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何彪  谢灯明  朱连心  郭强 《旅游学刊》2020,35(4):120-132
游客感知价值源自营销学领域的顾客价值理论,是游客基于感知利得与利失的权衡对旅游产品或旅游服务的总体评价,已成为旅游企业稳固竞争优势的新动源。现阶段,国内外免税购物市场竞争局势日渐激烈,免税购物游客感知价值研究能为免税店管理方提供科学的运营管理依据。文章以有消费经历的免税购物游客为研究对象,研究区域为三亚国际免税城,运用SPSS 22.0和AMOS 17.0软件对正式调研所获得的324份有效样本数据进行实证分析。在梳理游客感知价值测量相关文献的基础上,严格遵循量表开发的规范步骤(确定构念范围、发展初始测项、纯化初始测项、预调研、正式调研、探索性因子分析、验证性因子分析、信效度检验),开发了包含6个维度24个测项的免税购物游客感知价值量表,6个维度分别为感知环境价值、感知成本价值、感知管理价值、感知功能价值、感知服务价值、感知声誉价值,并通过构建结构方程模型检验了量表的稳定性。最后,总结了研究的理论贡献与管理启示。  相似文献   

Framing Chinese Tourist Motivations Through the Lenses of Confucianism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present study investigates Chinese tourist motivations on the basis of the major life domains of Confucianism, which are self, family, social life, society, and nature. A 32-item, 9-factor Chinese tourist motivations scale was developed. The nine dimensions are family togetherness, harmony with nature, relationship/guanxi, face/mianzi, self-development, material fulfillment, escape and retreat, children’s learning, and exploration and discovery. Identified through a three-phase process, the scale exhibited adequate psychometric properties across multiple samples. While introducing a unique perspective to the understanding of tourist motivations, this study provides a timely framework as China becomes one of the most vibrant markets in the global travel industry. In discussing the results, themes that are peculiar to the Chinese context were deliberated.  相似文献   


The spreading of the globalisation process is actually modifying the traditional spatial pattern including tourist field organization. The traditional territorial structure of the tourist region is being remodelled at local level in new systemic, self-creating, self-regulating and self-promoting entities in a constant connection with a supra-regional reality.

In Italy strictly tourist areas are being replaced by new territorial entities which can have the structure of tourist local systems, productive microcosms based on local relational networks involving municipalities, enterprises, tourist associations and other local stakeholders of the territorial system. So the spatial dimension of tourism is now influenced by local organizational models no more based on administrative units or traditional tourist regions but rather on spaces created by relationships among local actors.

Such a self-structured development of local tourist systems is being observed in Sicily too, under the dynamic pressures expressed by the world market of vacations. Public and private organizations are joining forces to promote territorial development in recognition of their organizing abilities and of the sustainable progress perspectives of their spatial aggregation.  相似文献   

我国中小型湖泊旅游度假区开发现状分析   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
我国130多个省级以上的旅游度假区,其中1/3为湖泊型的。经过11年的发展,大部分湖泊旅游度假区现已处于停滞阶段,少部分仍处于良性发展阶段。为什么会形成这样的现状?为什么我国湖泊的度假旅游难于发展呢?本文结合国内外的4个案例对此进行分析,指出了我国湖泊观光旅游的7个影响因素以及度假旅游发展的一些制约条件。  相似文献   

城市商务旅游竞争力:评价体系及方法的创新研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前,商务旅游竞争力的研究相对较少,而已有的旅游竞争力评价体系研究方法又存在亟须改进之处。为此,本文创新性地通过专家访谈及商务游客调查确定城市商务旅游特征,并以商务游客认知趋势这一客观信息为基础,借助因子分析法构建了城市商务旅游竞争力评价的量化模型。随后,以香港、澳门、上海、广州4个城市的商务旅游竞争力为例,对该模型的普适性及准确性进行了检验。通过检验得知,该评价体系的构建过程体现了一定的客观性,在具体使用方面拥有较高的准确性及可行性,具有较好的应用价值。由于本研究的抽样调查仅在澳门进行,如能在更广泛的区域内对商务旅客取样,则所构建的评价指标体系会更为完善。  相似文献   

北京旅游集散中心发展问题研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赵晓燕 《旅游学刊》2007,22(10):16-22
北京是一个有着极大吸引力、具有独特魅力的国际旅游目的地城市,而且即将到来的2008年奥运会将极大地推动北京旅游市场的发展.近年来,北京散客旅游市场发展迅猛,但是作为北京重点打造的旅游枢纽,北京旅游集散中心自开业以来经营状况并不乐观.论文通过问卷调查和实地考察的方式,分析了北京旅游集散中心的现状与问题,并提出了相应的对策建议.  相似文献   

