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利用文化符号塑造产品品牌形象对企业的发展十分重要。利用文化符号塑造产品的品牌形象需要多角度、全方位地打造。形态文化符号可以塑造产品品牌的外在美,语言文化符号可以提升品牌的附加值,而具有文化内涵的传播媒介符号可以打造产品品牌的亲和力。  相似文献   

It is critical to understand the impact of controversy on the consumer. There is a scarcity of research measuring post-controversy consumer attitude on both product and corporate brand during a controversy. The study is based on a recent brand controversy linked with instant noodle brand “Maggi” in India. The study examines impact on brand perceived quality, credibility, trust and loyalty, and attitude about brand and company. Data have been collected during July–October 2015 when the brand Maggi was banned in India due to quality-related controversy. Results indicate that respondents, with higher post-controversy brand loyalty, hold positive attitudes about brand. The interaction effect reveals that the relationship is significant and positive. During controversy, consumers’ attitude about brand and company is not identical. For a strong brand, consumers may have positive attitude but they become quite negative about company.  相似文献   

The paper presented here provides a new perspective in the study of service brand extensions, which has become a popular strategy for launching new services. Specifically, the paper proposes and estimates a model that shows how potential consumers evaluate service extensions. The findings show that the corporate image affects both the perceived service quality and the perceived fit between the new service and the parent brand, which in turn affects attitudes towards the extension. In consequence, the service extension is more likely to be successful when the corporate image is reinforced by effective marketing communications. The perception of service quality will be better and consumers will think that the company is more able to offer the new services.  相似文献   

If two hospitals are providing identical services in all respects, except for the brand name, why are customers willing to pay more for one hospital than the other? That is, the brand name is not just a name, but a name that contains value (brand equity). Brand equity is the value that the brand name endows to the product, such that consumers are willing to pay a premium price for products with the particular brand name. Accordingly, a company needs to manage its brand carefully so that its brand equity does not depreciate. Although measuring brand equity is important, managers have no brand equity index that is psychometrically robust and parsimonious enough for practice. Indeed, index construction is quite different from conventional scale development. Moreover, researchers might still be unaware of the potential appropriateness of formative indicators for operationalizing particular constructs. Towards this end, drawing on the brand equity literature and following the index construction procedure, this study creates a brand equity index for a hospital. The results reveal a parsimonious five-indicator brand equity index that can adequately capture the full domain of brand equity. This study also illustrates the differences between index construction and scale development.  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济的发展和名牌战略的实施,人们对品牌的认识和接受程度越来越深,企业也在努力做足品牌,使之能发挥最大效益,于是就进行品牌延伸,然而,很多企业也正是在做品牌延伸上出了很多问题,本文就这个问题展开了一些探讨。  相似文献   

浅析我国企业品牌营销的对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在市场竞争中,品牌意识决定着品牌形象的文化品位和档次,反映了企业的追求和精神境界,成为制胜的关键。迄今,我国很多企业还没有树立起正确的品牌意识观,出口产品品牌化程度及品牌价值低,致使产品销路不畅。我国企业应根据自身的条件与特点,提升品牌竞争意识,实施品牌营销战略,只有把"中国制造"变成"中国品牌,"才能在国际市场上占有更大份额,夺取佳绩。  相似文献   

