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As consumers increase their consumption of Food and Drug Administration defined risky foods, more restaurants have begun to offer risky foods. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of cultural norms, experience, and knowledge on risky foods. This study measured the effect of perceived food riskiness on the likelihood of consuming risky foods with personal risk-taking level as a moderating variable. Results suggest that consumer perceptions of risky foods affect the likelihood of consumption. Perception is affected by three factors; cultural norm, experience, and knowledge. Results of this study can help restaurant managers better understand which consumers are interested in risky foods, the reasons why these consumers are interested in risky foods, and perhaps to whom to market risky foods most effectively and efficiently.  相似文献   

Food producers are experiencing a fast-growing need to use the Internet to enhance competitive advantage. Past researchers have urged the need to understand market segmentation mechanisms as applied to different consumer behavior models to better understand the online buying behavior of consumers. This study integrates the Theory of Planned Behavior and food-related lifestyle to explore consumer's characteristics of online specialty food buying behavior, and the differences in the online buying process among consumers with different FRL. 569 undergraduate students who purchased specialty food online were surveyed. Findings indicated that consumers have positive attitudes toward purchasing specialty food online; more are inclined to heed the suggestions of others, perceive higher levels of control when using a website, and experienced a higher intention to purchase online. The study then classified consumers into ‘traditionalists’ or ‘adventurous and healthy-conscious’ groups based on their FRL via a two-step cluster analysis. These two groups of consumers had significant differences in terms of (a) attitudes toward online specialty food buying, (b) subjective norms, (c) perceived control, (d) behavioral intention, (e) demographics and (f) online specialty food-buying behavior. This investigation explored whether there is a correlation between consumer FRL and online specialty food-buying behavior. Findings reveal relevant ways for managers to enhance their website marketing strategies.  相似文献   

Based on the increasing popularity of the wellness/spa trend and the growing numbers of inbound tourists to Hong Kong, it is crucial for spa industry experts to understand the ever-changing desires of consumers. The study aims to identify the lifestyle dimensions of international spa visitors to Hong Kong and to profile each segment based on their sociodemographic and travel characteristics. The study adopts a quantitative approach to segmenting international spa visitors in Hong Kong by lifestyle. The results of the lifestyle segmentation revealed five clusters of spa visitors. The segments are “health conscious and intellectual”, “average”, “family focused”, “pleasure oriented”, and “carefree”. It is found that the majority of travelers who visit spas in Hong Kong are health conscious and intellectual. In general, visitors prefer day spas, to visit with their partner or friends, and to enjoy body massage treatments.  相似文献   

This article presents a novel approach to data mining that incorporates both positive and negative association rules into the analysis of outbound travelers. Using datasets collected from three large-scale domestic tourism surveys on Hong Kong residents' outbound pleasure travel, different sets of targeted rules were generated to provide promising information that will allow practitioners and policy makers to better understand the important relationship between condition attributes and target attributes. This article will be of interest to readers who want to understand methods for integrating the latest data mining techniques into tourism research. It will also be of use to marketing managers in destinations to better formulate strategies for receiving outbound travelers from Hong Kong, and possibly elsewhere.  相似文献   


When one combines their greater economic well-being with their escalating numbers, more independent living, and better overall health, aging consumers constitute a very attractive market for the travel and tourism industry. This paper examines key factors that impact the consumption decision-making, attitudes, and behavior of the mature consumer, with particular attention to the service sector of travel. It presents a review of relevant segmentation studies and recommends specific, additional variables to increase the predictive and explanatory power of models intended to segment current and future senior travelers. Finally, it discusses implications of the segmentation process for effective strategy formulation.  相似文献   

