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《Tourism Management》1987,8(3):205-216
This article considers the potential of opera as a tourist attraction. Existing work is reviewed and the case stated for deriving a model of opera tourism from a consideration of motivation. Data on those who attend opera and those who become tourists are examined, together with existing literature explaining why people attend opera and become tourists, in order to determine common characteristics. The two activities may theoretically be consumed in a combined product. A number of routes to opera tourism are proposed as a framework for further analysis of the phenomenon. These routes are derived from a consideration of the definition of ‘holiday’.  相似文献   

《Tourism Management》1988,9(3):235-238
Conference tourism is thought to be booming, indeed the term a ‘salesman's dream’1 has been used, but there is actually a dearth of evidence to support this claim. The perceived conference tourism demand is largely derived from ‘informed speculation’. George Hughes, Lecturer in Planning and Tourism in the Department of Geography, University of Edinburgh, describes the types of statistics available and the three basic methods used to generate estimates of demand. The lack of comparability among methods and the non-rigorous sampling procedures make estimates of demand unreliable as indicators of future development.  相似文献   

《Tourism Management》1986,7(2):101-112
Customer-service training aims to produce staff who are better at dealing with customers. This article examines the social-psychological framework of the customer-server interaction and identifies important factors responsible either for “bad” or “good” relations. Anxiety arising out of negative factors, eg social distance between the participants to the interaction, or an inability to make sense of or to control the hospitality environment, can result in a retreat into “roles” and “stereotyping” which increases the probability of inappropriate responses. Management must find ways to control and simplify the environment while still allowing the staff scope for initiative.  相似文献   

《Tourism Management》1988,9(2):151-154
Tourism consultant Louis J. D'Amore sets out the ways in which tourism might contribute to a better understanding between nations. He argues that peace can be more constructively defined than as the absence of war or violence and puts the case for tourism as the instrument best placed for the promotion of world harmony.  相似文献   

《Tourism Management》1987,8(3):223-232
This article examines the relationship between government and the tourism industry and the problems of that relationship as both strive for more effective management to meet the challenge and changes of the 1980s. Attention is focused on the role of government and the political input, the tourism management agency, the government administrative system, the industry, and the response of these various groups to demands on the tourism sector. The article concentrates on Thailand but many problems experienced are common to most countries and arise from the nature and role of government and the tourism industry and their relationship.  相似文献   

《Tourism Management》1987,8(2):121-122
The values and lifestyles (VALS) technique for market segmentation is applied to the population of the USA. Of nine different types isolated, three are found to account for the bulk of international pleasure travellers - ‘achievers’, the ‘societally conscious’ and ‘belongers’. Research demonstrates that these three groups have quite different travel motives and goals. The US travel market is thus more highly differentiated than previously imagined. VALS could therefore be a useful technique enabling the industry to define and target potential market segments.  相似文献   

Thermotolerant species of Campylobacter are the causative agents of the human illness called campylobacteriosis. The number of confirmed cases of human campylobacteriosis in the European Union followed a significant increasing trend in the period 2008–2012, and continued to be the most commonly reported zoonosis with 214,779 confirmed cases in 2013; the notification of human campylobacteriosis is today mandatory in most European Member States. Recent reports from the European Food Safety Authority have identified catering (catering services, restaurants, hotels, pubs, bars) as the most frequently reported setting for Campylobacter infection (EFSA and ECDC, 2015). As can be evinced from the analysis of the scientific literature, the quality of raw meat has been identified as a parameter of fundamental importance, but the contribution of incorrect food handling procedures is by no means negligible. In fact, poor hygiene during poultry meat preparation as well as inadequate cooking and cross-contamination between raw meat and ready-to-eat food were found to be the main causes for the spread of campylobacteriosis related to the catering industry.  相似文献   


Convention tourism is a very lucrative form of tourism and is becoming one of the fastest growing sectors in the tourism industry. Greece, a traditional tourist destination worldwide, has not developed its convention sector satisfactorily. This paper presents the outcome of a small scale qualitative research in the form of in-depth interviews with six experts of organizing meetings and conventions, which were undertaken in order to explore the potential of Thessaloniki as a convention destination by assessing its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The results revealed that Thessaloniki has a potential to develop this special form of tourism and ameliorate the low tourist inflow. However, it is a difficult task, mainly due to the lack of cooperation among the city's stakeholders.  相似文献   