Many consumer goods firms have a wide brand portfolio. If these are not carefully managed, it can lead to brand proliferation, and result in complex organisational structure, lack of focus and resource constraints. Drawing on previous work on the role of leaders in effective brand management, this study explores the effects of organisational culture on brand portfolio performance. Based on a mail survey of consumer goods companies, the findings show that leadership, company vision, staff rewards, motivation and ownership are crucial to brand portfolio performance. Likewise, a brand orientation helps brand focus, coordination, and emphasises shared vision and the long-term orientation. This study contributes to the organisation-wide approach to brand portfolio management.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine two main questions regarding Indonesian consumers. First, what are the brand origin recognition accuracy (BORA) scores for both foreign brands and local brands among Indonesian consumers? Second, are socio-economic characteristics (education and income/spending), international experience (international travel and foreign language expertise), and demographic factors (age and gender) related to consumers’ brand origin recognition accuracy? The present research follows BORA procedures in the selection of 88 brands (44 foreign and 44 local brands). Questionnaires were distributed both offline and online, with 138 respondents participating offline and 163 people responding online. The BORA scores for both foreign and local brands among Indonesian consumers were relatively low (28.79% and 53.85%, respectively). BORA was also related to socio-economic characteristics, international experience, and age. In addition, men demonstrated higher BORA levels for foreign brands than women did. Most consumers were unable to differentiate brand origins because of the use of foreign languages for the brand names. Therefore, the foreign branding strategy of using languages of other countries (e.g., English, Chinese, Japanese, and so forth) that have positive images for particular product categories could be effectively employed in Indonesia.  相似文献   

This article investigates how individual differences affect consumer responses to corporate advertising during a corporate crisis. Study 1, based on qualitative data, showed brand ownership, involvement with the crisis, and news media exposure were important factors in understanding consumer response toward the crisis and the company. Study 2, a survey, empirically demonstrated that prior attitude toward the company was the most critical factor affecting advertising-related behaviors. The study further suggested consumers of the brand were more likely to view the company favorably, to know more about the company, and to be more involved in their following of the crisis.  相似文献   

Conflict between favorites and underdogs is an everyday phenomenon. Research suggests that people support the underdog as they see a reflection of their own self in the person at a disadvantaged position. Two studies examine the effect of underdog brand biography in two different contexts. Study 1 provides support for the notion that underdog brand biographies for established brands elicit stronger consumer response than underdog brand biography for new brands. In study 2, a 2 × 2 between-subjects experimental design measured respondents’ reaction toward an underdog brand biography over a top dog brand biography under conditions of public versus private consumption. Results demonstrate that consumers exposed to underdog brand biographies in the private consumption condition will be more likely to respond favorably than when they are exposed to the public consumption condition. Based on the results it is suggested that advertisers make use of underdog brand biographies in case of established brands. Furthermore, choice of underdog brand narratives is likely to bring positive results under conditions of private consumption.  相似文献   

品牌形象对消费者行为倾向影响的实证研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文认为,品牌形象影响并决定着人们的购买和消费行为,独特的品牌形象可以帮助企业确立品牌定位,阻止品牌竞争,改善品牌的市场表现。品牌形象由品牌表现、品牌个性、公司形象三个维度构成,三者不存在层级关系。其中,品牌表现是影响消费者行为倾向的主要因素;品牌个性影响消费者行为倾向,但影响程度较弱;公司形象通过品牌表现和品牌个性间接影响消费者行为倾向,对消费者行为倾向无显著影响。文章提出,企业可以通过三种品牌形象进行品牌定位,即品牌功能属性定位、品牌个性定位、公司形象定位,品牌形象管理即企业进行品牌定位的过程。对于中国企业来讲,品牌个性和公司形象的定位更值得关注。开发独特的品牌形象,建立吸引人的差异化的品牌形象的品牌战略,加强企业品牌形象的推广,是提高顾客忠诚度的根本途径。  相似文献   

世界进入品牌竞争时代,品牌竞争逐步成为竞争的主要手段。中国民族品牌发展过程中存在着民族品牌价值低、意识淡薄、流失严重等问题。为了使中国民族品牌在激烈的市场竞争中走向世界,必须在以下几个方面下功夫:加强政府立法,保护民族品牌;实施品牌强国战略,培育民族品牌;采取优先采购等措施,支持民族品牌;促进民族品牌自主创新,提升品牌的核心竞争力;提升民族品牌忠诚度,树立品牌消费意识。  相似文献   

浅析中国民族品牌发展的现状及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
世界进入品牌竞争时代,品牌竞争逐步成为竞争的主要手段。中国民族品牌发展过程中存在着民族品牌价值低、意识淡薄、流失严重等问题。为了使中国民族品牌在激烈的市场竞争中走向世界,必须在以下几个方面下功夫:加强政府立法,保护民族品牌;实施品牌强国战略,培育民族品牌;采取优先采购等措施,支持民族品牌;促进民族品牌自主创新,提升品牌的核心竞争力;提升民族品牌忠诚度,树立品牌消费意识。  相似文献   