This study develops a culture-specific servicescape measurement scale for collaborative economy based short-term hospitality rentals (STHRs) from a Chinese customer perspective, as some of the servicescape measures developed from a Western consumer perspective may not be applicable to Chinese consumers due to cultural differences. Dimensions of the servicescape of collaborative economy based STHRs (STHRSCAPE) were identified after text analytics of a total of 31,584 reviews for 6313 SHTRs. These dimensions were tested on Chinese STHRs customers using three sets of data. The findings revealed that the STHRSCAPE scale has two main dimensions, namely, the physical servicescape and the social servicescape. The physical servicescape dimension has 12 subdimensions, while the social servicescape dimension has four subdimensions. The STHRSCAPE scale developed in this study is expected to help hosts and marketers on both international and local STHR platforms to better understand the key aspects of physical and social servicescape dimensions that are valued by Chinese consumers.  相似文献   

This study aims to better understand how one particular personal capacity—psychological resilience—may help consumers adapt to the ‘new normal’ provoked by the COVID-19 pandemic in the hotel context, which is characterized by high uncertainty. We conducted a quantitative empirical study among consumers of hotel services, which showed that their psychological resilience has a negative effect on their perceived health risk and emotional risk. This negative effect on risk helps increase tourist intention to return to consuming hotel services despite the on-going pandemic. The findings are of value to the literature and the professional sector alike, as they demonstrate both relationships jointly for the first time. The work can help hotel firms to design more effective strategies for approaching customers in the ‘new normal’.  相似文献   

An increasing number of hotels are altering their operations proactively to include more environmentally friendly practices. Despite the greater interest in consumers’ green behaviors, the theoretical application of the value-belief-norm (VBN) theory has been used only rarely to investigate consumers’ intentions to visit a green hotel. The purpose of this study was to expand existing knowledge of hotel consumers’ green behaviors by developing and testing an extended VBN theory used in the hospitality literature. More specifically, this study incorporated subjective norms and green trust into the original VBN model as a theoretical framework to understand comprehensively consumers’ decision-making processes with respect to their intentions to visit a green hotel. A web-based survey was used to collect data from a convenience sample of faculty members working at an institution of higher education in the Midwestern United States who have been lodging consumers. Structural equation modeling was applied to test the hypotheses. The results showed that all but subjective norms were successful in explaining consumers’ decision-making processes regarding their intentions to visit a green hotel. The results can assist hotel managers in the adoption and implementation of hotel operations based on the needs of environmentally conscious consumers.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, there has been an increasing focus on the development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), as well as the impact that they have had on the tourism industry and on travelers’ behaviors. However, research on what drives consumers to purchase travel online has typically been fragmented. In order to better understand consumers’ behavior toward online travel purchasing, this article offers a review of articles that were published in leading tourism and hospitality journals, the ENTER proceedings, and several articles from other peer-reviewed journals, found on the main academic search databases. The antecedents of online travel shopping found are classified into three main categories: Consumer Characteristics, Perceived Channel Characteristics, and Website and Product Characteristics. Finally, this study identifies several gaps and provides some orientation for future research.  相似文献   

Studies about augmented reality (AR) largely discuss the design of applications and adoption behaviours of the AR system. Attempts to understand user experiences with AR are scarce, especially in the field of tourism. This paper contributes to this gap by identifying travellers' experiences with AR applications when obtaining travel information. More specifically, this study applied the concept of sensation-seeking to segment travellers to better understand their AR experiences. An online questionnaire was designed and completed by a sample of 1042 study participants who all used an AR app in the course of this study. The results demonstrate the applicability of sensation-seeking to explain heterogeneous AR experiences. Of the four sensation-seeking elements, experience-seeking and boredom-susceptibility were identified as key elements to classify the travel groups in the context of AR applications. Managerial implications for tourism marketers are suggested.  相似文献   

Given the widespread use of premium pricing strategies as a marketing practice, how consumers evaluate premium pricing actions is an interesting issue for both marketing researchers and practitioners. Thus, the objective of this study was to examine perceptions of premium prices and the role of prices, which act as a cue that improves consumers’ experiences in an upscale café setting. Indeed, the results indicated that both price–quality schema and prestige sensitivity were significant factors that induce a positive overall perception of quality at luxury cafés, including coffee, service, and atmosphere. Thus, this study evidences that a price placebo effect exists in hedonic consumption settings. To better understand consumers’ mental accounting based on their income source, the study examined the moderating effect of the origin of the respondents’ income as well. The results revealed that the price tag generates positive consumer responses to café quality.  相似文献   

