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This paper uses a broad multi-country dataset to describe the main stylized facts about export performance in the last four decades. First, transition probability matrices are computed to look at changes in the position of countries at the world distribution of the export to GDP ratio. It finds that transitions toward high export ratios have been mainly experienced by Asian countries, but also that some reformers, like Mexico and Chile, have been able to improve their position relative to other studied economies. African countries mainly sunk to the bottom part of the world distribution, although they constitute only half of the economies with relatively bad export performance. In the consideration of the structural factors that may play an important role for long-run transitions, the results suggest that more open economies and those with better institutions are more likely to move to high export ratios in the long-run. Second, the within-country experiences are analyzed for identifying episodes of export transitions. Using an event study methodology, a very weak association is found between export transitions and investment rate. In contrast, the results suggest that transitions are potentially driven by improvements in financial development. Finally, favorable terms of trade, increments in productivity, and reductions in exchange rate distortions are not found to be a catalyst for export transitions.  相似文献   

Export strategic orientation research suggests that export entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and market orientation (MO) directly affect export performance. Based on the dynamic capability theory, this study hypothesizes that export resource transformation capability is an intervening factor that helps explain how EO and MO, individually and jointly, impact export performance. Using archival and survey data from small and medium‐sized exporters in the United Kingdom and Nigeria, the study finds that export resource transformation capability partially mediates the individual effects of EO and MO on export performance in both samples. Results further show that export resource transformation capability does not mediate the joint effect of EO and MO on export performance. The findings help provide a more complete understanding of how export strategic orientations might be related to export performance. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Purpose: Drawing on the relationship marketing perspective, this study explores the effects of interorganizational relationship variables on export market orientation (EMO), in turn enhancing the export performance. Furthermore, firm internationalization was included as a moderator between export market-oriented behavior and export performance.

Methodology: The authors tested the hypotheses via a mail survey involving 235 exporting firms. LISREL and regression analysis were used to test the proposed model.

Findings: The results support the hypotheses, which posit that commitment, trust, and social interaction are positively related to EMO behavior, whereas power is negatively related to such behavior. Second, firm EMO behavior is positively related to export performance. Third, the degree of internationalization strengthens the effect of EMO on export performance.

Research implications: This study improves existing theoretical understanding by supporting the relationship marketing perspective and international channel research for performing export market-oriented behaviors.

Practical implications: The leverage of interorganizational relationships appears a solid strategy for performing export market-oriented behaviors. Exporters can focus not only on export market-oriented behaviors being performed but also on expansion to new markets.

Originality/value: This study contributes to the marketing and international business literature and provides insights to exporters by examining the relationships among interorganizational relationship variables, EMO, and export performance. This study also introduces the degree of internationalization from a contingency-based view and demonstrates that internationalization complements EMO, and thus facilitates export performance.  相似文献   

李巍 《财经论丛》2015,(7):92-99
本文在动态能力观与权变理论框架下,探讨出口企业营销动态能力提升出口绩效的作用机制,利用我国238家出口企业数据实证分析后发现营销动态能力显著提升出口绩效,关键权变因素影响营销动态能力与出口绩效的作用关系,文化智力和文化距离正向调节营销动态能力与出口绩效的关系,风险倾向和制度距离负向调节营销动态能力与出口绩效的关系。这一结论为出口企业培育营销动态能力,并在不同的内外部环境条件下运用营销动态能力提升出口绩效提供有益的管理启示。  相似文献   

在对杭州市出口优势产业进行筛选及判定的基础上,采用经济学统计方法以及DEA-Tobit两阶段分析法对纺织服装业、装备制造业的创新投入和创新效率进行8个城市间的对比分析,发现杭州市纺织服装业无论是在创新投入还是在创新效率方面均存在相对不足,装备制造业的主要问题集中在创新投入相对不足上。针对杭州市出口优势产业存在的问题,分别从技术、营销和产业链整合等方面提出转型升级建议。  相似文献   

