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国外基于CGE模型的旅游经济影响评价研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文首次概述了可计算一般均衡模型(CGE)在国外旅游经济影响研究中的领域及其研究视角,对比分析了CGE模型与其他主要旅游经济影响评价方法的差异。最后,本文也论及了旅游CGE模型的未来发展趋势:旅游CGE模型能纳入更多的经济体的现实特征和旅游相关数据,对旅游的经济影响问题进行深入分析;为旅游相关政策、决策的制定提供科学依据;为特殊事件的旅游经济影响评价提供准确的测量工具。  相似文献   

本文依据江苏2002年旅游活动社会核算矩阵,构建了一个省级双区域静态可计算一般均衡(CGE)模型,模型包括了5个与旅游活动密切相关的产业和第一产业、第二产业、其他第三产业共8个产业、外省与国外两个外部区域,并根据CGE模型的一般优化假设,设计了5类方程模块.分别是生产模决、收入与支出模块、贸易模块、投资与资本积累模块、宏观闭合与均衡模块,进而对入境旅游需求变化对江苏省地区经济产生的影响进行了全面的定量分析.分析得出:当入境旅游需求分别增长10%、20%、30%时,江苏省地区生产总值在当年10388.31亿元的基础上会增长0.114%、0.231%、0.353%,即入境游客消费每增长1元,地区生产总值分别增长1.36元、1.38元、1.41元.江苏省的社会福利(用等价变化计算)将分别增加0.749、0.763、0.778元等.  相似文献   

通过构建旅游经济与生态环境耦合协调度评价指标体系,以2000~2016年西北五省(区)旅游经济与生态环境的相关数据为基础,利用耦合协调度模型对西北五省(区)旅游经济与生态环境耦合协调度进行定量分析。结果显示:西北五省(区)旅游经济与生态环境整体发展水平呈缓慢上升趋势,生态环境保护明显滞后于旅游经济发展;两大系统的耦合度平均值在0.4~0.5之间,处于拮抗阶段;协调度均值在0.2~0.5之间,整体处于中度耦合协调水平;旅游经济发展与生态环境的耦合协调水平存在较大提升空间。下一步,应积极制定并严格实施生态环境保护政策,解决环境污染问题,提升生态环境质量。同时,大力发展生态旅游,加强环保宣传力度,最大限度将旅游资源优势转化为经济优势,提升绿色旅游经济增长率。通过有机耦合,实现两大系统协调发展。  相似文献   

江苏省入境旅游经济的区域差异研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文首先采用标准差、变异系数和赫芬迭尔指数来分析江苏省入境旅游总体差异,然后运用泰尔指数来定量评价1999-2006年江苏省入境旅游时间尺度上的地带间、地带内和市际差异变化状况.结果表明:江苏省入境旅游的市际差异逐渐缩小,且变化速度趋缓;地带间差异大于地带内差异,地带间差异是市际差异的主要来源,而苏南地带内差异又是地带内差异的主要贡献者.最后分析其影响因素,并引入区域分离系数来定量比较江苏省三大地带入境旅游分离收敛的变化规律.  相似文献   

This study explores the role of travel and tourism in sharing economy activities by using a case study of Seoul, South Korea. The findings reveal 1) significant associations between respondents’ demographic and socio-economic characteristics and their participation level in diverse sharing economy activities; 2) significant differences in future intention to participate in diverse sharing economy activities among groups; and 3) interest in travel and tourism was most strongly related to future intention to participate in diverse sharing economy activities. Policy making implications of the sharing economy focused on the role of travel and tourism are discussed in the conclusion.  相似文献   


Sport tourism is a booming global business that has different costs and benefits for distinctive societies depending upon both global and local socio‐cultural, political and economic factors. With more than 130 officially sanctioned events worldwide, marathon running has developed to become a key feature of the international sport tourism calendar. This paper provides an ethnographic account of the 2005 Marabana – the Havana Marathon. After consideration of some of the central conceptual and historical issues pertinent to sport tourism in relation to the marathon in general, it uses this race and the events surrounding it as a critical window into Cuba’s complex contemporary political economy. Detailed consideration is given to the special conditions that have led to the development of the Island’s sport tourism industry and the consequences of that development in terms of Cuba’s political heritage. What sets Cuba apart from the tourist economies of its Caribbean neighbours is its continued commitment to the economic and political principles of communism and its strained and tense relationship with the United States. The paper concludes by pointing to the social and economic contradictions associated with the development of a tourist economy that is essentially capitalist within a society that is avowedly communist.  相似文献   

