancing tourist holiday satisfaction and repeat visitation. The cultural differences between Korean tourists and Australian service providers are identified and dimensions of these differences are determined by principal components analysis. The strength of the relationships between the cultural dimensions and their critical indicators is measured by using structural equation modeling Submodel 1. The results indicate that the most critical dimensions of cultural difference between Australian hosts and Korean tourists are: communication and understanding the tourist, display of feelings, interaction and idealism. Their critical indicators are identified. The implications of the results for tourism industry marketers are presented.  相似文献   

This paper proposes that the development of the tourism accommodation sector in Vietnam, since the inauguration of the open door policy within the reform programme of doi moi, can be divided into five periods. This periodization is based on a study and analysis of the evolving roles of accommodation-providers in Vietnam tourism and the shifting patterns of state-owned enterprises, foreign direct investment and private businesses/small and medium-sized enterprises in this sector. Each period, and each transition between consecutive periods, is investigated in terms of the dynamics of interrelations between public, private and foreign operators, and the interaction of the accommodation sector with other political, social and economic factors in Vietnam during this era of transition. The paper concludes by identifying factors and trends that best characterize the evolution of Vietnam's tourism accommodation sector over the last two decades.  相似文献   

This study examines the factors influencing consumption of local food and beverages in destinations. The study used grounded theory to obtain insight into the local food experiences though interviews with 20 individuals and used these data to propose a model of local food consumption. The model constitutes three categories: ‘motivational factors’ (i.e. exciting experience, escape from routine, health concern, learning knowledge, authentic experience, togetherness, prestige, sensory appeal, and physical environment); ‘demographic factors’ (i.e. gender, age, and education); and ‘physiological factors’ (i.e. food neophilia and food neophobia). This study established an in-depth understanding of consumption of local food in destinations.  相似文献   

西部旅游开发战略模式的探讨   总被引:47,自引:2,他引:47  
西部旅游开发已进入加速阶段,面临着加入WTO后的挑战和东部地区的激烈竞争,文章从战略高度对西部旅游开发战备进行概括,提出经营管理、产品开发和空间布局等三大模式,即政府主导与企业化、主要是集团运作相结合的管理运营模式,三优(优势资源→优势产品→优势产业)转化的产品开发模式,以点带面的据点式与以线穿点的点轴式结合的空间布局模式,文章阐述了这些模式的内涵、意义和实施步骤。  相似文献   

事件对举办地的旅游形象影响与提升战略研究综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李晓莉 《旅游学刊》2007,22(8):74-81
旅游视角下的事件影响研究越来越引起关注.本文在检索EBSCO host、Elsevier Science direct、Ingenta select等数据库的基础上,将近十年来此方面的研究按事件前后旅游形象感知的变化、媒介的影响与整合营销、事件的网络合作、旅游吸引物与事件要素的捆绑四方面进行综述,发现此方面的研究是不系统的、零碎的,缺少循序渐进的研究;事件对旅游形象的提升受旅游者及事件自身特征等复杂因素的影响,但各利益相关者的沟通合作、事件与举办地形象建设的整合捆绑、社区居民支持的积极作用得到认同,以期对即将在我国举办的系列大型事件的研究与组织起到一定的借鉴作用.  相似文献   

中国南极旅游开发探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王自磐 《旅游学刊》2003,18(6):95-100
南极旅游的合法性及其资源的世界共享性,显示中国参与的紧迫性。明确南极旅游经营者和旅游者,对保护南极环境与生态系统的义务和法律责任。建议南极旅游管理框架,应是在国家监管机制下,接受国际IAATO业务指导和企业自主经营管理原则。应用旅游学原理和南极环境科学理论,强化环境保护意识教育,推动中国南极旅游业的顺利、健康发展,为人类和平利用南极,维护南极生态环境安全做出贡献。  相似文献   

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