本文将出口质量指数纳入制造业出口竞争力的评价指标体系,基于中国海关数据库,利用熵权法估算了中国制造业细分行业的出口竞争力,并利用中国2000~2013年制造业行业面板数据研究了技术创新对中国制造业出口竞争力的影响,着重分析了其影响渠道。研究发现,在控制内生性和其他因素的影响后,技术创新对中国制造业出口竞争力有显著正向影响,进一步研究发现,技术创新通过行业生产效率和出口多样化影响出口竞争力提升。区分技术创新投入和产出后发现,行业技术创新产出对出口竞争力的影响依然显著。另外,动态模型的估计是最有效率的。区分不同类型的行业后发现,重型制造业、同质性制造业以及中等技术类型行业的技术创新显著促进行业出口竞争力提升。  相似文献   


This study examines the impact of the Internet, firm-specific characteristics, market characteristics, and export marketing strategy on export marketing performance. The unit of analysis was an individual product/market export venture. Data were gathered via a self-administered mail survey of 315 Australian firms involved in exporting. The findings indicate that, when the Internet was used for communication purposes and to provide the firm with a competitive advantage, it had a significant impact on export marketing performance. Firm-specific characteristics and export marketing strategy also had a significant impact on export marketing performance.  相似文献   

Exporters’ performance in a given market may affect their exports to the rest of the world. Importers base their future transaction decisions upon the information revealed by exporter’s performance in other countries. This paper estimates significant effects from these information spillovers on the export patterns of fourteen developing countries, and somewhat smaller effects for a sample of exporters from six developed countries. On the other hand, it is in developed countries’ markets that the largest information spillovers are generated. Indeed, increases in market share in the United States allows for significant increases in exports to the rest-of-the world associated with information spillovers. But developing country markets could also generate important amounts of information for regional exporters. Hong Kong is the top market in terms of generating information for other East Asian exporters, and the Argentinean and Chilean markets play an important role for exporters from other Latin American countries.
Marcelo OlarreagaEmail:

Empirical evidence from a sample of independent and privately held specialized suppliers all of which are engaged in formal R&D activities shows that specific R&D-related capabilities are determinants of different types of export performance. The major contribution of this paper is to take into account traditional measures of R&D activities as well as a broad range of R&D-related capabilities to further our understanding of the export behavior of SMEs in terms of volume and final destination of sales. Results suggest that the set of determinants varies with firms' internationalization process. In particular, determinants associated with the more global firms are significantly at odds with our traditional conception of a small firm and appear to be more aligned with the behavior generally found in proactive large exporters.  相似文献   

Countries restrict exports for a number of reasons ranging from national security, foreign policy to the preservation of scarce resources. Most of the restrictions are imposed on military and high‐technology products. This article focuses on national security controls exercised on dual‐use goods, that is, commercial products with current or potential military applications. The article develops a typology of paradigms for national export control regimes: high state–low business, low state–high business, high state–high business, and low state–low business. It then introduces a theoretical model of the economic and political determinants and effects of such paradigms. The study presents national case studies and examines the effects of the four paradigms on international business. The article fills important gaps in our understanding of national export control regimes and their implications for managers of international business firms. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This study examines company‐specific factors that may help explain the choice of an export‐market strategy and explores how the selected export strategy contributes to explaining company's export performance (XP). Concentrating on a specific area within a broad spectrum of export behavior analysis has enabled us to examine these factors in greater depth. The results of our research, which was carried out using a sample comprising Spanish exporting companies, show a firm's size, a firm's age, and a firm's greater foreign ownership in its share capital are all determining factors for adopting a strategy geared to export‐market diversification. A greater level of investment in R&D and greater international commitment are also important in this regard. We suggest reinforcing these two factors because there is evidence of a better XP among firms that have a wider range of foreign markets.  相似文献   


We investigate the role of the trade-weighted real exchange rate and foreign income on the export performance of Brazilian states, differentiating between Mercosur and non-Mercosur partners. The results indicate that state exports are price and income inelastic. There are differences in the influence of the different trade factors between the two groups of partners. One crucial difference is the relevance of the real exchange rate effect for non-Mercosur partners. This might be associated with the existence of specific rules for Mercosur that can overcome the usual effect of relative competitiveness associated with movements in the real exchange rate.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of the abatement of the export duty on the Malaysian palm oil industry performance. The simulation results show that the impact of reductions in the export duty rates and the impact of increases in the threshold prices on the Malaysian palm oil industry have the same impact but with different magnitudes. Even the simulated results indicate that the policy of further reductions in the Malaysian export duty will promote its positive effects on the local palm oil industry; however, the impact is shown to not be significant. The further reduction of the export tax is very constrained and believed to no longer be the most effective policy in enhancing the competitiveness of local palm oil industry in the future. Hence, policymakers have to be aware of the possibility that the reduction of the export tax may no longer be an effective sustainable approach in facilitating the development of Malaysian palm oil industry.  相似文献   