西方事件及事件旅游研究的概念、内容、方法与启发(下)   总被引:39,自引:3,他引:39  
戴光全  保继刚 《旅游学刊》2003,18(6):111-119
事件及事件旅游(Event & Event Tourism,简称E&ET)已经成为西方旅游研究的热点之一。在研究大量文献的基础上,作者对西方主要国家事件及事件旅游的研究情况和学科发展进行了系列介绍。全部介绍共分6个部分。本文是第4至第6部分。第4部分对事件及事件旅游的研究内容进行了归纳总结,总结了事件及事件旅游研究的五大内容和三大框架。第5部分介绍了事件及事件旅游研究两个重点领域的研究情况:第1节对体育赛事与体育旅游进行了介绍,着重分析了奥运会及其旅游效应的研究,对体育旅游(Sport Tourism)和休闲体育(Leisure Sport)的研究进行了评价;第2节介绍了节事的旅游效应,归纳了节事旅游研究的重点领域。第6部分在分析我国相关研究情况的基础上,结合西方的研究趋势,对我国事件及事件旅游的研究进行了展望,提出了4个研究重点与方向。  相似文献   

高军  马耀峰  吴必虎 《旅游学刊》2012,27(7):98-111
基于中国期刊全文数据库(CPFD)和外文期刊数据库Elsevier Science Direct Databases (ESDD)检索到的相关旅游论文,文章分析了学术期刊文献反映出的结构方程模型(SEM)的旅游相关研究与应用概况,对近期(指2008年至今)SEM在国内外旅游中的研究内容与重要发现进行了回顾,对该方面表现出的国内外差异进行了反思,并从方法论的视角对SEM近期在国内外旅游研究应用中显现出的问题进行了理性审视,以期明晰SEM的旅游研究概况,揭示其近期国内外应用现状及异同,为更加科学恰当的应用该方法提供基础的理论参考.  相似文献   

郭鲁芳 《旅游学刊》2004,19(2):22-25
本文通过对杭州地区二县市(淳安县、临安市)旅游经济制度变迁的实证考察,剖析了改革开放后我国县域旅游经济制度变迁情况,阐述了影响县域旅游经济制度变迁和创新的因素,并指出了县域旅游经济制度变迁和创新的紧迫性和必要性。  相似文献   

This exploratory paper examines the role of food tourism in developing and sustaining regional identities within the context of rural regeneration, agricultural diversification and the creation of closer relationships between production and consumption in the countryside. It focuses on Cornwall, South West England, an area with rural development issues, increasing tourism impacts and contested issues of regional identity. A literature and policy analysis, and in-depth interviews with 12 restaurateurs, were undertaken in four popular tourist locations. Correlation was found between increased levels of food tourism interest and the retention and development of regional identity, the enhancement of environmental awareness and sustainability, an increase in social and cultural benefits celebrating the production of local food and the conservation of traditional heritage, skills and ways of life. The paper draws attention to three issues: the role of food tourism in increasing tourist spending, the potential role of food tourism in extending the tourist season, and the re-examination of food tourist typologies within a sustainability framework.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between media coverage patterns of rural and urban tourist spaces in Israel, the characteristics of these spaces, and the way in which public relations (PR) are conducted to promote rural tourism in those areas. Using geographical distance, population size and type of tourist products for the spatial variables, PR financial budgets and PR practice types for the PR variables, the study examines their relative importance for rural versus urban tourism promotion. Results show that ongoing professional PR is crucial for the success of rural destinations in receiving large and positive national media coverage.  相似文献   

Despite empowerment being a crucial component of sustainable tourism, few scholars have quantitatively operationalized empowerment and looked at how it applies to rural societies within the post-communist European Union (EU) member states. Knowing the high priority of sustainable rural development goals within the EU, empowering residents within these post-communist societies has become a pertinent issue especially where those societies appear more reluctant to engaging in democratic ways of decision-making. In response to this gap, this study tests the cross-cultural validity of the Resident Empowerment through Tourism Scale, and then evaluates how empowerment predicts residents’ support for tourism within the municipality of Choczewo, Pomerania, Poland. Using a theoretical perspective that blends Social Exchange Theory with Weber's Theory of Formal and Substantive Rationality, these non-economic empowerment dimensions are coupled with a measure of resident perceptions of economically benefiting from tourism to see if rural residents in Choczewo, Poland, are more swayed by the economic or non-economic benefits of tourism. Results show that residents within this Central and Eastern Europe setting are more influenced by the pride and self-esteem boost associated with psychological empowerment and the perceptions of increased community cohesion (i.e. social empowerment) than the economic promises of tourism.  相似文献   

鉴于学科分野的原因,不同学科有着不同的定性研究表达传统,在学科内部的交流并不会形成交流障碍或批评焦点。而旅游研究是一个多学科交叉领域,定性研究方法及其成果表达常会形成分歧。文章在总结定性研究评价相关研究的基础上,以《旅游学刊》2000—2013年定性研究论文为分析对象,从定性旅游研究的表达规范与表达逻辑等几个方面对57篇样本文献进行元分析(meta-analysis),发现目前定性研究表达主要存在的问题是对研究问题的概念关系与理论框架、研究策略与研究方法过程介绍不充分,对研究问题与研究方法、研究材料与研究结论的逻辑一致性关注不够,对研究结论的可信度影响因素未进行充分说明。在此基础上,作者反思了旅游定性研究的发展趋势与关注重点。  相似文献   