我国快递业品牌建设现状及对策思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文认为,面对已进入我国的国际快递业品牌巨头,我们不难发现,我国快递业品牌和品牌建设方面存在的问题十分突出,主要是品牌意识淡漠,品牌不成规模,品牌定位不准,品牌缺乏内涵,品牌推广乏力。当前,审视WTO市场环境下中国快递业的竞争态势,我国快递业的品牌建设应从以下几方面下功夫:转变品牌经营观念,正确认识品牌价值;加强品牌整合,实施差异化战略;明确品牌定位;重视品牌内涵建设;构建品牌推广体系,提升品牌实际价值等。  相似文献   

企业技术创新与品牌创建:内在联系与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业技术创新与品牌创建紧密相关,相辅相成。我国企业技术创新能力低下,缺乏世界著名品牌,不仅对国外技术和品牌依赖性强,而且有品无牌或有牌无品问题也较为普遍。因此,政府要转变职能,创造和完善有利于企业技术创新和品牌创建的大环境;同时企业要实施以管理创新和技术创新为基础的品牌战略,以提高我国企业核心能力和国际竞争能力。  相似文献   

明星是电影产业中最为重要的创意人才之一,明星凭借其广受赞誉的演技、为观众所喜爱的性格特征,吸引众多注意力,从而具有很高的商业价值。为加速实现华语电影产业振兴与文化繁荣的双重发展目标,华语电影产业开始在明星品牌定位、明星品牌如何介入电影产品的生产、明星品牌的价值评估等三个层面积极采取有效的品牌化运作,以进一步满足电影受众/消费者的需求而获得电影市场优势,进而满足电影生产者的利益。  相似文献   

The effect of experience with a brand imitator on the original brand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Imitating the look of an existing successful brand is a common occurrence in today's crowded marketplace. It was found that a negative experience with an imitator brand increased the evaluations of the original brand. A positive experience with the imitator was shown to have the opposite effect, and there was a decrease in the evaluations of the original brand. Subjects also indicated they would be likely to purchase the positive imitator over the original at only a 10 percent price reduction.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to understand the relationship between ‘brand personality’ and key outcomes in the Chinese automobile industry. A secondary aim of the study is to look at whether or not these relationships hold across purchasers and non-purchasers. The major conclusion is that while brand personality dimensions are somewhat consistent across both purchasers and non-purchasers, the brand personality outcomes differ somewhat between the groups. First, brand personality plays a critical role in improving perceived quality and creating brand trust, a key finding given the intensely competitive nature of the Chinese automobile industry. Second, perceived quality plays an important role in mediating the relationship between brand personality and brand commitment for both groups. Third, perceived quality does not affect brand trust for the purchaser group. In the context of Chinese automobile industry, increasing the level of perceived quality of a particular brand requires convincing non-purchasers that the brand is valuable, and that the information being provided is useful. Fourth, since the relationship between perceived quality and brand trust was found to be non-significant, future research studies may wish to focus on obtaining a better understanding of Chinese cultural perspectives to shed further light on why perceived quality and brand trust are not related for the automobile purchaser group.  相似文献   


Drawing on Aaker’s brand equity model and Keller’s brand engagement concept and building on the sponsorship between a professional basketball club and a software company, this study examined how sport sponsorship affects brand equity and purchase behavior of the sponsor’s product. Data from 222 survey respondents were collected and analyzed using structural equation modeling techniques. The results provided evidence that perceived quality and brand engagement impact brand loyalty and purchase behavior of fans toward the sponsor’s product. Perceived fit between sponsor and sponsee and team identification were found to influence significantly sponsor’s brand equity constructs. The study extends Aaker’s model in the sport sponsorship context and highlights the influential role of perceived quality and brand engagement on driving sport team fans to form brand loyalty and purchase sponsor’s product.  相似文献   

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