企业出口行为是成本一收益权衡的结果;除了产业背景,企业内在的特性影响决定企业选择出口背后的成本和收益;企业特性构成主要体现在企业区位、企业规模和技术水平等要素上。企业内在的特性是可以塑造的。企业应重视创造和利用区位优势、规模经济和技术创新等特性,以提高出口倾向与出口强度。  相似文献   

This article presents an empirical analysis of the trends, patterns, and determinants of the Australian passenger motor vehicle industry trade in the context of policy liberalization. Although export orientation and import penetration ratios have shown rising trends, especially since the early 1990s, faster growth in import penetration has led to a surge in the industry’s trade deficit. Econometric results appear to suggest that tariff protection, export incentives, and government assistance have made the industry less competitive, in domestic and world markets. These findings indicate that further liberalization may help improve the Australian passenger motor vehicle industry’s trade performance.  相似文献   


This study examines the export performance of 350 randomly selected Japanese engineering service firms. Inquiry is made regarding environmental, organizational, managerial, strategic, and functional determinants of these exporting firms. Two primary questions are addressed. Can performance category membership of engineering service exporters be predicted? Second and foremost, which determinants are the most effective in differentiating between the export performance categories? An Artificial Neural Network is selected as the statistical method because of the different perspective it provides for a highly non-linear function having many variables, offering results that consistently prove to numerically approximate such functions much easier than conventional methods, together with the ability to dependably and accurately predict membership classification while providing weighted analyses of input variables. Findings suggest that each group's membership can be consistently and accurately predicted and further identify which determinants dominantly impact category membership as supported by differences in the feature extraction phase of the neural network approach.  相似文献   

This paper examines the determinants of exports in eight East and Southeast Asian economies, with an emphasis on the increasing importance of parts and components in total exports. To see whether exports in parts and components are ‘special’ and to allow comparisons, export equations are estimated for three different export categories: total merchandise exports, manufacturing exports and exports of machinery and transport equipment (SITC 7). The analysis is based on data for 1993–2008, a period over which parts and components trade burgeoned. The estimations indicate that the growing importance in the export composition of parts and components within vertically integrated cross‐border production processes has tended to weaken the nexus of real exchange rate and export performance. World demand and supply‐side factors, including foreign direct investment, tend to become more crucial in determining export performance.  相似文献   

Based on resource-based view (RBV), this study examines the impact of marketing-related resource (market orientation) and innovation-related resources (innovation orientation and innovation resources) on exporters' performance (new product performance and overall export performance), as well as moderating role of environmental turbulence in the market orientation and export performance link. The questionnaire survey conducted among 220 manufacturing exporters reveals that there exist positive relationships among the constructs in question. This research departs from the majority of past research investigating the relationship among market orientation, product innovation and business performance in three aspects: (1) it examines the impact mechanism how market orientation improves new product performance and export performance through innovation orientation and innovation resources based on RBV, (2) it distinguishes among three constructs involved in product innovation activity, and (3) it extends the research from domestic markets to export markets. We conclude by discussing our contributions, the implications, and possible future extensions.  相似文献   

出口退税政策对出口贸易的效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过实证分析认为,出口退税政策对出口规模和出口结构具有明显的影响效果,在短期内可将出口退税政策作为我国调节出口贸易的重要手段,但从长期看我国应通过转变出口增长方式和出口结构,以提高出口企业的核心竞争力,保持出口贸易稳定持续发展。  相似文献   

This article investigates the impact of channel member satisfaction on channel performance in Ghanaian cocoa marketing channels. Channel member satisfaction is treated as a multidimensional construct consisting of both economic and social satisfaction. Channel performance is defined in terms of farmers’ acceptance of a large-scale marketing channel improvement. The results of the study indicate that initial acceptance of the channel improvement was based on economic satisfaction and continued use was based primarily on trust. Implications for theory and managerial practice are discussed.  相似文献   

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