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中国银行高度重视电子渠道建设,不断完善电子银行产品服务,持续提升客户体验,为电子银行业务实现快速发展打下了坚实基础。  相似文献   

电子银行经营成本低、服务领域宽、服务质量高、管理水平先进,能够缓解柜面排队压力,提高集约化经营管理水平,增强客户忠诚度;但同时客户交易不活跃甚至成为睡眠客户却成为电子银行发展的瓶颈,文章从建立有效的内部激励机制、客户培训机制、价格机制、员工培训机制、电子产品创新机制等方面来解决电子银行睡眠客户问题,强化电子渠道成本领先优势,加强电子银行建设。  相似文献   

为回馈广大客户,中国银行云南省分行就推出了一系列优惠活动,让广告客户在畅享便捷金融服务的同时又能得到实惠。2012年5月1日起至6月30日,中国银行云南省分行推出“用中行网银,你做交易我付费”活动,凡中国银行个人网上银行理财版、贵宾版客户,使用中行网银、手机银行进行转账汇款(不含关联账户转账、预约周期转账、账户间周期性循环转账)、公用服务缴费(公共交通、水电煤气缴费等)、投资理财、结售汇、网上支付等非查询类交易,每月累计交易笔数达到100笔(交易数据以中国银行系统数据为准)即可获得价值50元手机话费。  相似文献   

电子银行以其便利、快捷、省钱而逐渐为众多客户所接受,其重要性E/益显现。电子银行的发展,使更多的中高端客户足不出户就能获得多家银行的服务体验,因而电子银行产品能否满足优质客户的需要,并适应客户对电子银行服务期望值不断提升的趋势,需要电子银行产品的研发和营销人员,能更多地关注客户体验。招商银行因重视客户体验且凭借其IT技术优势而拥有国内客户满意度最高的网上银行,业务快速成长.领先于同业。在一定程度上,重视和不断改善客户体验是电子银行满足客户多元需求、改善客户关系、加快业务发展的重要因素。  相似文献   

以网上银行为代表的电子银行服务正在成为百姓的金融生活中心,光大银行打造"客户体验最好的电子银行",正是为了降低电子银行的使用门槛,让电子银行成为人人都可以享用的服务。  相似文献   

<正>为回馈广大客户,中国银行云南省分行就推出了一系列优惠活动,让广告客户在畅享便捷金融服务的同时又能得到实惠。2012年5月1日起至6月30日,中国银行云南省分行推出"用中行网银,你做交易我付费"活动,凡中国银行个人网上银行理财版、  相似文献   

张衢 《中国金融》2007,(10):27-27
服务是商业银行价值创造的核心。商业银行通过服务为客户创造价值,继而为股东创造价值。在建设社会主义和谐社会的过程中,为客户提供优质文明的金融服务,建立和谐的金融服务环境:更是商业银行作为企业公民的社会责任。这些都要求,商业银行必须把服务工作放在非常突出的位置,通过规范服务行为、优化服务流程、完善服务设施,提高广大客户对银行服务的满意度,提升银行业的整体形象。  相似文献   

截至2011年一季度末,中国银行电子银行客户数累计达到8425万,较去年同期增长34%。其中,网上银行增长迅猛,客户同比增长率保持在100%以上。同时,中行电子渠道的日均交易笔数在2010年已经超过柜台渠道,成为客户交易的主渠道。截至今年一季度末,电子渠道业务笔数占全行业务笔数的61.95%,较2010年底提高了8个百分点。  相似文献   

浅议电子银行安全风险   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电子银行业务从上世纪后期问世后发展迅猛,为商业银行带来了新的交易渠道、新的业务领域、新的业务发展机会和新的经营硕果.银行业务都会有风险,电子银行业务也不例外.研究、应对和有效进行电子银行业务风险管理正日益成为商业银行必须面对的挑战和课题.本文主要对电子银行业务风险中的安全风险进行了较为具体的探讨和阐述.  相似文献   

邮储银行电子银行还特别将邮政传统的汇款业务在个人网银上实现,开通了按址汇款和密码汇款等特色汇款业务。这种邮储银行网银独特的汇款方式,给客户带来了一种全新的体验。  相似文献   

This research investigates the premise that purchasing e-banking services is perceived to be riskier than purchasing traditional banking services. Unlike previous studies on perceived risk that typically focused on the relationship of perceived risk and information search, this exploratory study examines the dynamics of perceived risk throughout the various stages of the consumer buying process. A survey of 159 respondents reveals a risk premium for e-banking services that follows a systematic pattern throughout the consumer buying process. When viewed as a dynamic process, perceived risk for e-banking services shows more radical changes in risk levels than traditional banking services. The analyses indicate that financial risk drives the risk premium while psychological, physical and time risk play ancillary roles as risk drivers at certain stages of the consumer buying process. A major implication of this study is that there is a risk premium for e-banking services and the risk premium permeates all stages of the consumer buying process. Risk mitigation strategies are addressed.  相似文献   

