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This study addresses the amorphous nature and complexity of professional communication in an applied tourism research community. With empirical data from members of the Travel and Tourism Research Association, the study examines professional communication from the perspectives of academic versus practitioner members. Results of the study contribute to discussions on the two-community theory and utilization theories with respect to the production, dissemination and uptake of travel and tourism research. Practical implications of the study are discussed in relation to association planning and development, and to capacity-building in an applied tourism research community.  相似文献   

国外社会网络范式下的旅游研究述评   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
社会网络视角下的旅游研究关注的是行为者之间的关系及关系结构对旅游发展的影响。社会网络分析是一种研究范式的转变。目前,社会网络在国外旅游研究中主要用于旅游目的地结构分析、旅游决策、旅游企业成长和旅游目的地知识管理等领域。基于文献梳理发现的当前研究的不足与问题,本文对未来的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

Travel style has been shown to be a useful concept for understanding travelers. In this study it is argued that the portfolio of trips (specifically, the portfolio of various trip styles) one takes can be used to describe his/her overall travel persona. Network analysis was used to examine the structural relationships between types of trips based upon the assumption that each travel style may be considered as a “node,” and its association with other travel styles may be represented by the links within the network. Analyses indicate that American travelers take on a wide range of different travel personae which, in turn, are related to their choices of places visited and their response to advertising materials. It was concluded that the framework provided by these findings along with new tools on the Internet offer the potential to develop highly personalized communications with existing and potential visitors.  相似文献   


The Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing (JTTM) is a leading international journal in “Marketing” and “Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management.” JTTM published its first issue in 1992. In 2017, the journal has celebrated its twenty-fifth anniversary. For that reason, this study analyzes all the publications in the journal since its creation by using a bibliometric approach. The objective is to provide a complete overview of the main factors that affect the journal. This analysis includes key issues such as the distribution of annual publications and citations, the most cited papers, the h-index, citations per paper, the keywords that are mostly used, the influence on the publishing industry and authors, universities, and the countries that have the most publications. The paper uses the Scopus database to analyze the bibliometric data. Additionally, the paper also uses the visualization of similarities (VOS) viewer software to map graphically the bibliographic material. The graphical analysis uses bibliographic coupling, co-citation, citation, and co-occurrence of keywords. These results indicate that JTTM is one of the leading journals in the areas where the journal is indexed, with publications from a wide range of authors, institutions, and countries around the world.  相似文献   

本文对国际旅游学界权威学术刊物《旅游研究纪事))(Annals of Tourism Research)在1973-2003年间的《主题词索引》(Subject Index)进行了统计研究,以此为依据绘制了旅游学学科树,并在此基础上分析了旅游学及其分支学科从1973年至今30多年来研究的时空特征。  相似文献   

本文对三大权威旅游期刊上发表的有关中国旅游研究的51篇文献进行了综述,确认了现状分析、旅游政策、旅游开发与规划、基础研究、出境旅游以及旅游与政治等六大研究主题,并对每一主题进行了回顾与总结,探讨了未来研究的重点和方向.  相似文献   

文章通过对2001~2012年间中国两岸四地作者旅游类国际期刊论文的检索和统计,分析发现:(1)中国作者发表的论文总量呈增长趋势,且大陆的增幅尤为明显;(2)中国大陆作者独立发表的论文数量、大陆学术机构的贡献度及论文被引频次较低;(3)通过对不同时期两岸四地论文的关键词分析提取出的研究热点和研究方向发现,中国作者的旅游研究总体从宏观转向微观,由预测、规划转向动机、满意度研究,其中,大陆和港澳台的研究各偏重于不同的方向。文章还从《旅游学刊》文章被国际期刊论文引用的角度进行分析,研究发现,大陆学者正在以学术交流和学生联合培养的方式合作发表论文并引用中文旅游学术期刊文章,从而使之产生一定国际影响力。通过对国内外核心期刊的分析,研究近10年中国旅游研究的国际影响力变化趋势及其影响因素,为旅游学术共同体尤其是大陆学者提升其学术成果的国际影响力提供方向参考。  相似文献   

加强科学研究方法论与研究方法教育的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文阐述了在旅游类本科教育中加强科学研究方法论与研究方法教育的意义 ,并总结了作者在旅游管理类本科教学中开展科学研究方法论与研究方法教育的一些初步的经验和措施  相似文献   