皓皓婵娟,普照大地的每个角落,怎么会独宠中国扬州呢?人们说:“园林遍扬州,扬州是园林。”正濒江临淮,绿树掩映,碧水清澄,柳烟迷蒙,园林棋布,景色迷人,整个城市仿佛是一座“雨岸花柳全依水,一路  相似文献   

郊外的情趣 我是从日本东京去美国的,坐全日空班机飞行了15个小时,到达大西洋东海岸的华盛顿勒斯机场。下了飞机,准备坐出租车去住处。我预定的旅馆在华盛顿郊外马里兰州洛克维尔市,因为华盛顿的酒店比较贵,对于我这样的自助游客不太划算。洛克维尔离华盛顿  相似文献   

荷兰首都阿姆斯特丹,可被称作是欧洲的自行车王国,但阿姆斯特丹人骑起车来,不像在中国那样游哉悠哉,而是风风火火,急急匆匆。  相似文献   

乱写乱画在欧洲成了一个大问题,巴黎地铁就是最遭殃的地方。乱写乱画的“业余画家”在地铁墙上车厢上大肆渲泻,结果把巴黎地铁画得面目荒谬,不成体统。 有一天,巴黎政府觉得继续容忍下去太影响巴黎形象,花了不知多少钱把这些画彻底清洗了,并在地铁车厢原来乱写乱  相似文献   

和朋友坐飞机去洛杉矶,到达后乘预先订好的机场汽车去旅馆。在美国可以订一种联营的机票,包括飞机票、来回接送的汽车、旅馆费用,甚是方便,不需自己安排。我们到达旅馆已是晚上7点了。这个旅馆叫dennys,在洛杉矶的郊区,就在洛杉矶迪斯尼的区域里。dennys旅馆设备齐全,而且每天都在客房放五六袋咖啡,自己也可以煮。 在我们住的旅馆附近,有一家相当大的中餐厅,当天晚上我们就去光顾,要了几个菜,可吃起来没有多少中国菜的味道。不过这也是必然的,要想生存发展,餐馆必须本地化,适合美国人的口味。  相似文献   

我们的心里都铭刻着一些城市的名字,也许是因为它们的美丽,也许是因为它们的沧桑,还有一种也许,仅仅是因为我们曾经过那里……  相似文献   

绵山,也称绵上,介山,为太行山支脉,位于介休县城东南20公里处,海拔高度2440米,以其形势绵亘而得名.绵山风景区是国家四A级旅游景区,山势巍峨,起伏绵亘百余里,不仅有山光水色、文物胜迹,还有佛寺神庙,是山西省重点风景名胜区,自古以来就是一处旅游避暑胜地.  相似文献   

赤水,一个充满了神奇的名字,不仅因为当年工农红军在这里完成了不可思议地“四渡赤水”战役,也因为它刚刚被发现的旅游资源就被国内外游人赞誉为“没有败笔的风景区。” 赤水市位于黔西北,与川南古蔺,叙永,合江三县紧邻,素有“黔北门户”之称。市区距省会贵阳470公里,离四川的泸州约7O公里,距重庆26O公里。现存的林罗纪公园 看过电影《侏罗纪公园》的人,无不为影片中展示的远古神秘景观所震憾。在科技高度发达的未来,也许真的能让恐龙再生,但在衔接远古与未来的今天,保留住一  相似文献   

黔南是一块古朴自然的神奇土地,位于贵州南部,毗邻广西,是贵州南下两广的水陆通道。黔南强烈发育的喀斯特地貌造就了这里如画的风光,黔南又是布依、苗、水、瑶等3O多个少数民族的聚居地,民俗民风,歌舞缤纷,情浓似海。荔波樟江的灵山秀水 在地球北纬25度这条“腰带”上,黔南的荔波茂兰喀斯特原始森林自然保护区内,至今保存完好的200多公里郁郁葱葱的原始森林就像一颗绿色的宝石,在地球的“腰带”上熠熠生辉。 这里是一片岩石上的林莽,上千种绿色植物几乎都生长在岩石上,鲜活的生命在与僵化的生命抗争中生长勃发;这里面跳动着水的精灵,雪练铺展,珠瀑飞溅,这  相似文献   

古巴是曼波、恰恰等拉丁舞蹈的发祥地,湛蓝的晴空下,明媚的阳光、加勒比海的微风、椰林大道以及哈瓦那女郎飞旋的长裙,构成古巴的一道风景线。钧发祥地,湛蓝的晴摹的微风、椰林大道以及哈占巴的一道风景线。皂是我所见过最美的地方!”古巴——飞旋的曼波舞  相似文献   

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