记者:在2007年度银行间外汇市场优秀交易员的评选中,您被评为优秀交易员,作为银行间外汇市场的一名交易员,您觉得这两年中国外汇市场的市场环境和交易文化发生了哪些变化?  相似文献   

Zero defections: quality comes to services   总被引:59,自引:0,他引:59  
Companies that want to improve their service quality should take a cue from manufacturing and focus on their own kind of scrap heap: customers who won't come back. Because that scrap heap can be every bit as costly as broken parts and misfit components, service company managers should strive to reduce it. They should aim for "zero defections"--keeping every customer they can profitably serve. As companies reduce customer defection rates, amazing things happen to their financials. Although the magnitude of the change varies by company and industry, the pattern holds: profits rise sharply. Reducing the defection rate just 5% generates 85% more profits in one bank's branch system, 50% more in an insurance brokerage, and 30% more in an auto-service chain. And when MBNA America, a Delaware-based credit card company, cut its 10% defection rate in half, profits rose a whopping 125%. But defection rates are not just a measure of service quality; they are also a guide for achieving it. By listening to the reasons why customers defect, managers learn exactly where the company is falling short and where to direct their resources. Staples, the stationery supplies retailer, uses feedback from customers to pinpoint products that are priced too high. That way, the company avoids expensive broad-brush promotions that pitch everything to everyone. Like any important change, managing for zero defections requires training and reinforcement. Great-West Life Assurance Company pays a 50% premium to group health-insurance brokers that hit customer-retention targets, and MBNA America gives bonuses to departments that hit theirs.  相似文献   

未来五年,邮储银行将通过加大系统建设,提高系统运行质量,优化系统服务流程,提高系统处理效率,从而提高客户满意度,为邮储银行建设一流的大型现代化零售商业银行提供技术保障。  相似文献   

在网络经济时代,银行的优势不再仅限于网点、地理位置及金融产品的价格上,而是转向提高信息服务能力与电子分销能力。因此,电子银行的发展要注重渠道特点,同时进行渠道整合,统一各渠道用户体验,推动各渠道产品同质化,用渠道的同质化来应对产品的同质化。  相似文献   

《Journal of Banking & Finance》2005,29(8-9):2291-2324
The purpose of this paper is to discuss and apply some of the key issues and lessons from similar privatization in other parts of the world to the partial privatization of the Bank of China Hong Kong (BOCHK). The empirical results of this paper indicate that some of the banks and non-bank financial institutions reacted negatively to the partial privatization announcements of the BOCHK. The empirical results also show that HSBC, the largest bank in Hong Kong had no significant reaction to the restructuring announcement or the listing announcement of the BOCHK. However, the Hang Seng Bank, the third largest bank in Hong Kong, suffered a loss after the announcement of the BOCHK listing. Compared with the banks and non-bank financial institutions in China, the BOCHK over-performed the rival firms in Mainland China 1 year after its partial privatization.  相似文献   

目前,电子银行作为一种新型的客户服务方式,越来越受到广大企业和个人用户的青睐,它不但成为银行经营的重要渠道,也是银行展示经营形象和竞争实力的重要窗口及手段.随着网上炒汇、买国债的客户数量的增多,人们对于电子银行的需求也越来越迫切.未来人们的交易将更多地通过电子银行来实现,电子支付已成为重要的支付手段之一.  相似文献   

At the heart of business today lies a dilemma: Our economy is increasingly dependent on services, yet our innovation processes remain oriented toward products. Indeed, we have well-tested, scientific methods for developing and refining manufactured goods, but many of them don't seem applicable to the world of services. In this article, Harvard Business School professor Stefan Thomke points out the challenges of applying the discipline of formal R&D processes to services: Because a service often exists only in the moment of its delivery to a customer, it is difficult to isolate in a traditional laboratory. And since many services are tailored to individual buyers at the point of purchase, they can't be tested through large samples. As a result, experiments with new services are most useful when they are conducted live--with real customers engaged in real transactions. But live tests magnify the cost of failure; an experiment that doesn't work may harm customer relationships and even the brand. Given such challenges, it's no surprise that most service companies have not established rigorous, ongoing R&D processes, Thomke says. Here the author provides an in-depth look at a five-step process that Bank of America has used to create new service concepts for retail banking. The company has turned a set of its branches into, in effect, a laboratory where a corporate research team conducts service experiments with actual customers during regular business hours, compares results with those of control branches, and pinpoints attractive innovations for broader rollout. The author describes the program's workings, its successes, and the obstacles the bank faced. The effort reveals what a true R&D operation might look like inside a service business, he concludes.  相似文献   

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