Bicycle tourism is a growing niche tourism market which has potential economic, social, and environmental outcomes for individual participants and host communities. However, there has been a lack of research into heterogeneity of this market and their respective motivations and behavior. This article applies the concept of enduring involvement, in conjunction with tourist motivational theory, to segment and better understand cycle tourist behavior and intentions. A total of 564 completed questionnaires was collected from an online survey of bicycle club members in Australia. Respondents were segmented into five initial clusters by their level of enduring involvement. A number of significant differences were found on their travel motivations, travel behavior, and behavioral intentions, as well as their sociodemographics and cycling behavior. The results lend support to the application of enduring involvement in a tourism context to better understand the behavior of niche markets which include popular leisure pursuits. Recommendations as a result of the findings are made for product development and marketing communication, while future research opportunities are also outlined.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a survey of tourism consumers from the Destinations Travel Show in the UK in 2000. Four hundred and eleven tourism consumers were interviewed over four days at the show on the type of information that they used in the selection of their holiday destination. This article posits that the power of the consumer can be a major force for progress towards greater sustainability by the tourism industry, acting as a rationale for change, which is often missing from more traditional planning, management or regulatory techniques. The research shows consumers are already making decisions based on environmental, social and economic quality for day-to-day products and are keen to transfer these habits to the purchase of tourism products. Recommendations are made, highlighting the need for the tourism industry to capitalise on this demand for a wider range of product information and so promote moves towards greater levels of sustainability in the industry.  相似文献   

This paper advances understanding of consumers who purchase voluntary carbon offsets (VCOs) for flights by profiling the socio-demographic characteristics of VCO purchasers in Australia and the UK and investigating their environmental attitudes and beliefs. Earlier research shows that there is confusion and lack of clarity around VCO schemes, yet small numbers of consumers continue to purchase them. Using an online panel survey of 502 respondents, this research considers whether those who purchase VCOs can be considered to be ecocentric, and whether they share a similar socio-demographic profile with those engaging in other forms of pro-environmental behaviour. The results suggest three groups: “Ecocentrics” (36%), “Middle of the Road” (31%) and “Anthropocentrics” (33%). While VCO purchasers appear to be ecocentric, not all ecocentric respondents purchased VCOs and, additionally, those who did purchase, appear to have a different socio-demographic profile from others engaging in pro-environmental behaviour. The study suggests that this segment of the flying public, already willing to contribute towards climate change mitigation, may be the best segment to target with behavioural change messages intended to encourage the structural changes in travel choices required to mitigate climate change. Earlier suggestions that older females are more likely to purchase VCOs are not supported.  相似文献   

Today’s hospitality brands often gain a competitive advantage through being cool and employing cutting edge technologies. Virtual Reality (VR) is one of the most novel tools to advertise brands, introduce new products/services, and draw customers. Despite the marketing potential of VR, there is scant research revealing the psychological processes associated with the use of VR as a cool technology. To bridge the gap in the current literature, this research examines how consumers with different degrees of technology innovativeness respond to marketing of hospitality brands through three main service preview modes: VR, static images, and 360° tour. The findings from a lab experiment show that as consumers’ technology innovativeness increases, VR boosts self-brand connection that consequently elevates their visit intentions toward the hotel brand. The findings from this study would help hospitality marketers better target their efforts at a specific consumer segment.  相似文献   

This study attempts to examine travel motivations from a hybrid cultural perspective in the context of Chinese niche hotels. Using an in-depth netnographic methodology, the paper analyzed 659 online reviews on 12 niche hotels from 6 travel websites to identify the motivations of Chinese independent travelers’ hotel selection. The research findings revealed that travelers’ motivations include the following: attractive environment, quality, uniqueness, spiritual well-being, traditional architecture, family togetherness, foreign style offerings and service, luxury amenities, and entertainment. These motivations can be classified into modern Chinese culture oriented motivations, traditional Chinese culture oriented motivations and foreign culture oriented motivations. The study identifies the characteristics of the market segment of Chinese independent travelers and offers valuable insights into the role of this emergent travel group. The theoretical implications suggest a hybridization effect of culturally oriented motivations showing that hotel choice and perhaps domestic tourism destination choice are driven by both Chinese and Western cultures. Management implications are discussed, and marketing suggestions are made to better understand what attracts this growing market segment in China.  相似文献   