学术期刊对科研工作和人才培养起着重要的导向作用。本文通过分析《旅游学刊》的相关文献数字 ,以及对其办刊方针和审稿制度的解析 ,阐述了期刊文献对旅游研究选题、研究水准、研究方法的导向作用 ;对研究型人才的发掘培养与催化作用 ,以及对教学的补充作用。  相似文献   

Scientific journals are academic publications that produce information in a specific discipline. In the current study, 522 studies published between 2009 and 2017 in Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, were bibliometrically examined. According to findings, the author with the highest rate of contribution to the journal is Rob Law, the most often published institution is Hong Kong Polytech University, and the most researched topic is customer loyalty. Periodical analysis of academic journals enables inferences to be made about the intellectual structures of the disciplines and provides leading summary information on important studies, scientists, and research trends.  相似文献   

This article presents an inductive citation analysis to examine diffusion patterns and knowledge networks in the economic, geographical/environmental, and socio-cultural domains of tourism research. Articles typical of these specializations were selected from the latest issues of Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Travel Research, and Tourism Management, to begin with the tracking of major sources of knowledge for research in a sub-domain. Citation data collection followed a theoretical sampling approach for a scrutiny of three “generations” of intellectual connections. Analyses and sorting of subjects and coauthorship networks were facilitated by ATLAS.ti. Diffusion patterns are visualized through “pointed and high” versus “thick and flat” tree diagrams for these subdomains. The study also describes knowledge networks typically embedded in the coauthorship patterns of the major sources. While the study lends to discussions on intellectual connections, this set of inductively derived results should be read in caution of the research design, the behavior of citation, and the perspectives of the authors.  相似文献   

Kenya is an important tourist destination in Africa accounting for over 6% of the total international tourist arrivals to the continent. However, in recent years Kenya's tourism industry has been experiencing problems of poor performance and continuing decline in the number of international tourist arrivals. This study examines the main characteristics of the country's tourism product vis‐a‐vis the changing trends in global tourism market demands. It is argued that the underlying cause of the recent poor performance of the tourism industry relates to the nature of the country's tourism product. Over the years, Kenya has been offering a limited tourism product that is based on beach and wildlife tourism. Also, the marketing of Kenya mainly depends on overseas tour operators who mainly sell inclusive tour packages. Thus, the form of tourism product that is offered by Kenya has not responded to the recent changes and trends in international tourism market demands. Post‐modern tourists, particularly tourists from developed countries, are increasing becoming aware of the negative impacts of mass tourism and are increasingly looking for alternative tourism products that provide a deeper and more meaningful experience. Thus, if Kenya is to rejuvenate its tourism industry there is need for the country to provide a diverse alternative tourism product which is more appealing to the post‐modern tourists.  相似文献   

从缺失到凸显:社区参与旅游发展研究脉络   总被引:35,自引:3,他引:35  
国内外的研究者目前都逐渐把社区及其居民作为旅游发展的主体,社区参与也因之成为旅游可持续发展的关键要素.本文在对社区参与研究脉络和走向进行分析的基础上,揭示出社区参与理论共识的达成经历了"从缺失到凸显"的过程.在对社区参与的关注方面,中国和西方的研究具有各不相同的历程.  相似文献   

夏赞才 《旅游学刊》2005,20(3):94-96
主客关系问题始终是旅游人类学的主题之一,维莱恩·史密斯和玛丽安·布伦特合编的<主客关系新探21世纪旅游问题>一书,汇集了21世纪开始时旅游人类学研究者的丰硕成果,和第一、二版相比,立场观点、案例选取、编辑特色等方面有了很大变化,值得推荐给旅游专业的学生、教师和研究人员.  相似文献   


Knowledge of people's travel motivations and its association with destination selection plays a critical role in predicting future travel patterns. The objectives of this study were to uncover the underlying push and pull factors of motivation associated with British outbound pleasure travelers as well as to identify key motivational factors that have significant effects on destination choice. Six push factors and five pull factors were found. “Knowledge seeking” and “cleanliness & safety” were perceived as the most important push and pull factors respectively. The results of logistic regression analyses snowed that the British tend to visit the U.S. for “fun & excitement” and “outdoor activities,” Oceania for “family & friend togetherness,” and Asia to seek a “novel experience.” The findings of differential motivational factors across seven destinations suggest that a destination can capitalize on its strengths with an optimal combination of push and pull factors to attract and retain the British travelers.  相似文献   