可持续发展的旅游业是旅游业未来发展的最佳选择。旅游业可持续发展的实现,需要高素质的旅游人才。高素质的旅游人才的培养,必须依赖旅游教育。旅游教育要真正在旅游业的可持续发展中发挥应有的作用,必须要进行改革:端正教育思想,确立“为学生的可持续发展而教”的教育理念;调整旅游教育的课程内容和课程结构;改进旅游教学方法等。  相似文献   

白凯  倪如臣  白丹 《旅游学刊》2012,27(5):41-48
学科认同是表现学习者认可自身价值和追求职业发展目标的重要衡量指标之一.文章在文献分析、成熟量表测度语句借鉴、访谈和自编测度语句基础上开发了旅游管理专业的学科认同问卷,通过对西安6所高校旅游管理专业本科生的正式调查,采用探索性和验证性因子分析方法验证了旅游管理专业学科认同的结构和关联维度.研究结果表明:所开发的量表具有较好的整体结构和关联维度;旅游管理专业的学科认同由专业学习、专业前景、专业意识、职业发展、专业投机、社会偏见、专业归属等7个维度构成;7个维度中专业学习、专业前景、专业意识对旅游管理专业的总体学科认同影响力最大.该研究对于未来旅游管理专业学科优化、学生职业教育培养和引平等均具有参考价值.  相似文献   


Social capital's measurement has been limited and an effective scale is needed. This research employed focus groups and interviews and a panel of experts to provide understanding and items for a social capital scale in sport and recreation setting. After a pilot study the Club Social Capital Scale (CSCS) was completed by 1,079 members of sport and recreation clubs. This 42-item scale included the factors trust, friendship, acceptance, reciprocity, norms, and governance. Exploratory factor analysis resulted in a 20-item four component (governance, norms, friendship-acceptance, and trust-reciprocity) CSCS. Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the potential four or five factor model and the hierarchical structure. The CSCS is the first psychometrically developed instrument to measure the factors underlying social capital rather than its outcomes. It can inform policy makers or sport and recreation administrators to establish baseline social capital in their organization and the efficacy of interventions or changes in policy.  相似文献   

The challenge of tourist misbehavior has drawn increasing attention from academic researchers and practitioners in the hospitality and tourism sector. Drawing on the concepts of psychological closeness and the perceived certainty of informal social control, this paper proposes that tourists (vs. non-tourists) are more inclined to misbehave in a given service situation because they feel less close to fellow consumers sharing the same service environment and perceive a lower likelihood of disapproval from them. However, personal implication (i.e., the extent to which fellow consumers suffer directly or indirectly from the misbehavior of the focal consumer) mitigates the effect of tourist status on the intention to misbehave. The results from three experiments confirm these arguments and show that the perceived certainty of informal social control (i.e., the perceived likelihood of disapproval) is a mediator that explains the interactive effects of tourist status and personal implication on intention to misbehave.  相似文献   

景区是介于旅游资源和旅游产品之间的一种中间形态,区域内景区的构成直接影响到区域旅游产品的结构。为了更好地对区域内景区的构成情况进行分析,文章引入了区域景区群落多样性的概念,提出了计算模型,并以天台县旅游开发为例对其景区群落多样性进行了分析。文章总结了对区域景区群落多样性分析的意义,并对现存的问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

孔海燕  宋海岩 《旅游学刊》2011,26(10):58-62
文章旨在开发中国饭店职业生涯管理测量维度,同时验证职业生涯管理对职业满意度的影响作用。在研究方法方面,综合运用了定性和定量两种方法,并在全国范围内收集具有代表性的数据。探索性因子分析提取了饭店职业生涯管理的3个维度,即职业考评、职业培训及职业发展;检验性因子分析证实提取的维度具有有效的信度和效度;随后,基于新开发的测量维度,文章又运用结构方程验证了饭店职业生涯管理与职业满意度的关系。结果表明,有效的职业生涯管理能提高员工的职业满意度。在3个维度中,职业考评对职业满意度的贡献率最大,其次为职业发展及职业培训。最后,文章讨论了其学术和实践贡献,以期为理论研究和实践管理提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

This study developed a scale to evaluate green food and beverage literacy (GFBL) among hospitality college students. The scale was developed using a six-stage scale development process. An expert survey was used to confirm the definition and domain of GFBL and the developed items. Using split questionnaire design, a pretest and initial survey were conducted to purify and confirm the validity of each literacy scale. An integrated survey was then administered to 250 senior hospitality college students to confirm the reliability and validity of the entire GFBL scale. Finally, a new set of 245 samples of data was used to examine the cross-validation of the entire GFBL scale. Based on the results of second-order confirmatory factor analysis using 60 items, eight literacy factors were identified. The results indicated that the most crucial factor of GFBL is individual consumer behavior pertaining to green food and beverage (GFB). Potential theoretical and practical applications of this scale are also discussed.  相似文献   