The people in modern societies have found to be more lonely due to longer life span, rising single-person household, and disconnected interpersonal networks. Recently has research begun to shed light on how this phenomenon influences consumers’ compensatory consumption to cope with negative moods caused by loneliness. The hospitality and tourism industries need a better understanding of the ways in which their products and services (e.g. dining-out, traveling, and drinking alcohol) provide opportunities for consumers to cope with such loneliness. Thus, this study explored the benefits of hospitality and tourism experiences for individuals who dine out, travel, and drink as a means of coping with feelings of loneliness. Hence, the goals of the current study are threefold: (1) to examine if loneliness influences consumers to engage in consumption in order to cope with their feelings, (2) to compare age-related differences in coping strategies related to loneliness, and (3) to investigate the therapeutic benefits of dining out, traveling, and drinking across loneliness levels. The results of this study suggest that traveling and dining-out can provide significant ‘therapeutic benefits’ by repairing feelings of loneliness.  相似文献   

Consumers always face a tradeoff between making a purchase decision now and continuing information searching with delayed purchase decision. This study extends extant literature by empirically investigating the effects of online peer reviews on consumers’ timing of booking a restaurant using a merged data set of online peer reviews and consumer reservation records. The results show that the rating valence, rating variation, and review content richness of online peer reviews positively motivate potential consumers to book a restaurant earlier, while the time interval between successive reviews hinders consumers’ booking decision. It is also found that the effects of rating valence on timing of restaurant booking depend on the different levels of rating variation and review content richness. The findings of this study help practitioners better understand consumers’ purchase decision process and improve marketing strategies.  相似文献   

This study develops a comprehensive conceptual framework of consumer behavioral intentions in green hotels. Based on Schwartz’s values theory, using Stern’s nomenclature, in conjugation with value-attitude-hierarchy, ecocentric and anthropocentric ethic, and green signaling theory, this study identifies values (biospheric, altruistic, and egoistic) and attitudes (ecocentric and anthropocentric) that influence consumers’ green hotel visit intention, willingness to pay more, and willingness to sacrifice. This study adds to the extant literature by incorporating the consumers’ environmental concern perspective, the social-altruistic perspective, and the personal benefits and status perspectives in embracing green products. Understanding the interplay of biospheric, altruistic, and egoistic values and ecocentric and anthropocentric attitudes on green hotel behavioral intentions will provide insights to better understand the green consumer and to better manage the green hotel.  相似文献   

This article proposes that reactance theory can be used to better understand how tourists’ perceptions of climate change affect their travel decisions. Reactance theory explains how individuals value their perceived freedom to make choices, and why they react negatively to any threats to their freedom. We study the psychological consequences of threatening tourist's freedoms, using a range of projective techniques: directly, using photo-expression, and indirectly, through collage, photo-interviewing and scenarios. We find that reactance theory helps to explain the extent of travel to two destinations: Svalbard and Venice, providing a nuanced understanding of how travellers restore their freedom to travel through three incremental stages: denying the climate change threat, reducing tensions arising from travel and heightening demand particularly for the most visibly threatened destinations. The theory suggests a fourth stage, helplessness, reached when consumers dismiss the value of destinations once they can no longer be enjoyed, but for which we, as yet, have no data. Reactance theory questions the validity of awareness-raising campaigns as behavioural change vehicles, provides alternative explanations of why the most self-proclaimed, environmentally aware individuals travel frequently, and helps identify nuanced, socially acceptable forms of sustainability marketing, capable of reducing resistance to change.  相似文献   

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