旅游目的地"社区参与"的三种典型模式比较研究   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
张波 《旅游学刊》2006,21(7):69-74
本文在分析研究国内外相关文献、理论并实地考察国内许多旅游目的地"社区参与"案例的基础上,从中选取3个典型(案例)的社区参与模式进行了比较分析,试图从实证的角度更深入地探索和解析旅游目的地"社区参与"的内在本质、特点、内容或方式,进而探索和寻求旅游目的地"社区参与"更有效的途径与方式.  相似文献   

Most commentators agree that human relations are central to tourism and hospitality. Different personalities thus display different reactions to the same task. This article provides an overview of prior studies on personality in the context of tourism and hospitality. Using EBSCOHost's Hospitality & Tourism Index, the largest online database for tourism and hospitality research, we analyzed published articles on the topic. Broadly speaking, prior studies can be grouped into the seven dimensions of disposal, biological, intrapsychic, cognitive, social, and adjustment in personality research, plus brand personality. Interestingly, our results show although the Internet has become one of the major marketing channels for hospitality and tourism, only a small number of published articles are related to consumers' online behavior. We thus propose that this area be further researched in the future.  相似文献   

文章从家乡和在地两处社会网络的一体化视角出发,增加两地自致性社会关系网络的情感比较选项,寻求更完整的探析旅游企业主移民的社会网络的构成和状态表现,通过对九寨沟116位旅游企业主移民的半结构式访谈并结合实地调查研究。结果表明,由先赋性关系为主构成的家乡社会网络在旅游企业主的移民前后都有着重要作用。以网络质量、网络构成、网络比较、时间等为变量,可以将旅游企业主移民社会网络状态划分为困难状态、自力状态、偏离状态、拓展状态、维持状态5种类型,并具有随时间呈现情感重心由家乡向在地偏移的特性。  相似文献   


Little empirical research has been conducted about international partnerships between travel and tourism organisations, airlines and their intermediaries such as wholesalers and travel agents. Nevertheless, these partnerships are important because tourism is becoming more international and most destinations have to compete at a global level. Moreover, both producers and intermediaries are increasingly using information technology to increase their knowledge and relationship with customers. Thus this research set out to develop and empirically confirm a systemic model of these partnerships and four related research objectives. The methodology involved multiple case studies based on in-depth interviews with key players in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and Germany. The first outcome is a confirmation of the systemic model. In addition, the findings show the reasons for engaging in partnerships and the scope for further partnerships among the industry players. As well, the findings show that while ‘disintermediation’ may occur because of the advancement of communication technology, the linkages between travel and tourism organisations, airlines and intermediaries are still significant. Our framework can assist public and private travel and tourism organisations to mutually develop and manage marketing strategies and tactics for overseas markets.  相似文献   

陈莹盈  林德荣 《旅游学刊》2020,35(4):89-103
在移动社交媒体时代,旅游分享已成为当下旅游者的行为偏好,越来越多的旅游者选择微信、QQ这类强关系移动社交平台进行分享。国内学界对移动社交平台旅游分享行为的研究随之日增,但少有文章从理论上系统地揭示旅游分享行为的过程与动因。文章采用扎根理论研究方法,构建反映强关系网络移动社交平台的旅游分享动态过程理论模型。将旅游分享行为动态过程划分为分享前因、分享实现与分享结果3个阶段,总结每个阶段的行为特征、表现方式及阶段之间的演替规律,并探讨这类旅游分享行为的特点与动因。研究发现,在旅游分享动机上,强关系移动社交平台强调情感联结与互动,从而旅游者受到与个体相关动机的影响更为显著;分享内容上,平台的强关系特性与熟人社交促使旅游者尽量避免分享负面信息;分享结果上,强关系移动社交平台的旅游分享能调节旅游者行中、行后的体验水平,并形成兼具网络时空拓展性与熟人圈规模局限性的口碑传播。  相似文献   

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