China has been recognized as one of the world’s largest tourism markets. However, relatively little attention has been given to this market as potential sources of adventure recreation (AR). Based on in-depth interviews of 31 AR enthusiasts, a pilot online study, and a final survey of 202 Chinese AR enthusiasts, an AR Participating Motivation Scale (PMS) for the Chinese market was developed for the first time and five distinctive motivation factors were identified. The similarities and differences between Chinese and Western AR motivation were discussed. It is hoped to highlight a useful approach to understand Chinese enthusiasts’ diverse psychological demand.  相似文献   

Using social facilitation theory, this study evaluates the mediating effects of service interactions with hotel employees on the relationship between tourist motivation and place attachment. The moderating effects of nationality and hotel star-rating on these relationships are also examined. The overall model tested on a sample of 545 international visitors to the island of Mauritius showed that service interactions mediated the relationship between tourist motivation and place attachment. Partial least squares-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) multi-group analysis found that the relationships among the constructs differed according to tourists’ nationality and the hotels’ star rating. The findings have important implications for hotel managers and destination marketing and management.  相似文献   

收获信任与温暖的新潮旅游群体——对沙发客的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
段圣奎  张述林  姜辽 《旅游学刊》2013,28(7):101-108
源于欧美的沙发冲浪是一种新颖时尚的互助旅游方式。相比于传统的旅游模式,基于网络信任的沙发冲浪具有情感投入、体验充分、成本低廉等特点。借助ROST WordParser词频分析软件,通过对相关沙发客网站的文本内容进行分析,总结出沙发客旅游行为的50个高频词汇,并归纳为动机、感知、活动、交通方式、沙发城市、游玩地点等六大类目。研究发现,"朋友"和"温暖"在文本词汇中出现频率最高,结交朋友、扩展人脉是沙发客的主要旅游动机之一,受到热情接待、体会家庭温暖是沙发客的共同感知;"联系"、"聊天"、"游览"构成沙发客的基本活动;"火车"、"搭车"与"公交"组成交通方式的关键词汇;国际大都市"上海"、"北京"及风景如画的"厦门"、"杭州"成为热门目的地;"景点"、"大学"与"公园"是沙发客关注的游玩地点。  相似文献   

Fatigue is a pervasive physiological and psychological phenomenon in tourism experiences, but remains almost unexplored in the existing literature on tourist perception and behavior. The possible reason for this deficiency is the vagueness of the tourism fatigue concept and the lack of a measurement tool in addition to the influence of the traditional paradigms and ideas of the tourism research. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to develop a scale for measuring tourism fatigue based on its conceptualization. Taking Zhouzhuang Ancient Town and Huangshan Mountain as examples, 926 samples were collected through two rounds of data collection. Following construct definition, initial item production, scale purification, EFA, CFA, reliability and validity testing, a four-dimensional (physical, motivational, affective and cognitive) tourism fatigue model with 16 items was established. This study extends the current knowledge of tourist perceptions and behaviors and provides a tool for further related investigation for academics and managers.  相似文献   

This study aims to explore the relationships among tourist experience quality, perceived value, perceived price reasonableness, tourist satisfaction with tour experience, and loyalty to an island destination by considering the moderating effect of destination image. The survey was distributed in person at an international airport. The findings revealed that tourists’ involvement with tours is the core of perceived value and price reasonableness, which increases tourists’ satisfaction. Perceived value is a stronger mediator between involvement and satisfaction than perceived price reasonableness. The moderating effect of island image is also uncovered. The theoretical and practical implications are discussed based on the findings.  相似文献   


The paper presents and discusses the results of an exploratory, empirical study, which intended to explore links between holiday experiences and the assessment of the tourism offering. Focusing on evaluation as perceived by customers, the author argues for the acknowledgement of their notion of the ‘holiday product.’ Consequently, the central theme of the study is the holiday visitor's narrated experience. It was found that prevalent assessment frameworks were inconsistent with the way visitors described their own holiday evaluation. Instead of a component-based judgement process, visitors seem to evaluate holidays against vague holiday ideals. Based on this finding, an alternative role and assessment model of service providers is proposed.  相似文献   

试论"主题山水"及其构思与营建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
范今朝 《旅游学刊》2003,18(3):73-76
针对自然景观旅游地目前存在的诸多问题,借鉴“主题公园”的构建理念,本文提出“主题山水”的建设方法。认为应当在山水自然景观的开发、建设和经营管理中,提炼或塑造出一个适当的文化主题作为引力源;即在对自然山水景观的本底进行严格保育并使其自身的生态机能向良性方向发展的基础上,发掘或赋予其具有较高审美价值的文化因素作为整个旅游地的文化主题,景区内部的实体环境建设、无形氛围营造以及游程和解说系统均围绕这一主题展开,并以之作为旅游管理部门或企业的整体形象和经营理念,向外传播。并具体阐述了构建“主题山水”的思路和方法,包括深化、扩展和移植三种。  相似文献   

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