王永刚  李萌 《旅游学刊》2011,26(1):24-30
由于行政区经济的制约,长三角旅游一体化进程中跨行政区的利益冲突问题一直没有得到有效解决,成为影响一体化深入发展的根本性障碍。文章认为,长三角旅游一体化进程,实际上是各行政区之间的利益博弈过程,最终博弈的均衡解就是能够实现各方利益的动态平衡。通过构建不完全合作博弈模型,从理性约束、利益转移和集体谈判等3个方面进行解析,可以建立一套包括规则约束机制、信息合作机制、绩效激励机制和利益补偿机制在内的稳定长效的、制度化的长三角旅游一体化利益协调机制。以一系列带有路径依赖性质的机制设计与制度安排,促使长三角旅游一体化,摆脱"非制度化协调"的尴尬局面,迈进"制度化协调"的新阶段。  相似文献   

杨昀  保继刚 《旅游研究》2020,12(3):13-23
政府角色如何定位对旅游地能否实现可持续发展具有重要影响。文章以阳朔遇龙河景区为例,探讨其旅游地发展历程中政府角色定位的演变,解读不同阶段治理失灵的原因。研究发现:在旅游探查期,社区自主发展,政府基本缺位;在旅游参与期,政府以“规划者”角色介入,并主导运营管理,治理角色不中立,导致治理权威受损;在旅游大发展前期,政府治理目标部分错位加上在资源欠缺、政策准备不充分的情况下急于强制干预,最终导致治理失灵;在旅游大发展期,政府的治理能力和治理资源跟不上旅游规模的扩张,缺乏长效监管机制,难以实现有效治理。  相似文献   

This paper examines the work of the English National Park Authorities (NPAs) in relation to aspects of the development of sustainable tourism. The NPAs have implicitly sought to achieve sustainable tourism development since the parks were first designated, striving to balance the needs of visitors and the environment within the context of living, working landscapes. Studies have revealed, however, that some NPAs are not fully championing sustainable tourism development. The paper examines the NPA's use of marketing and marketing perspectives in encouraging sustainable tourism, exploring attitudes, roles and activities. A diverse, piecemeal and sometimes underinformed approach is revealed. The paper concludes with ways forward for English NPAs and for other protected area management organisations.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of farm tourism to many rural communities in New Zealand, there has been no attention given to the contribution of the Willing Workers on Organic Farms (WWOOF) venture to farm tourism in New Zealand. While the primary objective of the venture is organic farming, the facilitation of tourism experiences on the farm remains an additional concern among WWOOF hosts. This paper is based on a postal survey of 67 WWOOF hosts located in four main regions of New Zealand's South Island. The study sought to understand the management of WWOOF farms in relation to their role in providing tourism opportunities, to determine the reasons for becoming a WWOOF host, to provide a demographic profile of hosts and evaluate the environmental values and attitudes held by hosts. The study findings highlighted that WWOOF hosting has over recent years provided an increasing contribution to farm tourism in New Zealand. The study also provided some evidence to suggest that the motivations and experiences of WWOOF hosts were notably different from that of other farm tourism hosts. In particular, environmental ethic and shared knowledge of organic practices were considered essential.  相似文献   

The recent years have been a time of rapid development of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in tourism. The objective of this article is to analyse and assess the use of ICTs in tourist information and promotion of selected municipalities in the Polish Carpathians, the largest region of mountain tourism in Poland. Particular attention was paid to the activities taken by DMOs, local entrepreneurs and cultural institutions. The use of ICTs in the Polish Carpathians is at a relatively advanced level, but still not sufficient enough to make these solutions a fully effective tool in building a strong regional brand in the international tourism markets.  相似文献   

刘震  杨勇 《旅游学刊》2022,37(2):75-93
经济新常态下,互联网普及推动了消费方式的系统性变革。文章基于中国家庭追踪调查数据(CFPS),实证检验了互联网使用对家庭文旅消费的影响。研究结果表明:(1)互联网使用显著提升了家庭文旅消费概率和水平,并且在克服潜在的内生性问题后,其影响效应保持稳健。(2)进一步分析发现,互联网使用对家庭文旅消费的促进作用来源于信息渠道效应和便捷交易效应,而受教育水平和收入水平的增加有利于增强互联网使用的影响效果。(3)分地区异质性分析显示,在中西部地区、低互联网普及率地区、高景区拥有量地区,互联网使用对家庭文旅消费的促进作用更为明显。(4)拓展分析还发现,互联网使用没有影响家庭在必需品消费方面的支出比重,但却带来以文旅消费为代表的服务消费水平和比重的显著提升,继而有助于家庭扩大消费支出,并促进消费结构的服务化转型。上述结论不仅为理解中国家庭消费行为提供了新的视角,也为合理利用互联网激发消费潜能提供了有益参考。  相似文献   

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