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This article reports on an exploratory study conducted in the People's Republic of China (PRC) to identify the managerial success factors perceived by Chinese managers to be important in their market economy. The study also looked at how these factors are exhibited by recent graduates of Chinese universities now working in Chinese firms. Questionnaire responses were collected from managers in 113 Chinese state-owned exnterprises (SOEs) and private firms. Managers in both types of firms agreed on the relative importance and presence of the following factors: work habits, teamwork, creativity, ethics, communication, leadership, and business area knolwedge. Respondents gave higher ratings to the importance of each factor than to its presence in the recently hired gradutes. The results of this study provide a management profile of knowledge, skills, and abilities considered desirable by Chinese managers for today's market economy in the People's Republic of China. The identification of gaps between importance ratings and presence ratings provides valuable insight into changes that should be considered by educators in the design of business area currucula in Chinese universities.  相似文献   

基于S-C-P理论的我国期货公司成功因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于结构-行为-绩效(S-C-P)产业组织理论,以及波特竞争优势理论、资源基础理论分析,是找到期货公司成功关键因素(CSF)的有效方法之一。通过运用所构建的理论分析框架,对我国期货市场的环境的变化进行分析,找出影响我国期货公司成功的关键因素,并对我国期货产业发展提出政策建议。  相似文献   

cops在现代经济发展中发挥着重要作用,已经成为国民经济的支柱。同时cops的技术创新过程与普通规模化产品有着显著的不同,传统的创新管理理论不适合来指导cops的创新。研究了cops技术创新的独特过程,并在此基础上分析cops技术创新成功的关键因素。  相似文献   

In this study, the authors aim to identify the critical success factors and challenges of total quality management (TQM) implementation and propose a model for the successful implementation of a quality revolution in Ghana. The approach in this study was to review existing literature followed by case studies of 15 firms. Three employees (quality manager/director and any two “ordinary employees”) were interviewed to identify the critical success factors that would be appropriate for the implementation of a quality revolution in Ghana as well as the main challenges of quality management they face. Findings revealed that top management commitment, empowerment and involvement of employees, resource availability, competition and increased customer awareness, and a well-functioning quality network are the major factors that are critical and essential if any TQM program is to be successful. Three main problems—management resistance, employee resistance, and resource paucity—were identified as principal impediments to TQM programs.  相似文献   

浙商和粤商是我国经济发展中的两大商人群体。从关键成功因素的视角来看,二者在工作价值观、商机识别与把握、成长模式等方面存在相似之处;而在资源运作方式以及同行企业关系策略等方面存在较大差异。分析、比较二者的关键成功因素特征及其异同,对中小民营企业的发展有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The present study focuses on the relationships between entrepreneurial characteristics (achievement orientation, risk taking propensity, locus of control, and networking), e-service business factors (reliability, responsiveness, ease of use, and self-service), governmental support, and the success of e-commerce entrepreneurs. Results confirm that the achievement orientation and locus of control of founders and business emphasis on reliability and ease of use functions of e-service quality are positively related to the success of e-commerce entrepreneurial ventures in Thailand. Founder risk taking and networking, e-service responsiveness and self-service, and governmental support are found to be non-significant.   相似文献   

This study will assess successful project performance based on key project factors. The indicators of project success are cost, time, technical performance and customer satisfaction as used in previous studies. The sample consisted of 239 project members and managers currently involved in infrastructure projects in Vietnam. Regression analysis was used to test five hypotheses developed from theories on project success. Three groups of factors including manager competencies, member competencies and external stability have significant positive relationships to the success criteria. The completion and implementation stages in the project life cycle are also positively related to success. The implementation stage of a project moderates both the effects of external stability and organization support on success. The implication for project managers is that implementation is the key stage in determining the success of projects.  相似文献   


Dell provides personalized marketing services through the Internet (Fischer et al., 2000). This type of application of the Internet is referred to as One-to-One Web-marketing. A review of the current literature relevant to information management and marketing revealed that, relative to other topics, research into this area is lacking. This study addresses this by exploring the Critical Success Factors (CSF) of One- to-One Web-marketing from the user's perspective. It employed a triangulation method of integrating qualitative and quantitative designs in a three-stage research process. The research results revealed that there are five Critical Success Factors of One-to-One Web-marketing from the user perspectives: (1) the satisfaction of customer requirements, (2) the identification of customer differentiation, (3) the design of a quality user interface, (4) the establishment of customer recognition, and (5) the provision of customized services.  相似文献   


The CPFR (Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment) concept has been successfully applied by retailers in many western countries. Due to economic, technical and cultural differences, it has been a big challenge to adopt the CPFR concept in China, and the CPFR implementation process has to be adapted to the characteristics of the Chinese retail industry. In this paper, we analyze current management and information technology applications in the Chinese retail industry and a CFPR application case in China. Then some critical factors for the successful implementation of CPFR by Chinese retailers are discussed.  相似文献   

Micro-entrepreneurship in the informal sector plays a vital role in generating employment and income in West Africa. In this article, the authors examine business success factors for micro-entrepreneurs involved in the production and sale of street foods in Niger, drawing on the resource-based view theory. Business success was measured by size of firm and vendor's perception of enterprise growth. Their results indicate that business experience is an important success factor, while the need for cash is a constraint for business success. A rare resource, limited access to financial assets translates into limited opportunities for growth of these informal micro-enterprises into viable businesses.  相似文献   

Realizing that the measurement of success in the context of small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) is somewhat disparaging, this study aims to validate the business success construct based on the perspectives of SME founder-managers in the Malaysian context. Following a data collection of a sample of 212 SME founder-managers, a confirmatory factor analysis was performed to examine the factorial validity of the success measure and to assess its goodness of fit. The result indicates that business success is a four-factor structure, reflecting in (a) satisfaction with financial performance, (b) satisfaction with non-financial performance, (c) performance relative to competitors, and (d) business growth.  相似文献   

Open source software (OSS) has attracted extensive attention from researchers and scholars. This increasing attention is a result of the remarkable growth in the number of OSS applications in recent years. Despite an increased number of studies on OSS project success, the interrelationships among different success indicators of OSS projects are not well understood in literature. The present study reports on the interrelationships between the success measures of OSS projects, as defined by the ability of the project to attract user and developer interest, release management, project activity, and development sustainability. To test the relationships hypothesized, we gathered data from 1409 OSS projects over time (in two snapshots over a period of eight months). The results show the following: (a) project activity until any time period positively impacts the subsequent period’s developer interest and development sustainability; (b) development sustainability positively drives user and developer interest; (c) release frequency positively influences the next period’s developer interest, as well as development sustainability; (d) developer interest positively drives user interest. These findings have implications for both the OSS research community and OSS practitioners.  相似文献   


Businesses and entrepreneurs are rushing to the Internet to do business and reach new markets. While the Internet is used for cutting cost and generating revenue by conducting business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce (EC) and business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce, existing businesses and entrepreneurs are finding tremendous challenges to succeed. This paper examines the factors that are critical to the success of any company's e-commerce initiative and makes recommendations to businesses and entrepreneurs so they can overcome the challenges and exploit the opportunities presented by the Internet.  相似文献   

Recent studies analyze word-of-mouth (WOM) communication as a force that drives the success of motion pictures. The authors build upon that research and integrate measurements of WOM into a broader network of success determinants. Results show that production costs and critics’ evaluation are predictors of WOM volume at the end of the first week. No effect is observed for star power and advertising expenditures. WOM volume at the end of the first week is a major predictor of short-term theatrical box office revenues, which strongly affect long-term revenues. The authors conclude that WOM volume after opening week is positively influenced by WOM volume preceding that week, by advertising expenditures, by critics’ evaluation, by awards, and by length of runtime, but not by short term revenues. Surprisingly, WOM volume after the first week appears to be unrelated to long-term revenues. The authors explore the theoretical and managerial implications of these results.  相似文献   

近年来中巴农产品贸易迅速发展,巴西在短短的几年内已成为我国的重要的农产品进口国,巴西的农产品在我国进口市场中的地位日益突出。本文运用贸易指标计算方法,研究了我国和巴西的农产品贸易特征,使用恒定市场份额模型分析了巴西向我国出口土地密集型产品的影响因素和实现增长的原因。  相似文献   

本文认为,供应链凝聚、信息获取能力、区位优势以及信息共享是影响供应链管理成功的四个主要因素,对这四个变量难以直接进行测量。供应链管理成功影响因素测评指标体系是一个多指标的结构,运用层次化结构设定测评指标,从而清晰地表述供应链管理成功影响因素测评指标体系的内涵。供应链管理成功影响因素是总的测评目标,为一级指标,即第一层次;供应链管理成功影响因素中的供应链凝聚、区位优势、信息获取能力、信息共享等四大要素为二级指标,即第二层次;根据各要素的含义和内容,将四大要素(二级指标)展开为具体的三级指标,即第三层次。  相似文献   

The impact of smaller firm size on corporate social responsibility (CSR) is ambiguous. Some contend that small businesses are socially responsible by nature, while others argue that a smaller firm size imposes barriers on small firms that constrain their ability to take responsible action. This paper critically analyses recent theoretical and empirical contributions on the size–social responsibility relationship among small businesses. More specifically, it reviews the impact of firm size on four antecedents of business behaviour: issue characteristics, personal characteristics, organizational characteristics and context characteristics. It concludes that the small business context does impose barriers on social responsibility taking, but that the impact of the smaller firm size on social responsibility should be nuanced depending on a number of conditions. From a critical analysis of these conditions, opportunities for small businesses and their constituents to overcome the constraining barriers are suggested.Jan Lepoutre is a PhD candidate in Applied Economics at Ghent University, Belgium. His dissertation focuses on the competences associated with small business social responsibility.Aimé Heene is a professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at Ghent University, Belgium. He teaches strategic management for private and for public organizations and currently focuses his research on (competence-based) management in public and social profit organizations.  相似文献   

基于西北五省区的调查数据,运用Logit离散选择模型,对农民创业行为的影响因素进行实证分析。研究结果表明:培训、社会经历、社会背景、人力资本等对农民的创业行为有正向影响,其中培训的边际影响值最大;年龄因素的影响是负的;性别、父母职业、兄弟姐妹数、父母平均受教育程度等因素的影响不显著。  相似文献   

周辉  陈凯 《商业研究》2012,(9):31-35
财富创造是创业过程开展的目的,也是创业研究的焦点。为了洞悉影响财富创造的内在机理,揭示影响财富创造的更深层次的因素,本文围绕创业过程中作用于财富创造的机会、资源与战略,梳理和评述其对财富创造的影响;并在此基础上,通过进一步深化财富创造与三因素间内在逻辑关系的理解,构建出财富创造与影响因素间的逻辑关系模型。  相似文献   

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